HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-08-05, Page 51 RsommommAIISSININASSISISIIIISSISSISiblidallamtr erste store.. we........ A gtksee Moo appew in the Now York W«i/, showing how a fly was tensed and made the constant cutpanion of a disperses weasels hone -thief, who was seek earl in prison. The fly at first annoyed the man daily, and he tried in vein to kiU it. The than knew it was the same fly that visited hint every day, because he noticed two dark spots on its wings, tt had a cur habil of iwinking eyes at once when about to attack him. After some weeks of this oowtineal fight*, the poor *toner below to enjoythe contest, for no mat- ter how hard e tried to catch the By, it continually eluded hip. One night the horse -thief killed two gtwrds in at- tempting to escape, and was removed t ) a distant call, heavily ironed For .Jule days he was left alone, and he surely missed his companionship of the little fly with which he had fbrmerly waged a daily war. At length one day the fly found out where the prisoner was con - lined, and immediately kelp to tease him on a particularly tender spot under the right eye. The manacled horse - thief could not brush him away, and was forced to lie quiet. The fly, evi- dently noticing that wniethinu was wrong, because the num did not try to hit himself in the eye, retired a few yards. A glance at the manacles soon revesld the state of affairs, and ever afterwards the fly retrained in the cell,' but ceased to annoy the Haan. It spent most of iM time lythe window, kepi g the other flies out of the cell One da the prisoner was taken out and hanged. When the corpse was removed, the body of the dead fly with two spots on one el Eta wings was found at the foot of the lath Eawsns. Sir AIL The world estimates men by their em- cees in lite; and, M general onesste mucous is evidence of superiority. Never, under any circumstances, aesuss• a responsibility you can avoid consistent- ly with you duty to yourself and others. Base all your actions upona principle of right; preserve all your integrity of character in doing this, never reckon the cost. Remember' that selt•interest is worm likely to warp your judgtwaa thea all other circumstances combined; therefore look well to your duty when your duty is o n ern.d. Never make money at the expense of your reputation. Be neither Isaiah nor nipt.rdly- •the two avoid the tatter -s mean inan is uni- versally despised; but public favour is a .topping -.tows to preferment -therefore generous feelings should b. cultivated. Let your expenses be. such as to leave a balance in your po.k.Iready raosey is a friend in need. Keep dear of Simko; w; for when you gain your ase, you are y a loser of mow• . Never m- over misfortunes, never grieve over what you cannot prevent. No man who owes as much as be an pay, has any moral right to pledge his credit by endorsing a bill for another. Fit Dors.-Flies are too familiar by half. They are more familiar than the festive mosquito, which is. a blood rela- tive. It loves to tickle tease and tor- ment, having more playfulness than ten kittens and an army mule combined. ac- cording to its rise. A single 8y is such a little thing that a man of Mr. White's sine would belittle himself by taking off his ooat and challenging it to a' fair and square stand up fight And yet it de- serves to be roughly used, being so con- temptible in its conduct. If you are at your meals it will oomearound and make it quite lively for `ou. Kill one fly and forty-five or fifty of its relatives and friends will come to view the remains and make enquiries by picking at your bald head about the funeral. Then some of them will try to wade through the soft butter in the most disgusting manner, never asking whether you like it or nct. Others again will go swim- ming in yo'itr cup of tea or glomi of milk without taking their clothes off, or even cleaning their feet. What they do this for is best known to them.elvee Their inquisitive conduct is mysterious. The only sure way to get them out of a house is to dose the windows and doors, catch the dies by the wings or hind legs and di thedr into scalding hot water. That will be sure to take the activity out of them. This is 8y time, and that ac- eounta for this fly sketch. -[Ex. 8loeer.l..fesl moon. State of the weather for the week end- ing August 2nd, 1881. Jul; 27th --Wind at 10 p. m. North, fresh pertly clear-ltightning. Number cf lades wind travelled during 24 hours 610. July 28th -Wind at 10p. in. North, dight,•bacy. Number of miles wind travelled in 24 hours 504. July 99th -Wind at 10 p. m. South- east, light, clear. Aurora Borealis. Number of miles wind travelled in 24 boars 116. July 110th -Wind at 10 p. m. East, light, pard Blear. Number of miles wind traveled in 24 hours 244. Thun- der and lightning -shower at 7 p. m. July 91st -Wind at 10 p. m. East, light dear. Thunder and lightning.- Number of miles wind travelled stn 94 hoop 142. Amount of rainfall 1.8 cubic inches ♦ let -Wind at 10 p. es. South - t, clear. Number of miles weed travelled is 54 hone 145. August bed -Wind at 10 p. m. Smith, fresh, hag. Number of miles wind travelled is 14 heves 260. G. N. MecooltAln, Ob.sner. Qoderieb, Aug. 31d, 1811. anis: Dating this month eummor complaints eammeeme their ravages To be fore- wlrsed is to be forearmed. Dr. Fowler's EEtlwet of Wild $tawberry is the best haws preventative and cnn for all forms of iowM ewtiplaiats sod susses iosident to tbs defamer mesmi. a-. The esslmsr mesas now resehes ifs diem:, nod ie wide is developing bowel complaints. Over-indulg•oes in fruit, immoderate drinking of iced water and mew bever ge% ins a few home predue• M.1 revere among diadem and *dolts. Dr. Fowler's Fairest d Wild Strawberry is the most reliable re- medy for all fairs of simmer cow Manila8*h, p�ggs,*ot and prompt in 1 All denl«n keep THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, AUGUST 5, 1881. 1 SBED8 FOR 1881. Thanktngthep. public ter =vets. 1 take =rare to statue that have os bead a ssaegaeerr sttocrk� thin of aMM • Whoskilaclover. and flraott jnosh and Mute vice ver. y: aloe pea V4.i Clever, AWke, Lavern. and Lawn Orals A Snot ohms sssattment et imp. GARDEN sad FLOWER SKIMP, .. west ear. hJ e frac seri u.« In • .ountry. and as d e. We keep the beet sod mast pe naced we ma purcbses. COMPTON'S SURPRISE COIN, The beat neld corn yet introduced. Dread oil wits kept oon.tsatly on hand. JAMES McNAIR. 1775. Hamilton St. JOHN PASMORE, Manufacturer of Waggons, Carriages, VICTORIA -St., Corner of Trafalgar. Agent for the Celebeaad SEEGOILLER CHILLED PLOUGH *.d agne.te.rel IspMesrsts. Also, agent fee tk. Queen's Fired Life Ins. Co. This is sae ed the boat Companies is eaist- ence. beteg preempt and reliable. lahrmation furwia at itimarhony .a application. 1711111m aslMl PAJNLR. PURE PARIS GREEN SVREI SHOT FLY AND INSECT DESTROYER THE IST IN USL Ciaialeal Hair Renewer, THE REST AND CHEAPEST AR- TICLE MADE. PTIQ>S 50 CTrs. JAMES WILSON A'siPM- NEW VALENCIA$, NEW LAYERS, NEW CURRANTS, 8. 8. ALMONDS, WALNUTS, FILBERTS, CHE88NUT8. IS LAKE SUPERIOR its TROUT, WHITE FISH d: HERRING. Iia- SALT WATER -1114 HERRING AND CODFISH. Also, A LARGE AeOETYEFT OF - Teas, Sugars, And General Groceries ; CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, A N D • CHINA. Dr. PEnca's Cream Baking Powder. Dr. Paiei'a Lupulin Yeast Gems. Chas. A. Nairn, THE SQUARE. nae GODERICH BOILER WORKS. Chrystal & $lack. TO MILL MEN and SALT WELL MEN New BOILERS and GALT PANS manufac- tured anufac- to ed cm short -et ensiles. All Wads of Repairing eaeonted ander the personal superrielon of the Proprietors who ARS Practical Workmen. P. 0. Box 103. 1787 ALLAN LINE of ROYAL MAIL STEAM8HIP8 LIVERPOOL. LONDONDERRY. GLAS- GOW. LA&cow. SHORTEST SEA ROUT& Cskea, lMsresadrte sed Steerage Tickets at Lowusr NATos. padleraYMaksseseswa,Derry: 1a1Mst. Ro ost RAILINGS PROM QUEBEC: Oh Aly. SAenralAA Moaaviss DANNATTAIr le - corAw'An.. - TNUSIAN . etb Apgwst. Asstas ................... OSA TIA..... .... .... .t».... "aextY. City AMMAN Pbt.vwSRI air Lyth - PAanI1e »lot Clepr. s11h it non tan .. Motu vua sAswAnarr:::. ...... (INC ustAw .es.ea Q���e w1t� the Ansa weenier wt1 eveIIIIThe last Invoke .very Friday at T!. m. ail er..eee .e■ve reruns we the the rinses ottrainos tpssi see sesseettt ith Ar em term M goober le Rt•sestl.) Fee Ush.n mod every Iabormensa egpidr M H. A Ast, Masten! Telegraph Leet-tle►J Oise Clederleb. $72 A1 myna Os.. AMINO T.FMON SQUEEZERS lT G. C. ROBERTSON'S. Summa Resori. The Point Farm ;ar:;111tk xc. 4F LAKE Vap.t DeIighlfuI Aust 1te1ia1l Zuirle =each. Lar,ge Pleasure GMj exD Splendid ii ACCOMMODATION FOR 2oo G uests MONTREAL TELEGRAPH OF- FICIO 014 THE PREMISES. 3ZRY8 18.00 TO 110.00 FEB URO CWldros sad Nesses half pries. Writ. or Telegraph tar Reims sad Send for Circular Address • �.e� J. J. WRIGHTv Proprietor.- July Oak USE! nA K HAIR DRESSING. Mrs.'''. Robertson MAKES THIS OPPORTUNITY OF Worming the ladles of Goderich, and the country generally, that .he Has lame to East Street, Near Knox Chunk. Ooderlck, where .be car- ries on Hair Dressing In all it. branches. Switches, Curls, Puffs, Frizettes Braiding, etc., done up in the Latest Styles. A Can is Respectfully Solicited Goderich. Jane 30. 1881. 17911-3m seeds! seeds! The subscriber begs to draw the atten- tion of the public generally to his large and varied stock of FARC and GARDEN SEEDS consisting of CLOVER, TIMOTHY, HUNGARIAN, MILLET, PEAS, OATS, BARLEY, and choice WHEAT; also TURNIP, MANGOLD, CARROT, and all other GARDEN AND VEGETABLE SEEDS, at rates that cannot be beaten. S. BLOANF. General Seed Dealer, Hamilton Street. CARD OF THANKS. To the Canada Firs sad Marine Insurance AOairrt aium.-Accept the thanks of the Colborne Township Connell for the very prompt mid satisfactory settlement of less an the Towasblp Hall though your &dluitter,Mr. Alex. MoD. Allan et Ood. fob. A. SAtess, Treasurer. Cdbcrne. July 1551. 1711. LIBERAL OFFERS FOR 1881_ Two Iears for the Price of One 1 THE REPRINTS OF TER nI TTI6E WART/SLY ( .a tis•f/. elms 'tannins IQsw.weutlsc; ounscsa5 (maw. AND WINSTIMISSTIMI /Ldleroll =yam hest ibriyss.at or Twsr efe.beeetp.pMM N. snsgr. ..t camel er say este Renew KO perm. wool woad s14 wo ,Mos w. IIIA weed sod the« we.. liM •• s tiro vw. .. ...... 7.e/ woad and the_ tour pr q,w. N.M - ale seem oaf teapekes Hanged w the Circa ri t ale lr yearsod os the poolko- IWO. OW be bad a..ayuwtM, PARISI(IV1[s. .w eebserllome may r.s the saNees ter ISM .ad 1/ at the prise .f ..e pet's sin aurtetton .alp 1b any wbnriber, new or old. we win bor. fifth 1h.pertn/lesis ter 1555 at half pries All orient a he seat to the p.hlicatom idles TO meant pr.wl...tne appty promptly. Iii :,.wtbat Pe : . el L0MILAT W.. WIW Banking. BANK OF MONTREAL. Cd ITAL, - - • •1l,000,000. arnerLus. - - • es,aoo,000. Goderich Branch. C R. DUNBFORD, - - - Manager Allows Interest on deposits. Drafts letter ed credit sad eire.isr notes issued, payable is W parts of the world. 1781. CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PW ser Qltr:tei, - .6,000,000. Bed, - - •i,400,000. Pveafitot. - ROA WN. MrM4STER Qrsulsl keener. - W. N. ANDERSON. Goderich Branch. A. M. ROW - • - - M.n.osi. deposits. lamina allows" IS l Oo primelpel Towns sod ▪ ilofrls CoileWeMtat . hough la Camels sad aasslaAivsseea•.. Pk.esas _ Nor with ova or mime _dermas without molmne. . 1733 SHEPPARD'S BOOKSTORE. Hymn Books. NEW PRESBYTE& AN, NEW METHODIST, NEW ENGLiSH CHURCH. Revised .dlties of NEW TESTAMENT BOOKS, PERIODICALS, LATEST NEWSPAPERS. THE UNIVERSAL VERDICT L that our O9ct Photograp ha i are aneurysmal in the Dominion for TRUTHFULNESS ro LIFE ane BEAUTY OF FINISH. SALLOWS, Phutog spher. Montreal 8t. Goderich Ont. /WA Sae selection of Stereoscopic sod Card Views of Goderich and vicinity always on hand. $5 to $20 . urth $5 `re d. Drumm & Co., Pcellaadd. Maine. TTO� CK TO 'INTENDING BUILD - TILLER & I c QUARRIE has on hand • choice lot of A 1. PANNELL DOORS, FRAMES and SASH of all lass which they will sell cheaper than the obe.pe.t; the are also preparedto furnish building material of all ds to order, or will take bending contracts at prices which Ce mWyoe cognl on. No opposition t ltto In the reeegal.ea, Do not tt..re�ggec� us: we always ggeeaannaatee salt on. Cor- recatasea t plass, specisaattons and estimates fur - =21=1).& McQUARRIE Pleated Min. Newgate St., Goderich Ont. __E_� Zight DOMINiOIN BAKERY. WSW draser, - Nue Tete Po5T Orncs. A LARGE A88ORTMRNT OF n ein arm Medmowiod .4 Dat« Seo..d to moue. All kinds of F1t>osH $8 OVITs Of geed quality. CONFECTIONERY OF ALL KINDS ! Whisk 1 immune will give B.t1d.ctios. San errs la ao r.eommend.goa. but try my PLAIN AND FANCY BREAD, Which i dohs, daily to all parts of the tows, sad )wige M yeenslva L E. KNIGHT, Jens !< MM. 115I1l Ser the Pest OEes TO BUILDEia IINTAIL HICK MO. ti:zertizarega sees Welt ea head k�sad d .The isarther le new is 11 ten the will e rn�ie.tstt a.11 nem ire wti (8.1. .less gealRy. . ltoe., «e raasssabM, AMINO JOHN L McGREGOR, Klana. P. 0 No Lady ill Tou or Coontry should makes purchase of hosiery without first seeing MISS STEWART'S very Large stock, consisting of HOST 2 at 25ctes, of the best make, and which is meeting with a very rapid sale. NEW PLUMES, VARIOUS SHADES FA NS. EMBROIDERIES, A LARGE STOCK, LINEN ULSTERS, FRINGES, CANVASSES, FLOWERS, PARASOLS, and n very large variety of other articles, neat, new and popular. Dressmaking and Millinery in the Best Style. MISE STEWART. r ion own DM Com< I T 1.... Ir., reams Mee daps W Iwo r,.p r....... u•. �• M11,71 Nw Wllp.aeA. A L O T 01 PRINTS COST Colborne Brothers. GO TO THE OLD STAND ! G-_ H_ OLD'S FOR YOUR Groceries, Crockery and Glassware Gni lieduIi m Pii-s fii Ore Mod for Cash OR BUTTER AND EGGS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. I Have the Celebrated American Fruit Preeervi•ng Powder for Can- ning Goods Without Using Boger, and also a well - selected Stock of Groceries. marl ALM BOUND NOT TO BB VND1011,801.tDi1zt -COME AND_ See my Prices for Glassware before Purchasing Elsewhere. CLEARING SALE of CARPETS We offer the balance of our stock of CARPETS RETAIL AT WHOLESALE PRICES. OUR BIG- SALE _or. dress CI- oods will continuo for thirty days. Just opened another case of CHOICE, NF «' TWEEDS. JOHN C. LETLOR & CO. IF YOU WANT PURE DRUGS AND CHEMICALS, HI)RiiE AND CATTLE MEDICINES PATENT MEDICINES, PEItFU MERY, 'iia, OO TII THE PEOPLE'S DRUG STORE. IF YOU WANT GOOD CIGARS, TOBACCOS, PIPES, Sc., 00 TO THE PEOPLE'S DRUG STORE. d splendid assortment of FISHING TACKLE. ju.t received, and will be .old CHEAP. GEO. RHYNAS Succ..n.r to GEORGE CATTLE. Blake's Block. near the Market. Godoriob. Prescriptions,a Speciality - - - Night Bell on the Front Door. Spring and Summer Goods. NOVI LTIE8� NO TEI TID8. A choice selection of FANCY STaAwe. in HATS and Bowrrra. STYLISH, NEAT AND SURE m PLEASE. FRENCH and AMIMIC AN goods la 78. istest norelties. A splendid a«ortment of RIBBONS, FLOWERS and LACES. Hats and Russets trimmed le the newest .tyle.. A CALL I8 RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. We fake"leas en• in showier.) our yn,sfa. MISS WILSON, Market Square, Goderich. NOTICE_ Owfeer te the Mem et hie health, the wdaMeWbsa decided to give up his present heel - ens. sod sow entree to Mopes, .f the same ea LIBERAL TERMS. Mounties can be mod. to Aimee), personalty. The _tock emulate. (besides.last. Dr prtmlods. imported dlee., of a complete sod altos .abae=d esetmest .f 0R0ERlF.B 1STIMIV, FR3981-1 AND GOOD; a.4 tba stand being m magellestet.w�n lotof Goeleeieh the ltew.rw Is es. of the VERY LEST• GROCERY or GENERAL BUSINESS. . N w es kltberto12ddtheae PI U "Moek. w8ICA will hr kept .ddittIos.. when regitl146. well N sok at edema pekoes, JAMES WATSON. eedeetth. 17th 55u1 iSll. ITE.