HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1970-05-14, Page 5f 1311USaggib 1rOSTaift:t.ISE*44, ONyrA,410 THI,IttliDAY, MAY 144 OM
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orpOTC14.. f.;...41)S
Brussels 887-6011
Minister: Fiev. L. L. LeDrew
Organist: Mrs. John Srygns
Sunday School 9:45 AM.
Divine Worship 11:00 A.M. PHONE 887-9339 WE DELIVER
Ethel 9.4 A.M. BEST BUYS AND
Aylmer Fcy. Tomato Juice Save 43c 48 oz. 3 for 95c
Prem Luncheon 'Meat Save 14c 12 oz. 55c
Aylmer Jams Save 8c 24 oz. 59c
Lancia Macaroni Save 6c 2 lb. cello ,,,, .............. 43c
Kleenex Tissue Economy Save 19c .... 3 for $1.00
White Swan Bath. Tissue • •• • ..... • . ••-• 4 rolls for 55c
Mazola. Corn Oil Save 12c 32 oz. •-•-• .... — ... • 89c
S X Canned Hams 1 1/2 „ $1.79
Akan Foil 'Wrap 12" wide Save 6c 30' roll 35c
Hyatt Beans' with Pork 19 oz.
Red & White Apple Pies. Reg. 59c
le A.M. Church School
H A.M. Divine Worship
"The Good Will of Finn That
- Dwelt In The Bush"
Rev.. C. A. McCer:oll
Baker, Lona n, showing pictures
of Malaysia, Committee reports
were given, It was decided to
send a hate., all articles to be in
to the church by the end of May.
The offering was received by
Mrs. K. McDonald and dedicated
by Mrs. W, Bewley. The Sth and
fith nagnar was annou need for
Tuesday, May 26 at S.15 p.m. in
the basement of the church. Mr.
Bruce McCall to be the speaker.
ft was approved the U.C.W.
would adopt a young student, as
.mission project for summer
students, other organizations to
help, and each Unit is responsible
for one month to write letters or
send any needed material. The
next general meeting to be held
in September. Rev. Il . Docken
closed the meeting with prayer.
Family Sunday
Christian Family Sunday was
observed at Duff's Church. Walton
Sunday morning with the minist-
er, !ley. Derwyn Darken in charge
of the service. A special tribute
was paid to the Sneday School
staff with the Sunday School
members in attend a nee. Thanks,
was given to the leachers and
others fOr their hard work who
make possible the growth of
rhristian families through the
Sunday School classes, Kimberly
Ann Fritz. daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. James Fritz was baptised at
this special Mother's Day service.
Mission 'Band will meat next
Sunday mon-till t 0 ft ,I11.
Couple Honored the devotions, opening with the Tan orchestra supplied
"Call. to Worship" follOwed by the music for the reception held
singing of hymn 434, with 'hits. in Walton Community hall last
Herb TraviSs as pianist for the Friday, evening for Mr. and Mrs.
Harold [Judie. Neil MeGavin read evening. The seriptUre from Harold
address nod Boyd Driscoll pre- chapter 15 of Romans, 'verses 1,-7, see-red the couple with a purse of
was read by Mrs. J. van Imo Sr, money on behalf of all present
Mrs. Harvey Craig gaVe prayer. for the evening.
A film was shown entitled, "Bread, Shower Honors Bride-Elect Laughter and Dignity" which was
pat oat by the Geneva, Switzer- On Monday evening the Sunday
land World Council of Churches, School room of Duff's Church was
telling us of the poverty in the tastefully' decrated With haskels
different, countries, but they want of spring flOWers and streamers
bread with hope and with dignity. for the bridal shower for Shirley
Phonier, pride-elect: of the month, Hymn .HI) was sung closing this
Mts. Nelson Marks welcomed the part of the meeting. Mrs. Walter
n'ewley took over for' the business. large crowd, The program was
opened with a reading entitled The Purpose and Function of the
'United Church Women was re- "1'P-0 s and Fabler'' by Mrs. Nelson
pealed in unison, Mrs. Allan Mc- Reid. logs. (;ernid 'Watson con -
Call read the minutes of the last duted an Action Song aceempanied
meeting, the treasurer's report wa s by Mrs. inn Wilbee at the piano,
given by Mrs. Ken McDonald. The Mrs. Don Achilles read ft, 4.e0/11!(';II
Smith] y School picnic wa s di scus. poem. Mrs. Marks started n I !I V01-
sed. It is to he taken to the unit ling Prize while 'Mrs. Wm. HulliPb-
meetings, a date to be set.. later ries played the Piano. Wm.
Coats conducted the "Bridal. ill decided to have one, The flow-
Alphabet. Cattiest" with Karon trs to he placed in the church for
t:ervice on Sunday by the follow- Cnutts giving the answers. ,,it r8,
:NTarks asked the bride to }Its, units; Sib and ittith for the
month of May: McKillop for her mother and grandmother to
June: Woltoii for August; 17t h take their Waco at the front
and Boundary for Septeniber and where Streamers hung from a
tat mind 1.61.11 for October. There large bell. rorsages had been
he no services in the month ned on the three guests Prior to
• till. July, as the minister takes his the program. Tire address was
holidays. Mrs, Nelson Marks read read by Carol Wilhee and the gifts
Leveral Thank Von cards for W14 I'd carried i n by friends the
boxes and cards sent. to the sick bride-to-be. Shirley thanked VII
lid shut-ins of the eongreg,ation, for the lovely gifts, and extended
An invitation Was extended from an invitation to all to come and
• the .Brussels' United Church see her things. at the home of lu ir
Women to attend a meet- Parents on Thurliday evening, A
trig in their' Cherfli, Mhtujay oven, delicioes . lunchwas SOTOTI. by
41ny 3,1th, With 1)eref49 M et enkbS Of the Walton trilitt
The Rev. Keith Stokes
B.A., S.T.B.
Box 47, myth, Ontario
Phone 523-9334
1.1:00 a.m. Holy CoMmunion
Friday, June 5th, in BrussOIS
Legion Hall, Ian Wilbee OrcheStraL
$2.00 per couple.
The Spring Flower Show,: tea
and Bake Sale will be held Satur-
day, May 23rd. 3 - 5 p.m. in the
Brussels Public Library. Come
and support. your Horticultural.
The May meeting of the ,Brus-
sets Horticultural Society will he
held in the Public Library Monday,
May 18th at S p.m. There Will be
pictures depicting the "FOur
Seasons". Rev. Father Mooney,
WWingham will be the narrator.
Hyeryone welcome.
I wish to express appreciation
of kindness and care shown to me
during recent illness by so
many friends in Brussels and sur-
rounding community.
The warmth of your affection
is a cherished treasure..
Margaret Thompson
We Wettid like to thank all our
friends and neighbours for the
.lovely flowers and gifts which
helped Make Our opening a great
George, Pat. LangloiS
We wish to thank our staff and
an rho others woo helped in so
many ways to make otir opening
and Mother's Day Open House
the memorable occasion it Was,
Also the folks who spent time
visiting the patients. A Heartfelt
'Thank You,
1iet4r and ben CRIltinder
Mara IctOter
High School Spring Festival were
Grey Township Council meet.
Ken CoX, son of Mr, and Mrs. Jack
.Among winners at the Listowel
in was held on May 4th.
COx of RR 3, Brussels•and
Son Of Mrs. Lillian (lox of. Brussels
Resolutions passed as follows:
That the mtnutes. of the ltrSt
who placed first in the Jr. Tenor meeting and, special meeting of
Class, Greg Hood. son of Mr. and April 23rd, be adopted as read.
in Sr, 'Bass, and Miss Mary Anne
Fischer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
That the. accumulated surplus in Mrs. Sterling- Hood, tied for 3rd
Hartley Fischer and grapddmighter the amount of $3J,247. be trans
of Mrs. :T. W. Fischer of Brussels, {erred to a reserve fund.
That the request of Murray who tied ror second in the Sr.
Soprano class, Cardiff to have repairs made on
the Lamont Municipal Drain in
Lots 2 and 3, .Concession 5, in.
order to provide an outlet for tile
The May meeting of the Child- in Lots 3 and 4, Concession
ren of the Church was held: on
certi- Saturday, May 9th in the form of
rlhat George Radford's
a social. The children gathered in fled cheque in respect to the
the morning to sell carnations for Silver Corners Drain be returned
Mother's. Day and afterwards en- to him.
joyed a delicious. lunch at the That an application for a loan
ehurch, in h
derT he
et oAc!2,b5e00 .
u A short business session Tile
te a t
ed during Which the motto was That theclerk be instructed to
repeated and reports given. Mrs, ;Vallanee and Mrs. McCutCheOn place a notice in the Listowel Ban-
nor and the. Brussels Post. regard-
condneted games outdoors during ing the clOsing of the, Alexander
which balloons were distributed
and treats enjOyed.
Dump at Lot 24, Concession to
take effect On. May 19th, 1970.
Peggy Gibson
The first Meeting of the
sets Calf Club was held. on
the farm of Martin Peon on May
2nd, As traditional, the meeting
began with the .1-ti Pledge. After
the pledge every Member tried his
or bet. skill in judging some Hol-
stein cattle. Some of the menthers
gave reasons so as to help under-
stied whore to look for a good
cow. This was 0 good exercise to
learn judging for the Seaforth
judging competition that is to he
held on May 301h in Sea forth,
After this the ay-ging- wns
odjourned. The Mans kindly pro-
vided lunch before the members
The next Meeting is to ho held
On tile farm of Rpefl l rl.i lit ot
4.u.no 4th.
Organist: Mrs, Nora Moffatt
4 for 69c
• 49c
That a tenee be erected along
the Huron County Road 25 on.
the South boundary at the garb-
age dump property and signs be
put up: This project to be left to
the chairthan of the Property Com-
That the. clerk he instructed to
prepare a by-law regarding bor-
rowing from, the Cana.dian
hit 13ank of Commerce in order to
finance the interim payments on
municipal drains.
That all approved accounts be
Phut the Meeting be adjourned
to Inoet June 1st: at 8 p,tb.
Approved neeounts paid:
leneral S 7,033,61
Roads tiges 3,673.87
Ciuries Thomas REMY()
1-44the) 1l, Cardiff
Mr. and Mrs, .Tames Shortreed
visited on Sunday with the lat-
the's mother, Mrs. L, WarWick of
'Bluevale, who makes iier.• home
with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd. Warwick,
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin McDonald.
and Lynne motored to Teronto to
Visit at the McGale home, Mrs, •
McDonald returned:hetne with
them. to spend a week. • •
Rev. D. Docken. is spending a
few days this week at the anneal
Meeting of the. London COnference
held in Windsor.
Mr. and Mrs. John Thamer and
Tony of Kitchener spent, the week-
end at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Win. Thamer and family,
Miss Nellie Teem is spending a.
• few weeks with her parents, Mr.
and:• Mrs. Martin 'Haan., before
going toToronto for the summer.
General Meeting of
Duff's Church
•.The general meeting of the
•• IT,C.W. of 'Duff's United Church,
• 'Walton was held iit •• the church
basement on Wednesday evening,
May. It. with members. one.
visitor and Rev. 1). Docket/ pre-
• '• Mrs. :knit-tin .:Ban of the 17th
boundary unit was in. charge of