HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1970-05-14, Page 4WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE Dead or disabled cows over t000 Ibt,, $10 to $15 Dead or disabled horses; $20.00 each Small animals 500 to 1,000 lbs., is per lb. All other atitimalt such as calves and pigs picked' up free, We pay you for your animal at your farm. — 24 hour service. CALL COLLECT — BRUSSELS 887-334 if no answer call 887.9335 BRUSSELS PET FOOD SUPPLIES Prop, GORDON JOHNSTON Formerly Mnrlatt Bros, WEBER'S GENERAL STORE E. T H g, L, 0 N SPECIALS FOR MAY 14th, 15th, .16th FOR RENT Apartment in Brussels. Apply te; Herb Sage, Listowel, 291-:1334 WANTED — A good used SpaniSil Guitite, Phone 887-6954 garbage disposal. All garbage must be taken TO the South Boundary East of Walton approx. V, mile, and this garbage only must be put in a trench provided. NOICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of JOHN VERNE WARWICK ,deceased ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned deceased, late of the Township of Morris in the County of Huron, retired farmer, who died en the 31st day of March, 1970, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 22nd day of May, 1970. After that date the executor will proceed to distribute the estate having re- gard only to those claims of which he shall then have had notice. DATED at Brussels this 27th day of April, 1970., CRAWFORD & MILL Brussels, Ontario Solicitors for the Executor he Lot 24. as the WANTED — Custom tractor work [listing, ploughing, etc. Phone 887-6298 Neilson's Jersey Ice Cream Kam Luncheon Meat Duncan Hines Cake Mixes Beehive Corn Syrup Stokley's Wax, Green and Kidney Beans NOTICE -OF DISCONTINUANCE OF ETH;EL AND GREY TOWNSHIP Dump To the Grey Township reidents. After May lath, 1970 there will no more garbage dumped on Con. 6, Grey Twp., known 'Rebel and North Grey By Order Chairman of • Property ,Committee MALE HELP WANTED — wanted, pull time 110 unemployment. For further information write Pox 1.319 Hanover. FOR SALE 7 room House in. Morris Town- Ship, north end of Brussels, Large. lot, New oil furnace, new cup- boards, new hot water tank, and wireing, three piece bath. .1. C. McNeil, Brussels. Phone 887,604Z FOR SALE Choice Strawberry Plants freshly dug as you order. 'Ideal for freezing or as fresh fruit. large juicy berries. $3,00 per hundred plants. Phone before calling for plants to allow time for digging and trimming plants. Phone 397-3325„ Percy Biggs, R,R, Wingbarn, Ont. SPARE TIME INCOME Refilling and collecting money from NEW TYPE high-quality coin-operated dispensers in your area, No selling. To qualify you must have car, references, $600 to $2900 cash, Seven to twelve hours Weekly than net excellent monthly incorne. More full time. For per- sonal interview write C.ANA.PENN DISTRIBUTING T.1.1"1).; DEPT. A, 160 Bay St,, Suite 205, Toronto 1, Ontario, InCInde phone number. 1/2 WOOD FOR SALE — Hardwood Slabs, truckload lots $4.00 per cord: Softwood $2.00 Craig's Sawmill, Auburn 526-7220 SAWDUST. FOR SALE — Good bedding for feed lots. AVe can load you or deliver. Craig's Sawmill, Auburn 526-7220 2 lb. 14 oz. 43c 35c 2 for 35c 89c FOR SALE -- 100 acre grass farm. 49c mr8. Charles Warwick, S87.9336 LOST — Keys on heart '$1141.Ped • ring. Finder please leave at the Brussels Post, Reward, FOR SALE . " 6 ' first litter • --sows; also a dehorning crate,. - • Max Denia.ray ..•• 887 ,0700 FOR SALE .r— .tolls Deere Tractor, gas. Recently overhauled, Garman Smith 887,6875 REFRIGERATION SERVICE GuarawLeed service lo alltypeS, coin plate a p pli ance repairs at BURKE ELECTRIC Wingharn - 357-2450 Electrical Contractors - Appliances - Motor Rewind, 24 hoar emergen- cy service. AVON CALLING. Your Family Needs A Summer Vacation --- Invest Your Spare 'lime Now To Earn Those Needed Extra Dollars. Sell Avon in Your Locality. For Details 'all Quickly -- Mrs. M. Millsoo, Avon Manager, 17 Elawkesbury Ave„ London, 451.0541 DRAIN TENDERS TOWN HIP OF GREY Tenders will he received by the undersigned until 5 p.m.. Wednes- day. May 27th, 19711. for the con- struction of the following drain- age works in the Township of Grey 7 K.NQK :DRAINAGE WORKS .500 lineal feet of open drain, 4;691 lineal feet of closed drain, 3 Catch. Basins. CLARK DRAINAGE WORKS — 1,460 lineal feet of open drain, 2,720 lineal feet of closed drain, 4 Catch Basins BOLTON DRAINAGE WORKS 12,724 liheal feet of open drain, 85 lineal feet Of closed drain (Road Crossing), I Catch Basin, Canadian Pacific Railway culvert cleatiOnt, County Road Culvert cleanout, in accordance With the Speci- fications for Open Cut :Drain- age Crossings for Huron County Roads. A STRONG DRAIN A GE WORKS -- 5.940 lineal fret of open drain, Work on. canadian National Right-of-Way. Tenders to be accompanied by a certified cheque for 10% of tender. The Township will supply the tile and pipe, Plans and speci- fications may he seen at the , Township Office Ethel, Ontario, Lowest or any tender net neces- sarily accepted. Mrs. B, M. Cattlift, Ethel, Ontario, Clerk, Township' Of Apply to.; 1.31VKiels 'STORE OPEN WEDNESDAY "...); UNTIL 9:30 P.M. WANTED Cattle to pasture, 111.1 4. Brussels .The Holmes Phone 887-0040 FOR SALE 1961 'gambler Ambassador, Deor Sedan, in good condition. Fred Thuell 887.9214 Tiff; 13'it'LT1:0011L$ 01051:1St.e.14, ()Nri'4111() ,')AY tO,u, ot4 ENTERTAINMENT AT SiMILEY'S HAVEN QUEEN'S HOTEL, BRUSSELS 'RUSH and • DOROTHY 'FROM - TEESWAT:E:R Piano and Guitar FRIDAY NIGHT ONLY DOREEN DANBROOK ON THE PIANO SATURDAY NIGHT ONLY Menu: Earbacued Ribs and Kraut, Southern. Fried Chicken and Chips events were read by Mrs, Lylle Gorden and Mrs. Mac Engel. Cards and visits were recorded. by Miss Alice J., Forrest: Mrs. Earl Dunn gave a, reading "Ten Command- ments of "Church Etiquette". The meeting closed with a hyrne, and the Benediction, miss Alice J. Forrest assisted the hostess with lunch. Cranbrook W. I. Meeting `Tile May meeting- of the Cran• brook Women's institute was held at the home of Mrs. Glenn Huether.. This was the Citizenship and Ftducation meeting with con- veners Mrs. Mac McIntosh and Mrs. Wilfred Strikler. The roll call WAS a little article made in Japan. The conveners presented facts nhout Japan and the site of 1970 Expo. Mrs, Lylle Gordon, essisted by Mrs. Elwood Roe, At- wood. showed pictures. An ecincat- lona! contest was commuted and current events were given by Mrs. Clare Veitch, It was decided to have Sunshine Sisters for the year. The hOstess served luneh assisted by Mrs. Russell Knight and Mrs. Ross Knight. Knox W.M.S. Afternoon Group Meeting Airs. Mac Engel was hostess for the regular meeting of the Afternoon Group of the W.M.S. of Knox Presbyterian Chun-h. A poem "Mother's Smile" and Psalm 48 were used in opening with Mrs. Clare Veitch presiding. The Mag- nificat: Luke 39-56 and Han- nah's Hymn of Praise 1st Samuel Oh, 2; 1-1.0 were read in unison and e maditation given by the leader, followed With prayer. Mrs. Mac Engel read "Mothers: Are the World's Best" and "My Friend Mother" was read by Mrs. Lylle Cardi]. The topic on "MOthers, Mary and Hannah" was p.,iVeri by Miss A. 'Forrest. The business was conducted by the president, Mrs. 'Wilfred Strickler. The secretary. ti s1.1.1tJeirtntina,."1(i1ZRalts't,o Ssteilvite.flo.arldireertse flitli-t°edidtheinDis131111-tleeiValAellfilloatii ne 1:\c; Ite-i7cr',.e and:3:10 :1 a it:Ittai8ill'lloy5.3i s,rrloe makin g bjeu tSC1761:eritIttilece,ssr...• NOTICE Mrs. Stanley Fischer, read the Members' Of the' Majestic w nary hold our regular laair meeting0h()me tn,enendt saying Mrs. Jas. McNeil, Atwood, Tuesday were Ai rs. A da Arm _ is the Presbyterial visitor, Mrs. Strong., Airs. James Armstrong, Neil would errleo.Anitioanktotoneratno- r Smith artdj asr,r8..fe vi jnat:rsl brook in Noveinher. An invitation Mrs. R. 1V, Stephens. Mrs. Doug `was received attend their Thank-offering on Strickler reported that Mrs. Mc- Mrs. W. C. Kerr, Mrs. Ca rl Hem- For a,II ;:11)(1:1: electrical s 01 '„,y1re. VOIT.oh. rA/PrIlitt MOO $87.9264: 4ruontoi, a day earlier, June CRANBROOK Airs. Wes Mel achern visited in Colt last week. Weekend visitor's with Ale. and Mrs. Earl Dunn included Mr. and Mrs, Stan niacin, Listowel, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Dunn and family arid Mr, and Mrs, Don Jacklin and Bloomingdale, Miss Joanne Dunn and Bill Muchan, London, Airs. 'Verna Myers, Windsor, and Air. and Mrs. Norm Montgomery, Port Smith. Arkaneas, visited with Mrs. Lytle Cordon, Mrs. Raker. Listowel, also visited at the same home. PEOPLE WE KNOW Mrs. Gloria Vodden, London, was a Mother's Day visitor -with her mother, Mrs. ,Tas, Kerr and Mr. Kern'. Mr. and Mrs. 'Louis Ebol and family, Ingersoll, were weekend visitors in 'Brussels. Air. and Mrs. C. Parker are visitor's with their laughter and family of Oklahoma. City. Lester Machete Torcmlo. spent the weekend with his parents Mr. and Mrs, Leonard :Meehan, Our pology to AIand hirs. Harry Cioll who celebrated their :35th Wedding Anniversary, not their 25th, as reported in last week's issue. Margaret Thompson, who is in her third year of training at Toronto General Hospital, is at the home of her sister, Mrs. Doug Kirkby, recuperating from recent surgery. The :managers and staffs of the Canadian Imperial Hank of Com- merce in this area held their' hanquel. and ,torum in the New _Am eriCEIR Hotel, Brussels, last: week. Mr. anti M. Paeker, Bonnie and Shari, Robert Coleinan and Miss Barbara Woodcock, all of Burlington, Mr.. and Airs, Don McNeil and Cindy Sue of Listowel rind Miss Sharon Coleman of Elmira visited with Mr. and Mrs, l)ave Ifastitig-s and fan-lily. Miss Alice Stiles, Toronto. and Mrs, ,The Stiles and Joanne of Lambeth and Mrs. Louise Easter, Cary, Shirley and Randy of Sarnia. were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Cordon Stiles and Mr. and Mrs. Willis' Knight. wi tting