HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-08-05, Page 44 THE HURON SIGNAL, FinAY AUGUST, ;), 18331. THE HURON SIGNAL 1s publialool every Friday Morning, by Mc- 011.Llooatin Biwa., at their (Ince, North at. toff the Square, GODERICH, ONTARIO. And a deq•tched to all partes of thew und- ies cuantry by the earliest mails and By general admission ithas • larger ctoula- Ube than any other one of the cia0. newsiest t►s wuatry, and is pro sad most retinue journals In Ontario. PP.easts 1t• as it does. the tore-goiagosseatials, and being in addition to the above, • fires,elass faintly and fireside paper • it is therefore a must desirable adeertiaiwp eiediewa. Tatars. -{1.50 in advance postage preld b7 publl.bets; 81.75, if paid b-ytaefore six months; 8.00 it nut so paid. This rule will be strictly enforced. RATE. or ADVEXTi$I,U.-Eight cents pc ape for tint insertion; three tents per line for each subsequent insertion. Yearly, hail -yearly and euarteriy contracts at reduced rates. JIM rt1 U .- Xe have also a first-class jobbing department in connection. and possess- ing the most complete outfit and beat facilities for turning out work In Ooderiuh, are prepared to do business in that line at prices that cannot be beaten, and of a quality that cannot be surpassed.- Terme Cask. FRIDAY, AUGUST 5, 1881. THE BBA11LAC0/1 (ASE. THE Bradlaugh rase is likely to create more excitement than ever. That gen- tleman endeavored on Wednesday last, as will be seta in another co:umn, t„ force his way into the House of Com- mons and was ejected by force. The sight is not a pleasing one, no matter how it is looked at. Bradlaugh, it is true, acted foolishly at first in the matter of the oath's test, but his after action, until Wednesday last, was that of an aggrieved person seeking justice. We have always con- tended that the test oath in our legis. lative halls is a mistake. The absurdity of the thing is easily seen, if we look at the complexion of the House of Com- mons or the House of Lords, as at pres- ent constituted. The majority of the members, although nominally Christian, are really as devoid id true Christianity, as Bradlaugh professes to be. Were a thorough teat applied to either of the great Houses that govern England to- day, a fearful and wonderful exhibit would be the result. The loudest howl- ers against Bradlaugh are many of them unconverted men, and their action can- not lie taken as an evidence of the re- ligious opinion of the people of Britain. The spirit of intolerance and bigotry that causes the persecution of Bradlaugh - for it is not abort of persecution -is not in accordance with the teachings of tlfe meek and lowly Nazarene; ,rather is it on a !oar with the actions of those who cried, "Crucify Him; crucify Him!" No good will result from the intolerant action of the bigots. Persecution never yet helped the cause of the persecutors, and it never will. gent committee. Swan - John Bright advocates the conatitu• On representations made by Mr. Swan- tionnlity of Bradlaugh s sedan; others son, and on motion of Mr. Nicholson, ig the contingent committee were twthoriz- ed to •have various wells at the ward schools cleaned out before re -opening of schools. Mr. McGaw moved, Mr. Nicholson WALLAca Rtwa threatens to claim the aquatic championship 1f Hanlan will not now him for $2,000 en neutral wat- ers 11 Rose is as anxious to row Han- lan as he pretends to be, he can easily have a championship race upon Toronto Bay. Harlan pluckily won all his championships on his adversaries' water, and the blustering giant from Nova Sco- tia should take • leaf out of his book. Wallace is evidently a confirmed blow- hard. Tall Poet Office Savings Bank, appears to have been growing steadily in favor. It is new eleven year" since it was estab- lished. At the clime of its first fiscal year $856,814.83 lay in the bank to the credit of 16,653 depositors. In 1880 this sant was increased to $3,954,- 669.11, and the number of depositors to 56,031. In 1881 the amount in deposit ran up to $6;208,226.77, placed therein by 71,748 persons. The average amount to the credit of each depositor, at the close of the last year was 8156.75. COMMUNICATIONS. We do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions of our Correspondents. l'ontribu- ors to this department must confine them selves to public questions, and be brief. ruPI LATION Or LEADING CITIxg. To the Editor of The Signal, The following table shows the pupula- DEAR 81x, -Kindly allow me space to tion of the leading cities of theDommion reply to a letter which appeared In last teach8caaeand 1Seil, with the increase in CENSUS OF CANADA. Statement otftlbe Dominion Po pulation in 1881. Tesal r p.laeso.4,ase,Rt3 Oruro/ 1,e11,. Mel es. -bre l,ass,ase repletion. of w chief titles Ter..le'r Weimartotbae !M nesse 1. M,441 Wittiest emberM. et 1010e00 w bib s.b.rbs. Una w•, July 30. -The preloarat statement of the population of the 1 minion was placed in the hands of t minister of attneulture yesterday after- noon, and to -day was made public. The following statement shows the popula- tion of the Detention by provinces in 1871 and 1881 comparatively: PUr't-LATIoN BY raoVINt .. Province. 1871. 1881 lam Ontario . 1,6>0,651 1.913.1.0 311,609 Quebec 1.191,M6 1,368,400 186.963 hew Brunswick. r65.504 321,129 36,535 Nova Scotia 387,800 410.575 52,785 P. E. Island 94,021 107,781 13.719 Manitoba 11.953 4i1.34a1 37,586 British Columbia and N. W. territories 78.700 100.000 81,300 3,670.435 4,350,933 630,4111 The following statement will show the c tupar•tlre per tentage of increase in the four principal provinces over the previous census in each caw: Prov ince, I117!. 1881. Ontario MAO 18.06 Quebec.. ..... T.19 11.02 New Brunswick 13.31 12.44 Northcote endorsed Gladstone's view. Nova Scotia. . .......... 17.11 13.61 While Legion (Radical) was speaking against the illegal conduct of the House, Bradlaugh who had evaded the polier, endeavored to force an entrance, but was seized by the messengers and dragg- ed from the doors, when he was taken in charge by six policemen, still resisting strenuously, his coat being torn in the struggle. The Speaker ruled that the motion of Lawson for rescinding the former reso- lutions estlutions against the admission of Brad- 36.4e2 rad- 36 462 6.52D laugh were irrelevant, and the question St. Jobn,N,B., shows- decrease of :3,877. before the House was the conduct of the PON:Mellon ATION or 00014111t8. MSS in prohibiting Bradlaugh's ac- cess to the lobby. BADGERING BRADLAvas. DROWNED. U ORTGLUK SALE OF VALUABLE 111 YREEHOLD Yttot'EltTY, in the Town- ship of Cuibonu, in the''.,u:..) ut Huron, i1e IlletiMas Mw et tonsoss.s Remote le I .1'11" - Y.". A scene - tw r.Nsle TWO BOya Lost at the Rivera Cuder, and Dy virtue of u power tat sale oon- Motorsaa. Mouth. tented its a certain ludamure of Murttpage, will be rtafueed at for Owe of e, II which p _ stasis by one THOMAS vtit the N. nate of the Loaloyl+, Au}g� 3. -Au i wear. crowd Township of Culbonic. inthet'.,only of Ilurun outside the Palace yard fit, -day cheered Laurie Moore Uruwaea NYUe tetany At. eoluau d tbero will be nisi by_ PUI4- Bradlaugh un his attest to enter ec puaaN+ err at'.apaioa. 1.1/' ALIL'Tl N,bjJOHN C. CURRIE,Aue usurer, at hi Auction Ituuws, in the Town of the Howe of Cowwttua Bradlaugh Ooderk•A, on ATUkUAY, the Sli DAY OF was quiet! removed froom the lobby and The report that two buys dud been no n r 1811 at S'. s tlot.k. oon. the following valuable far V Vu 7 Cxlove ed � thn lice iuw the and. tai the, rivtK Lot number six. in the eighth Awur�oln, Bradlaugh retrained some time its the was discredited when it first reached Township Palace yard with hearties folded, thaw polioetmen in front of hie, tarring the town yesterday eveimg. But the ill way to the Hoarse. pews turned out to be tui true. In the House of Common, Labouchere A number of young lads were bithin* (Advanced d Liberal) raised a question of •t the worth of the river spbuut fivi privilege that the resolution of the House in 3 to Bradlaugh only a:- o'clock, and were amusing themselves eluded hint fmw the House, whereas he by dusting about on boards. One of had been removed front the lobby. La them, sawed Chan Henry •buy of nine bouchere moved that the officials were therein exceeding their authority. d the The Speaker replied that he consider- ed it his duty to order Bradlaugh's re- moval, and added, "The door of the House is closed." . The cheers of the crowd were audible inside the House. Gladstone supported the Speaker, and said that Lebouchere'e motion was un- tenable. He declared that Bradlaugh must now be treated as having no wore right to enter the House than • strang- er. A t , A. m reri , namely : women division, of the said own p , Col- borne, save and except a narrow strip et the .uuth•eest corner, thirty two rods la h, fromnorthbyte a fano bit/tillage f the &djo J g lot. About sixty g�acres of the said lends are cleared and In a go state of cultivation, and the remainder, about 40 acres, is will wooded with beech, maple, and hemlock. T he soil is • Thclay a buildings consist kof ant lune house s through ewith kitchen 1 attached, and andsmallmne ttrcbard. stable. There is also a gt.cxl e The said nut is on the Gravel Inroad leading years of age was carried into deep water fruit Goderich to Lucknow, about five miler g neon the Town of Oudench, and one and one - of by the current, and slipped off half it altogether theroa t t•ry m the village le tarnSmith's HIU, and board into the water. I TERMS: --Ten per cent, of rho purchase uwuey tau tltt day of sale to the Vendor's BoU- A companion touted Laurie Macara, citors and the balance to be paid within amu Y y PU Y drowned while bathing week's SIGNAL, signed "Rustycuas. ' It is singular how ready some people are Toronto........ to expose their ignorance. 1 wish to Ottawa inform "Rustycusi' that all he does not Hailton ...... know a'out Masonry, (If printed), would Kimngston make a very large book, while all he does Montreal� know would [Hake a preposterously small 8t� errs, N.8 one. If "Rustycuss ' objects to aociety Halifax or fraternity sermons being delivered in churches, I suppose he has a perfect right to his objections; but when he makes them through the public press he should base them on better grounds than he has given, viz: "That Illasunry is not an element of Christianity." I bes to inform "Rustycuus" that the prellsqun- site of Free Mosonryis the very foun- dation -stone of Christianity, and without the principles and precepts of Free Masonry there could be no Christianity. His expressions about "Punch and Judy and dancing dogs, was quite uncalled 19,881, Annapolis 2:1,598, King's 22,470, for, having no bearing on the question Hants 23.360, Colchester 26,721, Pictou whatever, and display very bad taste 35,536, Antigonish 18,061, Cumberland and grossvulgarity. 27,368. Your, MASON. New Bareswll'x.-Albert 12,329, St. 1871. !Ill. Increase. 5&0.'+2 86.445 31.353 21.545 27,4175,872 26,718 36.905 9.219 15.896 19.763 3.937 12,407 14,093 1,686 107.2" 110.852 31,637 59.1519 62,447 2.748 28,h05 16.126 The population '.1 each county is the} After Broadhurst (Advanced Liberal) various provinces is given as follows: and Cowen (Radical Reformer) had P1ul(c8 EDWARD ISLAND. - Friona spokenin favor of Bradlaugh, John county 34,347, Queen county 47,000, I Bright described how Bradlaugh had King's 26,434. been brought down to the Palace Yard NOVA $audit. -Inverness 25,651. Vio- in a fainting condition. He thought toria 12,470, Cape Breton 31,262, Rich- such a scene unprecedented. He ap- mond 15,122, Guysborough 17,808,Hali- pealed to the opposition to reconsider fax city.36,102, Halifax county 31,818, their former decsion so as to extricate Lunenburg 28,583, Queen's 10,577, SW- themselves from the present difficulties. burns 14,913, Yarmouth 21,284, Digby' He was called to order for irrelevancy. Manners (Conservative) said Bright's attitude was calculated to encourage Bradlaugh who necessitated his forcible ejectment. Amendment to Lbouchere's motion declaring that the House approves the conduct of the Speaker and officials un- der his orders, was accepted by Glad- stone and Northoote and passed. A num- ber of Liberals quitted the House be- fore the vete was taken, amidst ironical cheers. Bradlaugh, after his expulsion, went for a summons against the police. When Bradlaugh approached the House of Commons this morning he looked pale, and evidently suffered from suppressed excitement. alis black dress heightened the effect of his pallor, and it was remarked that he looked like an animated corpse. A rumor ran through the lobby that Bradlaugh meant to use actual force to obtain an . entrance and resist his removal An ilnntense throng gathered outside, and the arrangementa to prevent Bradlaugh's entrance were most complete. At the door of the House stood two Deputy Sergeants -at Arms, flanked on either side by police- men picked for great bodily strength. A number of athletic Conservative mem- bers also stood close to the door. With a resolute stride the member for North- ampton made directly for the door, and so eager were the members to hear and see all that occurred that the rush near- ly pushed him into the sacred precincts. Erskine, however, barred the way, and a parley ensued. Suddenly Bradlaugh seized trakine and attempted ;to push him aside. Immediately the member from Northampton was seized by the deputies and policemen. He struggled violently, and a mc,st painful scene en- sued. He was half pulled and shoved through the door, followed by hundreds of members, principally Conservatives. Down the broad stairway, struggling all the way with might and Hain, at the risk of breaking his own and captor's necks, Bradlaugh was dragged, until the Palace yard was reached. Then the door was swung to and the expelled member released. A number of dele- , gates witnessed the scene from beyond the line of policemen, and cries of •"Shame ! Shame !" rent the air, aa Bradlaugh was hurled out of the door. For a moment it seemed as if s physical contest with the police was about te en- sue, and had the struggle with Brad- laugh continued, the affair would pro- bably have ended in a riot. When Bradlaugh recovered, he said to Inspec- tor Denning that he would return with a force that would compel his admission or arrest. Denning asked him how manywould come with him. Brad- laugh replied "Something leas than a million. Cheer after cheer was given for Bradlaugh by the people, but the police cleared the precincts of the House, and Bradlaugh was left standing almost alone. When Bradlaugh was seized by the usher he grappled with him fiercely, shouting "if any one dares to hinder me !" He was hustled down the members' staircase, grappling the police and members. but no blows were struck. He was ghastly pale when he appeard in the Palace yard. Almost fainting, a glass of water was brought 11 hint and his face lathed. The sum - mimics against the police, applied for by Bradlaugh, were refused, but the magistrate advised him tai prepare infor nation in reference to the summonses desired for assault debt"! Mimed. Beard met last Monday. There were present, Messrs. Crabb, Buchanan,Nich- olaon, Cooke, McGaw and Swanson. Accounts of W. T. Welsh, for 75c. and H. Hale for $2.25, ordered to be !.aid. Repairs on firer of St. David is ward school, were; on representation of Mr. Cooke, left to the discretion of contin- who question his beliefs, admit his right to sit for Northampton; and the best minds of England to -day are firmly sat- isfied that as Wilkes triumphed in his day and generatiun,when fighting single- handed against the British Parliament, an will the constitutionality. of Brad - laugh's claim to his seat in the House of Commons be acknowledged ere Long. With Bradlaugh's anti -theological opin- ion we have nothing to do. Every man is the keeper of his own conscience, and his religious or irreligious opinions are matters of* private nature,for which he, and heelone, will le held accountable. Tut •latest apostle of protecti on Gi home industries is O'Donovan Rosie. He now avers that the blowing up of British vessels by dynamite and other explosives "will aid in building up American ships under the American flag." Mr. (YDyn- amite Rona deserves a seat in some Protection Cabinet. GUITEAI•sls drawn up a petition to be released.on bail, and it is said to have been worded with a clearness and di- rectness that would nut be expected from an insane man. If there is any lunacy displayed in the !nutter, it is by Guiteau wanting to get out of jail at present. The fellow world likely be shot like a rabid dog before he was a day out. Ter editor of the Stratford Times denies that he ever deals in coarse abuse of '!religious people generally," and in the same article gets off the following mean fling at a brother editor: "He be- longs to the 'Thank God, I am not as other mei' order of humanity. He is a grand success at tea fights and cottage prayer meetings, where plenty of fruit trite and nervous, good poking females do most abound !" A fares MILL at-Goderich uught to be a paying operation. This industry is well pr tested and the paper man•tfae- t.ren, as a rule makelarge profits. The river M•teland is just adapted for soda ee entarprtse. and a railway loading east, and a splendid harbor looking westward. offer eseeYent ahtpping facilities. if there is money 10 the paper making bu- siness, and we Indies -is there is, Gode- rich is lust tLe.ptst to 'Bake it it. To it rause .4 (Jntar►o which were utcor- porat.ed donne the last decode, have all Callen below 10,000 in population, the number required before a place nun re. crave ata rhart.r as a City. Taws. towns have made their nest rapid strides back- wards mince the ad,.ptmon 4.1 t he Nat i. m al Policy. Belleville, Brantford, Otsslph and St. Catherine@ had larger popula- tions under "Grit rule' than now John city 26,128, St. John county 26.- 839. Charlotte 26,086, King's 25,616, Queen's 14,017, Sunbury 6.661, York 30,400, Carleton 23.367, Victoria 15,- 576, Westmoreland 39,719, Kent 22,618, Northumberland 25,111, Gloucester '21,- 614, Reatigouche 7,057. Queaxc:-Bonaventure 18,908, Gaspe 24,308, Rimouski 33,791, Temiscouata 25,501, Kamouraska 22,180, L'Islet 14,- 917, Montmagny 15,270, Bellechasse 18,069, Levis 27,980, Dorchester 18,713, Beauce 32,021, Lutbiniere 20,857, Me- gsntic 19,061, Nicholet 26,6I2, Drum- mond and Arthabask• 37,363, Richmond and Wolfe 26,340, Compton 19,581, Sherbrooke city 12,220. Stanstead 15,- 556, Yamaska 17,091, Begot 21,199, seconded, and it was carried that the Shefford 23,234, Brome 15,827, Riche - caretakers of the different ward schools lieu 20,219, St. Hyacinthe 20,631, Rou- be instructed tut make monthly reports ville 18,548, Iberv'ille 14,459, Missisquoi as to the condition of schools, fences,etc. � 17,785, Vercheres 12,448, Chambly 10,- 859, St..Jean 12,271, Laprairie 11,436, Napierville 10,513, Ch ateaguny 14,393, Huntingdon 16,495, Beauharnois 16,1105, Soulanges I0,225, Vaudreuil 11,485, Chicoutimi and Saguenay 29,777, Char- levoix (Saguenay district estimated) 17,- 901, Montmorency 21,332, Quebec city 62,447, Quebec 20,278, Port Neuf 25,- 175, Champlain (partly estimated) 26,- 937, Three Riven 9,296, Saint Maurice (partly estimated) 13,578, Maskinonge 17,493, Berthier 21,838,Jolliette 21,989, L'Assomption 15,283. Montcalm 12,966, Montreal city 140,862, Hochelaga 40,- 079, Jacques Cartier 12,345, Laval 9562, Terrebonne 21,862, Deux Montages 15,- 856, Argenteuil 16,062, Ottawa 49,690, Pontiac 20,391. O11TAaro.-Glengarry 22,227, Corn- wall 9904, Stormont 13,294, Dundas 20,- 598, Prescott 22,860, Russell 25,082, Ottawa city 27,417, South Grenville 13,- 526, North Leeds and Grenville 12,929, Carleton 24,688, Brockville 12,6113,South Leeds 22,206, South Lanark 20,034, North Lanark 13,943, South Renfrew 21,042, North Renfrew 21,126, Fron- tenac 14,993, Kingston city 14,073, Len- ox 16,320, Addington 23,465, Prince Edward 21,046( East Hastings 17,143, West Hastings 17,402, N,.rth Hastings 20,488, East Northumberland 22,266, West Northumberland 16,981, East Peterboru' 23,859, West Peterboro' 13,- 311, East Durham 18,723, West Dur- ham 17,557, South Victoria 20,815, North Victoria 13,824, Muskoka 27,213, South Ontario 20,389, North Ontario 28,437, Toronto city 86,445, Ernst York 23,313, West York 18,891, North York 24,514, Seuth Simcoe 26,906, North Simone 41,258, Peel 16,390, Cardwell 16,773, Weiland 26,156, Niagara 3456, Monck 17,146, Lincoln 22,976, Held i mend 18,626, South Wentworth 15,015, North Wentworth, 14,845: Hamilton city, 35,965. Halton, 21,930; South Welling- ton, 25,404; Centre Wellington, 22,272; North Wellington, 25,897. South Grey, 21,129; East Grey, 29.668; North Grey, 23.317: South Norfolk 16,359; North Norfolk, 17.232; South Brant, 21.988; North Brett. 11,902. South Waterloo, 21,810; North Waterloo, 20.907; Nast 284157! West EMein, 14,114; South oxford, 23,746. North Oxford, 25.361. East Middlesex. 30.621: West Middlesex. 21,606. North Middlesex, 10,643. Loden city, 19,763, South Perth, 20,797, North Perth, 34.228 Mouth Hurn. 26.476. Centre Hume, 96.479; North Heron. 26,127: South Bruee, 39,818: North Bruce. 24,9911; Bothwell. 17,122: Lsmbto.n. 42322; Kent, 36,639: Estes. 41,1310. Algoma, 13,(8,0 1Sia.rn.aA.- Selkirk, 12,779, Pn.vee- eber, 10,943: %Liu r, 790. Marquette, 18,9i►2 0011.1Ya1A AID t'wa NoaTwwFAT. - British (C.olwmbm teat 'mated ), 60,000; Northwest Torrttorwa estimated , 10, - Marne sews. The tug Erie Belle broke her wheel, while towing the government dredge Challenge and her scows from Port Al- bert to Bruce Mines, Lake Superior. She had a new wheel put on at Detroit' SCALDtli TO DEATH. -A fireman named E. Fetto, of Detroit, died on Saturday morning on board the Prince Alfred at Sarnia. The tugs boiler flues were stop- ed in the ends with plugs. Fetto was engaged in putting in a tire, when one of the plugs flew out, and the hot water scalded hint about the face so that he died before being taken from the hold of the boat. This is a new aspect of the storage question, which is worth knowing, says the UI,/c. On the trip before the last of the schooner Edward Blake, from Chicago to Goderich, Ont., with wheat, the cargo ran twenty-six bushels *hurt. for which the captain had to pay at the rate of $1.12 per bushel. On her last trip the cargo ran over fifty-six bushels, which the consignee refused to pay for, even pay the freight on, besides the Canadian officials wanted to chsrlpe the captain with the duty "n the oven -run. The captain of the Blake, in order to avoid detention, had to stand the loss in both cases, which he considers rather rough. ARRIVALS. Friday -Prop. Quebec. Duluth. Saturday-Schr. Niagara, Sarnia,light. Sunday -Prop. Quebec, Sarnia, pas- sengers and freght; prop. Saginaw Val- ley, Bey City, passengers and freight; att. Manitoba, Duluth, passengers and freight. Monday--SchrJane McLeod,Michael's Bay,lutnber for Secord & Cozzens ; steam targe- Victoria Dresden, ties; schr. Evening Star, !,t. ('lair, light. Wednesday---Str. Mendota, Sarnia, passengers and freight; steam large Van- derbilt, Sarnia, light. Thursday- Schr. Gold Hunter, Bruce Mines; prop. Saginaw Valley, Cleveland, passengers and (night. neraan aaR. Friday --Prop. Quebec, Sarnia. lura. sengers and freight; tug Prance Alfred, Sarnia, with rafts; ochre. Wave ('rest, Bruce Mines, light; Lady Macdonald, Owen Sound, 1000 bbls o} salt for .Ida Sutherland; Ontario, Bvng inlet, light; E. W. Rat hburn, (.eorgan Bay. light; Jennie Rumhall, Michael's Bay, light; (*tees, Michaels Ray, light. Saturday Schr Niagara, Ce woo.d, salt. Sunday Prop Quebec, Duluth, POW senors and freight. prep Saginaw Val. ley, Cleveland, passengers and freight; str. Manitoba. Manna. passengers and freight. Monday - Events; War. Kintail.1 ght; Florence, ( ►wen F...nnd, light Tuesday Mehr .lane McI.e..l, Mich- ael's Rav, light Wednesday Schr Evening Star, St. Clair, tan hark; sty Manitoba. Duluth, s�Mt� �n and freight: prop. Saginaw pw e1V ieig Ry ('ity.prasewgrn and freight ague twelve woof immediately to his ntanlh ter,a' aser anafllbe cututlpcuda tosuh powayntveyn►t nthce the tine of sale, to barn an PROUDFOOT, sy(reement for e. completion of the pun hese. The property will be put up suttject to u reserved bid. The oth- er conditions will be node known on the day tr of sale. Further particulars may be obtained from the Auctioneer, and from the Vendor's Solicitors. Datedt at Goderich, this 2bth July, A.U. lib d buys were lust to sight. The swift cur-1"961M0GARRON' Vendors Solicitors. rent had carried the bodies away from the spot where the accident hrst ocCurr- �n RTGAGF S t LE sad. rescue, but notwithstanding hit gallant I and to be let into puuacaloll the Durchaaer�at endeavors, he failed to save loin and lust his own life in the attempt. An alarm was immediately given, and a number of men working at the lumber docks toran the scent, but the OF Chas. Henry was from St. Louis, and \nujlllh1lI was stopping1 the house of Mn. Flet• FarmPro pril, cher withthhis is parents, to whom the blow will be • very severe one. I Lurie Macara was well known, being a son of our venerable townsman, John Mincers, Esq. He was a lad of a very happy disposition, and was a great favor- ite with -hu companions and our towns- people generally. His bravery, though unavailing, showed the courageous dis- position of the buy. His father arrived 1N THE TOWNSHIPofASHFIELD IN THE County of Huron. Under the power of rale contained in • cer- tain mortgage to the vendors which will be produced at the time of sale,and in p• went of rich default has been made there will be sold on the steamer from Manitoba only • a by PUBLIC AUCTION, et the Huron Auction Mart, in the TOWN OF OODERICH, on few hours before the accident Thursday, the'15th Clay of Atvast, 1881, • The grief stricken parents and relit- At 130 p.m., tivea have our sympathy in their ter- by ppMrr. J. c. Currie. the following val'ataie rible affliction. WThertiast half of the south half of lot num bee tAm /n the seventh cunc•esaMn of the said The children attending Knox Church iTownship, oontalning flit acres more or less Sunday School, at which Laurie was a Thea property 14 situated 14 d►U`. trum Ring.- het1dglte Y. 0., in a weU settled and proaperow rngLLlar attendant, are requested to at- reit; the balance beteg nm abered tend the funeral of their late comrade. with hardwnod and mime hemlock, when Upto the hour of sit to press the elsared `capable of easy cultivatlon. tloil dark going i ela7 loam. }'repeat raid to be weU waterrd. drained and (creed. There is said to be an orchard on the premises of 80 tins all bearing fruit. The buildings consist of 1 lug house 10218 sided outside. and log barn 36216 said to be in good condition. Temno and conditions of sale: The property will be sold in one par- cel subject to • reserved bid to be in the hands of the auctioneer at the time of sale. The purcheaer shall at the time of sale pay to the vendors, their scliciton or agents, ten per Has j est received a cent of the purchase money and of the balance $1.000 shall remain upon mortgage for a tarm New and Well Assorted Stock aof 5 year. witheston arrear. Interest yearlyThe at 7 per cent nd intersaid mnrtgagr OF to contain all the usual covenants, provisos and conditions In the form of mortgage taken FRE SII GROCERIES by the vendor c secure loans and .revenant for Insurance in the North Hannah and Mer- cantile insurance Company to the full lasnr- able value of the bullrings. The balsnoe of AND the purchase money over and above the old ten per cent. thereof. and the said PROVISIONS $1.000 shall be paid to the vendors their solicit- on or agents within thirty days from the day of sale with Interest at 7 per cent. from said date. t'pon mating the above payments and executing the said mortgage. the purchaser AI�O shall be entitled to his conveyance. The ven- u19 Flog don shall not m or bound to account tor, p a Fam duce, or chew Drove the contents of any deeds. documents or evidences of title not in their possession. or furnish copies of the same. and shall not be bound to furnish an abstract containing any further particulars than are contained in a Registrar's abstract of Title. The other conditions of Joie will be trade known at the time of sale or on application to the undersigned. For further particulars apply to the undersigned at Toronto or to FLOWERS AND P LAN TS Rices ARD It AMU Ere, atthetown otGoderich. HOWLAND. ARNOLD! R RTEasort, Vendor's Solicitors, Toronto. Dated 29th July, 1881. 1798. bodies have not been found, although an active search is being made by divers and by grappling. R. PROUDFOOT Which he will sell at the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES FEED. AND CURED 3St2EATS 1 Always in Stock. Goode Delicered to Any Part of- he TO ten. Oodericn, June 4th, 1881. 17730--12 .ALES. WATSON CLA Flonat South street,I wishes to inform the CORSNCERY NOTICE TO CREDI- , _- people of Goderich and vicinity-. that he has Pursuant toss order of the (hurt of Chan - on hand • splendid assortment of cery made in the matter of BARBARA Mc- ,. KAY. I` JAMES McKAI', and JOHN Mc KAY. BEAUTIFUL FLOWERING PUNT Infants. under the age of twenty-one year. 1 of almost everyvarier and also a choice• the Creditors of ADAM McKAY,late. of the y township of Huron. in the Countyof Bruce collection of Presbyterian Minister, who died n or abou BEDDING PLANTS, AND SHRUBS, the month of Mal, 1876, are. on or beforeth and all kinds of 301bIIAYOFA( ellor,next,tosendb post. prepaid, to W. C'LiFTON IOS(AMHkt Ea VBt3I-BT &BLE PIA TB eaire,of the Town of Kincardine, in the Coun- t M Solicitor for the said Infants,their and snr-names, addresses and de- scriptions, the hull particulars of their claims. • statement of their accounts. and the nature of the secnrttl. 113 anyl held by them ; or in default thereof they wil/ be peremptorily ex- cluded from the benefit of the said order. Ev- ery Creditor bolding any security is torodace the same before me, at my Chambers, e Hall, in the City of Toronto, on the SE ND W. S. Hart S AY OF kin fim after next at the hoar of two o'clock in the •fterneon, being the time Co.• appointed for the adjudication of such claims. PROPRIETORS OF Tiff: Dated, s th day of July. A.D. 1111. Slgnedlthi18It. I 8TEPHK1 S, 179 -1600 Referee. in their season. The public are cordially in- vited to examine the stock. Remember that the earliest purchasers have the best choice. ALEX,,WATSON, South St. P. S. -Also for sale, aheating apparatus, suit. able for amateurs, consisting of boiler, four. inch pipes, and expansion tank. 1784. Goderich Mills (LATE PIPER•S., Beg to return their thanks to the public for the liberal patronage received during the pain year, and to state they are prepared to do GI-R.19FrINC+ on the shortest notice, or for the convenience of parties living at a distance will exchange grist- at their town store (Let. IV. M. 11Wiard'a,) Masonic block, East tot. Ooderich. VP Highest price paid for wheat."111 p MRS. WARNOCK' to remind her numerous customers, in • around Goderich that she has opened out her new stock on HAMILTON STOW __ OPFOSITE THS COLBOIRNE HOTEL and .01-11. a continuance of their patronage, w ad she can with oo.esne reeemonead goods •s bet.. Orel else. is every part uW. TO. aid of MVO CAMERON an arrow Rradlatrgh's cane will he immediately ciliated militate roma boa snored as e► considered by the Cabinet council. A instant. nuniaterial statement on the subject le A ,-ALL t. adra.TVILLT !ovrrar, expected before the chew of the a.- '-anted imssedlatrly, • number of spprra- tkw to learn mitimery. skin. Ota/ Hamilton anent. Next door to W '. . shell' (grocery. 1716. ressaaaw.rtreeekra 65148(w. -- - -- -. WARtt1iamlt, August 3. 11 p. m. --Tho progrw ,.f the President towards reeov- ery Go dap ha. Seen marked and saris- THE STATUTES I)F CANADA, 44 factory He has taken rather more than I VICTORIA. 1981. are now ready for MOH Notice. 000 the usual amount of nourishment, in ^torn at the Mlle* of the Gert of the Pere The only change. which the new ren• i chiding beefsteak. milk, meat extrsct., sus will make in the parliamentary re- toast saturated with beef juice and • presentation wtl) he to give 4 Ontario four 1 little coffee. His strength is daily in more swats in the Hones of Commons creasing, and he is able already to do find Now Brunswick on• less a good deal towards of helping himself In (tnderteh. to Justine of the Peat. and nub• CIS entitled to same. iRA LEWIS, clerk of the Peace BY-LAW NO. 15 OF 1881.-TOWN- SHIP 881.-TOWN- SHIP OF COLBORNE. WHEREAS, it is considered expedient by the Municipal Council of Colborne to seU part of the original road allowance opposite Lot 13, 7 oon. R. D.. Township of ('olborne, said part of road allowance not being used as a public road for • number of years. Be it therefore enacted hy the Municipal Connell of the Township of Colborne and it is hereby enacted by authority of the sarse, that the part of the original road allowance oppo- site Lot 13, 7 con. R. P. of the said Township. as originally surveyed hy the ('ands Com- pany containing by admeasurement, three- quarters rat an acre, moreor less, be sold to Birphen Yate. krc the tom of tl irty Mtllats. and that • died of conveyance he excreted by this corporation to the said Stephen Tate*. and the Reeve of the Township of Colborne is hereby empowered to execute such deed and afilx the corporate seal of the torporetion thereto. Passed May 31st. 1861. Wr. Yoram, Reeve. J. A. MoDottAOH, Clerk. 1718-/t. SH'ERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. ee rer, or Hcaw, ). By virtue of • writ of en wry • ;flirt J.et.a les sd eetof Rev Inkiest/4County Court of tis ty of Huron and to me directed seabed the • mid Tenement" of WILLIAM P�� MT yy�id JOHN It IV at the suit of JAIdip OAx- k1.E, 1 twee sensed ens taken in E:«•etlon all the Hight. Title, and interest. and Rgnity 02 Redemption, of the above sassed Defendants. in. and to, the earth portio. of lot -ember three, con,-e.1.n eighteen. in th.Township at Orel,. in the County of Hums rvsalag Perna"! .- to con. ions 17 and 16 T in .std et ORy, containing twenty -tett *ewe of lard which lands and Tenements 1 shall neer for Sale, at my note. in the Court Houma. M the Town of uoderich on SATURDAY. the TIT- TXENTH day of (ie x0309 H.. next at the hour of 1! of the rlock noon. ROBERT GiBBONS Sheriff'. (Mee, G.derieh, ptieriff of Harms 'sly 11th. 1883, 1 1761•t4 N nron. 1 $66 a waa(t I. year OWa town. '1'ev.s and Fleet nr the P-ae, Otllce. • 86 a tree. 4dein. H 11am.t.r,-r R ruble/ CP, only lt 19R1 Irex n ' r'n Portland. Mans