HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1970-04-30, Page 4PUBLIC DANCE BRUSSELS LEGION HALL FRIDAY, MAY 1st Orchestra: THE TWYLITES Admission $2.00 per Couple Restricted to Persons 21 Years and Over SPonsored By The Huron Liberal. Association. FOR RENT Pasture for 20 head of cattle, Geo. Bridge Phone -887-6249 ANNUAL SPRING SALE 2,000 head of Commercial CATTLE auspices of GREY BRUCE LIVE STOCK CO-OPERATIVE WIARTON SALES ARENA THURSDAY, MAY 7, 1970 10 A.M., E.D.S.T. Rexford Cruickshank, President IN MEMORIAMS CITRRIE — In lovia,g memory of our parents and grandparents, Mrs. Russell (Viola) Currie who passed away May 2, 1954, and Russell Currie i who passed away May 12, 19.68.. Nothing but memories as lit e• journey on, Longing • for a smile from. our • loved ones gone, None know the depths of our deep regret, But we remember When others forget. BRUBSELO POST TRURSD,AY AP1.11,11, 30th, 1970 • FOR SALE — Holstein cow, due in, May, Dau Liehty Phone 887-6935 ENTERTAINMENT AT SMILEY'S HAVEN QUEEN'S HOTEL, BRUSSELS THE RYANS OF DUBLIN FRIDAY and, 'SATURDAY NIGHT 4 Barbacued Ribs and Kraut, Southern Fried Chicken • and. Chips FOR SALE — I raent :,lorris TOWn- At the end i! April FreiZelx and of Brussels. Largf, Peocl Freezer Lockers in Luers lot, Nev oil furnace, new cup- i\lini Market wilt be discontinued. boards, new hot water tank, and ,We trust that tiliYolle having ivireing, three piece bath. locker will have it, emptied by that C. McNeil, Brussels. Phone time. 887.604,5 FOR SALE 3 Furrow Tractor Plow. Pull Comhline and Pea Lifters and Wind , rower for 7 ft mower and other small, articles. COLLECTOR'S ITEMS Gas Engine, Washing Machine, Buggy, One Horse Sleigh. Furniture. and other articles. MELVLILE LAMONT Phone 837-6379 Menu: NOTICg FOR SALE — I3amy Buggy, like new; Large .Net Playpen. Phone 887.6606 WANTED ••••• Yearling cattle for thisture. • Contact; Mrs. C. L. Hownger, Myth, Phone 523-9601 WANTED .fearling cattle to pasture for season, lots of grass and. .salted. Elmer Ellacott POR SALE — 24 blade Masse, Ferguson double disc for 3 point hitch. _Phone 8874160 c,r 387-6886 GLADIOLUS. BULBS 'rue Hortieultural Society still has gladiolus bulbs for sale. Any- one wanting them call; Mrs. Earl Cudmore 887-6990 WOOD FOR SALE Hardwood Slabs, truckload lot:', $4.00 per cord: Softwood $3:00 Craig's Sawmill, Auburn $26-7220 Shop At The Store With the Little Touch of Heaven LUCY'S LITTLE MINI MARKET (Formerly Lucy's General Store CRANBROOK, ONT. PHONE 887-6835 SELF SERVE A BRAND NEW DISCOUNT STORE ,STRICTLY CASH AND CARRY ONLY) SPECIAL THIS WEEK --- 3 Boxes of Mini Chips 5 lbs. of Beef Salami 75 lbs. Ontario No. 1 Potatoes ........................ 1 Bushel Macintosh Apples 5 lbs. for 2 lb. Cello Bags No. 1 Carrots Large Sunkist Navel Oranges No. 88 .... 79c per doz. 5 Qts. Pepsi, Ginger Ale, Orange, Lemon Lime 99c Plus Deposit SAVE ON THESE CANNED GOODS SPECIALS Dill Pickles 28 oz. tins - . ...... .... 4 for $1.00 Pork and Beans 19 oz. tins ..... .... - 5 for $1.00 Cream Corn 20 oz. tins Green Plums 14 oz. tins . 4 for 99c Tomato Soup 10 oz. tins — 9 for 99c Vegetable Soup 10 oz..- .... ........ ... ......... for 99c Stewed Tomatoes 14 oz. .. ............ 5 for 99c Apricots 14 oz. . • .. . ..... ... • .. 3 for 89c Peaches 14 oz. ....... ...... - ..... 3 for 85c Pineapple Rings 28 oz. 2 for 79c MONKEY FRUIT Bananas 2 lbs. .25c 2 1;2 Doz. Eggs . ... . ............ $1.00 3 Loaves of Fresh Weston Bread ------ -- 75c USED CLOTHING FOR CHILDREN IN ALL SIZES USED FURNITUliE FOR SALE IN THE ALSO SEE THE LARGE DISPLAY OF NEW FURNITURE DISPLAY ROOM SUNDAY ONLY 4 Doz. Crack Eggs ...... . .... . -------- $1.00 5 Loaves Weston Bread - - .. .. $1.00 Cigarettes 59c and 61c WHOEVER BRINGS IN THIS ADVT. WILL RECEIVE 100 SUPERIOR GIFT SAVING STAMPS AVON CALLING She Who Hesitates „ is losing an opportunity to make $$ $ serving friends and neighbours with superb AVON-COSMETICS and TOILETRIES. Own Territory, Own hours. No obligation. For interview contact: Mrs, Millson, 17 T-Tawkesbm•y Ave., London, 451-0541 evenings. MORRIS TOWNSHIP TENDERS FOR GRAVEL Sealed tenders will be received by the undesigned until MAY 1st 1970; at 2 p.m. Contractor to supply, load and haul approximately 12000 Cu, yds. pit run gravel. Must deliver 900 faction of the Road Superintend- .. mat. Lowest or any tender not neees. Saril accepted. Wm. McArter, Road Superintendent, Morris Township, •••••••••••100••• DRAIN TENDERS: TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS • Tenders Will be received by the undersigned. until 12. noon, May 4, 1970 for construction of each Of the following drains: SCHWARTZENTRUBER MUNICIPAL DRAIN 3100 lineal feet of Covered Drain 1500 cu. yds. excavation for Open Drain 1 catch basin CONGRAM MUNICIPAL DRAIN 5200 cub. yds. excavation for Open Drain Township to stipply material. C'ertified cheqUe for 10% of tender price to accompany each tender. Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. Plans and speci- fications may he seen at Clerk's Office Mrs. Helen Martin, Clerk Belgrave, Ont. Phone 887-6809 SPARE TIME INCOME Refilling and collecting money from NEW TYPE high-quality coin-operated dispensers in your area. No selling; To qualify you Must have car, references, $600 to $2900 cash. Seven to twelve hours weekly can net excellent monthly income. More full time. For Personal interview Write CANAP14)NN DISTRIBUTER:4 LTD, DEPT. A, 160 Bay St., Suite 205 Toronto 1, Ontario, Include phone number. NOICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of JOHN VERNE WARWICK ,deceased ALL PERSONS having claitt8 against the estate of the above mentioned deceased, late of the. Township of Morris in the County of Huron, retired farmer, who died on the 31st day pof March, 1970, are required to file prOot of same With the undersigned on or before the 22nd day of May; 1970. After that ',date the executor Will proceed to distribute the estate having re- gard only to those claims of Which he shall then have had notice. DATED at BrusSels this 27th day of April, 1970. CRAWFORD MILL Brussels, Ontario " Solicitors for. the Executor HARRISTON DRY CLEANERS EST, 1946 "QUALITY CLEANING OUR MOTTO" STORAGE BOXES NOW AVAILABLE INSURED STORAGE OUR LOCAL AGENT RUTLEDGE Sc to $1.00 STORE. Will be.pleased to receive your cleaning, or use our window cards for home pickup Monday and. Thursday nfolrnings 1111111111116 • 0 1 • 0,00. ............................. r 5 for 99c ........................ 49c, day. A certified cheque for 10% of . .... . ................. 35c total amount payable to Morris Twp. Work to be done to the satis- 1.00 $3.00 . $3.00 $3.00. ' yds. and not more than 1200 per Sadly missed by the families. SAWUUST FOR SALE — Good bedding for feed lots, .We can load you or deliver. Craig's Sawmill, Auburn .526-7220 NOTICE — For all your electrical wiring needs (lam act: Don McLean Phone 887-926.1 Brussel& Teaching Traffic Safety starts at home Teach them to look both ways before crossing • the street 4.‘ iv \\V"" 4k, 'ate' lx01A.1 tAcycl.t. .811%1 topc, ,0 esvlolvVo pit ta.voik: - • di