HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1970-04-30, Page 2ORPMNINPrwiiNiffwalAINI O For A Bettvr USED CAR AT THE RIGHT PRICE 1968 CHEV. IMPALA 4 DR, 11-Er V8 Auto. Trans. PS, PB, and Radio 1968 FORD CUSTOM 500 4 DR SEDAN V8, Auto. Trans. and Radio •• 01, under '1<.01\1'ny crossing /.ka.rrinr, rniang to yield of. failing to obey stop sign. signal light or railway crossing failing to obey the cUreet- iulo of tt 1)91Ine officer, felling to report an accident, to a polite officer. improper passing, crowd., • lag driver's seat, wrong way on a one-way street or highway. • QUESTION:. NOTICE BRUSSELS STORES TO BE OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS UNTIL 10 P.M. COMMENCING MAY 1st STORES WILL BE CLOSED MONDAYS AS USUAL Brussels Business Men Association 1967 ME rEou RIDEAU 4 DR. STATION WAGON V 8 Auto., PS, PB, and Radio 3 1967 FORD CUSTOM 500's 4 DR. SEDANS V8, Auto. Trans., and Radio 7 — 1966 FORDS, CHEVS., METEORS, MERCURYS, arid PLYMOUTHS TO CHOOSE FROM 1967 FORD LTD I DR HT V$ Auto, Trans Radio Trans, and. Radio ALSO SEVERAL OLDER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM BRIDGE MOTORS YOUR MUSTANG, FALCON, FAIRLANE, FORD and THUNDERBIRD DEALER BRUSSELS PHONE S87.6249 WI N GH AM PHONE 357-3460 is ‘.1 FOR ALL YOUR SPRING NEEDS READ THE ADS-. AND CLASSIFIED ADS. IN THE BRUSSELS POST GERUSSI1 :He may shock, st:rprise,, amuse or annoy — but he'll never .bore you: 'Tba'f's Bruno Gerussi. host of CBC ratilots weekday morn- end .",happerang" .,breadcast'at 9:15 A.M. E.S T. .The .,colorful, Carnbc,,yant, actor-broadcaster, .who's hosted his in,k; n show for over bwr.". years from a studio, will now have a live Audience one day a week. Fridays. started April 1?. Taped the precedino day ,at Tthrontes 'Colonnade Theatre, the Friday slot wIll ha.ve tve4 ,tredlent.t tnuele 50d madierict pArVopiktiotli Ploy: tk..9tt!1:14i1 ',01,toW •10 ,fith: wito Htfiti4. 4 640' 01. ia.4, 40 4.0 1011,\ elb`R\d. •,;.,2ANO Cl...1.3 .11•1:i..1`11.11...s:'''.2'.:::',,,,,:::::.:1114\ i, f..).; t fit'. . \ ' . ' -_,1',.. ''''' ' 4.,t,..t:t ., .-17, 11°'• , vac'. - - ..a,k‘v .• toy '‘ , - 't '''"'' i.,..1 1/4, •Att's --:' ‘1L =iiiiiSk V3:L.°:3,,i.o, r'000 1r.tk 0,.5A Va‘l. • 011S. • 1'0 e1 • 1.1a.om, t sm.k.:41%. TAI .PRII80111.11 POST Oltij$00, kitqtkitI° THITRSDAY, APRIL 00th, 1970 .114111111.••••••••••• GOLDEN WORDS A BIRD'S NEST v rny sh.ad 0,.1 d oorw ay Two little brown-wits ed third liave chosen to fasten their dwo”ing., :`,,nd utter their ;taring words, \u; day they nre going and conning orra d creciti ni and fleet, A "OA NV rbling over and over. swee.t. sweet. 0 sweet"! 1),0 ni,N.\s (.11.:in:!,.r.e'',)11 anti Thclr rt, Zil-F,r,g, p5.111.s; '.0'.1•:11: ilto aro 1.,nsys T„int anti 7z-rase-es And N. el !I CA warl)le. t , • 0 t ,.rira-,:bs .\nd • i".Mg "tl-ir,t • theMkt' ."1-..,ry art. n"..". dvessod to tr:eet In vk..ale7.'proof Tn.,,?e. Zry-,11'z'nl'o• storrn or heat N;hat ever vx .e.tIlie 7 e•re: sweet t!e5 . Te'azh T-1)"4 4411;71q.;• 't IA% • .1:77sTp• O.P.P. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. QUESTION: What do you recommend as good hallit to devehT when Park- ing a car ea ANSWER; I don't recommend you park on a hill. but if must, the follow- ing procedure is explained in the ,)river's Handbook, pnbliStled by 'rite Donartment of Transport. -when parking en a Mil. turn your front wheels against the curb 4nti sel your parking brake. When parking- up or down hill v,licro there is no inirb. wheels :thou:1i e inrned sharply to the. QUESTION: This may soem like a stupid :1...ti....snre you, i; is rat,. or maybe i hit-111d ,say about Arf, troff;';c :node np .guess c,r art", reguIresio•rfs stating the t` ..nd ;or o. these. signs ANSWER: Y our In: c.e.rt.i"1:111y ••.:•,t -a . roffn 1 0 tiCtreit 0): (.72, ne,r;aining to s and size of the the stop slia. I o.,o4-.ig.,•-ro two fear..: ti. ht.ight ibar :we d shall bef.;-_- w.ord 'set re-refl eel ire. inches red :`0- E UEST:ON: ••••,1 -,-ir.•.0 1. -::use I noticed in a newspaper that the O.P.P, are conducting a defen- sive driving course for the. memb- ers Of the irorce, Is the,-course de- signed for 'policemen only, or Can ittnyou 0 WEi this eoedse? ANSWER; The Coorse is not designed for policemen. Only. it is designed for any lieeticed driver. The Pefens, briving Course is designed and prepared by the Canada SatetY Connell and as its' exclusive proP- erty. If you are interested in Ink- ing tbis course you could write to Canaan i:`,ately Council, ::1(1 Drive- way, OttnWa. and ascertain if the ' „Course ,given in your area, 'I understand that this year the safety helmets worn by motor- ecio operators must conform to the rennirements of 'the Canadian Standards Association. r have as.keti people what 110111.0s are approved and they say they don't know-. Are you going to he the sanle, or can you give me an answ- er. ANSWER': The reason people wouldn't give you an answer was because np to a month ago. there was no infor- mation available, bus three com- panies have received Certi- fication on their products. They are Arai llirotaki Shaten Co. Ltd.. japan. Canadian A.S.E. Ltd.. Tor- onto. and Stadium 14,4, Sttos.rtd. QUESTION; ANVare• car ..innst have brakes 'c'n,Pahie or..stopping it, but is there standards set out for brakes, I am any length .soecifiedt, Plc's,se se, if there are any es.. there ',t'egninitions s'!nte that the 117.51:.e, Tognired the Act. shell :q1E,.117,Sie tO ,:(1,T) the rellie,t, of ,so.nth.110tion of vehcles 'referred 70 in t'o'luene:., of the Nr!:11. .(.1 110t greater than Ire. tii.sta•nce opp•osi.te :he vehicle veli(les ' Col- mr.n bt-ing olr'e'rnt;i'd r-ed ro.'p b. on a dry, liard .asphal.1 Or other pal-- ed surface :Free from loose •tnater- Xi' enr lust to name met-,Yr h.aving• of less than 10 fee: A rnot.c.,rtyc'ie. conin.-erc'al 7.11oinr registered e'-rose 1P 7r,vi.,TAS or I • VA.‘7,t p .bore' a lli;•:'44E41' fri THE EALYATION, ARMY'S RED SHIELD CAMPAIGN This weelt, marks the start of The Salvation Army's Bed Shield Campaign across Qtleada. Thous- ands will be sharing what they have with those who have less, through this great National Cam- paign, It's not only one appeal . . it is many. for many are the ser- vices in this and other commun- ities across this affluent nation. There is no area of human need ignored by the Salvation Army. 'Yon may not knbw the girl who left home because she was asham- ed and frightened, or the boy who might be in reform, school. in- stead of a Salvation Army but, there are . lots of them. Broken. homes and shattered lives are healed and mentio by your dollars shared withv and given to the Red Shield. This week choose a red letter duy . choose. a Red Shield Day . . .make your choice a day for sharing and helping The Salvation Army help others. A young boy was showing his father his trick-or-treat loot. "I got cookies, cake, gum, candy Eind the business cards of three dentists." lh MN' r5,1 head.s .r nnii 'flutter oxer. sweet 0