HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-08-05, Page 11 1 • `•ala' y THL1 TY-lrO1 RTH YAR. • R ROLE NUMBER 1795. I EV0TED, roiNT r EwS i3+r ..w•.wvwi.awt .a. GENERA INTELLICENCL GODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY, AUG. 5, 1881, McOILLICUUDY BROS. Puau 31.30 A YEAR IN ADVANCE New .tdvesttsetseats. Lost-- Charles Church -Strayed-U. A. Fraser. Hosiery -Miss Stewart. l;rucerte,-R. Yroudtoot. Prints -Colborne Brothers. Mortgage gale -Richard Radcliffe. Lemon tiqueeaere-O. C. Roberts*. Mortgnse dale -Morrow & ProudbooL r - servant Wanted -Mrs. Graeme Cameron. Travelling Calle. GK.tNU TRCNK. g•eT. Pau. Exp's. Miz'd. /died. Ooderieh.Lc 7.00am. 150 pnt. 3.13pm $i s Seaforth 7.S0 •• 1.10 '• CAS .10.50" Stra:forl..tr 8. -Sam t.15pm 6.30pm 1.00 w awr. PAM. F:aps. Mix•d. 311z1. Stratfor4. Lv 1.9t•iut 7.S0put .. 7.00uu .. ltSpo Seatorth . 'L 17 • 8.35 " 9.15 •' _ 5.10 ' Godortoh.Ar 3•1.iptu. 9.40)W 11.60am..7.13pm GREAT WESTERN. Exp't Mall. xtt & Clinton gang nort 4..9.Menu. .4.23pm.. " Mag wraith 3.Sa{. n. STAGE 1.IN ES. Lucknow :italic Ida+h l err. 10.13am dep ipm Kln'rantine 1.00ant .. " lam Ilennnller " tN'.••tnewlay and Saturlavi arriyes 9.00am.. "9.15 " D4ntistrp. • M. T'is Hum � roaslderope. ON Wert lyes . three doors Oekw Bank ofMob l(eatrsit• 17 S She People's £otumn. ENERAL SERVANT WANTED in a Uglily of two. Good w will be given to • suitable wean. A to ]fat Oaagtts CAMERON. &sat U ,p clock. noon. 17116. QTRAYEDs OR STOLEN. -ON WED- nesda , July ftth. two cowoneslI white face *tripped with red, and the other spotted red and white. with crumpled born. Any in- formation leading to their recovery will he thankfully received by the owner.' D. A. FRAZER, (3odericb. ERYS FOUND. -A COUPLE OF keys were found as the dock on Sunday morning last. The owner can hay e them by applying at this ofilce and paying for adver- tisement. 1798. LoST. -A PROMISSORY NOTE made by Denial McDougall In favor et uadersiw s4. The public are hereby cau- tioned &onlast ngreLatire, or dispestsj of It in any way. as I have received no value for the latae. ('HauL4 CNC Wt -H. 17RL.lt. • Real Estate. AOR SALE, CHEAP. -LOT SI, 11 Lake Range, Ashfield. Huron County. 154 acres. 130 cleared acid highly improved• oaleoce standing Umber. Good orchard. new frame house. bun RIAD tied all necessary stapes. two wells. For psrticulan address G1tas. Mets Alt. Moberly. 17163aa. FOR SALE. -LOT 9, LAKE SHORE T'p. of Colborne. containing iII acres 30 aures cleared. balance excellent Umber. boil a good clay loam. As this property adjoins the Point Farr .- to in consagnence 'neat el bl eltuated. For particulars apply to J. J. 't�ght. )larch 1st man 1776tt. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE -AT Dungannon. It miles from (loderlcb. consisting of of an acre of land. well fenced; a frame bourse, a gond well and pump are afaq on the promisee.. The lot has been well 1m - proved. Tenor rat an able.. Particulars can be hal Darn lir. J 1E.. RoagRT,. Merchant, Dungannon. or R. E. thews, NUe P. O. 1767•tt. HOUSE, AND LOTS NOS. 33 AND 76, corn tot victoria and Fast strets, is the town of Ooderich. for sale cheap. or will be •zcbaaged for faro property. For ppssrtk ♦�ppppl�yy to )As. SrtnILL Architect. office Crab Block1 . or . C. Cement. auctioneer. NEWS ABOUT HOME • • A eblel's amend ye, flail,' aol.. An faith he'll went IL" • TOWS TOPICS. 1i you want a Aral -class cooking stove, call and see O. N. Davis' vartd Mao American and Canadian Al for faro we. Maoe. Something new the magic fluting tauuhlne. IMi•oNTAVT TO FARMER'. Saundera' Var- iety Store wants ten tons of wool pickings and one thousand sheepskins; highest price ooh or trade. An immense stock of stoves and tinware to stied front. The cheapest house under the sun. Mss Bell leaves for St. Louis on Tuesday. Miss Nellie Donagh is house for the holidays. Wednesday next will be the civic holiday. Judge Tennis about recovered tremble late illness. Father Boubat celebrated masa in Ashfield on Sunday last. Miss Ralph, teacher at the Nile, is spending her vacation at home. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Gissing are rusti- cating among the Muskoka Lake Miss Jennie Watson is on a visit to her sister, Mrs. Hyde of Hamilton. Miller tC McQuarrie have the contract to build the new hotel at Smith's Hill. Mr. W. R. Miller, Principal of the public school, u rusticating in Muskoka. Mr. Robt. McKeown, of the G. T. R., has been removed from Sarnia to Gude- rich. THE SIONAi s account of General Sherman's visit is floating in the daily papers. Ire. McCormack surd daughter, of Cleveland, are the guests of, Mr. W. Stotts. Mia Minnie Robertson has returned after a brief sojourn in Hastings, Ne- braska, C. S. The town Council did not hold a ses- sion last Friday, owing to the absence of Mayor Horton. Mr. J. T. Garrow has returned from the seaside, and looks much the better tor his vacation. Mr. James Hyslop, of Forest, was in town during the week, attending his brvothei s funeral. Mr. W. Evans, a son of Mr. George Evans, is going to the North west to push his fortunes. Mia Lung, of Brantford, s visiting friends in Godrrich. She is the guest of Mrs Derrick, East-at.CampbellMr. Neil Campbell will this year make his ttf th annual trip as representative to the Grand Lodge of Oddfellows. A lad named Emmerton, son of Mr. John Emmerton, while jumping with a pule, fell and broke one of arms. An excursion consisting of some G00 or 700 persons from Woodstock, sniffed ed the lake breeee here on Monday. Mr. Mooney, , of Clinton, through Goderich last week with soine excellent live stock for his breeding farm in Manitoba. Mr. Harty Smith purposes leaving on Wednesday, July 10th, for Brandon, Man., the "Chicago' of the North West, on a prospecting tour. There are many complaint& about the irregular arrival of the London dailies at the bookstores We don't think the ° I papers are to blame, however. • S.-ALDED. -The infant child of Mr. McKeon, of the G. T. R. had its arm scalded on Wednesday. The little suf- ferer is getting nicely over it. A little son of Mr. Dave Currie was struck on the head with a stone while playing "duck on the rock" last week, and was laid up for clay or two. Mr. and Mrs. Conant and two chil- dren, of Munroe, Mich., are stopping at the British Exchange. Their trip to Goderich, is now an annual affair. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. -A impel sebstantlat story and a half house. cAgeing 6woos sad kitchen. garden e1 - MAL wen *lasted with choice fruit trees, go0i st►b1A oorser lot. to one of the best lo - c ties !n deewrleh. As the property must be dlseosed of It will be sold cheap- only a part of a purchase money tequlre l down. Apply 013. SHEPPARD. Huron School Book depot. 1791st. Qt BEPPARDTON - FARM FOR F sale 60 acres. 50 acres cleared and well fence%. Brick Cottage /1x30, stone cellar full sire of house. A Large creek runs through rho lot, no waste land on the creek. A very fine orchard surrounds the house. (food barn Mise Sarah Ann Sharman returned son ether buudtags. Terms very easy. ACi home last Tuesday evening, from a six w R. T. H►vine, lot 16 Lake Shore Road. roar Township,or to G•RRuw & PROUD - BOOT. trip to London, much improved 1OOT. (les in health, we are pleased to learn. FARM FOR SALE. -BEING LOT Mr. R. W. Mackenzie is now telling eon. (3. Cotborne, shout seven miles from what he knows about Manitoba. We Goderich. comprisingsseens, w steered. a understand that he enjoyed his trip to frame house end • new frame been Se and the North West sad back immensely. a stable and other outbuildings are on the Premiere. A young orchard. good pump. etc. on the farm. The farm las a road on two nam cit it. Four acres of fallwheatare fown. Distant t Office. For cuAars app apply to Wm. Satre. ghepvaed CtHEPPARDTON.-STORE, WITH t Pnet ornee. for ale orte with ! acre round trip from there to Duluth on the land, Stook all fresh and gond. vt'VTsellon very easy other hualnes to attend bake Superior Transit Co,'Steamer At- t.rma, Mvtng Correspondents are wanted for Tin StoiAL at every post office in the oounty. Intending correspondentsf ire requested to communicate with the sato, at osce. Mn. Capt. Rhynas and Miss Annie Doyle have gone to Buffalo to take the Get your printing done at THE SIGNAL CADETS or TEMPERAXCS. -The Gode- The proprietors of W. W. Coles new oaten rich Cadets of Temperance, under the mammoth show have made arrangements Miss Jones, of Seaforth, is the guest command of Mr. H. Hale, held a picnic with the Customs authorities for the ea- st "The Falls" on Tuesday, driving trance of the organization into Canada at Works thither with the new banner gaily Mr. Robert Logan, a young landscape luuukediha in the breeze. They all painter, is taking a recreative trip to ppy' AT HALM DIAST.-On the Amer- BITTEN 6Y A Doc,. Friday even Saginaw and other points. Y q fnq lean Consul's flag hung at half-mast, ass as Mra T. N. Dancy was proceeding Mr. John R. Steep of this place, spent nark of respect to the memory of the along Newgate street, a greyish colored a few days in Godench this week, where late Governor Begley, of Mich. The cur sprang at her, and bit her un the leg, he says he had an excellent time. -[Clin- deceased Governor was an intimate drawing blood. Mrs. Denary destroyed ton Record. friend of Hon. J. Hibbard, American her parasol over the brute's back. it A Goof. Cow. -Mr. Gordon Young re- Consul at tins port. is likely that the dog will be killed oently sold a milch cow, one of his dairy Tee Pt -tern -Mr. McN air, a theologi- before tong. For a few days the leg was 'tuck, to Mr. M. C. Cameron, M.P. for cal student, who was appointed by a quite swollen, but the wound is healing the sum of phis. It peys to raise good recent meeting of the Huron Presbytery, rapidly. The lady also received s severe stock. Tam as a supply for Exeter, preached a very nervous shock - The International Dog Show, to be shook - interesting sermon in Caven Church on held at London on the 27th, 28th, 29th Sunday afternoon last, to a large congre- and 30th of September, will likely be one Ration- -{Exeter Times. of the best ever held in Ontario. There Principal Grant. did not preach in are 84 classes, and the prizes amount to Knox church un Sunday, owing to the $1,000. arrival of the steamer at an early hour. He was much run down in health when STRANGE. -Mr. J. W. Johnston, of the 16th con., Grey, has in his orchard a he Caine, and his rest of a few days here pear tree which last year blossomed under the excellent care of Dr. and -Vin twice, and this year it has blossomed three times, it being now in its third bloom. 1 A GAY DECEIVER. A French Canadian Runs sway Sarnia on August 25th. The duty that from his Newly Married Wifo. *ill hare to be paid will likely amount to 830,000. A by -Lw for the promotion of a. loan to Creelman Bros., of Georgetown, for the purpose of erecting a knitting machine factory at that place was voted on last week, resulting in 100 for and 19 against. Holtz Ao•LN.-Mr. Edward Sharman has returned from a business trip to Chicago. He has determined not to change his home at present, and it open for any jobs in the building line in this vicinity. Tomos Raltovsu, -- Drs. Cassedy, Taylor and McLean, last week succeed- ed in removing a tumor about the use of an egg from Mr. John Shanklin's neck. The operation was a most suc- cessful one. Mr. W. E. Groves, teacher, who has been spending some of his holidays at Clinton in a practical way -type -setting -left on Woodsy for the Manitoulin Elands, with s company of tourists from W inghani. ; o.sa, Rev. Dr. Williams, of Goderich, leaves on the 13th inst. for the old conntry. During his absence his pulpit will be supplied by Mr. Brandon, a student of Montreal College, and formerly a resi- dent of Wawanosh. tn. For further particulars appiy to R. T. lantic. Alan 100 acres of land Weat half at H►r1ts. Lett 3 on the 3r4 eon.. K. D. A•hSel.1. Gex+d Or - shard. Frame Mow. mid • table. Fifty scree cleared and weU folioed. Apply to 0Aatbdw t Pa orewoov. 176*. • ScNsrares. -Mr. William Webster, tinsmith, while working on the cupulo of the Court House, was overcome by the heat of the sun on Monday last, and f,rced to desist from his labor. We are pleased to learn that he is recovering. Mr. John R. Peckham, for six years past conductor on the Wellington, Grey R. Bruce, was recently presented by the Oddfellows of Penetangore Lodge, Kin- cardine, with an address, on the event of his promotion to the main line of the Great Western Railway. SUNDAY SwzNolnfo.-A number of saucy boyo aye in the habit of swinging in the Park on Sunday afternoons. The thing should not be permitted. Capt McGregor should take the law in his own hands, and administer some shoe leather to the impertinent youths. • Holts Aaant. -Mears. Dloorhnuse and Henry Horton returned on Fri- day afternoon from a fishing, trip with some Seafurth friends on the Jose- phine Kidd. They brought a large quantity of fine trout with them, and we understand they had a pleasant time. Mn. Brennan and daughter, of "The Oxford.- Brantford. s paying G.wlerich friends a visit. We are quite sure the hreere off the lake. will improve her health. Filter WHEAT MARKETED. --Mr. Wm. Chisholm, of Colborne, has the honor of selling the first wheat in Goderich mark- et of the growth of 1881, and Mr. R. Price, of Messrs Hats R Co's. was the proud buyer(, The price paid was $1.18 a bushel, and ,the sample was reported good. Mr. C. A. Humber had a narrow es- cape from serious injuries at Kidd's saw mill the other day. He was standing upon the endless chain used in drawing logs up the incline, and a sudden springing of the chain flung him into the air. In alighting he was injured but little, but the sadden shock gave him a shaking np which he felt for several days afterward. LAwte TLNNia CLrL ---A young gentle- man sporting • blue badge was mistaken on Thursday for a member of some visit- ing athletic club by a SIGNAL reporter, and the newshunter's curiosity was only satisfied upon being told that the badge was one of membership of a lawn tennis club organised Mime time ago by Dr. McMicking. Lown tennis is the rage on both sides of the Mimetic. OeTlt'AaT. -We to have to an- noenoe the deW► at tM catty np et 21 yearsof Maria T. beloved wife uI Mr. J t A. McDonagh, of Smith's Hill. The THE SIIGYILLEa CHILLED PLOW. - We learn that orders front abroad are continually pouring into the office of ti Seegntiller Chilled Plow works On Monday alone 29 plows were asked for, and it is likely that if the demand con- tinues as brisk as it has.been of late the entire stock will be "viewed out" early. Local farmers should send in their Ure, put him in better trim. orders for plows quickly.. If let go too A gentleman who has extensivaiy tra- long, it may be that they can't be sup - yelled through Canada, states that he plied with Seegmiller's popular irnple- found Stapleton Salt more generally meat. used and better liked than any other Balt GoINu ToSTRATrOlto. - Mr. Jas manufactured. He was a Goderich man, too. -{Clinton New Era. Name. Beat Wiens. -At a recent gathering of Methodists of Clinton last week, on motion of Mr. McDonagh, a resolution was unanimously carried. expressing the best wishes of the district to the chair- man, hairman, in the trip he is about to take to the "old land,' and assuring hint of their constant prayers for his safe re- turn. In replying, the Dr. stated that it was forth -seven years since he had seen his native land, and he felt that if he did not go this year he would not be able to go at all. He was touch touched by the kindly resolution, and accepted it as the outcome of their feelings to- wards hits CICRAGEOr3.-(ht Tuesday a horse drawing a vehicle containing, a number of ladies shied at some barrels near the residence of Major Cook. The animal dashed madly forward, and s runaway or serious, spill was imminent, when "Dan, the priest's man,'. sprang to the front and grasped the frightened horse's head. Dan deserves credit for his pluck in handling the jumping steed. POLITELY RzrosgD. - The Mitchell correspondent of the London Fre: Pr.... writes: -The civic holiday on Thursday was a fraud. The Grand Trunk railway was asked to give excursion rates to London and Goderich, to go on regular trains, but they politely refused. There were only 76 went to Toronto; the re- mainder either went picnicking. or to their work as usual. ns -Ing life, limb and instruments in his A PECULIAR RAILWAY A,tctDE.YT'-On endeavor to give some good pictures of the town front the highest pinnacle in the place, will be rewarded cby rapid sales. He invites an examination, and at their low price the views of Goderich should go of like the proverbial hot Cakes. Huston, fur sante time, `oast manager of the dry goods house of the R. B. Smith estate. leavds shortly t" re-engage in bustnest in Stratford. Mr. Huston is a first class business man, and a valuable citizen. He has already purchased some of his stock, and will open out about the beginning of next month. We wish him every success in the railway "Hub." Mr. B. C•ufta, formerly „f the firm of Crofts S Johnston, will take Mr. Hus- ton's place as manager Of the R. B. Smith estate. VIEWR• of GoDaRICH.-Mr. E. L Johnson, the well known photographer' has presented us with copies of views of, Goderich recently taken. The erection Of St. George's Church spire gave Mr. Johnston an excellent opportunity of getting a "bird's eye view of the town, and the series of fifteen pictures • taken from a perilous perch upon the scaffold- ing of the steeple, make a collection that it would be impossible to surpass from of it would not be wrong, and would any other coign of vantage. rhe lofty i show that her•inotives were honorable in position wave the photographer a splen- j receiving his attentions. The widow did scope of territory, and the entire! agreed to a speedy wedding, and it was town is presented in panoramie style as! arranged that the union should take it came within range of the artist'' tam- place at Mr. Globelaki s on the following era. The views looking south, ,truth- evening. The marriage was performed eaat, and east are particular] good, and, at the residence of Rev. Chas. Fletcher, the execution generally is fully up to the however; under the following, circum- ntark. The collection is one which stances. Thinking the affair was to come should be in every house, and as the, off at the house of. the friendly Pole,Mrs- views are arranged for the stereoscope. Squire had arrayed herself in a beauti- they will doubtless nuke their way into ful bridal dress worn at her first wedding many Goderich drawing rooms. We in her better days. In order to ward off hope that Mr. Johnson's enterprise in suspicion of a marriage, Mrs. Squire l threw over it a half mourning overskirt, and put on a black bonnet, and started for Olubelaki's. She was asked to go to Mr. Fletcher's for a license, and when there it was proposed to have the wed- ding take place. •You can imagine how I felt," said she to our reporter, as she told him the Kitts') ON THE CANADA Sot raaaz whole affair from beginning to end. "I RAILWAY. -It is our sorrowful duty this wanted to take off my black things, but they joked me out of it, and so I was married as I was. I did think it would bring bail luck to be married in black." The marriage took place on June 25th, and for a few weeks Bishop was a model husband. He worked industriously at the dock, was kind to his wife and step -children, and the well-meaning Dustows, and Globelskis were delighted with the success of the match. But ere the honeymoon had waned, a change came over the well -cared for husband. He grumbled at the food given to the children, while he greedily ate the beet his wife could lay before him ; he "wore at the baby when it cried, and he listen- ed to the voice of a certain Widow Ma- guire who proffered him strong drink. On Monday, August 1st, he received his month's pay,and lay off on Tuesdsy, say- ing he was sick. Hitherto he had only given $10 for his five or ale weeks' stay in his new home. Re was„bserved dur- ing the day to be counting out his mat- ey, and his partner -in -life was expecting a well filled larder from the now much increased family treasury. A startling move, however, wail on the programme. The huahand washed himmelf towards 1M ntery of bit ta°eaIHy as Told 1e • •• *Waal teperterby the Deserted w easaa. A few months ago a French Canadian named Lebec, but who ailed himself Bishop in English, arrived in Goderich, and immediately set about to look for a wife. He gave out that he was a widow- er, weary of his lonelf*ess, and anxious to secure the companionship of some suitable female for life -s widow pre- ferred. A couple of widows, it is said, paid the sad Frenchman a visit, but their looks did not please him, for ho appears to have had an eye upon a cer- tain Mrs bquire, a good looking young widow, whose husband died last fall. He confided his affection to his landlord, a Mr. Dustow, and that worthy imme- diately assumed the role of matchmaker. lie found Mrs. Squire in the garden one day in June, and spoke to her about her lonely condition; how she was tail- ing in health in hor endeavors to win s livelihood for .. her four little children; how her good name was at the mercy of everybody while she remained a poor widow; and wound up by telling her of the love -torn Frenchman who was yearning to share her joys and s„r- rows. Bishop, as he was called, was represented as a steady, industri- ous inan,who- would make her a good husband, and help her to hght life's great battle. A good word was also put to for the stranger by other friends, and she consented to receive Bishop, and talk ever the natter with him. The ds• lighted Frenchman appeared promptly, protuised to be a loving husband to the widow, and a good father to her chil- dren, and pressed his suit so ardently that she accepted him. A number of friends, including Mrs. Globelski, urged Mrs. Squire to allow the wedding to come orf' as Soon as possible ; showtng that if she perniitted Bishop to visit her, or walk out with him, it would "raise talk," and that if she was married right Thursday evening while near Holme. Hill on the way to Goderich;s train of broke rake in two, t . hevestr half following the engine down grade at a quick rate. When nearing the bridge the engineer slackened, and the parted train coming up at a good speed, a number of cars were smashed. The regular train which followed *as not signalled properly, and ran into the back car, mak- ing the wreck worse than before. The line was blocked for several hours, and the 10 p. m. train did not arrive here until 1. a. M. Miscellaneous Carte. Pot.towsn HAMO. -Mr. 11 A. Fraser deos'•s`I wan • bele .etly three Confined from Jackson Mich a week month•• and hor death wan fend "- TAKES HMAILLL, ARCHiTIT, tic*Oar', Crabbbs alert. R,rtg.utn et. Oslo. rich. Plans .e4 «Mdone draws noreel. ly. Cerpeue?sand mean • wait maismi si sal QTRATT')RD BINDERY - VITAR- 1 ' I.IPH&U 1M This estahU.hevent SAGA, devoted I )oh and library wort. eepwmMltyto thaw unique and etvw,omlralhalfna) sod mnr- rneno styles In all We the hest of stork and workmanship. with strength and beauty cora• bteed Bldyly _rwtJohnilutton'sdrug,torr. GOg !► _ -_- - lTonsorial, 'S KNIGHT, PRACTi17AL BAR- . RRR and Halr.lrwwser. begs to remme thanks to the pnhltr Inc pae.t paimnagr., anti 0311C*G a eonttnnaner n eu♦Fnm. a can al ear. he found s1 his gh.•our Parlor. ower the Pnat IRAN t7ndn.i,., . 1'31 ago with a badly poisoned hand He "'m$''" bnwght on by • severe sold. had only been on the tither side of the A reit fib". k nd "cart i line The follow was groused but tan the slachine early on Thursday morning : - moturning her early dsmth. Th. man whores° the watering reset. where. f1A where het LaTMT Atatr ALA •T TME PLANT FAR11. W his cYl and hie sprinkling part. - Mrs. Bale. Mr. and Mn. R Ransfnrd wbwM w can he Clinton; Mn. Guernsey, Mrs. Trow - week to record the sudden death by an accident on the railway of Mr. `Vm. Hyslop, a young man well known to meat of the residents of Goderich. Mr. Hyslop left Goderich a few years ago, and worked in several places as a brick- GODERTCH MECHANIC~' IxoTrrr rE. - layer and barber. He had more recently Mr. J. R. Dliller, Inspector of the Me- been living in St. Thomas, and being chanics' Institute, examined the Insti- well-known to railroad men,was urged,So tuts here olliring the weekend expressed try his hand on the line. About a fort - himself as well satisfied with its condi- night ago he took his place as brakes - tion. The treasurer's statement for the man on the Canada Southern railway, past year he found in a most satisfactory and his promptness and steadiness gave position. andevertyt})ingcorrect. Through promise of apeedy.promotiop. t)n Mon- a personal interview with the authorities day night while running near Amherst - in the Educational Department, the Se- burg, Mr. Hyslop started back to put cretary, , Mr. Geo. Sheppard made such out a fire in on of the can, and not turn - arrangements fur the disposition of the ing up within a reasonable time, the en - Government grant as places the Instituto gine was reversed and search was made in a good financial position. With the for him. The poor fellow was discovered support from the public which the Insti- about three miles back cut completely in tuts deserves, its futnre must be suc- two across the trunk, and both amts Lesaful. were severed iron the body. Some 44 MELA.SIHot,Y Evesr.-On Wednes- cars must have passed over him. His needay last, shortly. after 6 p. m. a mel- companions on the train tenderly lifted ancholy occurrence happened in Gode- the remains of their comrade, which rich, which resulted in the death of Mrs. were sent to 9t. Thomas by the first re - James Young, who resided down by the turning train. His body was immedi• river bank, off North street. The de- ately despatched to Goderich, where his ceased, who was in her 63rd year, had widowed mother and sisters reside, and evening, carefully pared some trouble - been „1 weak mind for about a year, arrived at midnight on Tuesday. The ! some corns upon the soles of his feet, but had never given any indication of remains were accompanied by the de- 'creamed his boots, and prepared four a suicidal tendencies, and in the light of ceasetl's wife who has two small children, tramp He put one pair„( blacktrowsers existing circumstances the cause of her .me of them only a few weeks old. The ionoe worn by the departed Mr. Squire) death seems to be more attributable to Canada Southern company also kindly over tris now more shabby rare, and accident than design.On the afternoon ten( on Wm. Fiver, engineer, R. Burd, wore beneath his shirt a second otms.new in question Mrs. 1-nung went down the tiremsn, and T. Cahill and John Garnett. and mad.'by his wife especially fur him. steps leading to the river on the atilt 1 brakeenien• to assist at the funeral here. He also took with him a magnificent aide of Mr. Maodermntt's residence, os- 1 Mr. Hyslop had been a member of th4 meerschaum pipe, owned by the first tensibly to get cool, the weather being Goder ch brass band, and the boys pre- husband. and for which. when new, the ( extremely salary. ()n arriving at the i coaled the hearse at the funeral on Wel- i1�Tias1 n peed. :ea 1 river, she took off her hints and lifting neetlay playing a weird dead march. going, however, he kissed kat wife, tell - her garmerts,proeeeded to walk into the Tire d.reased. wh�� was only 27 rear% .,1 gag her that he could hardly leave her river. At this point the water suddenly age. was well liked by all who knew him, i ride even to go to his daily work, she deepens. and in stepping forwent the and his bereaved relatives have the svm- was so grad and nice, and sli.•rtlyafter- unfnrtunate woman fell and was unable pathy .f the community in their atm- wards left. n tsihly to sew Messrs be to rise. A couple •d little boys saw the tion. tied ! Comers. He left no money her - occurrence and went and told their hind hint, and No not barn sewn AMOR mother, and the alarm was then given. I rsaytev.teeaet. _ T"w unhappy wife declares that the will A rty „f rwecuen, henand by Dr- I,,rer.sw Inspector Yates chit -rod John not own his nan.e, hut will call herself Taylor. et ones proceeded to the spat and Mn% y ,flit recevetyel the t■.tl bat althnn h n,.t A Doy a with 'Mewing n etous and din y' g order) conduct in hit hotter on the) The mrs is anluataiitu►11) the watry more then twenty minutes lied elapsed night Sf Wedneolay, ,T ily 7;th ``t"ld by Mn !trluirw, who ter eosaleatly, from the aim. of the accident t„ the 1 !Token dawn in health and spirit, to a finding of the body, vitality had depart- .fnhn A D .ylw was also chargw-I with I Sruir•t. reprtrtwr who went to her place el. Mrs Young had hewn a resident . f Mlling liquor at, pro ihiteda "nuns a on 1'uwwiav in nrdler t,. vt the parties Goderich for ah,.ut ten months and lire(' Fin f)<21) and ctieta i len from her own lt;,e. with her hnslland an.l y nngent dsngl;- Th. inspector ramrod John Slattery Bishop, we are elvewhere informed, ter. She was the m„the• of ten whaii- with selling liqu. r without a license. h sate: s• the dn,-ks that he had threw ren. most of whom live in the country Two quartet barrel* of bee- were wives From his conduct here saw aro Mrs. Edwards. Fanny Edwards, Mr. 1 adjoining Godench. The funeral will br-nght into enure, and ordered to he' inc;ine 1 t.. halter. him The tell, w Chas Bradley, Miss Molly Bradley, i take place this (Friday morning. frau d.nnecat«l. In defaolt of payment of shoeld he hunted down. anc1 1* punish baby and nurse, Ray City; Rev. Mr 1 the residence of her hnshend. Oiled anis 510 and poets, the defwadant, a blind e 1 i..r w.f. leext; .r H. hails lin" .n(' Mrs 1) R Davidson. Forest Terearn. off North itnttwt loan. was swot to gaol for $fteeer ism, ,)flow, D y • i w stout •month. able manner made her a fave eks with •11 who knew her. and a large ndmher of sorrowing Mends loco her relatives in Loin. Hr. Tov' A youth named bridge, Mis. Kathleen Trowbridge, Miss u r a w .11 I Annie Trewhrid e• Detroit: Mrs. (ler. way station on fleturda by the cars Young, Miss route Young, Minter tanning Dew M• fo..t. (itis esttape form Frank ttmeg. Mrs. L b. Clarke, 2 a more senors accident was a wendnurse, wr. children and nue, Mrs. Jack.r.t, Oracle w. The Otcdvn Sportsmen, edited by ,lacksnn, Delos Jackson, (). Jackson. E. King Dodds, hae been placed npnn one exchange list The journal is to one mind ahentl of anything Caned* has vet ha4 ,n the way •t a 'portly), parer Mark Wetter" last f tees t th 1 M eetee. • t 'a