HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1970-04-09, Page 3The Hon. Charles MacNaughton, (W) Treasurer and Minister of Economics, r. Queen's Park, Toronto 182, Ontario. Please forward The 1970 Ontario Budget Complete text and supporting papers The 1970 Budget Digest —Budget highlights in simplified form NAME ADDRESS CITY ETHEL Holiday visitors with Mrs. It. were Alf, u.nd Mrs. hut Wilbee and family of Walton Imo Mr. Kerr witben of Grey To wnship. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Pearson. and and Mrs. Stan Speiron are home from their Florida 'vacation. Dane, who spent the winter in Niagara. Palls is home. Holiday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Bert Godden were Mr, and Mrs. Rod Godden and family of Brampton and Doug Anthony of. Humber Summit. Mrs, Wni. Dobson has been a patient. ip Listowel Memorial Hospital, "Misses Terry and jenny Lynn of Toronto, rem lured when their ourents visited Mr. and Mrs. Bert Godden, The young ladies stayed to attend high school as their parents will shortly take UP re- sidence, in the George Pearson residence. Cheryl and Dela bi.e I .fateman. nd Ain ry Lynn Cardiff returned home from holiday in Milton th Mr. and IVf rs. Trev. stock 'who Were .visitors. with Mrs. .Joan Bateman. Mr, and Mrs, P.. Dragotnatz• and. family, Oshawa' were holiday 'visitors with Cecil. Bateman and other relatvees. ATT.:and Mrs.. Carl • McDonald were recent visitors•.wil.h Asir,• and Airs. Norman Coghlin of Atwood. A pessimmist is a guy who ex- pects to find bad news in a for- rune cookie. "My crops are my income I wouldn't be without crop insurance." Ray Paynter, P.R. 7, St, Mary s. Crop insurance protects you against the hazards of a bad year the weather, plant disease and insects. Farming is a risky business, Crop pro. duction costs increase steadily, year' by year. In contrast, crop yields vary -- depending largely on unpredictable natural hazards which yoti can't control, But now you can protect your investment in seed, fertilizer, sprays, etc.—with crop insurance. Crop insurance guarantees your production — so you can cover your costs. RateS are low — Federal and Provincial Government participation means you buy APPLICATION DEADLINE MAY 1st this comprehensive coverage for lessthan half the cost. 'No-claim discounts' can reduce premiums„by.as much as 25%. Premiums are deductible At ta)c time, your crop insurance premiums can be listed as deductible expenses, For peace of mind find out how' crop insurance can benefit you. Talk to your 1001 agent he's listed below SOYBEANIS AND VVI-111E BEANS JUNE lat Crop Insurance Details and Application Forms Available From GEORGE A. W"4' T 7.91). • MYTH, ONT, PHONE 523-9217 Your copy o THE1970 ONTARIO BUDGET is now available Get the complete story of Ontario's provincial financial picture, This information is available in complete text with supporting papers—or in an easy-to-read simplified form that presents all the budget highlights. FOR YOUR FREE COPY WRITE: rats BRUSSELS POST. 'ORUSSELS, ONTARIO '111.1111S1)AY, AVAIL 9th, 1970 WALTON tinteilded for last ,week)• Mr. and Arra. A. H. Loveridgc, :l;;;earboro, spent. Easter Sunday at the hOnte Or Mr, and Mrs. Doug Ennis, Walton II "fliyry" k..99P.p" The §ixth meeting of Walton if "Fruit Loop::: was bold at , the, home of Cathy and heather Ale- Donald, On March 23. The meetin' •opetied the 4-11. pledge,. all members were present and 0m sNvered the volt call. Banana Bread was made by Annette (well and Linda aoe. Marie exhibited three different ways to make fruit $alad, i‘fr,9, McCall han"a berry HaVarian on display, these were au sampled at the close of the meeting. Snbject Matter was on "More Ways with Fruit" in rruit Salads, Salads, and dressings, The Meeting closed With the 4-11 motto 'Learn to do by doing", Honored on 25th AnniverSary Last Friday evening a surprise party was held for Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Thainer of the occasion of --their 25th wedding anniversary, in the Walton coturnanity hail, when relatives and close friends gathered to extend the happy couple many good wishes. The evening was enjoyed by social Clint and fan Wilbee's orchestra supplied music for dancing. Percy Dalton escor(ed Mr. and _Airs_ Thanie r to the platform when they were presented with many beautiful gifts and cardS of con- gratulations. Allan Campbell gave remarks of—the bride and groom of 24.5 years ago; and the happy years that followed, Lunch- eon was served by Mrs. Wm. Coutts and Arra. Nelson 'Marks, Social Evening Held On Monday evening, March 23, a social evening was held at ScS. No, 9 McKillop School. sponsOred by the Walton Cubs and their leaders. There Were 1.1 tables of progressive euchre in play with. prizes going to Mrs. W, C. Hack- Well, high lady; Mrs, W. J, Leen).- ing, low; High Man, j.vm Leero..- ing, low IN'eil Williamson; Lucky ctip Campbell Wey . There were also two tables of Lost Heir in play, Lunch Wa8 served by AirS, Ron Bennett, Mrs, S. Humphries, W. J. Leering, Laverne Godkin, Smitln.and Murray 'Dennis, 1970 Slate of W.I. OfficerS NValton NVomen's Institute held their March meeting Wednes- day evening, March 25 in the com- munity The president, "'ti's, Alvin McDonald opened the meeting with the' Instithe Ode, Mary SLOW- art Collect, and 0 Canada, Mrs. Laverne ,00dkin was the pianist for the evening, The secretary- treasurer,, Mrs. Win aumPhrles, read the Minutes of the last Meet- lug. The roll call was answered by 30 members and four visitors were presebt,. The treaSuver's report was given and the pennies for friendShip alit collection Were dealt 1,Vitti, The 17th' and 130Undary Will eater tri the annual banquet On April 2• Airs. L. Murray; tie diAttis,t :01.041(Ieht, frn.rrs Lokelot, te be the guiost. 004w', ''11441 4.010V0 plea i)oY fur the .14( girls new .w or k ipg it the project "p eater' lug wins ann o unced for April 18, to be held at, .ficarortb. District. High. School. All mothers and friends are cordially. invited. A_ letter %\118 read. from the new home 0(..onomist for Miro!' Conn , ty, Aliss Catharine m. Hunt, or clintoa, w.ho .succeeds 'Mrs, Larry Wheatley. The bus trip was set for May 20. 'Plans are being- loader l'orther by 'Mrs. lc. McDonald. m.rs. 'h aye. Watson bronghl. in the slate of officers fOr 1970, which were accepted and will be installed by the District ;president at the ban- quet. Following ors the officers: Past President, Mrs. Jan van jr,.; President. Mrs. Alvin Mc- Donald: .1st Vice-lies., Mrs. Gerald ....Watson: 2nd Vice-Pres., Mr's. Allan AleCall; Sec.-treas., Mrs. Wnl• ThIMPhrics; District Direct- or Airs. • van Vliet ;fr.; Alternate, 'Mrs. A. McDonald; P.R.O. Mrs. Ken McDonald.; Branch Diretcors, Mrs A. .0ulutzen, Mrs. N. Narks, 'rs. Don Al cr./ern-dd. Airs. Tiny 'Nether: Curator, Mrs. Jas. Mc- Donald; Assistants, Mrs. Gordon McGayin, .Mrs. N Reid; Press Re- porter, Mrs. E. Stevens,• Mrs. A. McCall; ".Auditors, Mrs. W. E,: Turnbull, Mrs. N, 'Reid. Standing (7airtmlitte.e.es4 .. Agriculture •• and Canadian industries, Mrs.. Jan van. \met_ Jr., :Citizens:3Np, and Eau- Cation, Mrs. .Don. McDonald, MrS. Herb TraViss,.. • 'Home • Economies and Health, Mrs.. Roy "William-, son, Mrs. Harold Bolger. HistoriCaf Research and 'Current 'Events, Mrs. -Mac•.Sholdice, Mrs. Murray Smith, Resolutions, Mrs. Ceo. Mc- Call, Mrs. Jas. Nolan. The meeting 'was then turned over to Mrs. 0, Watson and Mrs. Don McDonald, convenors on Citi- Zell ship and Education. Mrs. Watson introduced the special guest, Mrs. Nichol of "Wayside interiors" of Stratford, She was aceempanied by Mrs. MeGorman, they bad a beautiful display of colored samples of drapery and curtain materials, also carpeting and wall paper, Mrs, Nichol dem- onstrated how a, lamp shade could lie covered with material, She stressed steps to take when dee- orating a:room, , to think: of new furniture and acecessoriees, A home can be made attractive on any budget. She spoke briefly on entertaining, to take this into con- sideration in buying furniture, how big a piece you would need. To always 100k before buying as there are so many new things on the market these days. She was thabked by Mrs. .1), Al Donald, and presented with a girt err behalf of the rnstittite. A contest on. Villages, Towns and ,TWps. in Baron County was conducted by' Airs, I), McDonald. The Institute (=mop Was sung and lunch, Was served by Mrs. J. 1:1* Mrs. Jan tan' Si'.. MI'S, R. Williamson, Mrs; . TI, Travis and Mrs. G. Mc- Gavin, "1)0 you,' the judge asked, " "take this Watnan for better or worse, for richer or pcierer, through sickness and health, good Dines and bad "Please, judge," the bride broke "yon're going to talk httn Ut Or it,"