HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1970-04-09, Page 2.1-,•••• •••••••••••••• LIMITED , 887-6011 Brussels Reasonable Rates Guaranteed Service Phone Early For An AppointMent RONNENBERG INSURANCE AGENCY NOW PAYING 9% ON INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES (Guaranteed) Call us on Tuesdays "and Fridays Brussels, Ont W, J. HENDERSON ELDON STECKLEY Milverton Dial 595_4483 Dial 595_4707 LICENCED AUCTIONEERS AND VALUATORS RATES REASONAE1LE No SALE TOO SMALL GIVE. OS A CALL Phone 887-6663 Till RSDAY, APRIT. 9th, 1970 aluissims POST I312,1.1SK3A, ONTARIO or A Better USED CAR. AT THE RIGHT PRICE 1968 CHEV. IMPALA 4 DR. HT V8 Auto, Trails. PS, PR, and Radio 1968 FORD CUSTOM 500 4 DR SEDAN V8, Auto. trans. and Radio 1967 METEOR RIDEAU 4 DR. STATION WAGON V & Auto., PS, PR, and Radio 1967 FORD CUSTOM 500's 4 DR. SEDANS ' V8, Auto. Trans., and Radio — 1966 FORDS, CHEVS., METEORS, MERCURYS an PLYMOUTHS TO CHOOSE FROM .1967 TrORD LTD 2 DR HT VS Atilo-, trans,, Radio Trans. and. Radio ALSO SEVERAL OLDER MODELS TO CHOOSE. FROM RIDGE MOTORS YOUR MUSTANG, FALCON, FAIRLANE, FORD and THUNDERBIRD DEALER :BRUSSELS WINGHAM lamitap...imorratme PHONE 887,6249 PHONE 3572,3460 THE HOUSE OF MAX ,' As of April 1st, 1970 the former D. A. Rann Furniture Store will be registered as 4 ` THE HOUSE OF 'MAX " and the former D. A. Rann Funeral „Home as THE M. L. WATTS FUNERAL HOME Good tcste needn't be expendwo. Our beautiful 8ouatret frivitatior tine proves this with the most exquisite papers, type faces and workmanship you could wish fort It features Thermo-Engraving—rich reemod lettering —elegant es the finest craftsmanship — yet costing so little! Come Ise our unusual sehschan, aie fere ~A* tiehlr Q.0 I R 1 -1HE ERLISSE4S. P9ST REPORT FROM qugws PARK By Murray Gaunt', MO', Oen Bruce 3rd APIA 1970 'rho Legislature reopened. this week, and the first order of bus- iness was to hear the Provincial Treasurer, Charles McNaughtot, read his Budget for the 1970-71 Fiscal Year. Tax relict for inaIV of Ontario's Old Age Pinisitnolirk increased finatiCiat. cipalAies (niainty ni the field Af 'd fitkailoi3). a,nd soiiie extension$ of gervo'o's under On tarict's liledi- •care Programme to cover limited:. services performed by chimp-met, 01.8, podiatrists and osteopaths, were the dominant proposals con. Mined: in the document, All thIs comes with no tax 'increases and a balanced budge to boot. There will also be an increase in Succession DUtY tkiilnlAjOs from $75,000 to 1.25,000, effecti lve i min ediatelY. ManY Old Age $eeurfty PeAsion- ers 'trill receive tax breaks Werth 'jf,100 'per year. To qualify the lefisioner must he receiving th6 duaran'teed inconte :Supple ment from the Federal ,Giovern- ent. For home owners, the Govern- ment will pay up to $100 of prop- erty taxes, in addition to the exist- ing bask: shelter exemption, Pensioners Who live in apart- ments will also receive the $1.00 tax break. it will be paid; in the same manner as the shelter ex- exemption is now turned over by landlords to tenants. The Government piens to allo- cate 5.125 million to help mantei. palities hold down taxes. More than halt Of this Will end up in the coffers of school boards: This will raise the provinCial grant level for education front .16.517,, to 5L5%. Pollution abatement also re- Tlyed a shot in the arm from the Budget, Three new measures; costing $1,5 million will be added to Ontario's fight against pet. Intion:— I. A 5-year prograinme of pre- vidiiig grants equivalent to the 55-. Sales Tax on anti-pollution equipment purchased by busineSs ses, municipalities, school board% hospitals and universities, 2. A prograirone under the Ontario Development CorporatiOn to make loans to small businesses for the purchase Of anti-pollution equi pm ent. 3. P,rOVision by the Ontario Water Resources C,orninission of capital assistance to stria]] 11-ita- 0,-g for 'sewage treatment plants and water pipelines. During an TiltnergenCY Debate, forced by Liberal. Leader Rebell. Nixon. on mercury pollution in Lake. Erie, and its effect (worn: rnereiai fishing, Mr. NIXon said that a $10 million industry feeds ruin, and with it the jobs of 3.000 People. r and Resources Minister GoQrge Kerr claimed that irtdi.iatry knew about this polltition, and if they have any conscience a! all they will stop polluting. The Ontario Water Rea(p ttOri COMMISSIOn 111.1S EtstribliFill6t1 the noir Chruntf1/1 1 011,14httly ANNOUNCEMENT Topnotch Feeds Limited WISH TO ANNOUNCE THAT WE HAVE THE FOLLOWING NEW FACILITIES fa SERVE yu New BA Fertilizer Blending facility at our . Seaforith Location. Z. Bu1k Fertilizer Delivery Service to your farm. Bulk Fertilizer Spreading on your fields: WATCH FOR ADVERTISEMENT THAT WILL SAVE YOU MONEY Sarnia dump Up to 200 lbs. of mer- cury a day into the St. ('lair River. WILLIAM SHOLDICE Sholdice, Of Tucker- smith Township died Saturday, at Riverside Nursing 1-.home, Mitchell. 1Te was born in Tuol«u•smith Township, the son of the hap Leonard Sholdice and Ann Carter, He farmed in the: Township until 1936 ',Oen he retired, He is survivied by a niece, Airs. LET US PREPARE YOUR 1969 INCOME TAX FORMS '\NTife., "Wake up, there's Ka bitegtar in the kitchen .eating • t'lle leftovers!" Husband; "Go hack to sleep. I'll bury him in the morning A doctor sent a patient a bill ilh the notattea: "This bill is one year old." The patient sent the bill back. with a little note of his own: "Happy Birthday" ,-Nloney.! Read the ads! 7.411••••••7 Archibald Somerville, 4, Wal- ton and a. nephew, Leonard Strong. cit' T.110 funeral Was held froth the G. A, Whitney niftero home, Sea- forth, where, service—Was held at 2 dill, on Tuesday. friieMprary. entoufbirKtnt Was in P1000.er Mat.' solemn with interment; later itt• Alaitlandimnk cemetery, Seaforth. Ii your Post reads Jan 1970,, it's time to renew.