HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1970-04-09, Page 1• :loner) re'2,1‘1 T1SSQig 0.60 A`iTer In Adi;anel, ;3.5.0 To U.S.A. T},Li'l ult. ssiziLs POST THURSDAY, APRIL 9th, 1970 P OST P moils Enw, HOUSE JOHN. VERN WARWICK New Curling Club Officers Elected At Annual Meeting The Rthasels Curling Cdub held annual meeting and, banquet in the Legion, Hall on WedneSday April 1st, when 131 members, and guests sat down to a delicious beer dinner served by the Ladies' Mix- Atter the dinner, the president, .Clare Veitch, conducted the bus- inesS part or, the meeting follow ing tt short sing song led by Murray HopVer with Donald Dunbar at the plane. The ladies were,thanked by Don Fraser and given a hearty roped of applause for the fine meal they served. The seeretery-treasurer read the minutes of last year's meeting and gave a financial report of the club's business for the year. Albert TenPas gave the auditor, Mort which showed a eomcomfortable ance. The president reviewed the year's activities and made several suggestions regarding some changes for the next curling sea- Son„He also thanked the members for thei help and co-Operation during his term of office, George Mutter presented the nominating committee's report. and the following offieera were declared elected for the year 1970 71: Past President Clare Veitch President Don PraSer :1st Vice ,, Elmer Young Wee Danny Pearson Sedy-treas, ....„ .Norman Hoover The trophies and prizes for 'the peat season Were, presented to the various 'winning rinks by the pre- ident. D. A. Rant presented his trophy to the overall Winner for the season to Danny Pearson and his tenni, Mr, Frank Carter, a veteran member of the club, was present- Qd a life membership in apprec- iation for his services. The remainder of the evening was spent in dancing to the inure' of Tiffin's orchestra, W. I. EUCHRE' PARTY There were 15 tables In play at the W, .1. euchre party held in the Brussels Library on Monday Prize Winners were: "High Man. ROY TurveY; Low man, Mrs. Achil- les Sr., Walton, (playing as a man); High Lady. Mrs, Walter Kett!, Low Lady; MPS, Roy Tut- vey: i.Nlost Lone Hands, Walter Kerr. DOES THIS' MEAN YOU? We hate to keep harping on the subjeet, but all the Posts dated January .1970, or previous to that. are now the allowed three months or more. in arrears. 1( not paid by the end of this month they will have to be removed from Otir mailing lists. We thank the many subscribers Who hove responded 80 quickly to eat-left of ter,plred e.ithaeriptionli 01111 1101t. till }start, col; lone pe IA MOTO alt It iii'fill11)11.3`. North Huron Lodge Hold Meeting in Fordwich l\lorth Heron County Lodge held their' first quarlely meeting in the basement of the Fordwich thdted Church This well-attended meet- ing \V S Vilaired by the County Master,. Harold Webster of Dun, gatinon Lodge, Chaplain Lorne Hasty opened the meeting With scripture reading followed by prayer by Rev. Pavan The min, tiles of the last meeting were read by the secretary, lihrierson 'Mit- chell. Rt. Woe. Dave 'Worden of Listowel, Grand Master of Ont- ario West was present. ltepresentatives of the L.O.B.A. in attendance. During the even- ingnPast County Master Ross Er. rington presented the secretary of Dungannon Lodge, Allan Webster, with the North Huron Secretary's award for the best. report. There were' four ministers present who spoke. Rev. Parrott, of Pordwich, Rev. Jennings and Rev. Jenkins. Clorrie: Rev. Fry of Auburn. Other speakers besides the (hand Master included Sheldon Henry. Listowel: Charles Stewart, Myth: Robt, Hibbard, Belgravc: Henry Patti- son, Belgrave; Mrs, Underwood Gerrie, Miss Foster, Fordwieb.; W. A. Stinson. Vordwich. nose I.;irrington. Tom Culbert, ' Emerson Mitchell and Athol Bruce were appointed to make ar- rangements.for' the annual chtirch service. The next meeting will be held in Myth on. May 27th. PEOPLE WE KNOW Mr. and Mrs. Garnett MacKin- non and family of Trenton were weekend visitors With Mt. and. Mrs—Max Watts and faintly, Leonard. Lament is in Victoria Hospital, , London, undergoing surgery on iris band, Mrs. Reid of Chicago has been a. visitor With her fatter. John Logan and Mr. and '',.)1rs. Alvin Logan, Mrs. George rhidlow is home iiftcr spending a week with Hespler friends. Mrs. El. Raymond, who has been ill `Victoria Hospital, London. for the past two mouths is convalesc- ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl (lowing. Manna, Ma rei a and. Nesbit 'Hamilton of Bluevale and Brent a nd Daryl Coney, K i telt CM cr. visited Saturday, with Mr: and Mrs. George Backer. ttld Jewell, Toronto was a visitor with his daughter. Mrs. R. lfuother. Harold Thomas is a patient in Listowel 'Hospital where he was taken by ambulance on Friday. Eder. who bas been a patient in Wingbain Hospital re- turned home during tire weekend. Sara Burgess returned home 'Monday from spending 11 weeks in 'Victoria Hospital and 'Wing- benn Cloaplaws. fire, Iltina Mr, 'Pharr m',ek 0-14 STUDENTS ATTEND COUNCIL MEETINC, Three members of Gritde VIII 01 Brussels Public; School, Dianne Gordon, 'George Draper 0.44 Donald Workman, with thetr tatether, R. itaYmand.•ettended •the•regulai session :of the Village Council on Monday night, • . • ROOT It, Ft .Cousins presided and welcomed the .studenta Tie• explained some of the complexit- ies of rounieipal government and answered questions asked by Ike observers. LISTEN ALL YOU PEOPLE AND YOU WILL HEAR WHAT'S HAPPENING IN BRUSSELS SCHOOL THIS YEAR The pupils. at' Brussels Public School would like to welcome Jeff and Steven Brown from Ingersoll,. They are in Gr. S S,W. and Or. 5, \Vs also welcome Ron Neinama nr, 5 and Paul Neinama. Or. from .Ne,wton. 'We hope they make acquaintances among the stn- dents anti enjoy attending our shoot. ' The junior grades received their report cards en April 3rd With ()ails and Alths and some groans. -At time of writing the senior grades are waiting with mixed feelings for their reports. Now here's some news that left the girls alt the new basketball teams panting and sweating. The iAilis„Tutie Hamm, 'Nancy Elliott, Dianne Gordon and .Prancis Pixel, have led their fellow leant- mates to a leading score for Julie Hrnna, Dianne Gordon tied 'Nanny and Francis EXel tied for :;'„null place. ' • The (allowing. is a poem •writ- ten by Pranees Exel who has shown great ariXiety Concerning the dangers of pollution towards mankind, an awareness we should all feel. Mattreen Cathy Barbour POLLUTION • He was hail). Thirty years later he Une\plained death They say. Haw then did he die? By his own band? No. - Iris father's hand?. evidenee.. Then who? ;Ave ask as we pertfr snrioke into the air . He breathed. But we know He was choked. Not by hand or nylon stooking. Pet around his innocent neek and nose wore wrapped The unseen elaws Of his murderer. Pranees Exel John Vern Warwick. 73. of con- cession 3 of Morris Township, died in Wingltain and District Hospitalon Tuesday, Afarcb :11.st, „err. Warwick was a nathra of :Morris, a son of the )(tic? Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Warwick, He spent his lifetime on the family farm, lie was a member of Bittevaln- United ,Iltureft. 7Lis wile, tire former Luey Gertrude Bone predeceased him in 1969. lie is sursived. by ono sister, Miss Elva Warwick of ISfortis T own ship. The funeral service was held from the. M. L. Watts Vuneral Home, Brussels, at 2 p.m. on Fri., day. Burial was in Brussels cemei, tory. Pallbearers \\ ere Frank GarnisR, ,Ta ck :Higgins, Charles, firewer„ George Brower. Douglas Muchan, Glen Bone, WALTON 11 r. and ldrs. 13111 C,riffin and son. ',Ind Mr. and Mrs. ROI) Ninc.:11t'm of ;i9 rniti \Vero? Easter weekend ests '•\'i M r. and Mrs, Nelson Reid, Mr. and 'Nil's. Warren Currie. Douglas. frealber a !Id y and ;Mrs. W. H. Currie if Hamilton -visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allan McCall. Messrs. Gordon and .Charles Murray spent 11 v.- (.:9-?1; end \ t Mr. and Mrs., George Kirkby .;nd family of Burwash, 'Weekend guest:, • with 'Mr. And Pay er and faMily were :Mr., and. Mrs. :Marshall VV011.1.1e. Freida and Ray of Vine-. !and and •Alr. and ..Mrs.. Frank ilurke of Wi 13 gita Mrs. •George Dandas 'has rpt e rn. od to her home in the village after ;pending the winter months with her dil ugh erS in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. ;John Timmer 1101 Tony of Kitchene r sinn ,I the end at the Ironic or Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Timmer and family, Mrs. Peter McDonald spent Sunday with l.lr, and Mrs. Dove t son. W.1, Dessert Euchre The animal negsert Euchre Of the W.I. \\*a S held in the 'Walton community linll last 'Wednesday Pt1.1 rting with a smorgesborg dessert al 1:20. Seventeen tables were in play t7or the euchre that followed. The prizes given wertn High. Miss Pearl Thinner; T,ow, Mrs. Wm. Sholdice: Lucky Chen. Mrs. Eva McCartney, l:lenforth: The Travelling prize. Mrs. Roy 'Purvey, HrussOls: Dem. Prize, ml's, :Robertson. Londebore.' !T'S GOING! The firemou's barrel above' the [lain virus Nv a tehrid t W!.ls r; written en AVIA 110§tiV, 1.1 11:11 4 (1(340.1it cal .k.1 go Lit Ally 043, Brussels Council Supports. Goderich Petition For Four-Lane Highway :rho j9 r Meot lug ,Of tbkr Village Council arts held in the • ,\J n pal office on Apri 1970' all members being present. ':\tr!. Doreen Raymond of the Brinisels Public Sottool: $taff with three of her pupils attended co !I litqi Meeting. The following motions were (Wed: by H. TenPas seconded. by J. L. M eCutcheoe that the minutes of the meeting of March 9, 1970 be adopted as read. ,Moved by 1Z. 'W. 'Kennedy, see onded lay I. Cl Campbell that the Village Council endorse the res- olution from C,?oderich. petitioning the Provincial !Government to cop- ;sides the feasibility of a feur- la n (":, highway from the County of Huron to Highway 1111. Moved by .1. L. McCuteheon, sec- onded by I. G. Campbell that the Ftoa'tirtritural Society receive a grant of $leo.00 for the year 1970. :Moved by I. G. Campbell, sec ended by R. W. Kennedy that By- No, 3-197e be introduced a, first time and second time and passed. This being a lly-Law to imposts ;1 ,'ate et interest 7101 to exceed tct7, Inn. month On tax arrears. moven by ,T. L. niceuteheon. see- ended by TT..T. TenPas that By-Law No, 3-1 Ii fl he read a third time and passed end the Reeve and Clerk he, authorized to sign and st :led n lib the corperate Seal, m nee ,, hy I1. J. ed by R. W. Kennedy that tnordon Miller be granted a Betiding Per- Mit 05 per application Alsr,ni by H. TenPas' second' ed by I. G. Campbell that the ac- counts as approved be paid, Clifford ail cr, licenses 8.11I Municipal World. Sufiscriptions 52.511 Merntcheen Gtrocery, ('lcaners tenni (gaud River Office Supply, supplies ..... Mrs. Jean Pixel cleaning le.„15 Neil MeTaggetti, labonr J E. 'Brewer, snow removal Brussels Motors. gas lieward Bernard. oil MacLean' Pine nn.re i nn, R. 1. 11;1111,1', S1-101; I .P1110V Geo. Mutter. .. Maitland Teleserviees Ltd , rates and tolls . iluren County Munn-111X (Iffieers Assoeidinni 107e tee, Machin flurd'''r en, supplies Maitland Valley Conser- vation ,1 nthority 1070 levy PrJult Cowan Co Ltd Tit rf.1 I . . '1.‘1 013 ;4111A , Liteeinb, 1)101xlisb, :010 atria W inninanutid dit prtgo3 :Mtion 'Wilson has been t ir'n't in \\Ingham l'indpittri. ih411 .►its trio