The Brussels Post, 1970-03-26, Page 1• P l fir); , t'I9jv THE BRUSSELS Pb'S'1" Tr(uR,§1)Ali; MAIWR 26th ,1970 PORT PUBUSHING HQUila WALTON Sat:Foment of liaptisin was held United Church. at Sunday morning SW Vice when. Benialnin Barry Hoegy, on of :11 r. and Mrs. C. 13. l-loOw Was beptiSed. Alf, and Mrs. Gordon Mcdailti have returned froin a 4aaiat.1611 iii fkjiS ;17ra,V1i3$;, Of Itospitul, -Kitchener; 60-it the weekend -with her ,parents, Mr. and .Mrs,• Ralph Traviss, . , Mr. and Mrs. Mater. Bewley visited Sunday with Mrs. Gert- rude. Bewley of Clinton, • Miss Ruth Ritchie of St. Joseph's Hospital, Hamilton,- spent a few days last week at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Ritchie. Mr, and Mrs. Murray Dennis and ,Mr. and Mrs. Glen McNichol, liavo returned, home from a two- , week trip to: Plorida. Sunday risitor,S with Airs. C. Rockwell were: Mr, and Mrs. Edward Smith, Sandia, Monica and Paul of London, and Mark and David MeLlwain of Seaforth. Miss Leslie MoGavin is spend. ing the Raster holidays with her grandparents, Mt', and- Mrs. Gord- on McGavin, Mr, and Mrs. Herb Traviss and Gail, and Ittr, and Mrs, stolviirt McCall and Murray left last Thurs- day morning „from -Mallon, arriv- ing in California„ by air' where they wh spend the taster holiday. SyMprithY of thia coininunity is extended to Mrs, Robert Oliver, in the sitddert paSsing of her husband, StaidaY evening. They had moved here from Kitchener less than a year age, and settled in the house formerly owned by the late John and Mrs. Vorinan. Raid of , Alta., have been Visit- Mg, with the latter's PatentS, and Mrs. ,tames Payne. Misses Brenda—' -Bewley and Dianne Dalton of Seaforth, left last Thursday from. lAtatton! air Dort. arriving at St. Petersburg, Florida. They will snend tastei' er week with the latter's grand- parents, Mr. and 'Mrs, MallineheY of Haines Oity, WALTON 4-H M,eTINGR Meeting 5 of the Walton t "Fruit Cups" was held at the. home of Karen Contts, March 76. Opening with the 4-1-1 pledge• fol- lowed by the secretary's •report, Sandra Watson : and ;Karen mutts made pie° pastry while Toan 'Ben- nett and. Gail Searle prepared the apples for the filling. Notes wete,., given by the leaders on the dif, ferent ways to serve fruit. Marion, Mc:Callum was chosen as commen- tator of the exhibit at Achieve, moat flay which is to be held April 18, The next meeting will be at Searle's home March 21, at 2 p.m. Walton jt "Pratt Loops' Met at the home of Mrs. Don Menem aid Saurday afternoon, June son, the President, opened the meeting with all 10 members re- Diming the '1-fl pledge. Roll Call was answered by "Fruit 1 ate ..rosterdnv". Minutes of the last meeting were read by the Secre- tary Cathie McDonald. The pastry' for a cherry pie was made by Linda Johnston while Beverly McCall prepared the filling. This 4was eooking while the leaders wa ve notes on "Fruit . for Dinner' or Sumter". Plans were started for AcliieVeMent Day, April IS in Sea- forth High School. Heather Me- Donald, Mnrie Noiati and Annette 'Avvep will fake par( in the skit in the aftemeori :TOIL 4.1 f iii3+11:4!PM f filiAl! " "FARMERS'' NIGHT" HELD BRVSSELS LIONS 'CLUB Lion Iifresidetit Calvin Xi:miter presided at the annual "Farmers' Night" held Monday night in the Presbyterian Church. Mrs, Tack Bryans was nionist for the sing. song led by acting Lioti Tamer Hank TeiiPas, Tail- twist‘er Lion Gordon 1\feGaviri circulated. the fine boat, Don, Pullen, Agrictiltural Rep- resentative, Clinton, was the guest speaker. Zone Phairman, Lion Geo, Mol- ter, inducted Sank Y011, Jaelr cutcheon and Ralph Itaveman, in- to membership of the club. It WV'S decided to hold the ate: natal Lions. Ladies' Night on the 13th of April . A good crowd attended, • MAIL SERVICE FOR GOOD FRIDAY, MARCH 27 All mail service for Good 'Friday is curtailed. The post office is closed to all business. There is no mail des• patched or received. Also no rural service, Mail service on Saturday and Raster Monday ati usual, OOLOtiki WCYRIJ EASTE,R :Raster thriverA Peekin through: The softened, earth to look at ftn, They seem, to sa3; on ttiU BleSSect - master fife isn't measured bY thlonths Or l'ion;rel7 yeas,:ro:4 as year faith ,And as OW as your tears , For time-is a burden And we only grew old When we let (Ain hearts And our dreams drow cold, May Christ's Resuri4.ietton Be accomplished in. you, For love has the power' To make everything new, LISTEN. ALL YOU PEOPLE AND YOU WILL HEAR WHAT'S DOING IN, BRUSSELS SCHOOL THIS. YEAR Holiday tune Is here again and for a few days sve Can say goodbye to books, teachers, exams te-e- lob ) and marks (ugh!). The dreaded day kir receiving our re- port cards wilt be the first Friday after we return to school .A.pril , 3, For Some those cords hold, good news and for others ,, well! hick next time, By the way those kindergarten tots are really lucky. They don't return to schoOl until Wednesday, April 1. while we others must go back 'Tuesday, March 31, Take note MoinS! As. a grand finale to - out term we were entertained on Friday morning with a prograin of choral speaking and tlaster and spring songs by Miss Mitchell's tirade I. We, even had a visit from Peter COtton.tail. himself! Special thanks ogain to the many patents and friends "who came to encourage the little ones. 'Mitch for the Senior West as- sembly coining soon. We ate not nearly so cute but WO try I! On 'Friday afternoon thanks to a great deal of work by Mr Scott all the students enjoyed a :SpOrts- a thou. We had five skill and speed. strength and co•ordination testing events, The reams of 'Keith Itnytiond Pad illait3C McCilicheon were tied for first. place with Second and. third place teams close behind. This was a real team effort with 22 eompetitors on each team of the eleven teams, Thanks again'. to Mr. Scott and other teachers tot making such a good a fterimen possible. See you atter the holidayst Happy EaS ter, II 41 '• vtatkOt a BRUSSELS COUNCIL MErtfNd • The regular meeting of the Vil- lage Council was held I* the Municipal Office on March 9th, 1970, all members being present. The following motions were carried: Moved by 1. G. Campbell, sec- onded by J. L. McCuteheon that the minutes of the meeting of February 2, 1970 be adopted as Moved McCuteheon, seconcled lr H,i, TenPas that a donation 00,6,00 tae giYen to the tielgraVei BrusSefS, BlYth School Pair for Moved by H, TenPas, Se"cend7 e'd :ff. Kennedy that a lettet ox n'rofest lie sent to the Transport gominisg(off, the C.N.R. and to the* focal.. arid M,P.P, against the PiOVoSed discontinuance of passenger Moved by IL. j SeCond- ed by J. L. 10eCtite1 eott that Lloyd Mic'h,e1 be granfa a Building Permit as per anal,' cation. Moved by T. CaMpbell, sec- onded by R. W. Kennedy that the accounts as approved he„. paid” P.U.,C., streetlights aitd Library .......... 157,40 Provincial Secretary ingulin .. ...... .......... .,,. 5.60 P.U.C.; 'Streetlights, LibrarY,:Office. Hall .,., 153.14 Geo, Somer,,,, Library ... .... 37,30 Ceo. Mutter, Office, Mel 145,92 ,T. Al. McDonald Lumber !Lock 10,31, Grand River Office Supply supplies 25.52 Maitland Teleservices Ltd. rates and tolls 53.86 Bridge Motors, 'gas 21.52 Cordon Workman,-19 reptaits 17.50 Guenter Heim, painting ,, 5,00 MacLean Fin.a Service gas and repairs . 14.15 114cCutcheon Motors, repoirs 22,90 Oldtiold Hdwe., material 33,90 Douglas Callander, February Nursing Acct, 1520.36 Howard Bernard, Fire Hall Mrs. Joan. Exel, cleaning .„ .. . ..„,. .... 7,80 ,T, G. Stiles, Plowing, Garb- age, Oil', Snow Removal 726,60 Receiver General, C.P. and. Tax deductions 180,40 0,M,ER.S., pension ........ 65,64 Receiver General, 7,1,LS, 7,60 The following streets were de- signated for paving. William, from Albert to Victoria, Ellen from Turitherry to ,john. Princess from Queen to Cypress. Thomas from Elizabeth to Alexander and, Plop, from. Alexander to Fishleigh- The clerk was instrncted to Send letters Of protest re : the discon- tinuance of passenger service, Moved by S. L, 'Mcrutcbpon, sec, onded by Fl. W. Kennedy that th* GREY ft, & S. ASSOC. "SPRINGTIME '70" SHOW The auditorium+ of Grey Central School, Ethel, was transformed Into • a spring' garden On the even- ing' 6f. Tuesday, March 17th for the "Springflthei 10" Fashion Show sponsored bYilfe Home and School Association and presented to an appreciative, large audience. Mrs. Susan Wheatley of Win- throp, commented on the eirtntp, and accessories, supplied by Usk, mei merchants, while Mrs, W., 'Kerr of Brussels provided planc, accontpiaTliement, 'The presentation of fashions in, eluded Children's and teens wear, sportsWear, da,yurne wear, coats, ffngerfe, and after five costumes, Master of ceremonies, Bob Cnn- ningbaril, led a sing song during first interttifssion and Mary Mien Knight gave a tap dance accom- panied' by Mrs. Stuart Steiss, dur- ing the second intermission. Bob Cnnningham, assisted by :Kendra Fischer made draws' for door prkes, Winners of Cciro, Jewellery, courtesy of Johnston's jetellery; Listowel, Were: Mrs. Demaray, Mr.s Weber, Mrs. Kutske. Bronze and gold floral arrangements from. Listowel Florists were won by Mrs. Nancy McLean and Mrs, Grace Lewe, Mrs Jean Weber pre- senter Mrs, Wbeatly and Mrs. Kerr with-. gifts and thanks. Listowel merchants whose fash, ions were presented were: Knapp's Shoes: Linden's Ladies! and, Men's: Paris Shop; Weber'S ,and Children's Wear: Cart- m"s, Reyelon, Love makeup; Ron McLean, lighting; Donna Knight, decorations: Jane Ward, advertis-, ing and ticket sales; Conveners: Miss Van Thomas and Mrs, Jean Evans. Exectitiv Officers: President. ,Ai re, jean W eb er; vi ce Pre,.'Max Demaray: Secretary, Jean Rvant3; Treasurer, jobn PEOPLE WE KNOW Miss Lanni Lucas was in visitor in Toronto and London last week, Walter Myles spent the weekend in Toronto, Miss Linda, Martin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Martin of Rrnssols, is a patient in Witighant Hospital following a ear accident in which' sho received severe head and facial laCerations, Dr. 1), S, McRae, Clinical' Teacher of the University of Toronto and Head of Treatment Care of Vet. erans of Sunnybrook Hospital, entertained Ills Tilvcellaticy The Right HonorableRoland 'Menet-ter, Covet-nor General of Canada at ,Sunnybrook Hospital on March 11, 1970. Miss McLeod'. Nursing. Supervisor and .11.1iss Chapman,. Read Narse, were alSo in afttend- +once. BeeVe not • p;h{( t • P, SPRING FLOWER SHOW PLANNED BY SOCIETY The March Horticultural meet- ing was held Monday, March lflth, In the 'Public Library. There were .17 members and four guests iiresent. Mrs. Miller presided arid the meeting opened With 0 Can- ada, minutes, ireastirer's report, and roll call fillewed Correstiohti= ence was read A letter ,,abou t the Pistrict ConventiOn to he held in Clinton, was rend. andMrs„ George Wheeler moved Mrs Reining- Way and Mrs, F.sarl Cirdmeto lie the voting delegates seconded by Mr, A. Knight, ., Mrs. S. Scott favoured with,a piano solo. Miss Mae Skelton thanked. Mrs. Scott and presented her with a gift, Mr, A. :Knight read the news letter, A dis- cussion *rout raising money folloWed and it was decid, ed to have a. spring Flower Show, Tea and Bake Sale. This Was on a motion by Mrs, M. Tilimpliries seconded by Mrs, L. .,MeCutcheon. The planning Com, mittee to be Mrs, George Wheeler Mrs. B, Remingway, and Mrs, E. Cirdtirore. There was a panel DiscussiOn on gardening', Mrs. 11, Hemingway chaired the pahel, Panelists being Mrs, Geo, Wheeler, who spoke on Begonia's, Dahlias, and Cannaa, Mr. A. Xhight,•...who spoke on Lawns ri* Roset, Mrs: N. Me, Larty whoop.oke on. House Plants, and Mrs. E. Oudmore an fertlizers, The Meinbers asked questions, Mrs. Wni, Milier thanked the:Pan, elists and chttielad.y for their erfortS, The spring lists were discussed bett'elr" and anyone wsthing ,one may call Mrs. Cudinore, The Queen closed the Meeting and a delicious lunch was Served by- Mrs. L. M c,Cu teh eon , Mrs, G' 'Wheeler, Mrs. Roy Tituell and Mrs. Lloyd Iviachan.