HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1970-02-19, Page 6Good trth.; needn't be expensive. Out beautiful BOuttunti invitatior. tine proves this with the most eXquisite papers, type faces end wotkmanship you could wish (or! it foOli.tres Tbermo•Engravtng—lich raised letteting—eiegont os the (most croftmonstop =lino Corm, tk,ott our 0005001 5 0;10CliPri- tWO W4406 tNt•Wli:1 4 r kri LiAzt 08T TRU1.tsu4 Y, e1 13, 100, 1970 Tmo BRUSSIIIL POST BRUSSELS, ONTARIO EASTER SEAL TARGET $1,600,000 The Ontario Society for CH; • pled Children is seeking $1,640,000 from the i9T0 Ontario 'Raster Set i'ampaign which will oxtend from F-ebruary 21I to March 29, Plaster Announceniont of the objective and elute'~ were made by W. luny whir.a k er, Ontario campaign chair- Mall. Mr, Whitaker said an ob- :ieetive of •.;,..7)00,011(.1 has been set :or the Aletropolitan Toronto area the holanee to be raised throughout the remainder of the ince. The campaign is spon-nred b," the Society in conjunction with Ea!itOr Seal service clubs throughout Ontario. One half of BADGER SILO UNLOADE.RS and FEEDERS FEED LOT and STABLE PLANNING Sales and Service. KENNETH MARKS & SOS' RR 4, Atwood, Ont. .Phone 356-2727 NEW BARN CLEANER - RALCO All types at stanting- and cam- -I,uaranteed up to 70(1 ft, pull. tip to a 65 ft, Swinging Elevator, plete Insulations. C'ontact: LAVERNE JOHNSTON Milverton Phone 595-8965 ELEiON STECKLEY Dial 595.4707 AND VALUATORS NO SALE TOO SMALL CALL the funds raised by each club is retained by it for services and supptio,-: to local needy hand!• calmed youngsters, • • lirasse:s znong the clubs who participate in the campaign.• The balance of the funds are used by the Ontaria Society Crippled rbildren to supply such province-wide services as nursing /the Society has 37 special] train- narsos in 2! regional offices througliOnt OW:trio/. travellin ,4 elinir.'s of medical gpeCthliStS. rn- .4(Nirell into Vrippling disorders iii Vilildr('); Pin] the operation and maintenance of the five summer c;initN owned by the Rocitty. ion request, the Society will Provide advice and assistance ,vherevor possible U)vai'i0U5 netive trNitillelif Centres through- ouario •in addition, snh-, ,iclizes the operating deficits of . -1 -a o Ontario rippl(.,(1 Children's rc'aire in Toronto. The latter i s a world-renowned iT -atinent yin(; rehabilitation co-dtro t complete range of :,,,,rvicos to the youngsters, includ- ing diagnostic and assessment BERG Sales Service fnstallation PEE 'ESTIMATES • Barn Cleaners Bunk Feeders ffir Stabling DONALD G. IVES fl.R. 2, BLYTH Phone i:srustets 443W4 Het"viefm, a IU,5-bed hospital, a 1'7- room school. dental clinic, aPY, rec.reational facilities, pSy, etiological and social servIcas, and orthotic and prosthetic re- seurch atid development. Wbitaker emphasised that the Society's funds are used to provide serviees and supplies that extend, beyond those covered official ltosPitalization or health program. "Easter Real contributions," he said, "provide a direct opportuoity to assist the more than 14009 youngsters in Ontario to take an active part in the life of the corn- munity," O.P.P. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS QUESTION: lit ai case of the police or radar stripping a ear. I have seen police go to the wotorists' vehicle •tnit the motorist going to the politic vehicle. is it not the duty of the officer to go to the' motorists caz.,, or do you have to to the of- ficer's ANSWERS: The police officer is to 'proceed to the motorists vehicle, and is (Woe oat how to el..) this pr,/oarly. 1 know from e:porionce that sometimes the officer deQS not have time to get 10 the Motor- vehiele becauSe .the motorist gets to Ihe police car first. This roue .for various reasons. which I will net ink-nlinn. The on)y Uwe you have to go to : malice cur is •,...ben you are under i.rrest, QUESTION: I drive. a School [Ms and I kni ,w it is proper to hack into a lane- way, lint in winter I feel it iS bet• ter to drive over accumulated snow put in the drivowlry by thr, snow plough. What is wrong 'with this practise. ANSWERS: First, you are broil-king ai. g000, safety rule by not backing in. reason for backing is so y.m. can see if traffic' is coming when • you are leaving the driveway, in• s'tearl of putting the rear portion of the bus onto the reatilvay bef•Jr,-,: you can see what is coming. Sec- ondly, the snowbanks just add one more hazard ten Soul. driving, which You have to compensate QUESTION: Chili a School Board erect sigat styli us "bus turning" on proviu Or eOunty high ways- ANSWERS: The . people responsible for ,rooting signs on the .,i'cing's high- ways is line nepartment or :High- ways. It anyone wants signs ereel- ml, they would have to aunty to the Optario Department or Trans- port ;:end get permission,. The Penartmen•ts ..of Transpoll NMI Higb.WilyS-')V0Vk Very closely. QUESTIONt.'' What is a motOrist supposed to do in the •winter months when our highways are covered with •s•now, and lie coa't see the road mark• markings nr tIle ed gQ, o r the l'o'rd. How can he obey the markings'. ANSWERS: The first thing he can do is ittow down, and remember. lie is driving under adverse went her. conditions. Persons who tire iri- Tell'ed in bigbway safety work vet' Olaf. rain, sleet, f ,)g, snow, bail have never caused run occi- dent.. The weather is just another element that the driver must take into consid era ion whin dr] \lug. In (lit- winter months the Depart- ment . of Highways are always striving to . Make our high ways' snnrnter-time QUESTION: Is there a tractors on the high-way? I heard that there is and that a person. was charged for ex.ceeding a cer tarn speed for tractors, clouldthis be true and what is .- the speed ANSWERS: There is no speed limit as snob for brie titWf ors, to toy know. if dge, lludor tho 11!gltway •rraffil.,! Act. QUESTION: I lost my licence %hen I lost wallet I have the SWIM MM?, :11.4 til'Y Willer Mid be is presently in the ltospital and would not have occasion to use his licence. My question is. could I use his licence. until I got. my new one? ANSWERS: you can not. The regulations state I ha t, no perSell shall display or renrosent as his own any dill• or's licence, not issued to him Secondly. I don't knOIV What your rather is in hospilai tor, but I do not think he would appreciate get• ling a summons, for it lie lent his licence to you he could be charg- ed under the same regulation_ which also sUite'S "NO person shah lend his driver's. licence to• any the .use of it by another person, other person, or knowingly permit ciUESTION What kind lit COTIOly tire we liv- ing. in? A friend of mint, had his licence sti sof:11100d for toss Or ppilitS, -but he was never served personally with the suspension . notice. In Other words, he didn't , know about the suspension and be was stopped by a policeman Who. knew him and was charged With driving while under suspensor. Pixpinin that it yon can. ANSWERS: Yes. I can explain it. First of all,. your friend could not have been to Ids residence lately, because under., !lie demerit point system any notice of suspension required to h t given by the the demerit. point system shalt be given by sending il by registered until to the person to whom the notice is required to be given at his latest addres an, nearing on the records of the De- partment, and the notice given, in acoodanee with this section shall be (teemed to sufficient. „Just as tot after thcmght, do not forget it is an offence if 11. perSOn changes • his address a.nd toned to notify the Department within six •dttys, Brussels Livestock, Sales- Yard WEEKLY SALE EVERY FRIDAY AT 1 P.M. Your mornet Market Where You Are Welcome A. Visitor. Consignor or Buyer PHONE 587_6461 BRUSSELS, ONT.. W. J, HENDERSON Milveqlon Dial 595.4483 LICENCEP AUCTIONEERS RATES REASONABLE GIVE US. .A The 1$c*iquet tine MILLER MAIN ST. OR WOMEN FAMOUS BRANDS Sizes 4,, 12; 4A 3E in the group but not in every style Reg. $14,95 — $21.00 NOW --- $3 $5 $7 $10 SAVE 20 50% • All Rubber -Footwear I Snow Boots oltS Insulated Boots • Curling Boots • Skates — Slippers 1,1i*'40;JAi4/0,14? "*X F'O 'R MEN }-ART — McHALE DACK JARMAIN Sizes to 14; A- 5E included in the lot Reg. $29.95 — $33.95 NOW $1"3.95 - 19.95 SPECIAL GROUP B!ock and Brown Reg. to $17.95 NOW $8.00 L1STO'WtL S SHOE STORE .LIST OWE L FINAL. CLEARANC E! "emonememmons MILLER%) SHOE STORE MAIN S'f.