HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1970-02-19, Page 2ENTERTAINMNT AT THE. NEW AMERICAN HOTEL BRUSSELS, ONT. 'FRIDAY and SATURDAY NIGHT IN THE RAINBOW ROOM WE F ATURE: Turkey, Spare Ribs and Sauer Kraut, Fish and Chip6 .F1 B,. 19th, 1970. VIXE 01101J891111,4 KIST BRUSSELS, ONTARIO • -.!,,•••••• 15I(l7 -anwanted to an. estimated $0!,!-1,1 ter every man, m701000..440 child in the cOhntry, The Ontario Safety Leeghe says that the Can- ada's accident toll is very similt0' to that of the .O,B.; in proportion puintlation. 49 Driv'er's. ate reminded the Ontario Safety Itseattue MIA the tiMber eantiOn sign on the 'traffic does10. *My., 'Coon, its and yen con get 'through!" It does say, "Yon'yo gal 'Mine to clear theintersection if yoki'co in It4 bat 'watch 'the iMpattent drivers and pedestrians jump Ili troM your right!'" SEE ME NOW IF YOU. HAVE MONEY TO INVEST i'HE INTEREST RATE IS 9 % OUR COMPANIES ARE SAFE AND iitLIABLE SELWYN BAKER BRUSSELS, ONT. --.—siiiwataammariftwaiiiiimoiaimoria•Nmai iiiii Sr., Brussels: Miss jean Dewar, Atwood; Mrs, F. RilOY, Whighattl; Sirs, U. Densteat, Dorking and Mrs, .11. Greenley, Ilterriston, HOWICK LIONS BINGO WINNERS NEWS FROM HURON COUNTY 'FEDERATION OF AGRICULTURE Four recornmemlatinns re fire protection wore approved to be included in a brier to County (touneil by directors or Itaron County Fe.deration of Agriculture nt their directors meeting. Nts farmers be witliont the protection Of both fire truck and tanker except when the farmers are protected by a. fire truck that 'has at least I500 galls:1:3S of water 2. No fire Innis or tanker to travel further that '1,C) miles under normal conditionsS . 3, That county council request the Provincial government that as regional government develops -across OH -Lori(); fire protection to ne included. • 1. That County Council request Provinnial Govern:Merit to allow fire mars'hall office to condoet county fire protection survey in- stead of township or town surveys, o that it can he a part of county planning. :Meeting time of the organisation, was decided. for S:30 for winter. months and fi p.m. for simmer months, after daylight saving time entries into effect. The following recommendation from the eNecutive was approved: The executive recommends that we ::(nt time minimum affiliation fee for this year at $15,00 and raise it to S,:t.5.00 for next year. • No commodity group. Or odil -1- iranli group csn. hold a seat in the organ i zit tion 11 n 1.11 this is paid (unless they have already paid this year! Commodity Hoards and eche, national groups be given two months to rectify the situation„ The executive. Proposal for TP- 67Lrmtni•ing the OFA Was approved irl principle subject to change, Charles Thomas was gues1 speaker and gave the backgronnd of the first organisation starting local council to stimulate growth of industry. agriculture and tou- ist promotion to the present -MOM council Other -business included the Set- ting up of a Membership cOtrittlit- tef. to illChld P.: Mason. Bailey, R 3, Snyth„lobn Ustiont R I, Belerave, Hugh Minden, It. I, contralin, T•brry Ilayter It. Dashwood. Strittnrit, p, t. Wr6xt,ter, 1 ,0 aallttot, to Iniliarn MVO til. thiS 61.01t1l/S 'ttt scci% Ott, filranOto, A balanced budget was present, cad for BM mut the directors also approved the revised pay schedule. The Input CommItte of i-:turon County Federation of Agrilenitore Input emits is the linsiness of this emninittee of HCFA, such Heins OS concent Int tes, soybean meal, snrays. fencing, plow shares, and fOr the ladies Crimpoline are just a few of the things the coat- mittee will investigate the price Another suggestion that the committee will act on is a price quote of items of sale of interest to Conners in other parts ,of: the county be made available, g, At the present time there is a large quantity of corn. for sale in the county and anyone interested in this could contact the office at •12-9(i42. or if yon have weatiling pigs for sale or grain, contact the office giving the quantity and what price you are asking for them. John 'Gaunt, chairman of the committee said "We are consider', tog a dealership in .1.Thron. County, for OFA tractors. "THE GOOD DRIVER" Stick a pin into a sober man and you will notice an almost in- stantaneous reaction, But stick a pin into the same man when he is impaired , by drink. and his re- action may be even faster, This was one of the surprising facts revealed by Dr. John D.. ,1. 'Havarti of Britain, specialist on the effects of alcohol on traffic safety, at a recent conference organized by the Ontario Depart- ment of Transport. The Ontario Safety League Isiletes Dr, Havara as saying that SIMPLE bodily r (;.1) ti !-1 11314" be speeded. up by alcohol: but the task of driving needs COWL:SIX reactions, and these can be affected adversely by ii Very 1,0W leVel of blood ale0- bol. Metro Toi.onta is installing a stew traffic warning sign where- ever appropriate throughout the area BR1GDF1 ICES.‘. The Signs will be removed at the end of each Winter. The Ontario Safely Leagne reminds drivers that once the cold Wan th er sets in it is always psis. schle that a highway will becoth, a skating rink when it rescues a bridge. The Iwo-11611-4 bail ticIytit toblilet 016 tY0 th • Unlike lighning, injury-produc- iug accidents always strike twice, 'Says the Ontario Motor League. Pirst the person, then his puree,. On their honeymoon the grooM told his bride: " Now that we're married, I hope you won't; mind if I mention a few little defects that I've noticed about you." ';N'ot at all," cooed the young lady, "lt was those little defects that kept me from getting better husband." Rogitlar Games: Mrs. Simon '1•Tuber, Mildmay; Mrs. Day, 'Wing- ham, ,Mrs, Kathleen .1,311ncott. Lob anon, Mrs. S. Huber, Milamay Mrs. George Strauss, Mildmay an Mrs. George Strauss, 'Milani:1y and Mrs. Ray Meyer, Listowel; Mrs. A. Ste. Marie, Winghain and : Mrs. Newman, "Win gh tun : rs, Milarnay and r s. Day IVinginim; Miss Jean 'Dewar. At- wood : si rs. Henry. Parristoe, .D.1 Scott, Listowel: Mrs,. Marion Lilt, Teeswater and bang,. •I'iteitener: Cliff Goodwin, Moorefteld.; Airs, (3eorge klislop Share the Wealth". 1. Mrs. New- man, Winglitun and John Scott, Listowel: 2. Rey .Meyer, Listowel $ss speela.; Mrs, .Druinin, 1.1ar- riston; Jackpot Of $91) plus $1.0 honits• \von CPPer, List-owel , Door PriSes: Mrs. Ruby l'ayler, Palmerston, Sirs. FL •Reidn wrox. eter and Mrs. Smalz, Lucky IsrawS: .Stay Meyer. List- MV.S. Patterson. Wingham, sirs, J. Burns, Wrosetor and Mrs. Lihw vale. . oak x7:4111111111111 AS IT HAPPENS canacitishs have the viericl's second most severe mass case of "telephonitis"o This so- called "disease" is particularly rampant on Monday nights when CBC radio's As It t--lopr ,....nr. roller-coasts across the country for two hours, beginning at 8:03 p.m. local time. The bearded gentleman on rIblit Is artlst.turned"broadcaster William Ronald, hoz.r.t of the shows who talks to people 1-nokinci headlines In Canada, or 4 .knywhen'e, nbly aaslsted by Nowt-QuhtileP merry Drown fltft), 11.16 ohow, ie Ilvii one Hvttly 04V i3fl;itius5 both Oidis hf 016 III16 hlIve tiotethltig bay,