The Brussels Post, 1970-02-19, Page 1sotto Ind
12,50. 4 .7ifear I.n Advance $3.50 Te u.s.A., THE BRUSSELS POST 9'Ill'itSDAY, 1979 1 ),57, PuBLIKIENO HOU=
raft had. a display of the girls' Rev, C. A. 'Winn was chairman
record books and work. Mrs orrr the annual meeting' at 'Knox
Kufske explained the girls work Presbyterian Church, and opened
and also read Norma Mains' coin. the meeting with prayer and rerirl
rents which were given. on, Ach- Rev, Ch. 3,
ievement Day, The articles on die:- Mrs. Cordon Etagel was an-
play were a credit to the girls pointed congregational secretary
and their leaders. for the meeting and read f1i
Mira. rani 'Hemingway then resit, minutes of the 1969 meeting. All
charge or the program, The 'O.1 reports were adopted as printed.
Call was "Name a new fabric and New managers elected. were
how you. liked it". Miss Laura Stewart Steiss. Earl Dunn etsl:
Lucas gave an interesting motto Alex Cameron. Mrs. Mac Engel
on "If you oan't be thankful for ci as re-appointed secretary trens-
what you hav-e, be thankful for error and Mrs. Stuart McNair and
what you have missed". Mrs. Stewart. Steiss organists.
tioY'd Wheeler, a tocal apiarist Ushers appointed were
was then called on for a talk on knight. Douglas Evans, Leslie.
Honey, tie showed most inter- Knight and Stewart Steiss. Sim
eating and informative titan f -. Knight appointed ItaditOr.
Rees, This was r o il„„„,6 b y a Th (i )111d go t and National Develop-
"Qtlestion and Answer" period, anent funds were discussed, also
Lloyd was thanked and presented Camp Kintail. Rev, Winn moved
with a gift, a hoHrty rote 01 thallk..9. to all
MI'S. Doug Homingway,: who at- helped in tiny way during the
tended the East Iiiiron District your,
ExteentiVe illoOtitig held in Wro\-. v ifl e d
Mot., told that the District Annual
',fleeting will be held in Illtievale
on Stay 12 starling at 0 0.111, Each were followed by the serving of P.
brarrrlr to supply or enter, delicious lunch by Mrs, de Tr ri ,
MjNs Pearsoli '111.1i 41 No)ttltl g viSiltikteg d 40)
also in the ladies who
the bountiful poilnck
whielt preneded the meethig.
On Friday, February 13th, our
pupils and interested parents
filed into the auditoritun and
watched -Grade Five's assembly,
They presented skits called "The
Washing Machine", and "The
Lighthouse Keeper's Daughter",
Laurie Johnston played the role
GE "Superstitious Charlie". on
appropriate play for Friday the
13th.'1i verycme showed his apprec-
iation by his applause).
During -the assembly, Mrs. Ray•
mond awarded the public speak.
log winners with their trophies,
A hook, for aehieving the most
points at the Brussels Fall Fair
was presented to Linda Machu]] by
Mrs. Tyerman. The contest was
sponsored by the T. Eaton Com-
Mr, and. Mrs. liarVey Craig. pony'. ,
Cheryl and fltneme attended the Last Tuesday the cheerleaders,
110th wedding anniversary of Mr. girls and the boys volleyball
and Mrs. Sillery at their home in teams travelled to Londesboro.
Brucefield.: After the long bus ride, you can
guess what happened: we got
Alrs. Marion Junget of Toronto
atid -Mrs, Wrn, Mayo of Surrey,
.13. C., visited last week with Mr.
and Mrs. flarvey Craig and alsd
attended the Golden wedding
anniversary of their cousin, Mr.
and Mrs, F1', N. 'Sillery of Bruce-
Sunday guests witty. Mr. and
Mrs, Roy Williamson, Shirley
and Tom were Mr, and Mrs. Glen
Corlett, Rickey, Randy and Dianne,
or Stratford and Mr. and Mrs.
Lyle Racho, Carol Ann and Joan
of SeafOrth.
Drs. Jean and (-:erel 'Wester-
mann of Burlingten spent. the
week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Earl
Mills. Mr. and Mrs, Walter 13OO11
of Blyth*isited Sunday evening
at the same home.,
Winning Public Speakers,
Mrs. Carl Hemingway and Mrs
Iluttg Merin war, conveners at
Agriculture and Canadian
dustries, held their meeting- in
the Brussels Library on Thursday
afternoon, February 12t1) at two
o'clock with a, good attendance.
After the usual opening exer-
cises the president, Mrs. :lint
in 150 countries Smith, welcomed the members
short service of ;inch visitors, and called on. Lloyd
of the -valiance, aged, 13. Grade S pupil.
who was rrunner up in a recent
Public School, public speaking
contest, to present his speech en-
titled "Truth is Stranger than
Fiction", Colleen Raymond, 11
years old. Grade 6 pupil, also de-
livered her prize winning speech
in "Money". Both pupils present-
ed their talks Clearly and force,
fatly and delighted their audience.
•;\ I'm Doug Hemingway wished
them continued SUOCTSS and pre-
sented them with a gift.
Mrs. 'Marie McCntcheOn, seene-
ry-treasurer, read the : minutes
of the january meeting and the
financial statement. As the fin-
ances are getting low, a discus-
sion was held on some ways to
raise money. It. was decided .
hold a euchre party on Monday
PEOPLE WE KNOW evening , March 2, at 5:341 o'clock
and Mrs. Sack McCuteheon
We are glad to report that -Mrs.
Maude teeming and -m-rs. 'Roy
Bennett have been able to return
home, afar spending a few weeks
in hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Stimore. et
Stratford and Mr. and Mrs, James
Scott of 'Myth spent Sunday with.
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Reid,
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.
Tarry Blake, ninth line of Morris
twp., on the arrival of a baby
daughter last week, in Clinton
Mr. and Mrs. PM Taylor and
family of Staffs. visited on. Sun-
day With the latter's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Rollie Achilles.
Tlruce Clark, London, spent the
week-end at the home of his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs.,Tame.S Clark.
Mr. and Mrs. Reid Hackwell of
Exeter and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Me-
Ilwain; Mark 011(1 David of Sea-
forth were week-end guests with
MrS. W. C. Hackwell,
Joe Ryan is patient in Clin-
ton Hospital having Suffered a
heart attack, we hope he is soon
able to be Op and, about as Usual.
Conveners on Historical Re-
search and Current Events for
the. February Tnstitute meeting to
be held in the Communiay TTall
Wednesday, Feb. 25, will be Mrs.
.Tas. Clark and Mrs. Mac Sholdice,
each member to bring a Grand-
mother as guests, also your oldest
item in your possession and dis-
play it and a written current
event to he used in the Curator's
book. Mrs. McCrae of Myth will
deMonstrate on leather craft.
Walton Unit of U.C.W.
'Mrs. E,merson Mitchell Opened
the detotional part of the N'illton
'Unit r .C..W. meeting Wednesday
eVoning, T-Tymn 378 was SUM; with
fgentittntni r,ii, iiimide intro!
were; Girls 15 to 11
1.5 to 12 for Brussels and 15 to 9
for Londesboro.
'We play against Londesboro
TitesdaY„ Feb. 17th at our settee].
'Watch next week for the results.
'We hope to give them • a better
Our games for (g) Grades 7 and
S are going the same as usual,
Point. Standing is: Blainces
ubble G'iunmers. 24. Lloyd's Tur-
keys 22. Keith's Chicklet Chomp-
ers 14.
Julie Hanna and Janet Cardiff
Brussels 4, Gorrie
Scoring tor Brussels: Doug
Cousins scored. all four goals,
Black HaNkks 7, Red Wings 1
Scoring for Black Hawks: Deng
Cousins 3 unassisted:. Doug Gous-
ins Men Cousins); Ken Cousins
(Doug Cousins); Doug Cousins
((Neil Mitchell);
scoring for lied •Vings: Darwin
McCutcheon (Robert Dertiaray).
Bruins 4, Maple Leafs 0
Scoring for Bruins: Brian Scott
(John Richmond); Tim Prior
(Brian Scott); Tim Prior
Scott) ; Gary McWhirtcr.
Coptinoing diSappOlJaMellf. IS
felt ,by the committee who plan the
fleeting of the World Day of
Prayer at the small attendance. It
is definitely a matter of regret
that only 70 women from the vil-
loge or Brussels and the sur-
rounding area. join with the mil-
lions of women
and areas in a
Prayer for the bringing
world to Christ.
The collections at last year's
meetings, $09,:000 was used to
assist many projects in all
countries in, the world.
'Won't you make it 21 point to
lie tit the 1970 service which will
be held in the Brussels United
Church on Friday, 'March 6, at
Brussels Fair officials have set
the dates for the Fall Fair. ft will
be held On the last Friday and
Saturday of September, the 21th
and 25th, 'Plans are already under-
way to make the 1970 fair an even
bigger success than last year.
were Sunday visitors in 'Inger-
Filijoh. Chapman, who has spiell
many months as a p atient in
ngham Hospital returned to
his home here this week.
Air. and Mira. Arthur Weiler.
Robert and 'Bonnie Of Toronto
spent the week-end with Mr, and
Mrs. George Thornton.
Gary ()nth. who was ethniiryed
at Huron Food Products has ac-
cepted a position in Elmira,
Mrs, 'W, J. Perrie spent Severn'
days with Rev. James Perris or
Strathroy while lie was ill with
Mrs. 0. Elliot, who had been a
patient in Wingham and District
Hospital with injuries sustained.
In a car accident, returned home
last: -week.
Mr, and Mrs. Robert Thornton.
Dionne, Steven Prld TWY1f1 Down
of Dublin. spent Sunday -with Mr,
and Mrs. 'George Thornton
This ennimunit3r was well re-
presented on the CKNN 'PV pro-
grant "Reach Per The Top" with
Misses. Kathleen -Krauter. Nancy
(lowing and Neil Hemingway on
the four student tonin that parti-
cipated for the P. E. See,-
ondary School of AVia,gharn.
Mrc and grs.. Lloyd Mitchell of
Brussels wish fo annOmice the cp.
gtigement of :Lorna Louise Cooper.
daughter of Mrs. Mitchell and the
late Mr. Fred Cooper. to David
Russell Eilliott, 6011 of Mr. and
Mrs. Grant. Elliott of Brussels.
The wedding will take place rn
thp early part of March..
for 1tarptaing? `Read (by''
vandal have been at work in
the dressing rooms of the Bills,
sets arena.
The recreation committe and all
others concerned have spent a.
great deal of money, time and
ortorf to provide facilities for skat-
ing, hockey, curling. figure skating
etc., for the residents of this:
community. Now some unprineipl
ed youths, even those who have
been using the facilities 'provided,,
along with friends who have a.
destructive sense of humour, have
sPerlt a good deal Or..effort in
wrecking the dressing - rooms and
toilets Tt. is unfortunate that
such people don't grow up and,
develop •ft sense of responsibility,
The residents of this village are
grateful for the respect of private.
Property shown by most. of our
snowmobile operators bat there
are still a few carelss. ones and
complaints are being' made of
damage to shrubs etc. So folks.
enjoy snowmobiling but do avoid
damage to other peoples property
and remember that those who
are old, or ill, need peace and
quiet in the late hours.
Mr. and: Mrs. Clare Veitcb,
Marie and Janet. ond Mr. and
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Veitch attend-
ed a thirtieth wedding anniver-
sary- celebration for Mr. and Mr.*.
'Ivan 'ffienderson in :Galt on Fehr.
Mary' it;
• Mrs. Calvin Cameron and Miss
EMYletIQ Stairs visited Mr. and
firs. Near . Huehn, Conestoga..
Knox Church Annual. Meeting
in the public library. Each memb-
er was asked to bring a don-
ation to the March meetine
Tickets were sold on a pair of
knitted slippers donated by Mrs
Doug Hemingway and a 'Valentin ,'
cushion donated by Mrs. licLarty.
Mrs. Lorne Nichol held the luelty
ticket on the cushion and Mr,,
perrie on the slippers.
Thirteen dollars 1111(1 twenty-five
cents was realised froM the sale
of tickets.
Mrs. 'Karl Kufske and Mrs, Ti.
Triebner, the 4-H Club
leaders for the course on Needle.
•Tics Wendy Hum oh ries. who
wnrks at the Palm erston Child-
rens Hospital. snent 0 counle Of
days at home with her parents Mr, and 1.5 to 1. for Londesboro. Boys:
and Mrs. Stewart. llumphries,
7 2 0 46 30 14
Black Hawks
6 3 0 68 31 12
Red 'Wings
2 .5 2 32 '40
Maple Leah's
1. 6 2 20 1
Doug Cousins SI , Ken Consiiis
36; 'Ken Cousins 36: [Irian Scott
24; 'Till Prior 2S; Darwin Mc-
('atcheon 21; John Richmond 20:
Scott Wheeler 19.
Thursday, Feb, I!), Brussels
Wingliam (in. Wingliaml .5;00 p,m.
'riday. Feb. 20, Listowel vs
Brussels (in Brussels) 7:00 P.P.
Saturday, Feb. 21. 9,00 'block
'Ulm+ 140 4,00 'tn.' liritthrI :Leonine;
10,1111 Roo Nto.p1§.,, Valle, Aeifts*Ilf1i3e1 1101.