HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1970-02-12, Page 4FOR RENT — Apartment Apply: 1NISit!Instit Hardware FOR SALE • 1169. Sidl)oo 320 -58, 26 h.p; flood, miming 'condition. Dennis PhoneSeatorth 527-0196 SEAFORTH U ;-1-1ULSTERY' Centre Street For all kinds of uphosterinc, Brussels representative: SELWYN BAKER NEW BARN CLEANER •RALCO All types o1= ,stabling and cern. lusranzeed up• to 700 ft. pull, Ill to a 65 IL Swinging Elevator. plete Insulations, Contadtt BERG Sales - Service Installation FREE ESTIMATES • Barn Cleaners • Bunk Feeders go Stabling DONALD G. IVES R.R. 2, BLYTH Phone Brussels 413W4 LAVERNE 'JOHNSTON Milverton. Phone 595-8060( ENTERTAINMENT AT THE NEW AMERICAN HOTEL BRUSSELS, ONT. JERRY REVER and TPE COUNTRY GENTLEMEN FRIDAY and SATURDAY NIGHT IN THE RAINBOW ROOM WE FEATURE: Turkey', Spare Ribs and Sauer Kraut, Fish anti Chips 111.1.71181-JAY, 12tb, i :+14) R Maple Syrup Phone; Pero; Adams. 52.3•1152 after 6 p.111. WOOD FOR SALE — • )iardwood Slabs. ','mule load lots .$4,00 per cord; Soft •'w.eOtt SS,•00 Craig Sassmill,Anbign FOR SALE — 25f;c, off list price, one 11)74 S-nsw 11.osh Suossnrssile and two 15., Beatty Peed Carts.. Conley Hardware, Ethel Phone 887.62119 SPARE TIME INCOME Refilling and colleting !noses from NISW TUTS high-quality yobsoperated dispensers in your urea. N'o selling. To qualify you lutist have cur. reference, $600 to $2000 Cash. Seven to tWelve hours weekly can net excellent monthly income. More Intl time. For per- sonal interview Write CANAPENN DISTILIBUVING LTD., DEPT, A, 16n Bay St, Suite 205, Toronto 1, Ontario: include phone number. Iwo Tiovassr43 posT m-414011.0, ONTA.Aig i''.-NTLEMIEN'S CLUB NEWS ITEMS have just. arrived home from Witulser, ]'here, iii Che f happy litaguage of show Isizness "I rolled them in the aisles". My Master of Ceremonies, Slim ..)1c(.norr was profuse ill his introduction. Seven- les% tunes across Canada, .and said 1 dud played before four United States presidents, Well, I guess he was right 1 bad played before three of them were born. 11 did help with a ShOW l'Or Franklin 1). ItOsstivelt on Campobello island. Included in a troupe Prose St. ..Stophen, N. B, The hest part of tny engagement in Windsor when five ex-Brussels• Res appeared Saturday nite. I was so proud I moved their table, where everyone in the big room ,s,ould see them. Jim Logan and Carol, Wayne Cameron and Pai plus Fred- die cardiff. I apologize to Logan. ip one •washo is smarter than ilk 010 1)110, Al raised a hock of a better son than his Dad did. Pat •lavoured us with .a eouple ols ,songs and has a 'beard:Hal voice. Then Freddie Cardiff tool: a turn with call a unique .dance-, it was a sort of slither • and slide. 11 really could 'be 'called a heel and toe Step dance. When he ' asn't on his heels he was trying (C balmier! himself' OH his irit,A. dance like this calls Ir tails. you know. white shirt, white tie, sal., nation, and cut away coal. 'WeS1 Ftecidio didn't have the white tie or Lie Cnrnation but he sure had the tails. about six inches of an orange shirt tail sticking out or. his pants. Anyway Freddie, . it helped fill in couple of minutes,. so thanks. I really was happy and in-end of you people • from Brussels. We started for home, dean and I MeCiory) and Olteeto. Slim's pound monkey. Cheeto is part or the shoW, After three glasses of her he is ready to perform. Slim plays jungle music abslab-dabba and Cheeto does =a dance on top OS the piano. When we started 110010 they put a chain around the monkey's neck and tied him to the handle of the lair door. He was in bad humour and immed- iately commenced tearing my cushions to pleees. Jean grabbed my snow brush and the monkey the fly swatter, It was the best hit 'of Lacrosse i ever did see. It was rather unfair. Fly swatter again-it a much heavier weapon. but the monkey ovenod things up by breaking the brush and using one half in one hand and the swatter in the other, They fought all the Way 110111e. T1101 drum cursed monkey tote road maps, papers, books, Insmisoripts, used the shelf as a toilet, •"Threw pencils, tire gauge, alarm . stock. fiddle bows, and got me in the, neck with every- thing. . I mean everything.. I an) really a mild tuna but T could cut that monkey's throat with a hack 'When summer comes TT got oven. 1...1plan on going ,Onl every mOrning with two bananas. in my car .0110 slowly eat the two of them while he watches. I like (sits an& dogs.. and lit do lambs everything but. a cursed monk, sy. 1 would prefer a lion con- strictor or 0 den of rattlesnakes. Next Euchre. CF.mtlemen vorsus Legion. Monday, February 23. The last twice: the games were 1101 worth mentioning. Ves, it was 0 nice trip but for Cheeto. Next time there will be no monkey. Of course I'm willing; 10 pal 0 loggin ,l• chain around his neck and let him run behind, I W 1.114 50Y 10 .qrs. N of 'Henna Vista Calirornia, 1 will 11.y aml answer your lotto) next week Brussels has not changed much since. you lived here over 80 years a go. The sarne. 1)00111.410 village, with its .river and trees and the finest people in the world. Would you, • or know of anyone in Cali- tombs. who would buy a monkey at less than 1;200? Truthful) 'Yours T. K. F. WALTON W. I. Euchre Party The prize winners at. the euchre, party held in the Walton Com- munity 'Fl01 last Wednesday even- • ing were for High Lady. Mrs, Ilela 0).1,, Seaforth, T‘ow Lady, Miss Shirley Johnston, High Man, Torrance ISindass, Low man, Harold Bolger. Lunch was served by the committee in charge, Mrs. Stewart 'Humphries, Mrs. Margaret Humphries. 'Mrs. Torance Dundas, Mrs. Mac Sheldiee and Mrs. Don Achilles, The next . euchre..will be held: on Wednesday, Febrnary 1.5, at 8;30. Everyone is welcome,. U.O.W. 17th and Boundary 1.1nIt The .17th and ROundary Unit .of • l tiff' Unlied Church • held its. February meeting on.• WednesdnY with -Mrs. Roy presid- in over the devotional portion, Hymn "Take Time to • be Holy" was sung. The scripture reading was takon from the 12th Chapter • of Romans, Mrs. R. Williamson gave a reading 'hi the beginning, threads of Life", followed by prayer. Mrs. James \\ lllia.11lti:,11 rave' the topic' "Faith Strengthen- ed my Backbone", telling us no matter how little wOrlfily nOSSeS- iOns we may have, we should have Pan in Cod, this to be our strong- est possession.. poem, "Garbage in Cm,. Salad - was read by Mrs, Roy WilliamSon. Mrs, Martin 13aan led the business period A Committee was formed to look the r ,t11- er and Son Bannuet to be held on -Feb, 28, Those on the committee are; Mrs. Roy Williamson. Mrs. Jan ruin' Vliel Sr.. Mrs. Cliff Illlobie and Mrs. John Hos, World I -sly of Prayer was announced for Staroh 6. at 9 p.m, Mrs. Martin Pstan gave an interesting report on the recent ITuron-Porth Presyterial held in Wesly-Willis United Chur- ch, Clinton. A donation was given • to the March of Dimes. The next meeting to he held at the home or Mrs. John Hos. Roll call will be a verse on prayer. The meeting clos- ed with the Mizpah Benediction. Lunch was served by •the boatels- • ses. SEE ME. NOW IF YOU HAVE MONEY TO INVEST THE 1NTERES T RATE 1..5 9 % OUR COMPANIES ARE SAFE AND RELIABLE SELWYN BAKER BRUSSELS, ONT. ismummewl.dmamimillim•aimariumwdomborroft.iim FOR SALE Top quality Cob Corn, very dry • $37 per ton at farm,. . Coleinan, Kippen.,• ph(me 262,4031 FOR SALE -s- still bales of est:silent 1-lay, TrerOil and Timothy, at 40o per c.k.rtlins 5, Red Wings 3 hale, John Perri() ..1; Scoring Pm- Bruins; 'Brian Scott cunassisted): Brian Seott Richmond): John ichmond (Miry McWhirter, Tim Prior ) ; Brian Scott Tint Prior, Cary lleWhirter John rieliniond unit s:-0sted TYKE, HOCKEY LEAGUE • ALL-STAR GAME .\Vingliani 4 Brussels. 0. Virst of.brio.1, ucl :•••corinw, Seeond period. Wingham, Paul Poston (2.i. pen. alities: Garry McW.hirter, Third period, Wingbam, cssig Bssigss, Paul S'oxion, HOUSE LEAGUE RESULTS Black Hawks 11, Maple Leafs 2 •• Scoring for Block Hawks: Hong ldice !Doug Cousins, Kenny Cousin)); Ken Cousins (Doug Cousins); Ken Cousins (6 goals unassisted); Doug Cousins (3 goals unassisted); Scsring 1.ssfs: Scott Wheels. 4l:rialt Arinstssuis); Scott Wheeler (unassisted) ScorinS Me('ntcheon (Terry ,Alcenteheon); Terry_ 111 Kin Oh eon ( Kevin Pen- nington); Darwin MCCutcheon (unassisted). Leading Scorers:: smug cousins 10: Kenny Cousins 311 Pritin Scott 'M `NM Prior 20 I"larrwin m cc, teh eon 23; Scott Wheele'r 19; John Richmond 19, GAMES THIS ViirsEK Saturday, February 14 ou a.m. Black Hawks vs Red 10)00 a.m. Bruins vs Maple Leafs S YOUR POST PAID UP? Don't forset. Chat all subscrip- tions over three months in arrears must be taken from our list. NOTICE — • "For all your electrical wiring needs isintast: Don McLean Phone 587-9264 Brussels MILLER'S SHOE STORE FINAL -.CLEARANCE!. MAIN' ST. * LISTOWEL FOR WOMEN FAMOUS BRANDS Sizes 4 12; 4A .„ 3E in the group but not in every style Reg. $14.95'— $21.00 NOW -- $3 $5 $7 $10 SAVE 20 50 % • All Rubber Footwear • Snow Boots • Insulated Boots • Cvrling Boots • Skates 'Slippers MAIN ST. FOR MEN HART' — McHALE DACK JARMAIN Sizes to 14; A 5E included in the lot Reg. $29.95 — $33.95 NOW $16.95 -19.95 SPECIAL GROUP B:ack and Brown Reg. to $17.95 NOW $8.00 LISTOWEL MILLER'S SHOE STORE sosis-ss-ssissii.osisissosTsigios .,soiss7sois,psiiissoisssio4ssioli.sisosssissips...‘sisiosslossmiosoa , • . ,....,.