HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1970-02-12, Page 1THE leff(ISSELS POST Tlet'ReIDAY, 1e113.13, 12(11, 397(1 POST PUI3LISTISNIG PIGGRift ,12,60 A Year In Advance — $3.50 To U.S.A. .1,41••••••••,,k1.1. BRUSSELS LIvE$TOcic LIMITED SPONSOR ANNUAL BONSPIEL The Annual .Bonspiel sponsored' by Brussels Livestock Ltd. was. 15rtfiesWetln es d a y, February 4th, with sixteen ti:,44sokuocting for • the trophy and pris'ei.r 3. Desteti,itea very cold day, a late start:ewer e later finish it was considered to 'he; a .success by those taking part, espesially the winners. After some • very close (,2,-1.11.1E,F, With this sponsor and host, Ti ugh Pearson, having. plenty of measuring to do and some mathematical Problems to determine winners. So many ties, are unusual in our local spiels,. which speaks well tot' tit e enality of the curling seen in th 1-- contest. 9' A.M. Winners • 1st, Jack Bowman and rink l Wins plus 8 • 2nd, Jes. Smith and rink wins pins 13 3rd, A'ei1 1.113entingesay and rink ~' wins plus etueray slooner.end C lotion. A.M, Winners • e 1st. Sam Johnsonend eink ewe!, :1 wine pins hoes Purvey and rink 2 wine sells 9 3rd Boh Mee:ague and rink '2 wins plus 9 Mason Robinson and rink. 'C'ort- sot:item. • In a wording. the trophy Jack .BO-wman's team had an aggregate score of 25 while Sam :Johnson's team had 23, in both draws second and third winners we're tied in wins and pluses and aggregate so a fourth method had to TIP used. Need we rosy it wls :I itiayvd GREY TOWNSHIP COUNCIL MEETING opoy Township CowieII meeting Watt 110,10 Febeueray 2tl. lleSOlutions passed tut follows: 'not the minutes of the last adopted as rdad. 'Plit t the Emgineer's report df the. Van Loo,,,Draiti be referred beck to the Engineer for adjust- meet rel. water shed. That the Ethel Community Cen- tre Boord be appointed as follows! Alex Pearson, Bruce Speiran and John Conley from Ethel: Al (.41 Chester Earl and Mrs. George Pearson from Ethel Women's In. stitnte and Charles Thomas and Melville Lamont 1'oprese4ting Grey Towehip Mat Vtliel community Centre Board be given a grant in the amount of $20.0.00 for iniprmee. Monts to the heating system and the construction of steps. That COnticillor teeorge Wesson- berg and Councillor istrween Ward he appointed as representatives, froin the TOWnehip Of Crey to the Council. That Cotincillor Donald J. 'Araetin be ePPointed as repre- sentative from the Township Of Crey to the Moda Council. That we pay annual dues of $10,00 to the Farm Drainage Con- ference; London, OtitOto. That Membership fees to the AeeociatiOn of. Mayors and Reeves hP Paid in the amount of $20,00. That an application for an ad- ditional,- loan in the amount of $2,500. he accepted under 3he Drainage Act. That By-Law. No. 6 of 1970 . be finally passed as read a. first, sec- ond and third time to increase the interest rate on arrears of taxcIS from % 1% per month to :1(Y‘ per month effective January 1st, 1.970 and a penalty of 4% shall be charged on all current taxes re- Omitting unpaid after the lettb day of December. 1970, Moved by Melville Lamont that notice of increase iu, penalty and., interest on taxes be placed in Sea- forth Eepesitor: BreSeels Post and the Listowel Bander. NO seconder on Motien and motion was lost, That the. clerk be instructed to advertise ,for tenders for ('rushing mei: hauling approximately -20,000 Stdrf'of The oldest Continuing civi- lization in the world, It is a land r,f pictures, poetry and beauty but it is also definitely cOmmeeistie and is pushing for first place animig the nations, Communism is too daiigerous rl cult for any of us to be itheducat- ed as to its evils, TrUe Christian- ity is the only ansWeie A hymn and benediction closed the meeting, PEOPLE WE KNOW . :Nil's, E. Raymond.ie eriticolly ill in. Victoria Hospital. London, Mr. and Mrs, Minn left on Tuesday for Bracebridge where Mr. Rann inutiage the .Dolphin :104.e.,evii(.,e8ltii[:.imnge, while the proprie'tor' to 8 1 Mr. rind Mrs, Wayne Cline were visitors with Mr. and. Alr. C. Park- er, _-1i', -Cline a former accountant the local branch of the Canad- ian thinerial Ranh of Comnieree 110W' manager of the bruneh al Preehin, Ont. 'Mrs. Gerald (Adeline) Voisin of Welerloe, denghter of Mrs. Verd- inaml Smith, and siSter of efts. Geo.Wesenberg. Brussels. was kil- led in a car MIA on TileS(titY morning. She is survived by hos husband and fivo children, Fun• oral servies Thursday -at Lady (»• Lourdes Church , Waterloo, WALTON rind 'eTrs. Don McDonald, Mr. and Mr-s. Nelson, Marks, Mr,. and Mrs. Ron Bennett and •• ,and Mrs, Herb 'l'ei vise, spent the week- end 'with Mt. anti Mre. ;ferry Polleek of Tees\Viek. Mr. and Mrs. Roe fluelli Steven and. John, and Mrs. Ruth Tiuether, Gregory and Doug oil Brussels, spent the Week-end at. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon. Saunders of Royal Oak, Mich, Mr, and Mrs. 'Donald Ennis and family of Whitby, were week-end guests with Mr. add Mrs. Doug .111n nes. Miss Helen. Searle, 'London. SI)ent tits week-end at OW 1101110 her perents, Lind Mrs, Allan Searle'. Mr. and Mrs. Win. 'nin;:inor(-. Bruca and Peter, of Brampton. spout the week-end with Mr. and. Mrs. (lordon NleGavin. Mrs. Jean _Taylor of Bresteels has lieen holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Ritchie. Mr. a nil Mrs. John Currie, Cheryl and Rhondii of Brampton -visited at the home of Mr. and Airs, Allan M.crit11. Sunday -after- noon, Mr. and Mrs. 'Ken McDonald and Mr. and Mrs. Frank erecetcheon. Brussels, left Saturday oe a motes trip .to California, , • • Ni'. and Mrs. Horace Rutledge of London, were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Mnrgaret Humphries. • Mission Band The Mission Band met Sunday_ Morning in Duffs United. Church. WW1 37 members present. Sues e ITurnehries• opened the meeting with the Call to Worship., renewed by singing hymn 609 with Pegey Dennis at the piano. Minutes of the last meeting were read by the secretary. Mary Senrie rop.s rop or l W a s given by Steven Dennis. ehildren Heel went: to their classes with the following touchers, Mrs. Wm. Roe. Mrs. Mac ShOldiee. Mrs, Ross Bennett, and Mr-c. Campbell \Vey, TTymn 61,1 WaS sung. The closed with the Benediction. BRUSSELS COUPLE HONORED ON 500? ,AN,NivERSARY Mr. and 'frs'.• 4elysyn 'Baiter eel ebra t ed their 50 Ili Wedd Mee Anniversary.' ne Saturday. Febr- uary 70, A family dinner wits held in the Brussels Legion Hall, The heed table was centred with a lovely wedding mice in white and goel :Ind gold candles, and the ball was decorated in gold to snit the oc- casion, Rev. Herold Snell of London. Ontario. ae old friend. of the fam- ily was Toast Masters A cousin of the bride and groom, Miss Doreen° 'Linker •R,N, . of London, Ontario,. showed eonse pictures of her .stay• in Malaysia, which were Very interesting, Tile bride and groom receieed many lovely •gifts • and en rds of congratulations, including a telegram from. Prithe Minister Trudeau e enda planue from. Prem- ier Roberts; •presented by Murray Onunt. M,P, Tn the evening open house was held for their many friends and neighbours. Guests were received tho their by their daughter, and son-in-law Bill and Mario s•Turnbull. Miss Joyce. Pearson attended the guest hook. Mrs, Beatrice Cardiff and Airs. Pearl Stiles .poured tea. The tea table in gold and white was centred with the wedding cake Their two granddaughters. 'Mrs. Barbara Fritz, and Mrs, Marian Filler, and Airs. Betty Straehen of Preston, Ontario, • served the (;gorge nutter. sate 'Workman, and Mrs. Ralph Penn eon iiseisted, tinest•s were presents e. tes Station., S'earboro. Preston, Lon- don, Grand Bend Brantford, Monk- Atwood. nurlington. and Bras, sell. NOW LIST,EN ALL PEOPPE AND YOU WILL HEAR WHAT'S HAPPENING IN BRUSSELS SCHOOL THIS YEAR On Feb. 0, in Clinton Public S,chool ,1410yri ValltIne0 (.;01111)0t0d air tint' 15 other centestsets front Clinton. 111i-'th, Coderi• '.1-seris" laindeshoro' Wall on, 1 I ues-vile (431borne, Winghem. leelgrave. Kirkton, and 'Huron Pork The topics teemed from elscell Kiug to the r;onerathm (lap. The Indf..!;('h Major VOUM ON' of Ihe Canadian Forces Ease, prfmnrillgo of Clinton Secondary School and Mr. McCarron. a memb- er of the I Enron Perth Sep:irari- School ['ward WO are proud to say Lloyd won st.cond first well t lo Arc:11illan 1'1'0111 t;e3pricil Who SnOko raiSit:;., :m ud Hari one 0)111 es, lolgi'a ye. who '41)(11“‘ about "Th e II) Dn Sat 1-"p11. Lloyd and Colleen Raym 11 ont., Jo to 1,11t.khoW to give their :leven- es. They ere sponsored by the temseele Pranch of the Canadian Legion. "Good Luck Lloyd arid tenet...one:We eeprees thanks. to Mt";, Raymond for tie.,r help to the public •i!loalo-r:4. 11 wa(i alyprvo. Mind lift Fob. 10; F; r)1. V I:11011 t'I L6101140111 le Vey veiteeleill BRUSSELS LIONS HEAR PPIZE WINNING SPEECH Vallatier, tonnor-lin in the 'N‘vi,tli 'Public School Public Speak- -fe e sesenetitien. IVi1S a guest at H u , ro$4111.o. IVontlay nigh'. .31nor of ila Linn' (MO.. He nreSentPd hip speech. "Believe It or Not" whieh Ica enjoyed by lee membere. Tamer Cerritt Van Veen l e d tee sing :zones assisted by Lion Ken Sentt with Mary Gibson at -the pion°. Tail twister Cordoe Meneein ied penalilies . that kept . the fine hex 1ingling jangling, Lim! President Kra:titer. Who •keicomed Ralph Have , man into membership in the club. He thanked Lintel Frank Carl et% for arrangements made for the has trip to the Ice Follies, and Ralph Pearson. The' loather end Child Banquet wet be held at. St. John's Anglican I'lmrob on February 23rd. Four delegates to the Lions Cost • ventien in Windsor, in May. were appointed, The chili nocepted an invitation. to attend the Atwood Lions meet. ing, March 4th. (Incise winner was Lions Rost McCall and. (es...relit van Vern. r. Wretch nest neek for the reeults. We are nearing the end of ens eloylee enrive. NeXt `11!'efilt Ire .till ••ittl'I the ntheittte DaeliStei "0;101141 '1.01 Viigiiit0hqdrf U.C.W. AFTERNOON GROUP 'MEETING On Febru ry 30. the Afternoon cult of the 'United Church Women met at the home of Airs.AfeFaddep with .16 Members eed three \este- ors present, Mrs: Bryens led lite devotiosee period with the theme "Inepin talon". She told the story of how Bev. Sankey was given the music to fit. the poem "The Ninety and Nine". Mrs. Dick Stephenson sang that anthem delightfully, and devotions were elosed with prayer. Aliss Skelton conducted the rest of 'the meeting, The ladies were reminded of the World Day of prayer on March 6th,, and the Evening Visit's Valentine Tea on February ll4th. Reports were given about the Presbyterial at Clinton, Mrs, Miller introduced the new stedy book,, "Reconciliation- in a, Troubled. World" with a lively' discussion' about Christian ways of eorryng out reconolliatiOn. Sentence prayers by different Members, and the benediction closed the meeting. Mrs, Thomas and the hostess served a tasty lunch. The next meeting- of this teoup will he at Mrs. Bryane' home on March 3rd. MELVILLE W. M. S. The W.N.S. of Melville Oftlrei' met on Friday afternoon in the church parlour with Aire. C, ,A, AleCarroll in charge of the Meet- ing. SCrititarci lesson, Wati read responsively, followed by prayer Mrs, W. W. Smith and. Mrs. C. Matheson were asked to meet with eommittees from the three other churches or the village ptah the World Day of Prayer Meeting for Alarch 0th at three o'cloce. Ten calls oil sick and stint-inn were reported, An interesting series of current events were in- troduced by Mr's.. McCarroll as prelude .to her topic, missioneriee on furlough and also missionariee who are reternines to their fields, the problems of missionaries in Biafra and the current lawlessness and violence, "China. and her' People" 1.ells cubic yards of 5,4" gravel, Tenders to he in by One o'clock,, Monday, te,h 2nd, 1070; A certified cheque for $1,000 to accompany tender. That the clerk be instructed to advertise for tenders for approx- imately 1,400 lbs. Warble Fly _Powder. Tenders to be in by March 2nd, 1970. at nen. That the clerk be instructed to advertise for tenders for spray- ing ("tittle for warble fly. Tenders to meet. again. March 2nd or at the to state price per head per spray call of the Reeve, and to be in March 2nd, 1970 at Aeptereed accounts paid! 1 0,111. General ........ „.,„„..„ $2,183.90 That Murray Bray be refunded Roads & Bridges es, 5,499.01 $2.00 for 1969 d'og tax. Thai till ftpproyM, an(lounts WI ; C116110 Thom014 $702.97 thifi *Otto( Iwo. utlyth (lee-$l 1;040, A rotritlen- t2r interesting items 110m1'e lteett entItted for lase. e). 1.1111 le, 11111t1lelite1 tteei