The Brussels Post, 1970-02-05, Page 1POST Krf$LISHINO *101(.10r, I,5.0 A Year In $3.511 To U.S.A. • TETE 1:$41,(ISSE,L$ POST' HCRSDA V, O1)13. nth, 1570 21) 2.,; ••••••..1••••••..r..2.1 WALTON Mrs. Maude Leeming is a patient in the Clinton Hospital, her many friends wish her a speedy re- covery, Miss M al: gar et c'Keever. Mrs. Alice, Stiles, and Mr. and MrS, Alike • Williams of Seafort h spent, Sunday afternoon with Mr. and MrS, -1 0e. 1{Y0 n a :al Mrs. Campbell Way. :ors, Neisoll Reid. :ND'S. Nraltin .flaan. and Mrs. Alvin McDonadl attended t he Huron-Perth Presybterial animal meeting held at. Wesley-Willis litnited i n to IL last Thursday, .T.anuary 29th. 'MI'S, Gerald 'Watson, Mrs, Allan Searle, -Mrs, Don McDonald and Mrs. Allan. McCall attended the two-day training school for leaders held in the First Presbyterian Church, Settiforth,, last Wednes- day and Thiirsday, for the spring 'Homemaking Club, "Featuring Pruit" Mrs. Greerne McDonald is a Patient in Seaforth Hospital 811 fering from influenza. Mr. and Mrs. David rreethy and Randy spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs; Dotac,,las Mx.. and Mrs. Nelson Reid and Mr. and Mrs. James Scott of Myth spent Sunday with Mr. and :Mrs. Stitt-tore. of Stratford. Mrs. Rr, O. Hackweill was a Sunday visitor With, Mr, and Mrs, Reid Hackwell, Exeter, Mrs. Helen Sellers of Seaforth spent the weekend at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Traviss. W, :IN/teeing The Walton Women's Institute was ,held in. Walton Community Hall, Wednesday evening, Flannary The institute Grace Was sung accompanied by Mrs; Rae Haether ni the piano., A delicious smorgas- borg supper was served, feninring foods from the course, -The Main Dish Makes the Meal'' The Com- mittee in charge were -Mrs, Rim Bennett, Mrs, Stewart, HuMph•ries, :Airs, Pete McDoitald, Mrs. Doug Ennis, Mrs. E. Stevens, Mrs, 'Mac Sholdice and Mrs, Neil Me- Gavin, Following the meal Mrs, Don McDonald thanked the lead- ers, Mrs. Neil McGavin and Mrs, ?hii Sholdice for taking the course, "The Main Dish Makes the Meal", and presented each with H ('1,1 1) ,rod saucer. Mrs. Gordon Mc- Gavin and Mrs. Ed. Godkin, eon- veners for Canadian Industries had as their guest., Mrs. P4Igar Ellig- Stitt .1111 4.• Walton, who shoWed colorist slides of their recent• trip from Zurich, Ontario to znricb, Switzerland. touching .on the borderline of Austria, Leicheti- stein, Germany and France. Mrs. McGavin thanked Mrs, Elligson for her interesting pictures and arti- cles on display she bad bought back from the trip. and presented her with a gift, The business part of the meeting- wits turned Over to the President, "Mrs. Alvin Me- Donald, Mrs, Win, lfnntTihrles, thti lipOrtisys 1131410g 4? tbfi TO: BRUSSELS ,M1NOR HOCKgY ASSOCIATION AND THE PEOPLE OF BRUSSELS psi bebalf of. the -Garden City Youth Athletic Association, would like to thank you and the people of Brussels for a very wonderful bile this post weekend,, Nrk! heard Many (•0111 )11 from the parents, coaches and players or the good time that they had and we are looking forward 'to repeating our trip next year. Again, we thoroughly enjoyed the trip 10 Brussels and we thank- everybody involved in :making the trip a great success, Yours truly Don 'Rogers, Travelling Director, Carden City Youth Athletic A ssoaia I ion. MELVILLE LADIES AID The Ladies' Aid of Melville church snot on Monday, February 2nd at the home of MrS. Clark Matheson with a good attenchance present. The president, Mrs. Matheson convened the meeting. Th e Devotional part was taken by Mrs. Evans and Mrs. 'Purvey. Cur- l•ent Events, prepared by Miss Moses were read by Mrs, Evans, The business part followed and a snort program was conducted by Mrs, Long a nd Nrs. Kerr, Meeting PAnch was served by Mrs. King closed. with Mizpah Benediction, last meeting. 20 answered the roll call ''A Farm Problent". Treasur- er's report was given. The Fehr- nary meeting Roll Call, each Member to bring written current event for the curator book, it will also be the Grandmothers' meot• ing with a demonstration. CotIH Tenors for Historical and Current. Events will be :11rs. Jilin Clark and Mrs. Mac. Sholdice. Mrs. Dote;-; Ennis Mrs. Nelson Reid and 'Mrs. Gordon Metlavin were namod aS cnralors, The Institute to pay the curators' fee.. The District Annual was attaouneed by the secretary for May 12, registration at. 0 tt,m., at Bittevale, Mrs, Victor Emmet.- son, Cnrator for 'Haron-1-{ruce Area to be ;west speaker. After much discussion it was decided to bold the euchre parties on Wiltin f::gtlay instead of Frtday eveningS, The first one to he held Wed/Ad:ay February in the Waltott Coat- Manity Hall, the eommittee its charge will he Stewart Trool- phris, 'Mrs, Torrance Dtitidos "..1.Trs. Mac Sholdice and Mrs, Don Achilles. I in cottnnittee ill charge of the tatehre on February 1,8 to be; 'Mrs. James McDonald, 'Mrs. Ken McDonald, Mrs, P.McDottaId. Mrs. Murray Smith and MPS. Harold 'Bolger, Discussion follow- ed -on the bus Irip Ira the spring, it Wits lelt With Mire, Kett :MODninliti lfh ylolo tritnro 'no mootiflic 411.i W. 1. District Meeting' Held In Wroxeter Mrs. Wright. or .k,Vrox(-,Ler, was hostess to the gourd of birecAors of the .East Huron Women's ltislii.titOS On Wednesday, :January 2801. • • The intsineaS of the day was ably cOndnoted by Mrs, Lyle iurrav, President, of Lakelet, assiSted.hy Secretary, Mrs, Hum- Mules Of 'Walton. Plans were made for the.District Animal La be held in Bluevale on May. 12th, A: report of ,a meeting held by , Mrs. •Makins. Provincial Board Director, was brought to. the meet- ing by . Mrs. HuraphtieS„ Suggestions • for the slate of ()Meet*. to be presented of the • District Annnal were. received. After •business meeting refresh- m . ents were served by the hostess assisted by: Mrs. Douglas. ENGAGEMENT =11 r, and Mrs. Clifford Cughlin are happy to unnottn,.:0 the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Sharon Ann to Gory Lynti Evans, son of -Ali's. :trace Evans of Cranbrook, and the late Stuart Evans, The 1.narria;.;.e take place on Saturday, February 21st. 1470, at 7 p.m. in the Atwood Presbyterin Church. PEOPLE WE KNOW Erred Williamson; Toronto. .tea; a visitor with his aunt Mrs. George Davis, Li, J. ill, 11, Frauter, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Calvin TCratuter, Fred Thnell, who was a p;Hient iu 'Wingham Eospital for ten clays retern(ad home last Wednesday. Mr and :Mrs, A. Wood are vacationing in the Barbados visit- ing with Mr. and Mrs. Winton) and fain y, Ni. and Mrs, Louis Ebel • arid family ingergoll, Were week- end visitors -With Mr, and Mrs. Jack McCutcheon. Mrs, C. Scott of Pic ton and Mrs. Peter Menonnel. or Clarkson were recent visitos with Mrs. M. Ballantyne, John Cameron. of Tor- onto Was a guest at the Soffit., hOrw Aron g those vacntiontnA in Florida from lirussels m e Mr. and Mrs. R, IL Cousins, Mr. and Mrs, D. A- Rann. Mr. and. Mrs. Win Stephenson, and Mr. and Mrs. George 'McCutcheon. A. nionber of residents or 1110 s area availed theInselves of the ore partanity of attending the lee t Maple Leaf Gardens. Torelito, on The bits trip sponsored by the IlifttsSels Liens Club. Spenee Scott. u•-ho saffored R eid burns to his legs and feet, is a patient in i.iStowel Hospital, 'Mrs. Scott, who was hospitalized ve. turned 1)01110 'IRS Wevk. A. good MikiLY POOPIC1 111.1;4 uont- notim 1-1q4 FEBRUARY MEETING OF MAJESTIC W. 1. Agriculture and (,:antidian. In- dustries omveners, Mrs, earl femingway and 'Mrs. Doug. Hem- Ingway, will have charge a the February Meeting or the Majestic, W. I. which will be held on Thursday aifternoon, Feliniary 12th, at 2 p.m, in the_ Brussels Public Libitry, 'The roll is' to be "Natui ,! a new fabric 'and how you liked it. Some Of the numbers cm the program will be a Motto, a. talk On Honey by Lloyd 'Wheeler and a display or the 4-H club 'Girls' work from their' Course. on- •needle(n.i.ret. Evero•tte is • wel,c01110 • to attend. TYKE HOCKEY LEAGUE ALL•STAR. GAME • Brussels 2, Belgrave 0 First Period ; No scoring Second 'Period; llrus:,els, Tim Prior G a ry Mc Wit 11.1 er brussels, Tim Prior t Doug Cutis- ins) Third Period ; No searing HOUSE LEAGUE PLAY Red Wings 0, Maple Leafs 0 Black Hawks 4, Bruins 2 Scoring-for Mack gawks: Doug Cousins (Neil Mitchell) I long (;ousins (unassisted) 1)oug Cousins ( ken C.'onsins I Doug Cousins i Ken Cousins r Scoring for Briuns: SCOti. (Tim Priori Brian Scott (John Richmen0 STANDINGS W L litatins 0 37 27 10 iliack 1.-Itnvlc54 Red Wings 2 3 -\''wle Leafs 1 -1 2 18 ;50 sciprp,N.G., LEADERS :cattle Points - Dallg Cousins l{rian Scott ...... • Iii-00 Pruins vs Red -Wings BLUEVALE .Mrs, EVan Air. and L\Irs. Jerry .Atnher4thorg, visited with t ,.• in 11w area last \vet-Atom!. Mr. and Mrs. :Murray Johnsten met, Audrey W'heelert arc happy to onnounv rho lytr().1 rif ilkt.R1 aon, V i t.11•101 f0K ,!'t 11'1 0141' itch VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS;: COUNCIL MEETING The rt,•gular meeting of the lage Council -was held in the man-. kip} Office on February '2, 1970? • It, 13. Cousins being absent. C01.10Wiug motio'as wore atrried, Moved by Meentkheeri see- ()tided by. R. Vs'. Kennedy that 11. Tenpas 1.10„-• appointed aeting Reeve in. the 'absence of Reeve T(,, • Moved by T. Ci, Campbell, Seel- ended by McCateheon that the Minutes of. the Meeting of S'sn- nary 12th, 1970 .be adopted as read, • • .1\1w-ed by R. W. .Kennedy, see.- onded hy McOutcheon that H. TenPas be appointed. to. represent the Village of Brussels. on MODA and R. B. Cousins and f. 'Pen Pa s as representatives to the Regional Tourist Conned, Moved by 1. C. Ca nilThell, see- • onded by L. McCutcheen that Alan Niehol be granted a fluild- ing permit as per application, Moved by 1. 0, Campbell,- sec- onded by T2. NV, Kennedy that tke.. accounts as approved be paid. Streetlights, Office Library, Huron County Board Eicluen tion , balance r equisi tion 2000.00 Post ()Incr., stumps 12.1)0 'Prank Cowan. insurance 1170,53 yaitla Teleservices Rates and tolls 62.113 Howard _Bernard. Library oil, Fire Nall oil (continued on inside pagel We thank the rew parents .\\-ho attended onr annual, Public Sp"lik- lug Nutt OM Wh was held on, January 2Sth. Mr. Scott introduced the Judges who were Anna Myer of WingliaM, Mr. David Slyke. an English teacher or F. F.', .Madill SeCondary School of Wingbam and \It. Kilt,Black of Colborne, foir former sUperviser. The ludu,-es 'gave our contestants many inter- osting and helpful points to (•on- shier in preparation and flE,livery of their speeches. 'rite resitlls of Ow contest were as follows: Bennie Richmond. Grade ,, rolleen Raymond. (bade (1. Ma 111Pen SO 1 L lit H (]gads 7, Lloyd •(! race 8, The senior champion was a',/0y(1 Valianee who will represent our school in the Ontario Pithlic SchoOl Trustees' Asgociation I tistrict Finals nu February Gth. .31 (Tinton Public School. He will also speak at the Legon District Con- test in Lnclatow. on February 2ist. Colleen Raymond, oift Junior eilmpion will also speak at Luck- 010' 'Volley ieam seores are: Ist Naine's Rubble Crummers. 2tul. Lloyd's Turkeys, .3rd. Feith'A (.1),whoro, 1;thdis oro iii0VAtift Nen Cousius Tim l'rior Darwin Mcnitchoon Scott 'Wheeler 17 John Richmond GAMES THIS WEEK b'ridal'. leebruary.A, 7:00 p.M. 'NVingbani at 13russels Crykel Sattirday, February 7, 9 ;0m 0,m, -Manle T.,ears ifirwit.;,; 122,37 Now Listen All People GP GA PTS And You Will 'Hear What's Dein. In Brussels School This Year