HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1969-12-25, Page 4411$ POST' onueSsLot ONTAft1.0 '1111:11t.;4PAY, 1061) NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of SARAH MARTHA STILES, deceased pHme,()N. having claims sA-a.inst the estate of the above deeeased, late of the Village of Rrus-sels in the County of Iturott, widow, Who died on the 13th day pt Nov ember, 1969, are required to file) •proof or same with the undersigned on Or before the 31.st day of Pecetaber, 1969, after which date the executor will proceed to distribute the estate hnving regard ouly to the tdalms of which notice has been received, PATliD at Brusses this 5th day Of Deeember, 1969, CRAWFORD & MILL Brussels, Ontario Solicitors for the b6xecutor • NOTICE TO cREprioR$ In the estate of JAMES EDWARD RHOADES, deceased ...Cal, PERSONS having claims itgaitts( the estate of the above eteceased, late of tire Village of 'essels in the CountY of Ilurou. retired veteran, wbo died on the day of September. 1969, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 31st day of December, 1969, after lehich date the executrix will proceed to distribute the estate bavieg regard only to the claims of 'which she has received. notice*. p.ATE„D,u.Drusses this 5th day of December, 1969. GRAWFORD & MILL T3russels, Ontario Solicitor for the Executrix NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF SYLVESTER WILFRED RAYNARD, late of the Veillage of Ethel in the County of Huron, formerly of the Town of Listowel, in the County of Perth, labourer, deceased. CREDITORS and others retying claims against the Estate of the above named deceased, who died an or about the fifth day of Jttne. 1968, are required to send full Partictilars of such claims to the undersigned on or before the 20th day Of .lanitary, 1970. after Which date the assets of the estate will be diztributed having regard only tip Claim's of which notice has then been received. DATED at Lis! ,,wet, Ontario. title 1.6th day of December, A. J. 1969. W. M. Pratt, Q. C., Ontario, Solicitor for the Adininistrator. NOTICE JO CREDITORS IN THE. MATTER of the estate of JOHN WILLIAM EMBY, late of the Village of Brussels, in the County of Huron, (formerly of the City of Galt, in the County of Waterloo), Gentlemen, Deceased, ALL PERSONS having elaims gninst the pst;.;te of the late JOHN -\\"1LLIA1l inuly, who died 110 or about the I9th, day of. November. 1969. at Brussels, Onl Join, are required to file particulars or saOlt , Witli the solicitors for the Executm's, on or befell.? the 1614. day of . January, .1970, after which dale • • the assets of tit do:—.1sed shall be distributed. having regard only to the claims. Of which the Executors shall then have notice .DATED at Firantford, this Utit day of December, A.D. 1969. EDWIN ROBERT EMBY'. and VISOLli".',T ALMA CARESWELL, Executors, Hy: RY,E,11.SON, 11.0(TLDING «s CLARKE 12 Wellington Street, Brantford, Ontario. Solicitors, for the Exc'rutor$ NOTICE — For' all your electrical wiring heeds 1'11(113 e 443.56 Brussels. 1.:uutact; Don McLean FARMERS' INTERCOM. Communication from house to Barn. Also Fire EXtingtiiShers Write or Phone IL J. (Bob) Oliver, Kitchener, 56 Sandra. — 7154375 eveningit. EXPERIENCED FAINTER DESIRES WORK :n this area. interior and'exterior work, paper-banging ansi staining done at best possible rates, Cap irJr tree estimates, Richard Gill RR 3, Walton Phone BrtisSehl 3g2W1.6 ",.e...00%.0011.1a41010 BERG Sales Service Installation FREE ESTIMATES o Barn Cleaners Bunk Feeders Stabling DONALD G. IVES R.R. 2, BLYTH Phone tsrusseus 443W4 FOR SALE — Waxed Turnips. Percy Adams. Blyth :knot . Lin. FOUND -.,- .:1 Yule liey„1.0ply, Post. FOR SALE — Lawn Ornanum 22" rl'\'; Mirrors; ;1 Moo.? bedroom suite; Electcio Knife: Electric. Floor Polisher: .Chairs, 'Tables; Writing 1 .),esk: 24" Electric Fan; Riding 24" Lit ilinower: Wheelbarrow; 20 cub. it. freezer: Trunks: Blankets; II volt battery; 28 Ford Coach. All in good Vondi Hon. Selling reasonable., Phan,. 5S7-(i'6 '1 or SST-11712, ..Snturdays Tea Stiles ...ATTENTION FARMERS .' Nut z'entrarene the . Highway Traffic Act, hut it is difficult to keep township ro.)ds rri..e o f sno w if Tho plow is being oontinually lifted for milk cans and vehicles left on the road. We :0•0 nor responsible for any dam., age timt may 0(0.111'. Also snow should net be removed from gateways mito the roads so that it. impedes or hinders traffic. Earl Bowes, Road. Supt.. Township Or (IrVy PROPERTY SALES MADE FtY BILL STRATYCHUK Bill Stratychuk, Real Estate Salesman for Lloyd Michel, Real Estate Broker, Listowel, reports the following sales: Mr. and. Mrs. Thomas E. Leek, formerly of Brussels, have sold the Grand View Town Houses. Barber, Street, Listowel, to Mr. Robert Tanner and Donald Tanner of the town of Milverton. Pos, sesion to be given January 1st, 1970, Mr. and Mrs. Ken White have purchased the home of Mrs, Mabel Brown, Queen Street, Brussels, with possession to be given Jan, 1st, 1970. WALTON Chris Lee• is spending. the holl, days with Ills .parents •Mr. and Mrs. Ron Lee. ' R0(.0111'; • Vthit01% • with Mr. and Mrs. Roy.'Benhett were Mr. and : Mrs. Fred Rutledge, Ottawa, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rutledge: Tor- onto, Mr. and Mrs. Les .11ntledge, Streetsville, and Mr, and Mrs. Horace 'Rutledge, London. Mrs. Ma rgt-tret Trumphries is visiting her daughter and son-hi- law. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Rut. lodge. London, Bruce Clark, 'London, spent' this week • with his parents. Mr. and Mrs, Jim Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Watson, l)unclas. visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.. .1. Lemming, and Fred. Wa sot!. Toni LO011iing is home from Guelph rniversitY after finishing his four months coUrse in farm 1110011.011iCS. :Willy Bewley and Helen Searle nurses.irktraining at St. .ToSeph'S Hospital„Loddon are holidaying with their parents, AlisS Linda Troviss4. St., Mary'8 Irosnit.01, 'N'itchePer, 1,10tio fe$ the IIDIVIV !4))011111111 le.01.1404/. vith 00,04 1.1,1. 01.11! '\1-1 . );'11.1411 k TYKE HOCKEY LEAGUE itoa wings It, M:iple Leafs 6 1).trwin :\lcCutchoon C.1.1110 \Val. son, ;Kenny Higgins): Darwin 111c• CUtcheon tunassisted ; 'Darwin :\le(.'itteheon (Kevin Pennington)' I 'anvil' M(4.'111010011 (nassisi eu parwin :\recnicheen. (unassisted; Kenny Higgins (unassisted). For Altiple Lears 1\•11.0:,ter (pail] Nichol): 1-z.colt (unassisted): Scott \Alecier (Terry 1(ennedy t; Scott 1\leeler I Paul Nichol: Scott \\le- vier (unassisted): Scott \\levier Oinassisned I; Scsol4 NVheelor Brian Ten Pas I. (;lack Hawks 13, Bruins tibia Scorers. for Illack Hawks -- Kenny Cousins (unassisted.); Doug Cousins (unassisted): Kon• ey Cousins (unassisted): Doug Cousins (Kenny ('ousins); f)oug. Cousins (Kenny ('ousins): Ke)',- ny Cousins (unassisted): Kenny Cousins Itutas:73ister): Doug Cous- ins (unassisted); . Doug Cousins (unassisted); . Doug Cousin ,: (unassisted); Doug' Cousins )Neil Mitchell) ; `Doug Cousins tunas- Slated) Kenny CouSins I Doug Cousins(. CARD OF THANKS Coal Scorers: for Red Wings - I' would like to thank' everyone Who visited lop and sent 010 on ribs. While at riztlien ( in .CS'inghnm and District Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Boy.yk, the nursing staff on 2nd floor, also in )1r.. and Mrs. • ,.:eorge :Alva, Ross ('owlet 1 wish to thank all those Wi o kindly tent Pill bored me Wit II ('iris, gifts, cigarettes and visits while ci patient in NVingliam and Distrio Ilespital, Special thanks to the rsPs ;tad stnfr on second floor, Your thoughtruhloss was pia roc in tea. Leoirard Lamont • atturda~y, December 27; at t):;)') • 1 .;rugsels All-8101'S vs Bel- STANDINGS Black I la wks W GF GA n fi Bruins 1 0 '0 14 Season's Greetings and Best Wishes TO ALL OUR CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS from Topnotch Feeds LIMITED BRUSSELS •- ONTARIO Their Staff MRS. R. PIPE JACK RITCHIE LOR'NE DALE FRANK WILSON BEN BONE KEN SH,OLDICE CLARENCE WHITE HARVEY KITCHEN '...W.Mhtasf;010:;C*..7k:14K MOWMc.:1:3WAVOilv..0 ENTERTAINMENT AT THE NEW AMERICAN HOTE BRUSSELS, ONT. MIKE HODGERT and the TRI-TONES oI Exeter FRIDAY arid SATURDAY NIGHT ;N THE RAINBOW ROOM Wit Ati-nik'i 1141404i i Apiim 014 fici r:11, PTS .1 !Led Wings 0 1 1 10 Alapie Coors lane BrOins — 0 '1 i. 7 10 1 Gary Me inter (.101111 Rich- mo)ad); ,,.lobo Richmond (Mies. •Ndtives 'who beat drums to sisted). frighten away evil spirits are Future Games objects of scorn to smart city Friday, December 26, at 4;30 folks who Blow horns in traffic Maple Leat's vs Black ,llawks Janis, SECRETARY WANTED GREY CENTRAL SCHOOL REQUIRES A PART - TIME SECRETARY FOR THREE HALF DAYS A WEEK DUTIES TO COMMENCE JANUARY 5th Written Application stating qualifications, experience, etc,, should be mailed by December 30th to: J. AXTMANN, PRINCIPAL, GREY CENTRAL SCHOOL ETHEL, ONTARIO Av% % 51tx.(I*.c_AOW5*_-,MtNott SEASON'S GREETINGS! WITH EVERY GOOD WISH FOR A MERRY CHRISTMAS ANI) A NEW YEAR PILLED WITH. HAPPINESS THE MUSSELS :PST 401;5440