HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1969-12-25, Page 1POST PITBI4SHING .001111111A • 1)2,50 A Year In Advance $3.60 To U.S.A. BRUSSELS COUNCIL CONCLUDES THIS. YEAR'S BUSINESS TUSEit r`ifs). IlitITSSITIL POST, TIMRSDAY, 1)141C. 25t11, 1.363 *I.S. • nr .1.1e The regular meeting of the Vil. Inge Council was held in the 'Muni- Opal Office no Deeouther .15111. 111011, all Menthe's; biting j)reSent, The following Motions 'were (NU, ed. Moved by IT. TenPas, second- ed by 1t. \\r, Kennedy that the minutes of the meeting of Novemb- er lib 1909 he adopted ills read, Moved by 1. G. e I, SOCOM1- Od by H. J. TertPas that Irenry Exel be granted a Building Permit as per application. Moved by .1. L. McCutcheon, set- onded by 1. 01. Campbell that the .Business Tax lot. Gus Eder on. -Centre Part Lot. 11 be written off. Moved by R. \\T. 'Kennedy, °tided by H. J. TenPas that. Council endorse the resolution from Stoney Creek regarding the strict enforcement. of Law- Moved by ft, W, Kennedy see- ended by McClutcheon that Council appoint .1. Cavin 'Kanter to fill the vacancy on the P.C.C. created by the resignation of John 14antia, to run the balance of his term, Moved by TT. .1. TenPas, second- ed by I, G. Campbell that the signs advertising Brussels on Highways No. and 80 be remelt- ed, Mowed by J. L. iMcCuitcheon, Sec- onded by H. TenPas that the Redoubts as approved he paid, Murray Gilbey, stump tetnatal Lleyd Kerilaghan, Fiala rY Recreational Committee balance 1969 grant County Haven, Pt. Pig V .. Douglas .1', Callander, Not Nursing Acct. R. Cousins, salary 1-f. ,r. Tennis, salary J. L, mcCalcheon, Ha G. Campbell, salary a, W. Icemiedy. salary Mrs. Jean lixel, cleaning .1. Cordon Stiles, garbage and tint-eking 383,80 Lions Club, donation to parade Canadian LegiOn. wreath: „ Fistuk Rutledge, 1969 Tax Rebate ,,,,,, , . Stich CAttric, fox boutity „„ utteon Connty liitUttM1 Fire Aid. 1970 fees Brussels Coal Yard, Library fuel 'Huron County, culvert Vointar Obethieals Ltd., salt 77.117 T. M. McDonald Lumber supplies , 69.53 IS'ets Mater, office fuel 64.42 Provincial Treasurer, LOG taVIS Contracting Co, Ltd.. paving' , 2971.011 Lit106111 M1111111, dig:Afpg ,,,, 61 ,0 4'i litollmtli MAJOR PRIZE GOES TO DENFIELD MAN The draw, sponsored by. the firMiftels Lions Club for.. 1st, 0 colored T'V, snowmobile or 0500, 011(1 2ad a transistor radio, was made at .1 poi. Satarday at the Legion Hall. 'rile »711111111g tickets were dra wit by Sandra, daughter or 'Mr, and Mrs. 'Titian Ituether. The leaky first winner was Normun Lavdle of RR 3. Penfield: 2nd s•risti, Ilarbara Watts. AVOID 2 HOUR BY-LAW USE PARKING LOTS There. ha ve been complaints resolved by Council about. people leaving their yehicleS parked an main street all day: There is no necessity for this. There are tNvo tree Parking lots available. The Municipal parking lot, one block west Of the main street and one south of the butcher, shop made available for the use of the genoral public through the courtesy of the Stephenson. Bakery and Grocery. Both :shoppers and merchants are unhappy about the inconven- ience of not being able to park in front of stores to pick up their purchases because of parked cars, soine those or business people and their employees, left parked OP main street all day. ('oniteil requests oil to Operate to solve this problem by not leaving their vehicles OaSked 011 main street for moVe that.1 two hours, to co-operating they will avoid a w enforcing two-. hour parking, NO P.A )E N T .W E LEGION 'TURKEY BINGO WINNERS Regular Games Kevin Pennington Mrs. Murray Lowe Mrs. Jim .Adams ATTS. Chas, Fischer MrS, Toni (Tarniss Mrs. Anstett, Wilighatu Mrs, FlOrenee Mansfield, )ritightim Mrs. ;Joanne Miller Brian Wiarw irk Don Gibson Mrs, Albright :Iris, Smith Don Gibson Bob Elliott. Mrs, fl'eorge TTislop Gatti Specials 1)avid Thomas Mrs. Dorothy McAtter, J;toi.h, Logan: -Mrs. F.:en MacDonald Door Prizo After the singing of carols all gathered at the home of Mrs. McCarroll for n very enjoyable Christmas meeting which consist. ed of reading Christmas stories, the Christnias story from the Bible and the litIgitig, or Christmas carols. (Pitt s were exchanged , A very ellinYttbe lnneh was served by Ihe committee in charge. CURTAILED POSTAL SERVICE The Postoffice Will be closed Christmas Day. Pet:. 2.5th. and Hosing T)ay, Dec, 26th, Also no rural service, ClaigionFt to nil Hi-C 2nd Rehekahs & Oddfellows 3rd ......„.„ , ,, Bridge Motors Best Horse and Rider Garuiss Best Group Effort Brussels Figure Skating Club Best Costume WIT WIND Me4M.11 Bonnie .vane.. PEOPLE WE KNOW Selwyn Raker is a patient in Vestniinster Tiospital, LondOti. Miss 'GI 11.011St 011 is at bottle with her parent, Mr. mid Mrs. Rae tioliston For the holidays, :Miss Mies Stiles, Toronto, was weekend visitor with Mr. and MrS. ,Gordon Stiles, N. Y. Haig; Danny and Colleen. Kitchener were visitors with Mrs. F, ThisselL -Mrs. Florence ItussolI, who has been a milieu{ in WiTlighiini 1,1101 for two W 0,4:P 11/1 rotorpod 114106. CHRISTMAS Christmas vs dreams, and little stockings. huti Beside au open fire, long years .it's hope fulfilled when .1 was young. • And carols in th s moon light, soft and .low. Inagirs rising up to bless each year, A fashback to the glory. which was youth It's honesty and tuirestralaed good cheer, It's stars 'above the sam',- , it's peace 0tal truth. Yuletide .plays, 4 tinselled tree within A.. village church, and sleigh • hells un the .creek.. ....it's Santa with ssowy.:- whiskered grin, A homnires voiets and apple-rosy .• cheek, It's skating parties on an icebound •• stream, And fond illusions time will seek to Rill. It Is a glimpse ..of sonic old prophet's dreams It • is lire's pretty tenet) , its magic frill, it may In oily tigh ts, a surging. Of shoppers in this busy age, to 1:47or me it's memories which seem And red-topped hoots, sticky candy l'es. Christmas is sa ninny. ntanY, line sonic. divine and a drum, things A holly wreath upon a cottage door, .A weary heart whieli once more gaily A resume or sladness, good., h ror It is n star , . , which With linutble It's eitps jov the Crod St is n newborn Halle wise men follow still it is tru th 's diadem. of all shall fill. ill 'Bethlehem. 20.00 60.00 768.00 185.00 Thos. 0araiss, repair 11.00 1233.20 MacDonald Electric, bulbs 200,00 McCuteheon Motors. 87.53 300,00 and relay 200,00 repairs 35.21 200.00 MacLean Film Service, 200.00 repairs 6.07 1,so Huron Comity Beard of Education. 1969 leVY 26,635,10 lost. Pabishing, peintiag „„ 111..00 P.r.C., streetlights and 100.00 Library - 92.91 nullity of Huron, 15,75 1969 levy ,, , , , „ 16,888,86 Post Otfthe, "(T.T.S. ,, ,, 7.00 0 00 O.M.EILS„ pension ..„, , , , ,,, 64.1.2 2,00 Receiver Mrteral, TeX ., de. (hullo as and CP. ,..„ 105.40 10,00 Moved by 1. a: Campbell, sec- onded by R. W. Kennedy that, the 50.50 Reeve proclaim. ItOking Pay. 1)ec- 86.10 em bey 20, 1009 a holiday, 1Nieved by it. W. Kennedy. sec- uiided by T. Canipbell that the meeting adjourn t.o theet again January. 1.969 at 11 or a". 'the call of the ReeVe, MELVILLE GUILD GOES CAROLING SANTA DISTRIBUTES TREATS TO OVER 500 CHLDREN t The weather coo-operated, th(t sun kept peeping through to mile un the hundreds of children 'who came to Brussels to meet ii4a.01a. Claus on Saturday. Tin' Parade made its way to Ott- RoYlif Canadian Legion Hall 'with the music of two bands, tbev Sea,- for1.11 High School Band and the 13-sussels Legionn Pipe Band: The '(oats were' colorful and. interesting, but untortunatery.,' there were not enough of them, not nearly as runny as took part in last year's parade whiOh was an outstanding success, ,A number of horses and riders pa rtioipa tell. including those is. Arabion and Mexican costumes end it typical gunslinger of the old west, Also seen in the parade were costumed clowns, lions. pussy cats, and Mickey and Minnie Monge among other characters. (If course jells' old St. hicit, th,n, one all the children were *Wing' for, was then., with a hearty H'o Ho. Hol Arriving at the hall he chatted with the youngsters find- ing out what they Wanted to find under their tree on Christmas tt'Iitileicgl- a \\brial.gil•°of Iglirs)odhieeTspetots each child. Tile children were entertaine0 at the hall by the .Kansas rartfter • and Clark Johnston. • Parade Winners Foats: 1st The Guild of ;11eville ('Iturcli sting . Christmas carols and distributed girls tit the Calla -n(1er Nursing Home en Tuesday .evening, I./N.- 101s Best ,Clown Youngest in Parade