HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1969-12-18, Page 4PUBLIC HEALTH NOTICE With effect from I January, 1970 the use of D.D,T. is banned throughout Ontario except in tobacco and apple growing and then only on a permit basis, LAVERNE JOH,NSTON Milverton Phone 595-8965 STYLES FOR BOYS TEENS and MEN PHONE 87-9481 D111.1:3:31111, t3RUSSELS, ONTAklitIO erttilJAY, 1.11iit,I. 1.811i, lt11311. • REAL ESTATE Attractive white frame ranch style house situated in the Village of Brussels. Built in the early fifties, Large living room.; very modern kitchen with dining area; 3 bedrooms and -I-piece bath on the main floor; tile and hardwood floors; new oil furnace. Large attractive landscaped lot. This property is in A-1 condition and priced to sell. INCOME PROPERTY Solid Brick Duplex centrally located in the town of Listowel. One 3-bedroom apartment complete with stove and frig, One 2-bedroom apartment complete with, stove and frig Nev., oil furnace in each apartment. Monthly income $180. Total asking price $17,000, WILL TRADE New, 29 units Apartment Building situati a .,—.:inted at all times with a monthly income of $2,650. Will consider' trade on large farm or farm stook and implements, CONTACT: BILL STRATYCHUK, LISTOWEL PHONE 291-2144 REPRESENTING LLOYD MICHEL, REAL r--STATE BROKER LISTOWEL, ONTARIO telbarawanlimiermak,miggaio.oweesemsvimaimaimatftwomiasugazaZallftwoieNt91 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of SARAH MARTHA ST1LES,:, deceased ALL PPARBONS having Cie.:1111=i ags.inst the estate of the above deceased, late of the Village of Brussels in the County of Huron. widow, who died on the 13th day of November, 1969, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the :31st day of December, 10110. after which date the executor will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which notice has been received. PATFl) at Brasses this 5th day of December. 19(39. CRAW FORD tC MILL Brussels; Ontario SOlicitors for the ExecattOr NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of JAMES EDWARD RHOADES, deceased .ALL PERSONS having cla against the estate of the above doceased, late of the Village of Brussels in the (;vanity of Huror, retired veteran., who died on the 20th day of September. 1969, n.r( required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the gist. day of December, 1969, after Which date the executrix will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of Which she has received notice. PATEID at Brusses this 5th day of December, 1969, CRAWFORD & ,11 11.1.) Brussels, Ontario Solicitor for the Executrix NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER of the estate of JOHN WILLIAM EMBY, late of the Village of Brussels, in the County of Huron, (formerly of the City.: of Galt, 'in the County of Waterloo), Gentlemen, Deceased. k1,14 PERSONS having c'ininl.- aiust the, estwe of the lair. •TO1 N ILLIA J.MBY, \Or o died On or about the 10th day of N(vember. )969, at Brussels, Om- !'io. ;LIT requirtd to file particulars same w -ii the solicitor's for. !he im.xecntors, on or before the 1,;th clay of Ianuary. 1970, after which date the assets of the deceased shall: he distributed having cn only to the Cb.ii.D1S at 'which the l'3 Shall then haVe notice. 1/..),TPIZI) at' I/rantrord, this 11 th day of December, A,D, 1969. EI)WiN ROBERT EN:BY and VIOLET ALINIA. CARESWELT,, 'Executors, Dy; HODI iY; ItY4118 HOULDING & CLARKE 42 Wellington Street, Brantford, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executors, NEW BARN CLEANER RALCO ) to a 65 4. Swinging Elevator, Iuaranteed up to 790 ft, pull, types of ,Stabittg and coin- lnsulatic is, Contact: WANTED -,-- Stile:-thuly for I:oriday, Saturday and Sunday. Lucy's Store, Cranh,r001; LOST O r cry porsian Cat. het i'ioase phone s,.,s7.rai01, Mrs. .Fox., FOR SALE Taperecurder. Reel type, like new, Ne it HetaingwaY 'l eel, i*7-645I 0,,,,,,•••••••• FOR SALE — nonios, also riding oait, all quiet. and strimble for children for christmas. Phone. S8.7-G749. HELP WANTED — Experienc(qi man for general farm work. Apply lien Campbell. RR 1, Dcc:. WANTED Ciao and Feed fin' cattle for winter, Uobert Gower, Phone 587-605S before a.m. or s STRAYED -- About ;sem IP . hiaek Poled ,iknglus .;ricer. \Vas F,een last on the 4th of Morris. Anyone knowing where- abouts of animal please phone FARMERS' INTERCOM Communication from house to .tarn. Also Fire Extinguishers. Write or Phone It. (Bob) Kitchener, 56 Sandra, 715-1375 evenings. EXPERIENCED PAINTER DESIRES WORK In this area. :interior and exterior work, paper-hanging: and staining done at best possible rates. Call for free estimates. Indlard. Gill RR :-1, Walton Phone Brussels 382'W16 L TO ALL OUR CUSTOMER'S and FRIENDS SINCERELY WISHING YOU ALL TRE PEACE AND JOY OF THE CHRISTMAS SEASON and. A HAPPY NEW YEAR Lothar, Jean and Philip WEBER GENERAL STORE ETH,EL PHONE 887-6639 e..ttztaut,zic,srottvzve.,qn'Nv:v:'mv.mntccve,kr.xkve.tmwe*v (live T110 Brussels Post tor 111 ing the Kiddies to Hrussels, christanas (Nils. Only $2,5u for ;, Satitiday to meet Santa Clate-z On o year subscription, and see tile Cnristunis parttili-, Those with D. D. T. in their possession must not dis- pose of it along with ordinary refuse or flush :t into drains or down water closets. A disposal programme is being arranged for the beginning of the New Year. when details will he announced for the collection of the insecticide and its safe disposal. Please check this newspaper' for announcement of times and places of collection. DR. G. P. A. EVANS, Medical Officer of Health, County of Huron, 441111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111Pr 2tt...5A g 4"` M G' Akg 4"1114 aC4:. '6%; ts. AtC;314111g I • CE P FOR . SALE — Waxod Turnips. Pe rc y Adla nis, :c.23-1.15 Blyth after 6 p.m. PROCLAMATLON it hereby declared FRIDAY, DECEMBER 26th BOXING Di.:Y A PUBLIC HOLIDAY VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS ROY B. COUSINS, REEVE ENTERTAINMENT AT THE NEW A M FRICAN HOTEL BRUSSELS, ONT. Gordon Ross and The .wimp Lighters FRIDAY and SATURDAY T,IICI-rr WE FEATURE:: TIJOkbY, spare Ribs and Sauer Kraut, 1,6.1•1 nod Chips 10 JR CHRISTMAS STORE FOR HI! • GIVE. YOUR. MAN BRUT this Christmas a full • linti BTUit co:mei:kg • for inen.• Beautiftilly gift boxed. • .ARROW .SHIRTS will bring a senile ftthia of i• ChrislintAg TIkal • 8p6dal• inatt deserves . the best, • give, biro. a beatttifut • TERRY ' WILLIAMS SWEATER, COME IN AND BIRCANISE USE YOUR CREDIT ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS WILL BE ACCEPTED GAS and DEPT: STORE INCLUDED AU.V...)*ACAVoi ;Vf:i ririt . kritz„.0 magummagoitowfttove