The Brussels Post, 1969-12-18, Page 1MEET SANTA CLAUS IN BRUSSELS, SATURDAY anto nolayed his on.nnal hore until this Saturday. 2011/, becaus,,, last week boys, Of r t Hockey teams were in Garden City. tMielt,.• playing hockiey and he didn't want 10 1171S14 theM, bat on Sattmlay the will be in Brussels al 2 p.m. • There will lie big t o ride to welcome him with floats: Infrses and riders, clowns erc, Bring the youngsters to Brussels Saturday to time et him and receive goodi€s rrom his pick. The children will Is' entertained at the Legion Flail by The Kansas Farmer and Clark S Johnston while their parents enjoy shoppinng. in Ow Christmas atnins- phore ortr well stint:1;1.11 stns;;. 100 FLOATS WANTED FOP. SANTA CLAUS PARADE Get your particle. entries in to Ross McCall or Sam Workman promptly. There is still time. Get your' share of the generous prizes being offered, Last year Brusselt; had the best parade in this area, Don't ruin that reputation.. Take part. Parade Prizes 1st Best Float $25.00 2nd Best Float $15.00 3rd Best Float $10.00 Best Group $10.00 Best Clown $10.00 Best Horse and Rider $10.00 Best Costume ....... ,,,,, $10.00 Oldest in Parade $ 5,00 Youngest In Parade $ 5.00 Best Horse Drawn Vehicle $10.00 2,50 A Year In Advance $3,50 To 'U.S.A. 117 RVSSI.112 TIII"ItSDAY. DE(', !Hit. 11)09 POST P1.113LA S H.I NV HOT/ WO C40§Ernas Meeting Of The Women's: Institute The Majestic L. had as their guests at the Dec, 11th ineetiag in the 131116'80s Public 'Library the Tirassels Telephone operators, Mrs. M. Cameron, Mrs. M. Tbomp. son, Mrs, L, Workmart, Mrs, B. WilSon, Mrs. J. Lowe, Mrs. R. Nichol and Mrs, C., tKernaghan, and the leaders or the 14-1 Club Girls, Mrs, R. 'KnfSke and Mrs, Trielmer, Mrs, Alberta Smith, presideni, Welcomed the guests and expreS- sed the \‘'..1's sincere alipreeiation or the work done by the telephone operators and the leaders or the 4-11 Club Girls.. Guests and:memb- ers sat, down at 1 p.m. to a beanti- ful meal, the main dishes and the desserts being supplied by those who took the course "The Main . Disb Makes the Meal" sponsored by the W. I. After the meal, the merits of the dishes were discus- sed by all those present. Mrs. M. Thompson; on behalf of the tele- phone operators expressed their thanks for a most delicious Meal. Mrs, Kufske expressed her thanks and that of WS: Triebner, Carol singing with Mrs. Doug Hemingway at the piano was enjoyed by all, 'Pile usual opening exercises Were followed by the minutes of the November meeting -and the treasurer's report by Mrs. Marie MeCutcheen, Mrs. Alberta Smith informed us that 8he had taken the gifts to God- evict) for the Children's Aid Society and that the boxes for the shot-las and the residents of the Callandor Nursing [tome would be packed in the Library at 1:30 p,11), Monday, A Card Party Will be held on Monday evening, Tanuary 5th, at 8:30 p,in, in the Brussels Library A greeting card from Mies. S t ra atsm a of Holland who had Visited her sister, Mrs, Devries in the sunlIner was read, Alts, Fart C tid mo re gave a • demonstration on the making or Christmas decorations: and the wrapping of parcels, She had dozens of Sainoles and showed what could he done 1,011). simple things round around the house with little expense. Mrs, Catimore wa-s thanked and presented with a. gift by Mrs. Tom Strachaa, The roll call was "Christmas Customs in other lands" and a elect, Crated box for Shut-ins and artion es to fill them. Mrs, MattioDaVis in giving the ChristMas Message read St, Luke's, story of the birth of Christ and excerpts front letters Sent to the Family Herald On the modern day Christmas aa we know it, Mrs Daviswas thanked atiq prosOilt0d with a girt. Mrs. Jessie Engel gave a read- ing. "First Things Happy Pirthday was sung for a nitiliber of inombers who had Pod- ember birthdays. A hinitOrmis read. lug "The t>ay After Christina:4" was given by Mrs., T, Strachan, Sunshine collection taken and the Queen bronght the itiording to a HELP ERUSSELS sTupeNT$ WHO ARE ADOPTING A CHILD The students elf the Brinn-en.. Public Sehool are adopting 11; child In a n1.04111 yountry, in order to finance this endeavour they have been selling 'she' campaign has been very successful and will continue through the Clutislinat-t holiday;. Snpport the children in their effort to snare Christmas joy with someone loss fortunate. CURTAILED POSTAL SERVICE. The Postorrice will he (;10400„ ('hristin:is 1)ay, Den. 25th, and PoNing Day, 20th. Also no rural serviee. TYKE HOCKEY o ra in s 1. M a pl e, Leaf s I. Goal Scorers: for Bruins • 101111 'RI OM 0 a (Tim Prior): Brian Scott, Brian Scott, Tim Prior (Brian Scott) for )01apict Leafs - • Scott Wheel- er. Black Hawks 5, Red Wings 4 GOal Scorers; for block Hawks Doug Cousins (scored all goals unassisted) for Red Wings Intrwin Me- Cutcheon, Kenny Higgins (Gary McCutcbeout).;.. Donny. Higgins IMilte Watson, Robert Demaray); 1(enny Higgias (Darwin McCuteln eon. Standings W T GF GA PTS Bruins 1 0 0 4 1 2 Block Hawks 1 0 (I 5 4 2, Rod \Vings 0 1 0 I 0 Maple Leafs 1) 1 0 Games This Week Saturday at 0:00 Maple Loafs vs Red Wings tat Bruins vs Black Hawks LEGION TURKEY BINGO WINNERS December 12th Regluar Games W.I, ChriStMas Meeting Aleock The Christmas meeting of tbn :Florence Mansfield, tWinglioni W.T. was in the T'ot'ed of a lint Sara Anstett, ,Wingbam tnrkey dinner at the home or Mrs, Mario 'InIston, NVingbam \\lifted Strickler. "Memories of Mrs. Win, Smith. Otoderich .1 Christmas Concert" was given Mrs. NVayne Martift, Brussels tor Inn call. o,.-n 11Vonr ,r!,. were Mrs. Carl Graber lack ('ox. Mrs. \\*lilted Strickler. Mrs. Eldon Wilson and Mrs, Leslie Knight. Mrs, Win. Rickey Somers Bremner held the lucky cup tint! :Airs. CIn'is Fischer Mrs. Crhan Pucharme had tht• :Mrs. L. Lamont nearest birtbday. The nosto:n. Mrs. Chas. Fischer presented with a gift by Mrs. Jnek Mrs, Wm. Smith. Godericl) Cox. The W..t are planning an Gordie Guy entertainment and dance for the Mrs, George 'Riskin -young people or the commanity Cash Specials oil Monday. evening', :Dee 20. in the Dorothy MeAitter Cranbrortic Commtunity Oentre. Mrs. ,31111 :,110Nrtil, Florence The Piot Club held al Pall;: 'ansfield, \ Vinghail Mile Commttnity Centro Inte r's Nit's. Betty 'Bronson General Store donated Ilia to , Door' Prize clot h,. serviettes and. doilies Mrs. ;Nita COUsinS the occasion. BRUSSELS TELEPHONE OPERATORS HONORED • The Directors and staff of The Toteserrices held a banquet in honor of the. Brussels telephone operators, at the New Amorican Ilotel on Wed- nesday evening Invember inth. It was guile impressive to see- the girls in their finest bib and 'tueic ,T. seated together, with their husbands, at one table, Mach. of rho girls wore presented with lovely corsage, by :qrs. George. 31ichie. -at. head table guests wore j.t.n. !rode( ed by 'Donald Young, General Alaniger. they Were. President: (-.;0 01'ge MiChie and Mieble;: Directnrs, Clayton Scott and Mrs. Scott .Boward Patterson and Mrs. Pattersoit. all from Kitchener and. Archie Voting and Mrs. Voung of • Tin" Pining room was tastefully decorated, iii the.Christmas theme and a most delleious dinner was s Pit ved. After din)) er. George' Miehie spoke briefly .and called .on :RaY• intonstm„ Seeretary-Treasuretn to. address the operators and present each one with a nliontie. Mrs: Helen. Cantet.,on •rosponded„ thanking all on.nehair of the operatOrs for the banquet and ehennes, • Mn', Patterson and . Mr. Scott both spoke On the service that. the Brussels operators had given, and how mull the community would miss the personal touch we all received from them. Mr. Young- added his apprec- iation 10 111C girr,:t for their co, opermion during. the past hectic week:, while they were preparing ror c'OT1Nersion. A:1 in all it Was quire a nost.. :dale evening, and as a behind the scene witnesS to all this. the writer would like to add. that Monday m or ni ng. n ecem b er nun 1065. In.as one or morbid silence at the Telephone Orrice, I. ant sure that wo gill never forgot the gestures of kindness we received as subscribers. when after a leng- thy illness or being away for awhile. you would lift the receiver and n plensault CT would say, "Inn glad that you tire well again" or "WS like to have you bock again". Thank yen. Vera. Helen, Jean. Della, Bud. Mary and Nate for a Job well clone. WE WILL 31155 YOU.. LIONS CLUB DRAW The Lions Club Draw will be Bevember 15th made at p.m. this Saturday, Ladies' Singles ;lane Ward .2,69 Anne Lowe 218 :Merle Cousins 243 Ladies* Triples Jane Wa rd . ........ 671 Doris Matheson 6n5 Anne :Lowe 589 Men's Singles Mrs Win. li. King is a polic-it 1 Irian Ttu I ledge 29S in Victoria Hospital, London. Gerd Matheson 201. Mintray Lowo 2,74 Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Campbell and Men's Triples Mr. and Mrs George lutzi spent. Gord 1\1.i-ditto:ion 705 the weekend in Garden City Mich., with the Brussels :hockey 11Nichnl 642 Brian Rutledge 6314 teams Maytag Otero. LOCAL HOCKEY TEAMS VISIT GARDEN CITY 'rho Squirt., Pee Wee and litint- 11111 PlOckto"nettms. from Brussel , and the Midget hockey tettal from -Wits ;harm speni last weekend in Garden City, Michigan. 'rho week end consisted of two games for each club anainst their Garden C ly oppOti eat g. 1:11(e results w'er'e: Novice: Carden City 3 Brussels Garde!) City l Brussels PEE WEE: Garden City 3 Brussels 1. Brussels 7 Garden City Bantam: Garden City .9 Brussels It Cartlea City 10 Brussels Midget: Wingharn 4 Garden City 1. Wingtham fi Garden City Ii A, return match is Selleth11(11 for the Brusselst:\rettut On January 24 and January 25, CRANtRQOK Mr. and „Mrs. Herb Brenneman. Waterloo, visited on the week.- end with Mrs. Stuart Evans ;tad Garry, Miss Nancy Strickler, London. spent the Week4,116 with lir‘r parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wilfrod Strickler, She was accompanied by holt friend. „Joan Power, Mr, and Mrs. Jim 'Knight and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Knight were guests at a wedding at Mt. Morriq, Y,. on Saturday, Dee. 13th, Evening Group Elects Officers Mrs. Douglas Invans was hostess for the December meeting of the Evening Vermin of the W,M.S. ern Pee. 0th. The topic' and devoliote; Were in Charge of Mrs Leslie NniA'fir `and "MrS. Doug invons. There was a good attendance or minnbers who answered the roll call with at Christmas veittse. Tit tt election of officers tens held with the following elected for 1970 President .... Mrs. Jack Nitietlit Vice-Pros. Mrs, Stewart Sloths SOVrPiar 311.,S,. Cordon T.Ingel Treasu ror Mrs, Stowat Stevenson Sunsitine .. „Mrs. Stuart Evans Literature and Library „ .... ,T Mrs, jim Knignt '(had Tidings Mrs.Polinlas 'Evan.= Mrs. Leslie Knight and. Mrs. Jim Knight assisted the hostef., With refreshments,. BOWLING NOTES PEOPLE WE KNOW Elmer Young 1S ;t patient iii AVinethain Hospital. Roy Tinton is a patient in the \Vingimin and District Hospital.