HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1969-12-11, Page 6sz•lq--P`'711;7 P FINANCE and INSURE YOUR SNOWMOBILE WE HAVE THE LOWEST RATES IN TOWN SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY RONNENBERG INSURANCE AGENCY Open Tuesday and Friday in Brussels PHONE 887..6663 By Murray Gaunt, MPP, Huron, Bruce' • • • Ontario • anar tment dwellers • shonld receive a little extra rash from their Landlords this month • perhaps in time ror The • extra .rash ig a benefit tt , • which virtualy all homeowners and tenantS•are•entitled under the Ont- ario :Glo.y ern m Cs two-yea r-41,1.1 property tax reduction ;;ystem. The system wag established by the Province last >eat as means of easing.?; the 'burden tai municip01 and school taxes, In effect, the Pro- . vince pays part of the property taxes on. each eligible house and. apartment. • Under Provincial law, apartment Inridlords or their • agents must • pass on the tax reduction to tete . ants on or before Docembor 31, • 31, liifi9, t Home-owners 4-11tould 11Jc- already received their reduction-1, The system works this way. The landlord reueives the re- duction from his nuinicipaity and is required to pass, on the Nil amount or the reduction on or la - fore December :31 to those umants who have occupied their tar" 'anise.; ender Provincial Law. aparttnnet throughout 1969. Tenants who have moved in out of apartments during the year receive only proportionate al ate nts, . . A tenant who: Mewed into the REPORT FROM QUEEN'S PARK Avoteawma.wowrrrytwv, For A Better USED CAR AT THE' RIGHT PR 'iCE 1969 MERC. 4 DR. HT VS, Auto., PS, PB and Radio 1969 METEOR RIDEAU 4 D.R. V8, Auto., PS, PB and Radio 1968 TORINO GT, 390 ENGINE, PS, PB, Radio Bucket Seats 1968 CAMARO 2 DR. HT V8, Auto. Radio 1968 FURY III 4 DR, HT V8, 41/41t::' Tr.-t:" - BP PS and Radio SEVERAL 67 and OLDER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM YOUR MUSTANG, FALCON, FAIRLANE, FORD and THUNDERBIRD DEALER BRUSSELS WINGHAM BRIDC E MOTORS tnquiri being received is front iThlnts who moved to year and have not their payment suggest that a tenant htts moved during the Year nartment during the year and is lilt oeenpying the premises receive one-twelfth of the tutitl reducihnt for each month of rysid. y This reduction, should he paid by the landlord on or be- fore Pecember 31. .\ tenant who moved out during •11... year should receive a -011111 arlY proportionate aamcau'tt within :10 dav:• of the date he (- m i no. 14-0 his tenancy or on t•-)eee-mbor '2.1st whiehever is or. Municipal Affairs \Tinister Darcy NieN'ottugh. whose' Department ad- nlii)iam tilt, In \ reduction system raid lodaY that the, bulk of the landlords reduction err compensate for rr,,11 or allegt..1 dtr a7lages or losses, liz.s rot -reeelved his entitlement .n111 cant let his former landlord l hate ,v'to be sure the landlord tvs ,'here to send the re- in Air. Ater:cough said that tenants .0..ho moved out over tlu days ago r,Tel red .11101.1" ..111IHOIIIP111 RI' ,arising -their I . •I of their ne\v address .rig' contact Subsidiet4 Well of the Department of oc.leipa Affairs for assistance at tzi y or t.eir'pltone Tor- r, 31;3-770: I . r. I< out Igh id cannot wit hold. the tax from a tenant PHONE 887_6249 PHONE 357-3460 )34VITSBFIT.• SgRLS, ONTARIO con) ITM earlier yet re- 'who and .. .... 541 Icon Whiti! .. , ........ ,52 Wilr Warwick .... 51 Darry Adams Si Carson 'Watson ....... 5,0 Stew Steiss 49 Glen 'Bridge 48 I torte Hastings ........ 46 tloss Duncan „, 42 Reg Watson 41 Willis knight 9. Archie. Willis ............ ...„. 39 veil A.dains „„ .. — .. 4 36 I )ick Stephenson. 36 Ken Sholdien ..... . , .. 34 Murray Johnston ..... 32 1)111 AreArter ........... ..„ 30" Eldon Wick Karl 1(okosch 30 Jan van Vliot ..... 30, 1(en McDonald 29 Ross Bennet .... ... , . 28 am )Vorkman .. . ... (terry Evans 26 'Howard liettnard 24 Iforry Bolger „..„. . ..... 20 Ted '1'illiott 1.4 l''.-61111 Nicholson Lon Lamont .„,...- it Gordon Nichol 7 Bill Cassidy High Score, 3 Darts: Earl Kokosch 165 Ifigh Score for the Evening: Willis 'Knight 14(1 lloo,tever, if a tenant is in arrears ill his. rent, the tax reduction may be deduct-.a. tront the arrears, lie added. s of seParittelY s.es0.1 residential properties, du mind apartment buildings, or.' eligible for the tax .reduotion, but. tenants in flats and It e,-.;e apartments la 'houses may not qualify. BRUSSELS AREA. DART. LEAGUE December 3rd Name Points Team Standing The Archers tith Lino ...... The Greys 5th Line Len's Gang .53 4 1 14anbrook The 13. Ps, 45 jam t 0 W11 ...... 42 Individual Standing Ernie Dock Jim Smith Wit Ward jack Me"Wilirter Res Alcock Harry Jacklia Elmer Vomit: Gordon Eng(•1 !Loss Niebrdson Rus Hal .. . .. ....... elaroncP White .„...,. ...... Nichol Adam Srn;t lt 93 80 78 78 74 72 69 63 62 59 9 Tfillt,SDAY, DEO, 11th, 1969 SEE ANSTUT JEWELLERS FOR TOMMY PARKER r.:ir THE COUNTRY PLAY BOYS FRIDAY ar.d SATURDAY NIGHT IN THE RAINBOW ROOM WE FEATURE: Turkey, Spare Ribs a nd Sauer Kraut, ENT ERTAINIVENT ... • AT THE NEW AMERICAN HOTEL BRUSSELS, ONT. ,;011,3.44rolsooktiairreeo WALTON Among those baptised by the Port. Docken at the baptismal se7viee were Dwayne William Achilles, sou of 'Air, and Mrs, mild Donna jean Grid- kin, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Laverne godkin: 'William Alex.. r Gulutzen, son of Mr, and Atv ,t, Alexander Guintzeti: Craig Thomas Trackwell son of Mr. and :`,1rs. Merton llackwell and Richaid George i'mve, son of Mr, and vie , qoorgo Lovo, Misses Mary Ilowfo?, Helm' Searle and Rosemary Make, rinrs- es.iii training ;It SI. Jots,plcs pitut, London lrpant a mconf woelt• BULOVA. CARAVELLE — TIMEX WATCHES FINE JEWELLERY — SILVERWARE — CLOCKS BIRTHSTONE RINGS — ELECTRIC SHAVERS DRESSER SETS JEWEL BOXES PEN AND PENCIL SETS — CRYSTAL FREE GIFTWRAPPING ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. PHONE 527-1720 SEAFORTH end at inane, with their parents. BERG whore he will spend the winter months, Ale, George Taylor is in Texas Sales Service Installation FREE ESTIMATES Mi'Ss Pearl Thanter. or Strat- O Barn Cleaners ford and Mr, itral Mrs. John Tbai-nor • Bunk Feeders and Tony of 'Kitchener, were re, Stabling cent weekend visitors with • . and Mrs. Thamer. DONALD G. IVES Torrance ltandas. who under- R.R. 2, BLYTH wont plastic surgery at Victoria Phone brusseis 443W4 Hospital, London. is home. GIFT' ITEMS at G. E. SCHUETT SHOWROOMS, MILDMAY includes Smaller Gifts — lamps, hampers, etc Larger Gifts Electrohome "Stereos", new PIANOS Select front a Wide variety of L'IVINGROOM SUITES Free Delivery in S. Ontario FURNITURE SCHUETT'S of MILDMAY and MT. FOREST offer RECLINER Chairs $88.88 each double pedestal DESKS $49.00 each ~ncose rorn a LARGE STOCK ON 'HAND at. the GODFREY SCHUETT FURNITURE STORES at 'MILDMAY and MT'. FOREST (Near Theatre) cf'N' efiNg cMg , (17W Al* 11%-rita'