The Brussels Post, 1969-12-11, Page 4$7.0,1 PoST. • ;.111USEELS, oNTA.toop livbilittpAY, DAL: For those who wish to pick and cut their own Christmas tree, an attendant will be present at our Christmas tree farm, 11/2 miles, east of Molesworth, thence 2 1/2 miles south, o n. December 13 and 14, and December 20 and 21, Time: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m, Price $1,50 J. H,. KEESO 84 SONS CHRISTMAS TREES FOR SALE . . ... . v,,Twoiiemo,-.4c .%),Abtaltivetecole ottouvolgow., oiliwiteAlt ow , , 0 v: STYLES FOR BOYS TEEN'S and MEN SHOP FOR SALE — Saleslady for Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Litey!s. ,General Steve, CrunbroOk FOR SALE ,•••• Universal Short tube Milker, units: also 10 80 lb. Milk Cans. Dan Lichty Phone 887-6935 FOR SALE Simplicity Washing Machine. $20,00;' Set of aluminum double Laundry Tubs. 810,00, Glenn Huether Phone 887-6955 FOR SALE 17sed 1 1 9" pipe for stabling, Can be seen at the did town Variety Store, Brussels. Also a small safe for sale. Phone 887:0722 WANTED — Saleslady fm. Nationally known household product. Exclusive Ioeal area. Car not required. No invest meat needed. Call l3iyth 523-4275 Or 523-4591 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of JAMES EDWARD RHOADES; deceased A,LL PERSONS h a vi ng claims against the estate of the above deceased, late of the Village of. Brussels in the County of Huron, retired veteran,. who died on the 20th day of September, 1960, al-e required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or befOre the 31st day of December, 1969, after which date the executrix will prOceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which she has received notice. DATTAD at :Busses this 5th day of December, 1969. CRAWFORD. NI ILL Brussels. Ontario Solicitor for the Executrix NOTICE TO CREDITORS • In the estate of SARAH MARTHA STILES; deceased ALL PERSONS having claims :against the estate of the above deceased, late of the 'Village of BruSsels in, the County of Huron, widow, Who died on the 13th day of November, 190,, are remitred to file proof .Of same with the tinderSigned oil of before the 31st day of Nceitbeit, 1S1h5, after which tilat.i.1 the ekecittoe Will proceed to distribute the estate having regard Only to the eialitts Of .WhicitliOtice has. been 'received. :OAT1?1 b at litlISSes this 5th day O December, CRAW' FCMD & AT 114, BrariSON Ontario 0:6114ttor$ I* IQxociutor FARMERS' INTERCOM Communication from house to Barn. Als,) Fire ;E:;tilinguislierS, Write or Phone R, J, (Bob) Oliver, iiitchener, 50 Sandra. 7-15-1375 evenings, EXPERIENCED FAINTER DESIRES WORK In this area, interior and exterior work, paper-hanging and staining done at best possible rates. Call for free estimates. Richard Gill Call 3, Walton Phone Brussels 382W16 SPARE TIME INCOME Refilling and collecting money trout NEW TYPE, high-quality coin-operated dispensers in your area, No selling. To qualify YOU must have car, references, $000 to $2900 cash, Seven to twelve hours weekly can net, excellent Monthly income. More fall time. :For per- :•,mal interview write CANAPENN DISTR.IBUT1NG LTD., DEPT. A, 160 Bay St., Suite 205, Toronto Ontario. include phone number. AVON CALLING Gilarontee yoorself a wonderful Christmas by Selling AVON'S Christmas beauty line in spare time. • • start'og now. Territor- ies available in Blueval% Moles- wolth, Jamestown areas. Con- ict Mrs, Millson, 17 Hawkesbury Ave,, London, 461-0641 MAKING .A LIVING F:7:01‘11 8 'ZO Ott can be a success from 0:00 to I P. M. it is that little e:dra mbition that can make the dif- lerence between being average 01' out in front. A. second job enrol liar Ontario Automobile Assoc. 1;%i' .1) memberships may make the i :or(nce for you. Find out how, oh'.igation. Contact Charles Lee of Wingham by letter giving PhOn(5 mber. BADGER SILO UNLOADERS and FEEDERS FEED LOT and STABLE PLANNING Sales and SeNIce KENNETH MARKS & SON R13 4, Atwood, Ont. tonutie 3t,b•272"/ NEW BARN CLEANER itA LC O (.;) iii a 11:1 ft., Swinging EleVator, Guaranteed Up tO 100 ft. Ma All types of stabling and COM- plete luSulationS, Centadt;! LAVERNE JOI-INS-ToN Milverton Phote WALTON Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull have nmved to Prussos. • Mrs. ,;corgi Williamson is a patient in List owe] ospital. Mrs. Jan van Vliot ,Jr„.Who has heen ti patient iii ListoWel Hospital tins 'T1.1;1.1100 home, Visitors at the twine of Mrs- Maud 11Joeni1ng lost weole lvi ce t'~ and Mrs.. Ge<irge Mctlavin. Seaforili, and Mr: and Mrs, ,John Da or of Auburn. • Miss Judy Clark of London visit-, od over the wookend with Mr, and Mrs. Harold. Smfdition. Bruce Clark, London, spent the w:%okend with his rintierits. jim Clark. The Walton W.T. meeting will be held on Pee, 17th. The convenors are Airs. Herb Williamson and Mrs. George McCall. Mrs. Earl t:tiel-• more will demonstrate Christmas fifovor arrangements, There will be a sale of fancy cookies. '['lie 411 girs will 'attend and demonstrate their "Sewing Course". t8h and 16th Unit of Duff's Church U.C.W. The Docemher mooting was held at the home of Mrs. James Mc- Donald on Thu rsday afternoon, Doc. 4th. Mrs. fim 'Fritz opened the meeting with :the Call to Worship, Hymn 55. "Joy lo the World the lord TA Corne.' was song. 'rho scripture, front Ltike 2: 7 to 20, was read by Mrs. Jinn 'Fritz and. Mr.!. Dan Prase]. offered prayCr, 1 (yin n 59 "Hark the :Herald Angels Sing - was sting. NH's, Don Fraser read a inessagr% by Rev, Ti', rt. Davis. followed by the singing of enrols, 'Mrs, FroSer was iti tdthrgi.. of the busibess session. .11111111 n7 of the Iasi Meeting were food by the secretary. Orders were taken for Church calendars. The 17th and 'Boundary baaar at 3 p.m, tin at the church, Tho Jan- uary 'fleeting is to be held at the home of Mrs. Doug ('.till: was tinswt•red by memberS, Mrs. Georgo MCall I'll Vi repOri% USE YOUR CREDIT CRANBROOK gave a reading "Dells in Winter" which brought back memories of earlier winters when we listened to the many dill:Eu.0ra bells rather than cars and snowmobiles, The Christmas Story was read from "Good news for modern man" and the Lord's 'Prayer repeated in unison. "The Priceless (lift of Christians'' was read by Mrs. -Mac Engel, Mrs. Clare Veitch presided for the business when the min- utes were read and roll called by secretary. mrp,. Stanley Fischer. Ton members answered roll call with a Christmas verse. Cords and visits to sick and shut-ins were recorded by Miss Alice Forrest, Mi's. Earl Dunn led in prayer fol- lowed by the topic -The Wonder of the Nativity" based on Luke 2 and given by Airs. Lylle Gordon. miss mic e porrest presided ttt, the piano for Christmas carols and led in a sing-song, The MiV4)..th diction was repeated iii unison. Mrs,: Stanley Fischer presided for the election of officers arid read a portion of Scripture and led in pr aye[, Pollowwing is the slate' of Officers for 1970: l'resideia „,. Mrs. Wilfred Strickler Vive7 Pt-i's. Airs. Earl Dunn Secretary .... Mrs Stanley Fiseher Treasurer Ali's. John Pottle Friendship Sz., Service Secretary Miss Forrest Lit, « Lib, Sec, .,.. 1111.s, L, Clordon Supply Sac. Mrs. Clare Voitch Glad Tiding's gee% Mrs, Calvin PRONE 87-9481 ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION TURKEY BINGO WINNERS December 5th, 1909 Regular Games Ann Lowe Kevin Pennington Airs Py (Wingharn) Mrs. Gvorge `Rislop llot Fox Jack Logan. Delibie Adams Betty T3ronson reg Hnether Nelenta,n Ciregg .Fluether NI ildred Nichol Tinie .Achilles Mrs. Clifford Bray Pearl Raker Cat'h Specias rs, ('lenient 'NI CLella n Ann Achilles and Merle ConsinS Joyce (Pordori, Riqintftt 'Watts and Vern 'frostings boor Prite DongInS Vitlault t4OUSgEtt BANTAM HbckEY scHEDULt boo, 15 )ropktop rut lirtiSsielS Dee, 17 Hi'llanIS tit Myth. 2g Milverten at BruSsetS Brussels at, Menkton Jan, 12 131yth a.t niloseIN .1,tn, 16 Nlilvertritt tit PritSHOIS ,lint, 10 Monktott at, titittik010' Hine Detiantilk :ttt Mitt YOUR.. CHRISTMAS STORE FOR HIM GIVE YDUR MAN BRUT this Christmas — a full line of Bvut cenmetics, for men. Beautifully gift boxed. ARROW SRIRTS will bring a smile from him on Christmas morn That special man deserves the best, give him a beautiful TERRY WILLIAMS' SWEATER. COME IN AND BROWSE ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS WILL BE ACCEPTED GAS and DEPT'. STORE INCLUDED of the Centre Region Huron- Piantsi and Press Secretary Mrs. Mae Engel Perth Presbytorial convention held in Duff's L'nitod Church, Auditors Mrs. Lytle Cordon -Nralton. The regular collection was :Mrs. Earl Dunn received, C'race was sung and a RerreallnletnaLS were served 1)5 delicious supper was served by :Mrs. Cordon, .Nirs, Fischer and the the losers of the Copper Contest. hostess. Airs. Gordon will be host, Osa for Jannany Church service was cancelled here on Sunday afternoon owing to the treaoherOus driving con. W.M.S. Afternoon Group ditions. Al". Wes :\le:Eacberil was host- The quarterly book excbange ess for the December meeting of for the ('ranbrook hunch of Ituron the Afternoon Great) of the W.A.S. County Public Library will take of Knox Presbyterian Church, The pace Monday. Doc, IS at 10.30 mu, leaden', Mrs. Wilfred Strickler