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$2,50 A Year lit Advance THEP. RFSSEL PC3T. 1.1.tS.1)A Y. DEC. 11th, 196 9 POST PT,1131.A.SHINO HOU*
'W,ALS, of. Alelvile Church
were invited to hold the Christmas
meeting at the home Of thebr pro
sident, Mrs, Gerald Gibson, who
presiciea for, the tirogram which
had been arranged by the execu-
tive, Christmas carols wore sung
and Mrs. King delighted the com-
pany With her piano solo 'Trinity
Tile devotional period was in
charge of MI'S. Douglas
'ay who th0 scripture and
Mrs. ,lames Moir who offer(al
a "Christmas prayer for the home".
'Mrs. Gibson read a short. article
from the Christmas War Cry "The
Innkeeper looks hack".
The story of the Praying glands
a familiar symbol on Many Christ-
mas Cards was told by Mrs. :John
Speir, Me artist Albert ;Diver
reached his fame though the
sacrifice of a friend and itnmortal-
ized him by painting. his hands in
Ole attitude of prayer, "Keeping
Christmas" by Henry Dyke was
read by Mrs. Clarke :Matheson. It
is a gbod thing to observe Christ,
liras but a better one is to keep
Fifteen calls on sick and shut•
ins wore reported. Names of sev
eral shut-ins were chosen by
members who will visit them lie-
fore Christmas and take a small
gift, Annual reports were given by
the various secretaries.
Mrs, Gibson, who is closing a
very gratifying three years as pre-
sident of the W,M.S. thanked the
ladies for their co-operatIon mitt
assistance. In return she received
a very hearty vote of thanks for
her fine efforts from Mrs. W, \\T.
Smith and Mrs. Chas. Davis.
Limon was served at the close
of the meeting by the social com-
The nominating committee pre-
sented a list Of officers for 1 07 0.
Past President Mrs. Gerald
President 'Afrs. G. A. AlcC'arroll
Vice,Presidents Mrs. W. C.
King,., Mrs. Jas, S. Armstrong
SocretarY •., Mrs. Clarke Matheson
Assistant Sec: „„ Mrs. Alex Steiss
Treasurer .„. ... „.„ AAA's, Johti. Spoil.
Assistant Mrs. John Yttill
Pianist Mrs. W. C. King
C.O.C. Leaders Mrs, James
Valiance; Mrs, John. Pipe, Mrs.
Vi d MeCit tch eon.
- On. Tuesday, • 'llecember the
Aftertinea Unit oh the CT.C.'W. was
entertained at the home of Mrs.
1110Y . Cousins, with twenty-one
inentbers and five Visitors 'attend-
ittg, The program consisted of
Christmas enrols, Stories and can ,
tests. The Only bil-SineSS, Was the
coiit:pleting of. plans. felt' • the
githp'S Christmas projects, A.
delidiettS Winch of sandWfches atul
ChriStitias gOodies was Served by
the hostess. assisted by some or
pie members.
Mrs, .Vrederiek Cooper, a lotn4-
time resident of Brussels, who .
lived in Sonforth for a short period,
died Monday morning in her Ott
year, in ;;eaforth f'ommunity
1Tospital, after being in failing
health for some time.
She was the former Jane Riley,
daughter or the late .Alr, and Mrs:
George Riley,
She is survived by four
Wiliam, Mac. Gordon, and Kennett
all of Brussels: five daughters,
Airs. George rlsabelle)
and Airs. Lloyd (Jean) Schmidt.
both or Stratford; Airs. Lorne
Woreem Pale and Mrs. IKen:,.eth
r.10.,lizabethi Sholdice, both or Brus-
sels, Airs, Kenneth (Shirley
Wilkins., or E,Imira: two brothers,
Thomas of Clinton and Frank of
kintore; 2.1 grandchidren and 1.0
great gra ntichildren. •
• The funeral SerVi.CQ WO S. held
from the 1).,. A. [Latin ritneral home,
Brussels, on Wednesday at .2 p.m.
with Iter, 1, •Lel)rew' officiating,
Burial was in :Brussels cenietery
Pallbearers were Stephen-
son Jr.„ F'red Stephenson, Ken and
1 -leimpul; Frank Thompson
and Doug Miley, •
Powers were carried by Debbie
and:.Brian. Wilkins, Kathy Heimpel
and Joan Stepheson.
Mrs. J. Martin returned home
from Wingliam and. District ins
pita] on TuesdaY.
Mrs Bert Fleihein is home from
Listowel Memorial liospital where
she has been a patient.
• :Mrs. Wesley ,lormyn, Suffered'
a collapse Avh i I s h o p.p ilg Tiles-,
day morning, She was reMoved by
authttlarice \\'inghati it MI
1 Iistriet :Hospital.
Anne Oldfield, daughter of Al''.
,And 11rs. Max Oldriel(L was vole.
dictorian of the F. R. Madill Sec-
ondary School commencement
exercises in Wingharn. Her vale-
dictory address was excellent mu]
)110St OPPrOpriat.P. A11110 WaS w-
arded ;:n Ontario Scholarship, the
F. R. Howson award for Grade 1:1
proficiency and grade 3 music
Lions Club Hold
Christmas Party
71.11e nrassels• Lions held their
ladies Night Christmas. Party at
the ROyal Canadian Logien "On
Monday night, • .•
A turkey banquet .was served by
the Legion Ladies' Auxiliary.
Lion 'President Cal Krafft or pre-
sided and welcomed their ladies
and other guests present.
Mon Tamer flerritt van Veen
1Pd the sing-song with Mrs. I-Tank
Ten Pas and Mrs. Ivan Campbell
at the piano.
Roll call Was responded to by
the Lions introducing their Wives
and guests.
St. Nick made all appeararlye
and distributed gifts to the ladies.
The remainder of the evening
was enloyablY spent iii dancing
Bia music' of the "Twilights".
With the completion of
latiop and the switc to dial at 2.01.
a.m. Sunday' • from the Manually
operated switchboards, Bell com-
pleted the take over of the Malt-
and Teteservices of which they
acquired the controlling interest
in January of this year, They now
have seven men on the Hoard oh
It is regretable that a locall
owned lad operated telenhon0
had to he :...obbled
by the 1=e communiontito.
comiwoy. This is with is hap-
pening to many snort con.1!•:‘,1
and i)utiiilesa "S.
The it.russets. mortis, C-oey Tele-
phone C'ompany was iivbt e-din-
lished in 1 ft OS hy the late Findlay
S. Scott, who rotained the posiliot.
of president until his dealh in 1 9 2i.
r'ommissionlirs at that iinie
Dr. Warwick trod l'r. 'Moore of
Brussels, Richard Procter. Alotris
and Edw,ird ot Grt
Alex Siraehan treasurer.
Thp first 01.,10.,:i mimitcs
dated April 17th, 1a00. By-law' No,
of the of litussels. 1911
was the By-law \ditch created thP
system, passed Icy Railway ant
'Municipal Hoard on September
'Micro were '2 t subscribers ea
one. line to Illthci iii the early days.
La 1 910 there were 311 8 t•mbscribers.
The price oh the first swileb-
brund was $:17 9 an, completely
The hirsl operator.4 v..ere Millie
Growar 2.5 Per aiallth:
llonald, .$1; pa' rianth rai.s,•d
to $.17 and Miss Brown who start-
ed at $17, Aliqs Mclonald. was rais-
ed to per month.
lered tlen Eti\varris and
\\!.m. Little were mitring the firs1
Walter S. Scott. son or ille it ch'
S. Scott, was manager of the
Brussels, Morris and Grey Tele-
phone System for 2:) years. He re.-
tired in 1060.
The new telepone building was
built in I9F,7. The old telephone
office.. which is now the Village
municipal office, was ‘-iteated and
the new building. occupied in 105)3.
On September 1st, 1967 tile
amalgamation or the the prussels
Morris rind Grey and the Blyth
systems torik place and it became
Maitland Teleservices Limited
There Orr` 111,11' 11 15 subscribers
for Hrussels and 3117 for Myth and
r-Thr s'or't if the neWly inst.1110,
D c iret :J.Iistance whiel:.
liecessiialiA the building of a new
addition to the existing office, is:
$1 1,0011 her building; :$1,0 0,0 0 0
dial equipment installed: $4 3,0 0 0
ivr carrier equip.ment.
The present officers of the Malt.
land Teleservices Limited wba
retain their positons, as do the
staff of servic men. are; George C,
Alichie, President; Marge T.
Percy. Vice-President: Directors:
Archie Young, Becher Scott, Alf
,f„ Cokburn, floward T. Patterson,
William Crowley, John N,
Arnold, and Clayton R. S'c'ott:
Panald I: Young. General 'Manager
and Ilayinend Al. BrOnson, Secre-
t ry-Treastirer,
I. 0. 0, F. LODGES
IVesterti Star t. ('). Degree.
Team were in Waterloo :to confer
the second degree on seven cantli-.
dates of Waterloo Lodge 'recently.
Senforth 1, 0. 0, Atmore"
1.sani conferred the 3rd. • degree at
Western Star T.,odge, Brussels, oli
Thursday of last week,
,Leonard. 1..donotit is at patient in
Wingham Hospital wit tirP he
underwent surt..,.ery,,
The dial •4y,tem has replace,a
the mamially-operuted telephone
..;vi:ch:mards here. AL 2,01 Lux-
flit, switoli to dial was
twrie (Tana be baited
'fly will look back. with
nost rearet to the friendly
"n;;11.i'ler pleftso" nom our obliging
t."10,HV tie ot.srator= as they
twir 1:10 sets in roction
the, eb .ctrouiv genius that gives us
D;rw t 1 ',-dattee
T s p rv kp “lje yo n d
(If duly - that many of our
tele:Atone girl- have given us. In
I line ,. fir 1,11)19”2:011(•y Thl`y 11141 a
swittliy located doctors, surnmonnd
firemen etc You couldn't lied
the telephone directory. the !tome
was enough, you would get your
party. "'here were times when they
spiced their service with humour,
One subscriber report8 he said.
''Glive me Lottie". the operator
quipped, "If I knew a Lottie on the
rural lines, that is the one you
would get".
Oh yes, we will MiSS the personal,
touch that the ever-so-efficient
eleetrical coMinunications monster
that replaces ottr "telephone girls"
cannot give.
Rome people, particularly the
older ones, view the dial with
apprehension. They have been
disturbed about their abiity to cope
with this unfamiliar gadget. EverY
sabscriber on the Rrussels ex-
change, was called by two special
operators explaining the dial,
answering questions. and trying to
eastire that everyone knows hOW
to use it correctly.
The Brussels operators recei1-("1
UAL r*., messages of appreciation for
thei r service throm.Tht the a.es
and the Orussels Post adds their
Local zieti Nlerribers
Receive Awards
Among award winners at the
.1.occitt ;IMMO." IIwin County 1-1-1
a eh le Yell-lent night in Sea.forth
were several from this community,
Neil Hetningway. Marvin Howe
Trophy: Huron County' 4.-14 Swine
Club section),
(lave Thomas, Stewart Procter
:award. -champion Shorthorn heifer,
Brussels 4-Ft Corti Club, i)avid
Haan, DaVid Thonlas, Gerald Haan.
Huron (:'ountY 44-T Electric Club,
Gerald 'Man, Neil ItethingWaY.
On S:itniliny. Pecember 0th, :15)99
Morris ToWnship Councillors and
employees. :With their wives. were
entertained, at the home of Reeve
and Mrs, Wiliam Elston,
Following a, suniptuous turkey din-
ner at 7 p.nt, an enjoyable evening
was spoof playing cards. James
Alair expressed the appreciation Of
Ills gathering and Ttoss Smith pre,
stinted: Peeve and Airs. Eaton with
a gift,
Reeve R. B. Cousins cir B,usials made the first Brussetr,..
.. -dial call. With him is M. (Bud) Thompson, -night •
operator, who answered the final call on the switch-
hoard, and George Michic, president of Maitland Tele-
services Limited,