HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1969-12-04, Page 1Tattf$St
2.50 A Year In Advance — $3.50 To U.S.A. Tilt!) JO; GSSEL '111.1'It.1'D.%', DEC. 4th, 1969 POST PUI3LISHING HOUSES
The pOstoffice remain
open all day Saturday, on DOC. 6.th,
131h, and 2.0th„
Ladies' Divison Of
Agricultural Society
Names Officers
Mutter presiding.
The secrotttry, Adah Smith
presented a satisfying financial
report. Mrs. Lloyd 'Wheeler was
named 1st vice president. and Mrs.
Earl Cudruorc 2.1id vice proSident.
A comaiittee was appointed to
look into money making project,
possibly a Cooking School.
Delegates were appointed to
attend the Ontario Agricultural
Societies Convention in TorOnto in
New Lady Directors, are urgently
needed. Lawn chair would be
Mr. and Mrs. ilarold Gordon
Knight of Ottawa. annotinc.e, the
engagement of his sister, Dorothy
Anne, to William Gibson 'Baulch;
of Toronto, son, of the Rev, and
Mrs. Gordon Paulch of Barrie,
The marriage will take place on.
Monday, December 29th in Knox
College Chapel,,Toronto.
CO* Honored On
30th AnniYersary
friends and relatives
honored ]'era and Dave Uasti 0 W.4
tali the occasion of their 30th
wedding nen; versa TY.
After a delicious dinner. %%Phich
was enjoyed by everyone, the
conple's throe' grandchildren,
Haudro !Nether, David and Darryl
suit a.ble
ittid a social evening Col-
Former 'Morris-Resident
Receives 'Degree of A.R.A.
Mr. Stuart Bryans. a former
resident of _Morris Township,
received the degree of A.R.A.
(Accredited Rural Appraise(') from
the American Society of Farm
Managers and Rural Appraisers.
This degree was presented to Mr.
1.1ry.ans at a Meeting- of this
Society hi '11 tea go on .,Ionday
Mr. Bryans is a: Credit Advisor
with the Farm (':red it, (7011101.ad011i
in StrailOVa. 1i' attended .on ex-
amination seminar in l)es Moines,
Iowa. in September of this year
where lit' qualified for the degree.
rl'here are only two other' Men in.
Canada who hold the A.R.A,
The' Peceinhor (Christmas)
Meeting or the Majostic 1, will
he held on Thursday afternoon.
December '11th, in
'Public Library. 11 wil start with
a dinner at Cotitnring dishes.
prepared by those who took the
vonrse "'the Main Dish 'Makes the
Meal". Those attending arc asked
to bring plates. knives. forks and
spoons. The roll call is "A Christ-
mas Custom of Another band",
Program will consist of 0 Christ-
Inas message, disnionstrations of
homemade Cbrist nuts decorations
and 'gifts; and carol singing.
members please 'bring decorated
box for dent-ios articles La lie
put in these.
A season of gladness
For young end old,
Of music. of laughter,
Of stories retold.
A season of beauty.
A season of zest,
Or friendshipS renewed
And of kinanoss Exprp,4,ea.
A season of love
And! ht' wide-spreading cheer:
A season of hope
fi'OP the newest New Fear.
A season of wotkidop.
Or carols resting,
A season or blessing
oid and' young,
An evoning of otichrc. .-q•onsur•
ed by the Majestic W, 1. on Mon-
day e31nitc.:, b ,-t•incer
enjoyed by all who attended.
High Lady was Ales. Aetna
bow body, Mrs, .Elsio
Ei van-.. High \Ian. Norman Hoover.
Low Alttn„John Simpson,
Mrs. .ionn Yuill was hostess for
the Chri ,tinnts meeting of the
Ladies' Aid (111 Monday afternoon,
December i st. The _Proident, Mrs.
1.,',vaus opened the meeting with a
hymn and the Lord's Prayer Wl18
l'OPell toil in unison, scripture
reading and meditation was giv•nt
by Miss Bessie Moto;; and )ra:,,-r
by Mrs. Matheson.
Minutes and financial statement
fo r the year, was given by. -Mrs.
K.err and .flit:;. 1..tennis, !toll
was responded to. lt,y Christina ,:
thoughts and v t'r''Ps• Airs'
road an addr5titi on "The Wonder
ful Christ" and during the /1oel-
5110g. The offering- was received
,1 ffiat.,, Or /10W officer} for 1971)
was presented.
The meeting closed with
:11izitalt Benediction.
(orris the social' part of Ito'
meeting lilt; ;, m o th es en gave ii
readin:;!: from .ilicken's chrisimos
Stories and Mrs. King favoured
with two piano solo: and several
Christmas Carols on the piano. .A.
delicious lunch wits served by ‘Ir •
and Mrs, Armstrong,
and Mrs. S Rutledge. and
\.1v. and. Airs. John .\JeCtitchf.on
aitentleti the rulieral ladies:
w, Th's. Philip Darst. in
Com-moron, on ‘VedllesdoY ,
1-m0aq' 2ritli.
,\1r, and :11rs. John Conley and
Dung of worepme,t ,„••.)1
..tutittal Christen's mot: or the
Court AValh-lt!e tartit.T nr
.1 0(trest(..t's at \Vallacevill ,. l'urittz
the evening they showed slides of
!holr trip to fligh Court ill InOn-
and Mrs, Russel Me(tinnis
and Mr. and .1. Pollock f,f
1:'eswicl< were \veel.oi•al visitors. in
Prussels. 'Arts. Pollack became ill
hero and is a potion!
Witighinain and District. Itospital.
Mrs, Adali Smith and sons Ito])
and. Rae silent a row- riay ,; itt ain't
A r chi„,, „H a a tt en d e d th e we ddin g
of her son Donald to Many
NVinterholl. The ‘veeding look
place in First United Church,
Wirt flip evening of Nov-
ember Itith, The Rev. Robert ',Mc-
Poo officiating. The couple will
reside in Port Arthur where they
both attended ruirersity and
Donald is now Working,
Flittor:d :-If•rvict•A for the late
1.11411 nn Si/ lfl/11.0, frool
thy D. A (tams home.
Mr, Mac Pen aid formerly farmed
tin the lath concessitn, of
Township. lie was a member or
Brussels unitod church.
',hi Hu 0111 11111'00k COM C.
tory with Bev. bobrow offieiat-
vivoti by one soil.
‘X. MacDonald of Scarboro;
two daughters. Mrs. .1 ,1)14:1 Heil f
.N1 iStiitiSanga and Mrs. Adele
Rowl•indson of Toronto , and one
brother, Martin :\Jeflonald of Grey
Township, and one sister. Mrs.
'Robinson of Mitchell.
Pallbearers wore R. L. Cannin.g.-
b ni. Ross Cunningham, t'lifford
Bray. Eranter. Russo'.
Knight Itini Wilfred Sbortreed..
Sohn Bateman,. 34, of
Ethel, died in Listowel !Memorial
Ill)spital. Sunday.
hoc's in Grey Township on Sept-
ember 1.2th, 1_937). N'Va;,4 the soa
of Cecil B.tionian and the late Mrs.
Bateman of Ethel. In Velmarc,
bi:o1, he married .Jean Ellizaboth
ilainslock of Fordwicli. They
sided in Ethel since thol time, De
wa:.; a member of Ethel TTnitet1
Tie is survived by his wife and
roar children. Cheryl, Debra,
Brenda and Terry, all at home.
His fotlir.r; two brother, ilrace of
:.diflbank and lloh,ori of Ethel. and
four siFter,
Listewol: Mrs. James
, rgar ii') Slrulhrrs. Eitn
Peter (J('an) I/ragout:az. Osli:Iwo
I iloris
The funeral service was held
frmn. the Peebles nitiortil uteri r.
81 2 p.m, on
isn Hid was in 'Mount Pleasailt
coin oi ry el.
ecem ber 1st
Team Standings
Al's Aces 7n
Ituth's Rascals (17
ite.'s Pennies
Minnie's Fuzios
fterd's Cots
jack's & Queen's 1)3
Ladies' Singles
Doris Matheson c 7n
Anne Lowe 2:19
Ladies' Triples
Ports Matheson .......
LOwe 71
Mett's Singics
Murray b)we
'fla ye st Ings
Men's Tripie
(lord Matheson 3147
Al Ha rvVey
Cllr November meeting of the
W. of the Brussels Coiled
Church was held November 3.8th.
This Leing rho reguliir
nio,k -in"; to shut•itis and. others 2i
,.en intde between 7 p.m.
and ofto• which a short bus-
:»eeting took place. with the
Imesident , Mrs, L. Machan, in the
elm Ir.
)1`tnil iced and
t r>f tile year's firionc.es. Our
Korean lr1 11U r (1)1 1.1.1) ber pdWith
tt birthday gift. Plans were made
f or :;hut-in:- Christmas boxes, %-tl‘,0
gifts In the Brussels Finronview
residents, Mrs. Hemingway re-
ported f.,r nominating corn-
Inittee. It tied by Mrs. Hem-
int:way. seconded by Mrs. G. Me-
l`nrchoon that. the ;:fficers as
follows he acc'epte'd:
Past .„ ............ -Mrs. C
President. Mrs. L. Machan
'1st k-ire Mrs,. Lloyd Wheeler
\Ice :Mrs. Dick Stephenson
Socretary Miss L. Mitchell
Treasurer Mrs, Wm. Miller
Att.Prnoon Leader Mists NI.
Ev•erting Leade r Mrs. fl'ea.
Messengers firs. Glenn Bridge
linby Rand :]It's. Howard
.innor Congregation Mrs. .Tack
Pianist itaek 'Bryans
Assistant Mrs. [van Campbell
- •
u ron-Porth Tudiorctilosis 4‘;
ilasiiinitory Ili ease Association
regniar meeting was held in Sea-
forth l'ommunity Hospital, on
'November 20, ot i p.m. 'Mrs,
Edith Brothers of Stratford pi...-
'f. ‘vratker, ra"•
period that $12.882,75 had )teen
ycocivod to date by he Association
in 1be Chrisianals Seal Campaign ----
ii good start for the committed
.programmo of $;15,0011, Mr. -Walker
:Cis() reported that. Memorial 'Gifts
Lad been received recently and
'1 3(.50 gifts are very much appree-
:atm( by I ho Assoc•iath.
Rev. Carina( Smith of Strat-
ford reported for the Edtteatien,
Committee. A Nurses Institute On
1 .Z.opiratOry Disease will be held
fc,r the area. in the new Regional
School of Nursing in Stratford.
ilepresculativos from all areas of
nursing are expected to attend.
Rev. Smith also reported on the
,“Iccessful educational Open House
at the Association's office several
week's ago.
reports were given by
qtr K.te McDonnell. Kinkora,
Rehabilitation and Social SerVice
and Mr. Ivan Forsyth. RR 2. .Kip-
pen, ('.asp Finding. Mr. Forayth
also reported on the recent confer-
:,ace on programme in London,
Brian (Evans, 5cahborough, was
home on the Weekend,
Brenda, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Jim Knight, is a patient in
Listowel Hospital,
fir. and MI'S, lion ,lacklin anti
family, Bloomingdale, visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dunn on Sun-
Smalldon and Mrs. Mac
,•""-11*,"7...:EngP1 spent a day with Mr. and
Mrs. Bill Armstrong, Fergus.
Members of the Cranbrook W. T.
are: reminded, of the institute
dinner al the home of Mrs. W
Strickler on DeceMber lOth.
High Chief Ranger Is
Guest At C.O.F. Dinner'
The. tanner Eithet and Atwood
Lodges of the Canadian Order of
Foresters have amalgamaiad and
are new known as the Atwood
.,Lodge, The ladies al' St. Abibroso
11,G. Church, lIrtissels. entered for
turkey dinner In the CranbrOOk
Community Centre on Friday even-
ing' evening, Nov. nth.
The Highlight of the meeting was
a visit 'front the, High Chet' Ranger
of Oo nada, Bre. Richard of the
t ilead Office,. Brantford, Who gave
an inspirational address. The bus-
inefis Meeting following the dinner
WAS conducted by Bro. Ralph
Denglas. Chief Ranger of Atwood.
'Progressive euchre waS Played
following the Meeting.
I I a stings, presented them
a lovely decorator wall Ouch. Tb e • Ladies' 'I ti vision of 'th'e • ovoryono. rtrUsse(k _Agricultural „Seel ty mot The Couple »lade a on Saturday with president Aileen, 1•eply.
Din 11('
Karen I:Loll-lugs