HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1969-11-27, Page 711-1E BRUSSELS POST ROY W. KEhiliE0Y,,,iPublIsherr, Ptiblished at BrusseTs, Ontario, every Thursday ' il(ix 50, Brussels, Ontario. .. Utast; -;Utah llegiotratioli Number ')5ii2. Member of 'Canadian weekly Newspapers •Assopiaildn. Ontario Weekly NeWsPapers Association vp* R. J. BAUER YOUR MASSEY FERGUSON DEALER A Complete Line Of New' and Used Farm Equipment WILISSELS. ONT Jimi Cardiff REAL ESTATE BROKER GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT•FOR HOWICK FARMERS MUTUAL FIRE INS. FIRE AUTO LIABILITY PHON E: OFFICE 62 RES. 322W5 11 WINGHAM MEIVIoRIAL SHOP QUALITY sEkVIOE OhArSMANs1-145" Open Every Weekday Your Guarantee Fdr Over 3b Yen's clf tEMETERY' LETTERING Box„„,„1,5 OHN MALLICK FURNITURE STORE Funeral Director and Etribalmer WATTS, PROPRIETOR 85 BRUSSELS, ONT, Liicensed MAX PHONE: 36 'CRAWFORD- and • •MILL BRUSSELS Phone 120 J. H. RAWFORM Q,(,1 A. R. M. MILL, B.A. LLB, and Gfi AM Phone 35/-363C ADAMSON VVM. LIVESTOCK TRANSPORT ., verSr Mei., 'burs. PHONE BRUSSELS 357J4 PCV CLASS FS and F Use Chris;r008 Sel, 1,„. matter of.life. and breatho F ight einplVitlrilti: tfltvirouloil Ot10 0010. dquoiieg 2 °'.f` •1E )706'.7.4'1.:B MOSEL% ,440:TARIO THURSDAY, NOV. 27th, ISO • Rural, Resitientia.t and Commer cial. you are inter- ested in selling your property please give me a call at Llstowel Phone 291-2144 and it will be given prompt E. LOStGSTAFF OPTOMOTRIST SEAFORTI-I, GOVENLOCH ST, 527-1240 tudSrlay, Thursday, Friday, filittsclay Evehind- Ch CUNTON OI:FlOtt, 10 ISSAa S'TFlEET Monday, and Wednesday 482-7010 call Either Office For Appointrnen... M.41. 1 ; , 14)14 Vic MckILLOP MUTUAL fIRE INSURANCE COMPANY 'Kiva ; 1.113 f, F4littrlitH“ V', 3. Tont), 1.t1/1 11 , rAtififortlif . WOO? h., ptryn titiRtr, 1 Titrole ••:0411r.001, wittego p9bmit p040.111 vloto BLAKE .tYTA Itedika Zyta, ditughte-f• of Mr, and :liars; liendrik ZYI;1, of It. R. I, Atwood, exchang( marriage VOWS it! FraneN .tflake, son of Mr. -and Mrs. VeorgA Make or um,, itrussell4 In St, Joseph's ltc Church, Listowel, on Saturday, Nov. 1 with Rev-, 1.400 Lariviere of It. R. 1, lIrittoir officiating, Bonnie ttett of AtiVood Wag .fir;401,•• ist. The bride wore, a high wain'tPq; long sleeved A-line gown of )ster satin ciiiitoqted with dire''. i,pph o ja itround the neckllb,l. derives ana down tile front or. the ,gown. A long flowing train, was. Kusi..pppo , at, the waist with two small bows, .1St: carried as casead• hig lioquel of orange Delight roses, triiiintea With leather fern, 'Sharon of Atwood was mail!, of honor, gilt: wort* a goViii stYle to the 'autumn gold polyester sdin WWI short sleeves and a large how at the hack. She earried a nosegay Of yellow shasta moms initl orange Pi 110C NO jnunis triatinv,o A.;reen l,,ither fern. '['he bridesmaids were Mrs. Ann Wi tf1n sop, RR 3, 1\ Val ton, sister of the groom, Miss YV01111e Xyla, RIt 1, Alwbod, and Miss Joyce Blake of RR 2, Brussels, sister of the groom. Their gowns and flowers Were similar to those Of the maid of honor. The -best ,man ,I0I0e5 Make. RR. 2, Itrussels; brother of Anr, groom. rshers included. Murray ,131ake and Robert Blake Of RR 2, ll'rt,usselS, bra-I:Wets of the groom and (I-ary Nvans of ill'aldn'ook. The reception took place lei tho nadian Legion ttonne, tiSt- owel, lvitli the hride's mother receiving the gnosis, wearing at coo and dress ensemble of bonded Droll wool with a'hiliyersary gold dress and matching plaid coot, assisted uble orchid corsage, She was ticeessorieS thealla a gm" do by groom mother. wearing a yellow dfess matching ‘Vaist longth jacket or \i'Liol 'crepe. She Wore black cCeSSorlilfs a nil ti doubjc, orchid rovt-loge. rooy hear \\wading trip [be bride chose a two pleoe suit of befitted orlon wool with latrple skirt and matching plaid .jatliel with block accessories, She 15'0/' a purple tipped mums in hor huh', rpon their return the couple rettlide at R R 2, Myth. REV. DR. C: F, War -ft ,P54KS, AT HOWICK. LIONS BAI'1,14tjET A crowd of to e himdred and twenty sat* down to the Ho Wi• Liddy nob Ball.onet„ held Monday evening, Nov. 17th., In Wroxetor Community Tian. when the Lions entertained the le/Odie5.; and their Farmer Friends hi the conmiunity., Lion President Lloyd Felker •PrEiided, and among. [lie head tali', guests 1r(•rr ,,O1r1 r; of the Titht L.i oimV Officers, 'including Deputy 'f lStrle't. over!) or I.A.On L1oy4 t vasnitiorn, 411,d Zurvi •Midrrfitth, (l'orrego Mutint; nr, 0111'601 iy rm, lettgiS antl sparklingg• wit, easily held. the rapt attention or his audience. was, the thle.-1. Spotilo-r. Among other things Dr.. Waite spoke ,rn rite problem, of in,mital / problems. in ,Nhicii vised parents t0 "faslli to" ha 08- pe.ciiiIty "listen to" their children, tirerchy gaining parental know- ledge them. Lion G. W. Such, of Clorrie ,Unued Church, a per. fri6nd, fittrodneed the Speak- 0l', and said th-:, pope to IIN'.•• Mate return. in Octoher for Clue ..\otilvo.saty Services in the Carrie Church: LiOn uardindl thank- ed the her and presented Mini tivit}lf''a. •gift. During the cli, nsual non- sense of the ('.lob's Twiger kopt gnests amused-. Thasts offered to L Queen and 0: the Ladies, tie In being pro- posed by Lion Alex Graham,. and W1114 . rE111;od to by Mrs .(Con J' c1.) .\t the comipletion of the meal. the N'i('f hang Band, comprised. of •\ tr. and Mrs Nick Lang and tea or their t \i co children. and Simon Jr. and Bruce, Huber, and lid bong Al hrtY-111.. neigh-- hours). all orMildruay, provided' musita.tt mitertaininent„ consistrtig of violin, guitar, banjo, ac- ('ordt.,,n, drum and spoons, as well a;; coin)] and oratorical—selections, and :Ae,.uare dancing by the junior meinhers of the' band,. Following this , the band played. for the •danc,. it'd' Firtjo47n.ent of the IS YOUR POST PAID UP? Don't forget that all subscrip- tions in or three months in arrears must be taken from enT list, If 3,‘,1,41.' label reads September 1969 it nthlit be paid shortly, attention an a confidential manner. BILL STRATYCHM L1STOWEL, PHONE 291.2144 REPRESENTING LLOYD MICHEL. Real "Estate broker • Office ,Main Street 'SEAFORTI-1 Insures Town Dwellings * All Classes of Farrn Prcpery) • Surnpner e'ot6ges • Cbultties, Selidois. Halls potbtMed co4arage tvidnd ,1110ke, .Watex damage, fa,11.1rth 04,106Otti etc.) lel 'also Available. 1 S »4r, r<tyL 144 D