HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1969-11-27, Page 64111.1111.1111MMDZI "-14 ANsTErti,„ SEE FOR BULOVA CARAVELLE N,17 /‘17CPIES FINE JEWELLERY — SILVERWARE CLOCKS BIRTHSTONE RINGS:. - ELECTRIC SHAVERS DRESSER SETS — JEWEL EiOXES PEN AND PENCIL. SETS CRYSTAL FREE GIFTWRAPPING ANSTE T PHONE 527-1720 • 41111111111111MMMT REPORT FROM QUEEN'S PARK I ern S EAFORTH to d Work., and default in wage , owing employees. i3ltLiSS.Er...4 POST 1313,LTSSFLS, ONTAILIO heavy financial burden nu the •rtolueownrrs, • 'fit • !nutty 6" icror:t hrought. a bola by the changeover 10 county administration of of seheols. The Ontario Government has intention of creating a Provincit,! eonlmission to requirt% com- panies in the public and private se etorS"to "jasItify price increaRFA,' Premier John Itobarts told the Legislature ft, P r i c e s Commission would serve 110 useful. purpose. By Murray"Gaunt, MPP, Huron Bruce Tougher enforcement and nem minimum t ,mployment standard', have restritee in Collection • $1,0o0.0(0.,till by the. Ontario 1)e,• partninet o Labour on behalf of 35,000 employees who were short- ...Changed. by: tht?11:,,employers. • Total collections. by the et,e1... tie year '0,.\"Pected to reach? 1.25 dollars to eater • 117.1d0r: 1,layinent8,1101(& 1.110 $1..:30 an hoar. c,f.liections yaeation pay:., and ptemium. pay complaint.: fri.nt• employees ar 01;10... il, o tile rote Of 1.0(m a nouth aud the I.ahour srantlard-. branch has carried out 1.5,000. Ve;,,Iigatious. i tae Provin. 1N 1 million ad- aitionargrani .ts:.;*tsitatice to County- School Boards bring thr% Pro- (:'octal 'cloveritinept share of Out- .trio's scbool operating f i Previons to the e.\ Ira il.ssistance, the share was is designed to resting: taxes and )ffset tho The Ontario. Novernment is eon-, sidering an outright ban ., detergents, George Ken% .1Jier43.- and Resources Minister, .told the I.egislaturc. lie prontised new 11t ss'y io deal—with phosphate which ;pre responsiole- for half the pollution in :hake Faie.. Apparel t t.1 y housewives •w 1 I is" 0410 lo along ‘vithout pho,- ph ale dot crgens as there a.re (ober detergents which do the job jusi ns effectively, FARM SAFETY COUNCIL MEETING involvement, is a n pc 0.5s n' r. ingredient ill sufe.ty, wit? the theine ell Fl-' laslil 1.01' in•volventent. at the :recent .-,,,t'arin ,safety onincti meet: ing held N'oYmnber .19th at 'etr:;1 ia. An active sentinaT was dire.' ell. by Victor :\torrmv. program co-ordinato for Itol)erison, called on urn. Filwood count.s, Safr...Qc Cotni;••il chairtnair to wet- . coine tits; delegates front seven counties. pay for his, keep tin a 1111.111 near town. I love horseback riding, which I. do every opportunity I get. Lately I am getting seared to ride the horse oii 'the. shoulder of the Erm().§,I l.tV•ati8e ,of, this numlur ooloo tit) b'elitner It c and tile horse,and blow their Ilona; trYing to, seine the horse. i !tare there is a law-against this. It' Iltere is, please advise the . public. ANSWER: Fo r you and all InnSehock, riders and persons using horses on the high nay,, L will tell. thepublic .,that there is ra law covering thfs sub-: jeer 'and , it reads, as follows. -1.;vciry, person buying th'e control or c'har'ge of a motor vehicle on tt highw.Fiy, when approaching a horse' in, other animal Hint is draW• vehicle o r being drivir?n, led or ridden, shall operate. nonfage and control ,the motor' vehirc,le in 511011 manner as to ekereise 'every reit- :3,onable precaution to prevent the ,filghteniug of the horse or other Au ld protection or any person driv- ing, leading or riding npon the horse or other animal or being in any vehicle drawn bytle h9r$o other animal," QUESTION: What .,Mould t, f(erson when ,driving th. a big city and'be know< be tits to turn left, but he' doesn'2' know the, exact location of street he wants to turn at? ANSWER : Driving a COI: at any lime quires euncentriltion, and as the traffic increases more is required. Safet experts claim that- when you are making a trip you should phut it, such as studying maps. knowin ,4 whether you wish to go North, South. East or 'West. When going into a city, town o r village, as- certain the name of streets prior to your turn, so you cart prepare for your turn, Should you miss your turn, don't panic, and hock Oil or make a fast unexpected turn, In most eases if you go 10 the neXt corne r and make a prdper turn 11,0(1 go. around the block, you will got back to the street you intended to in the first place,. To illustrate increased becident . hazards'. a.new spay film entitled "Chance .of'a Lifetitne" was shown by C.)1-tca,i', Snyder, TParin Safety go-ordinater 4rOm •Guelph.... This Film. avtt; prodtletId . in Ontario and narrated by Hal Wright, Provine,- i 71 Safety Specialist i\ fps. lot:edp,„icanistrzt.. past ii the:...9ntario Farin,Sattty_ Council front`rhunelcrbay. brolight greeting 9n behalf 01 the provinc- ial executive. Delegates prepared a force, an, obort to study the reasvris ''viii- people Should take- ,part. in. organized surety. and the reasons fo:. indifference. Three ,prin- ciples which apply to all meetings wel'e studied acid demonstrated: Self 'den iy (2) Group morn) :,nd• rl'ask for the :job, Walter Yleilwain of (ioderich. Sa fety . council Cita inn an for .. Huron, and Stan. Pauette, Assoc- iate ,Agricultural flopresenhiffi•e Pau a" tte.aded. Next year's MOO rig is 1 0 held in Rent. J. Pa qiitItto; A ssoc i a to Agriculthral Ren'resentoti've l'or Huron County. 0. P. P. QUESTIONS ?deli to ct1:4'tifC *hie Al:tfety AND ANSWERS QUESTION: I own ;1. horse, and 1 bahyysit to Ti..11'RSDAN% NOV. 27th, PO -usiawsP—.4ri.tailoosporialemmor towlw“-Nntesr6 vmern,4, ENTERTAINMENT AT THE NEW AIVIERK, AN HOTEL BRUSSELS, OKT. Gordon Ross and The Lamp Lighters FRIDAY and SATURDAY NIGHT IN THE RAINBOW ROOM WE FEATURE : Turkey, Spare 'Rigs ,and-4Sauer Kraut;4 ',,Fish and Chips unalliiiiepimaiationosillitammilipelikatioNNIE01140,411.1P -111"` CHARLIE BROW; 'S CHRLSTMAS Charlie Bro w n, Snoopy, Freida, Lirtut and a host of other fav- orite Charles M, Schott Peanuts Characters are on hand tot a to-televsast nf, the .Errirriy aWard-Witining animated color cartoon speCial A Charlie Brown Christmas, Wednesday, Dec, 17, at 8 p.hri on the CRC-TV network. Ii story .Charlie Brown -funds . thei real meaning of ChrittrilaS whlk diPtctitig a boil oaciint. NOTICE Por all your c.lin'tric:11 needs Phone 443j1.; 1.3raSSOIS, Contact : ben, McLean BADGER SILO NLOADERS and FEEDERS FE'ED'LOT and STABLE PLANNING Sales and Service KENNETH MARKS & SON RR Atwoo,l, Phatio 346-2727 ...SAVI;-.1 MONEY nAD. THE ADS6 -:J S flo:' T