The Brussels Post, 1969-11-27, Page 1A tear In Ad' ane0 THE BRUSSEL POST'. THCBSDA.V, NOV. 27th,. 1969 POST YEIBLiSHING HOU131!
.3011n \Valiant Emby of Brussels I-I'URON FOOD PRODUCTS
died suddenly on November 119th,
WASTE OF ENERGY in his 711th year.
The Lions played host to the•
Inelai'Perfi or the Recreation Cam-
mittee at their regular 1Cfonday
night meetiffg:
Hugh Pearson, former chairmaa
of the recreation eommittee. was'
honored far his tell years N968-
-1968: in that capacity and' prior'
to that the previous ten years dur-
ing Which be was active in tTh'
creation field,
S. McliMitaid, op. behalf of
pra.s8eis, Morris and Grey Rec-
reation Commitee, made the pre-,'.
SeAtation of an • engraved Silver"
tray: and spoke of Hugh's..efforts"
and accomplishments in recreation ...
facilities over the years, Park ffnc4r.
lights, irintprovementsat the arena
from tithe' Co time including new
fronr, beating-, and artificial ice.
Mr, Pearson, taken completely-
by surprise. was almost speech-
less in his expression' of thanks'.
Lion president. Cal- Krauter
presided for the meeting' and
weleorned their guests. Liort Tam-
er 'C'erritt. van 'Teen. led' the sing-
song:. Lion Tail TWiSter Gordon:
Mciflayin wielded the fine box.
Lion Secretary Cecil McFra.ifden
called the roll, read the intitutew
and correspondence.
Lion R„ R. •Cousins presented the
club's :finaneita report and the
cNIB . financial statement. Lion
Sim Armstrong proposed Jack-
''.\TeCutcheon as a member of the
flab, installation to follow later.
Lion D.' A. Rann won the guess
Considerable discussion took
place regarding the purchase of a.
fan. 'Plans were made for the
L1dies'. Night Christmas Party. to
be held Monday, Dec. 8th, at the
Legion. Hall.
The "Amateur Night" sponsored
by the Royal Canadian Legimi
Branch 2,18 drew a large audience
to the Legion Hall on Tuesday
Cal\ in lka'aittea• Was 1\‘litater of
tlereinottieS, Legion president,
spoke briefly that*,
th0e, taking Part and all 'Who
iidil lieinOd arrange for the anal,
judging Was done
ers of the audience. Prize winners
were 11$ 1st, The, Ho'atz
Family of RR 6, MitChell, with
musical ntimbers, singing, guitar,
and Autoharp; 2nd, Marlene
Cannville, tan dancing; , 3rd, The
Milverton Accordion Trio.
Proceeds from the evening are to
go to Minor Sports,
Miss Myra McNair has been
notified that, she has passed her
registration examinations, Myra,
has recently joined the staff of
the WirIgham and District Tios7
pita'. Congratulations,
Mrs, Stuart Evans visited over
the week-end with Mr. and Mrs,
Nett) (Brennen-Ian, Waterloo,
Fred Sniaidon accompanied Mr.
and Mrs. Bill ArtristrOng, Fergna,
for a day at the ROyal Winter Pair,
Miss Nancy Striekler has joined
the Staff of Westminster Hospital,
London beginning November 24th.
Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Strickler.
Mr. and Mrs. Sohn Strickler and
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Adams attend-
ed the wedding or Earl Kanelman
and Adele Warhy at Christ Church,
PailOck's Corners, near Thindea,
on Sattirday, Nov, 22nd. Miss
Nancy Strickler was ,maid-of-honor,
Mr, and Mrs. John. Strickler and
'Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Adams, Monit-
ion, attended a reception at Collins
Hetet, HundaS.
The sympathy of the community
is extended to' the Mother family
hi their stidden bereavement.
EVeniiin Group of Knox WMS
Mrs. Jack knight was hosts
for the meeting of the Evening
Group of the WMS, Devotions were
chop MrS. Norman Pfeifer
in. charge of Wt. Norman Pfefier
and the roll. call Was a rememlir-
mice, verse. Mrs. ,Gordon Engel
gave the topic., the third chapter in
the Study Boole on ''Work". This
wits Mlle:Wed by a group discus-
Sinn On "Coffee houses and drop-
Mt's. Pfeifer and .Mrs, Stew-
Steiss assisted the hostess in
serving refreslimentS..
Dm 1. Brussels at :MilVertoit
Dec. 4 BrusSels city 'Alonkte-rh
Dec. 3 tBlyth at ti ak; el s
Dee, IN Monkton at Brussels
1?ae. ‘Nilivmloil ti,f Mitimici
1969 roles are be •httikaill$d
Utining not more than five words
of greeting. Canada, (tSA. its ter-
ritoriQs and possessions, and all
other countries of North, Central
and South America and West
Indies :Ind Spain.
All other countries unsealed lie
'ro avoid cHnece$Sary delay
ehock your eards Lo see :..that • all
have stamps before mailing,
HONORED ON 86tb bii:C1714tidY
A surprise party was field lit
Danny's Tavern, in honor ot 'Mr.
S, Fox for his 86th birthday,
Mr. and Airs, Art Fox, Brussels,
Mrs. Mina McCracken, Bluevaie,
Mrs. Margaret Adonis, 'Wroxeter,
Mr. ancl Mrs Harry Bowler, Mr.
and Mrs. Ken Bowler and Nancy.
Mrs. Russell Fox, all of Loudon,
'Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brewer, Mr. and
Dave Hastings sr., 'Mr. and
iitt‘k Lo we. M r. and Mrs.
Wayne Lowe, Mr, and Mfg..Miirray
Lowe, \i.iss Ann Lowe and .1ifit
Bosnian. Mr. and Mrs. Brian
lInether and Sandra. Mr, and
Mrs. Dave Hastings Sr., David and
Darryl, all 01' Brussels, attended
the birthday harts.
'Dinner and dancing was enjoyed
by everyone.
°Melville Guild Meeting
The. Guild of Melville Church
held their regular meeting in the
chnrch parlour on Tuesday (wen.
ing, November 18th,
The meeting opened by Aileen
'Alutter reading a poem on Rem-
embrance Day.
Hymn 540 was sung followed by
prayer by Mary Davidson. The
Scripture Was read iit nniSOn from
Psalm 46. Aileen Mutter gave a.
reading "In Flander's Fields" re-
plied' to by Mary Havidson.
The topic was given. by Mrs,
McCarrol "What Price Freedom"
which was enjoyed by everyone.
Aileen then gave a reading "Why
Wear a Poppy", The closing
hymn. 652, was sung followed by
all reitenting the Mizpah Bone-
The IMainess Was iheit discussed
after which a lovely hunch was
s er red
"This week's highlight for the.
Brussels Congregation of jell ovah's
Witnesses Will be a week-end at
Gnderich, Ont," said T.,incoln
Martin, presiding minister, Twenty
members of the congregation have
accepted an Invitation to attend
the 'Right Kind of Ministers'
assembly in the Harbourlite Inn
beginning Friday. Novernbei• 28th.
We Will be among' several htindred
ministers frotn an area bordered
' Coili»givood, 'Marton, floderlel,
Hntry was gained by forei,ia
a side door. Several other doors
were jimmied to reach the office
containing the safe. They dino.o.t,o,
the safe front the office into the
plant where they used everything
-from a sledge hammer to a f! d111-
a dal an attenipt to open it,
the tweak-in occurred betwosm .
ten thirty and. etelied .11 is.
believed the thieves Were seared
off by the arrival' .of the plant
initnager„John Cousins. The enol
customers had helped themselves
to ice cream cones, but they ap-
parently left. hurriedly, OM ply-
handed, as even the cones •were
If they tind :succeeded in opening'
the safe, they would have found
little for their efforts as the
Contained only n small amount, in
It. iti s•dspecied that tin epic 's
left their ear, walked the railroad
tracks. stole tools used [or the
break-in front 3'. McDonald
Lumber Ltd.
The OPP, Wingliam Innachnient
in vest gated.
IN1rs. Ida w „A vails, who has spent
the mist three months in Western
Canada. returned home last week.
Miss Al ice Stiles, Toront o.
spent. the weekend with Mr. and
-Mrs. Gordon Stiles "and visited
with other relatives and friends.
Charles Thomas was a delegate
at the Liberal Policy Conference
held at Harrison Hot Spring's,
13. O.
Miss Marni Bronson, nurse-in
training, Xitehener, spent the
weekend at home with her parents
Mr. and 'Mrs, Ray Bronson.
-Mrs. It. W, Stephens left this
week ror Boston, with her daughter
'Mr. and Mrs, Floyd Jenkins of
Lindsay were Saturday visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Martin
of Sea forth and Mr. and irS,
Harold Bryce, and family.
Brassels e01.1.11 0101'g, i AN
0171(1111H and members of the PVC
'with their wives, spent an enjoy-
able. soent I evening Saturday
when they were entertained at the.
home of Reeve U. B. Cousins and
Mrs, Cousins.
Dec', pruSSels at (Thrtile
Dec. S ZItrieb at 13rnSse1a
Dec. 10 'Brussels at Clinton
Dec. 15 Clorrie at. Brussels
)01', 01.
it 10,l 0(1.1R
Bo is survived by two daughters:
number of grand-
two great grand.
Mr. Entity was predeeensed by
his wife one month ago.
Sohn Campbell, Brussels. died
Friday in the Listowel Memorial
s in his Stith year,
Born in trey Township, he -was
the son of the late Mr, and Mrs.
David Campbell, He farmed :for
Many years on ,the fourth conces,
shin or {Prey Township, before re-
tiring to 'Brussels nine years ago,
lie is survived by his wife. the
former Mabel Mitchell; two sotti.
.Archie, Grey Township; Neil,
Lis:owel: one brother. Gordon.
-Irey Township; one sister, Mrs.
ida Mitehell, London and six
Funeral services were held frOM
the D. A. Ti-ann Pi:moral Home at
p.m. Saturday, with burial in
Molesworth Cemetery. Rev, C, A,
mcean'ol officio ted,
Pallbearers were: I ra n Camp-
bell Mike Shropnik. Wm. 1.3eirnes.
Camphelf, Clarence Lucas,
and Allan Crerar.
Flowers wero. e„cl 1-).3 Wm
(b nipbell. Roy 'Purvey, John
Mc'theson. Laurie and Barbara
Ronald :Leonard Huether. died
suddenly Monday morning shortly
after being -admitted to Listowel
Memorial Hospital. He was in hi5
42nd year.
Born in Grey ToWnship, tie was
the son of the late Mr. and Mrs.
John Tluether. He' has been a re-
sident of Brussels for file past
number of years where he has
been an employee of Brussels
Fin is survived by his wain, the
former Ruth Jewell: two sons,
l'ouglaS and Oregory, both at
home: One brother. Ray I-Nether,
of Walton; two sisters, Mrs.
Gordon (' Iary) Saunders, of Royal
Oak, Michigan, and Mrs. Allan
(Alice) Searle, of Walton,
The funeral sorrier; was held
from the. A. Rann Funeral
Home ut 2 tint. on Wednesday
with the Rev. B. LeDrew of
soh; united. Church officio thin,
Burial Wag in Bruzi.sels ceme-
pri libortre t ,: were Frank (Casey)
McCutchoon, Mel McCnte,110011,
Murray [-Nether, Glenn Huether,
;Tames Dellow, Gordon Stephenson.
lelowor c.nnion Vitnay
'Dee, 1 Lucknow at Brussels
Dec. 6 Brusaels at Kincardine.
Game at 4:130 p.m`.
Pee, 8 Brussels at Ripley
Dec. 10 ,BrussolS -at ligyth
at7:90 p.m: unless noted
Complete schedule of all teams
next week. We want results of all
games. Please.
Ph Annual Fitton twenty-second
t Con nty 4-Ti Achievement
Night will lie held in Seaforth
ristriet. High SchOol.'Seaforth, on
Friday, December 5th, commenc-
ing at 8:00 p.m.
All 'Huron County 4-11: Agricul-
tural Club members who complet-
ed a project in 1969 will receive
their awards on this occasion.
Everyone who. has tiri interest. in
the 4-11 programme is invited tq,
attend Aoc,h,tle:73.;t6INight,
P;o0A Products Plant,
Brussels was broken into S:stlirday two sons, a
night hy would -be sate i; z‘hildren crud