HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1969-11-06, Page 7P1110 BRUSSEL POST, BRUSSELS, ONTARIO Tiit'IZSDAY, NOV. 6th, 1969 CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATIONS OF GUELPH FARM NEWS FROM ONTARIO FEDERATION OF AGRICULTURE The. Ontario learn) :Machinery Agency twill display. four tractors Manufactured in Czochoslavakin at the upcoming annual convention or the Ontario Federation at. Agri- Culture, The Public display will be followed by on-farm donlonstrai- Inas and the taking of ()Hors for the equipment.. 50 -1101'S P M V, r tractors and pair of smaller four-wheel drive IraetOrS, all Made by The Zetor Farm Machinery Company, will arrive by ship in. Toronto around Nov. I front Prague, Czechoslo- vakia. They have been shipped from liamlmrg, Germa ny. representatives from tli Zetor cOmpany will accompany the tractors..The tractor;; will be taken across the•province after the .0FA convention 'Origarm. denten- stra tions, • Officialsof, the Farm Machinery Agency state that . the demon- strations will determine if this machinery is acceptable to ()nt- aria farmers. If interest is such to warrant: further action, the 'Farm -Machinery Agency will take ord- ers from farmers and the Zetor company will go ahead with plans for operating a parts depot in Montreal, Queb. Czeclinshivahian company makes, general farm equipment. Zetor autchinery has been avail- able in the trnited ping dom for about. throe years. Agency officials have revealed that. there has also been contact tNrith Irish, :Japanese. and Aus.tralian Tarn machinery pos- "THE GOOD DRIVER" H'.dectrically (morn ed windows are i. potential hazard to children. • There are cases on record of young children, left unattended in cars, who have fatally injured themselves, or others, by playing; h .!111.1 Ind y-operaIed window switches. This hazard can be eliminated. the Ontario 'Safety League points out, by rerouting the power line to windows through . the ignition switch. This way, when the switch is turned off and the keys removed, the windows be. come inoperative. 'rhe wiring change has all ready been made in cars now being built: parents. with older ears could get peace of m i n d on ihis score by having the change made liytheir local car dealer.. • A -ear dots. not, necessarily need to have a driver to be hazardous, says the Ontario- Safety. League.. reports • of Crashes .arising from In the. 'U.S. in 1908 there were 550. parked vehicles relllug away: These resulted in, 1 deaths, 71 injuries and $S,11487 in property damage. Ontario being coMparativelY flat, many drivers here forget or ignore the rules ;tboirt parking on a hill. If there is no curb, the wheels should be turned to the right, whether the slope is up or down, if there is a curt) toe wheels should be turned right when parked on a clown slope; hut on an uphill slope the wheels should be turned left, away from the curb. A San Francisco study showed that 1.3 per cent of all traffic crashes occur in driveways. Leav- int; there is Ibree times as danger- eitterinf:r. The owario Safe- ly Le.igue points out that s40100 1,11(' failure to 1004. l'Arrj71 W:lyy out from a driveway o!. servloo you lath let! only X ,M May drive straight into the pith a a t r• ming frem the right that has tilt wrong wide of the road,. 102:111y to another vehicle MR. AND MRS. JOS. SLACK I-109T F. OF A. DIRECTORS The dircrlors of Morris Town- ship Federation of Agriculture held their meeting at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Joe Mack. -Alinutes read were a dopted as corrected by Emerson MitchelLseconded by rm n Craig. It was moved by Carman Craig that the annual meeting of the morris Township .14'ederation of Agriculture for 1909 lie postponed until it is apparent that there is ,sufficient interest: in the township to warrant it. The motion was sec- onded by Charles HiL,,gins. The secretary was instructed it) contact Dean Fred Snyder regard- ing speaking at the meeting. Moved by Charles Higgins that tickets far 'the annual county meet- ing to lie held in Londesboro, Nov. 20th may be purchased from the township secreta ry before Nov. 211, by any Township Federation' member wishing to attend, Motion seconded by :Emerson Moved by Carman. Craig, sec- onded by ,The Black that the town• ship federation refund the cost of of the banquet tickets to any township director who attends the county annual meeting. Carried, Charles Higgins gave a report on the activities of the hag pro- dircers: Lunch was served by the hostess. 4-H HOMEMAKING CLUB ACHIEVEMENT DAY'S. NEAR 4-11 Horne:making Chib Achieve- ment, Days are Scroll to be held in Fin-on. County, ThiS fall the pro- ject has been "Neediecrarrt" and the club tnenlbers who are involved in 'this project have learned seven basic embroidery stitches, • and have e ,.:perintettted with colour and ••. Each elult meMber has made learning stitches article and a • tree choice article, which has provided opportunity for the girlS to use their own color .scheme in au original design, These ,articles will be on display along With their record books for the project,. The Achieveritent Days Will be held ill Seatorth District High School; -NOvember 8,; Auburn ConitthillitY,.Hall, NoVember' 21); :South Aaron District. High. School,. Plx-eters NoVeinber. 22; Zurich Cointnonity Noveinben tuckiroW PrtbliC SchOol, Decentit- or •6-. HoWick , 'Central School, Deceraber '1 tt,e .afterticon progra ineliceS titter 1.00 Arid teat- Ures skits, dentonstraildils and P -IiibitS by each club, Do plan on attending this worthwhile event in. ymir area. The girls alit 0 great deal of effOrt and imagination into. flue prograinme and it will prove to he an enjoyable afternoon. 1.,.0.11. (Susan) 'Wheatley, :Rothe EconOtiiist for • Anteti County,- • representatives concerning .,Bible markets. WM. ADAMSON LIVESTOCK TRANSPORT Pigs Every Mon., Tues., Thurs. PHONE BRUSSELS 357.14 PCV CLASS FS and cGaviri'g FArto WE SPECIALIZE IN A COMPLETq' LINE OF FARM EQUIPMENT SALES AND SERVICE WALTON, ONTARIO BRUSSELS SEAFORTH PHONE 365W6 527-0245 live a little! All you need is an automatic washerand eltictric dryer. With one setting of a simple control, the washer fills itself, washes, drains, rinses, and damp-dries. Then the, dryer takes over. Keeps your clean wash free from impurities in the air. Fluffs clothes into a natural shape for easier iron- ing. And takes special care of your permanent- press garments. There's no hard work. No watching. No waiting.. Your time's your own. You've banished your washday blues! With an' automatic washer and electric dryer, you don't have to do the whole family wash the same day. Do a little at a time. Whenever you feel like it. Even when it's pouring rain. Get yourself a new a utomatic washer and electric dryer from your local major appliance dealer, and live a little. our hydro