The Brussels Post, 1969-11-06, Page 21?1A and GREY "111.1111."411111111"mallowmItiffigame-Nsunar- R Namleita NE" CALL CQLLECT SK FOR A. SALESMAN .CALL... AND • 'tHB) riRUSSNIA POST. ONTARIO Ti CHSLIA V, SO V, MIL 1 tAlto SELL RURAL REAL ESTATE BRUSSELS, ONT. EARL EYBEL AND THE COUNTRY HOPPERS FRIDAY and SATURDAY NIGHT IN THE RAINBOW ROOM WE FEATURE: Turkey, Spare Ribs and Sauer Kraut, Fish and Chip. NEW AMERICAN. HOTEL. ENTERTAINMENT AT THE WALTON Mr, and Mrs. Alvin McDonald and Lynn were recent Sunday ,visitors with 'Mr. ard Mr:4. .,:agene Hirt of Tillsonburg. Miss Ruth Ri c 113 e and :,l i.-.s Qeraldine Dennis have joined the nursing staff of St. ;Joseph's. Hos- pital, Hamilton. Miss IlIary Ritchie of Zealandia, sask., who ha's been visiting with i\ir. and Mrs, Clifford. Ritchie and Mr, and Mrs. James McDonald, has returned home. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Mc"olhor, of Sarnia w ere receuf 1C1,110, visitors with. Mr. and Mrs, :fames Clark. Mrs. Heim Kirkby or Alberti Was a recent visitor with Mrs. Edward miller. 0. P. P. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS QUESTION: Dear Constable: What is the reguluti,in pertain- ing to the carrying of a permit issued for a commercial :motor vehiele t Ire lor when on a high- w,1Y? ANSWE t. (21 of the Highway Trnfiric :1ct star'. "The perm t issued fin a inmercial vehicle and for every trailer (.117.1.1V/1 by it or 11 tru e 1,)y thereof, shall, w helle"r h vehicle is on a highway, %!arried by the driver theroi:t or aced in sortie readily .n611,1011 in the vehicle. and ! be produced when de- mi.; a constable Or fill of- ficer asp 'Anted for carrying out th e proy'.4 ions of this Act or The Public.' Commercial Vehicles Act" QUESTION, Dear Constable: With ivhat braking equipment (1001:.: higOV; cyCle be equipped lull: I :1 la 0101" ANSWER: Section 35 o' he ifflm. Act states, "'P.:very mortr " he oper....od on a :lig:M.:4Y ,hall lie equipped with at leitgt two braking systems ouch with a separate means Of application with one effective on the front wheel and on erroct 0 on iho rear wheel." QUESTION; Dour Sir: What resPansibility is placed on the owner Or driver of 0 motor vehicle with reference to the maintenance of brakes? ANSWER: snction of the highway Traffic Act slates "All such brakes and braking systems shall be main- tainod In good working order and shall conform lo the regulations made under this Seetion." QUESTION; Hoar Constable: 1 have a .sniall business and I require a pOVS011 to drive 0 pick-nn. My regular driver. who is hired us a delivery driver, islicenced as a chauffer, but on occasions lie is absent and 1 need to use one of my other staff to drive the, vehicle. y question is,does this part-time driver or occasional driver re- quire a chauffeur's licence? ANSWER: NO. 110 (10(':. OWL ghwa y Traffic Act defines a (hauteur as anv person who operates a motor ve'l eiand receives compensation therefor; in other words a perSon who is hired to drive, and the per son who only drives the truck oc- casionally is not hired to drive the trac•k. QUESTION: Dane Constable . Wient In likes inadequate, what may the police officer do to ensure that they are made to comply .with the regu- i:ilion.s? ANSWER: Section 3:5 I:1) or the Highway Traffic Act states, Any consta- bit, or any offi'c'er appoitIted for carrying mil (11 provisions of thi s Act May at ,,tny time inspect or cause an inspection to be made of the brakes and braking' systems on any vehicle on the highway, ;1111 may. if the brakes or braking systems do not conform to the regulations made under this sec- tion. require the driver of ilia ',"(s11100 iii 11170("e0(1 furihlviltl to ntake or have such 1irilk(,,4. braking systems made to, comply with such regulati (MS," NoicrS PfIKF,011:4 0it-z ('Fitt cll'cnvn Oil warning soundS of other traffic.. such as the tire-swish of a car in the "blind spot". li,:ntire families have been wiped oat at level cr0A- sings because, presumably, the drivers did not hear the trains above the noise made by children in the car. Blaring radios, beary $0101..4•1041‘illakfte5041111000.ft.O.00.1namst BERG Sales - Service Installation FREE ESTIMATES 0 Barn Cleaners 49 Bunk Feeders • Stabling DONALD C. IVES R.R. 2, BLYTH Phone Brussels 443W4 Ottsed• •wintlims also roduee !hp ,ufillae, war:tillers of traffic hazards; Drivers should. be parti- cularly .watchtut when they can-. not bc-mi' (-dearly says the Ontario Safely League. 3 Put your motley into our guaranteed investment Certificates now paying the never-before interest of eight and three quarter percent. R URI' COMPANY SINCe 1111111111,. LISTOWEL BRANCH 291-1450 1:10:5.1 12, lq PAUL r:Al•Ot WAY '4 °4,4 Acivantagos help. YOU make BIG MONEY '1, Free Real Estate School', 2, Our own fully illustrated newspaper pulxIshe‘l monthly. Extensive ;;_tivertisina programme in ever 40 Canadian ctnd U. S. papers. 4. A Mottgao, Officer to arrange finenoin3 on your sales, 5. An Advertising Department to assist you with nevaii41.,~er advertising, brochures and nailing pieces, Our own sign department to .;.1 signs when needed, Many waiting buyers plus new teaas coming in daily. 8, Guidance and help from Management with years of experience in Real Estate. 9. Excellent commission split to help you reach executive earn- ings fast and a prestige position in your community, Never before has the demand been so great for country properties. Cash in on this golden opportunity by phoning or writing today for a confidential interview, MR. TOM MONTGOMERY, PAUL S. STARR & CO. LTD., 173 Woolwich St., Guelph. Phone 824-5054 are found to be