HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1969-10-09, Page 8BRUSSIOL PHONE 21 Dry Cleaner! •-"••••"•••• .. • .. •••,••• 67c each 45c pkg.. ... .............. ......... FROM OUR MEAT COUNTER: Fresh Ground Beef "41. ...... ON , ... . "If ... . 65c lb Place Your Order for Front Quarters Cut and Wrapped, This Week Only ". .... • . . •-•••— ..... .. • . • 49c lh FROM OUR FREEZER: Beef TV Dinners Bluewater Fish & Chips 1%.',14,0W01 VMOSIOVVVOI NUM 410Y/ potfo to the pi-16f VG VICTORIA GREY 10) fit.: *mob • PosT, 1341.TSSE48, ONTARIO $.11 000 N now buys 516 2' 1974 STOCKER AND FEEDER SALE 1200 HEAD CATTLE TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21st 1 p.m. At BRUSSELS LIVESTOCK LIMITED J. W. I3RYANS Mgrs. H. R. PEARSON IN111111111111111111,11111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111 Brussels Transport SHIP PIGS EVERY MONDAY A.M. CATTLE TRUCKING and SHIPPING SERVICE FOR FIRST CLASS SERVICE Phone George Jutzi 122 Brussels IT WILL BE A PLEASURE TO SERVE YOU missnmensinumiumeineiminisuismonni Every Choice A Good Buy "THE SPLIT" The Management and Staff at Browrilet§ bi,ive.111 wish to say lorinnk You" f(,lk youe rigetoto MIA tho f0A4011i t40,106 lorvfo '"w"7''"'44***"*,4,1*m° VilrOOR11010 MONOAINO FRIDAY & SATURDAY OCTOBER 10 ad 11 — Double Feature -- We Delive! Phone 293 THURSDAY, OCTOBER Good Morning Marmalade 24 oz. Kraft Cheese Slices 8 oz. Rise'ii Shine Orange Pre-priced 4 for 89c 3 1/4 oz. Van Camps Pork & Beans 19 oz. 43c 2 for 79c 4 for 79c 3 for 69c Mc R GROCERY 11.11111111111111111i1E1111111111FAIMIIIIISISIMIII1II6111,111111111111111111 DAIRY BEEF HOG POULTRY 11111/1/5119011111111111111 M7113111§11111111111,11111139011111111111111111 PHE SON'S BAKERY GROCERY Allen's Apple Juice Van Camp Pork & Beans Frozo French Fries Kist Ginger Ale 48 oz. 19 oz, .. . ... . 2 lb. Qt. Size .. • . • . - ... . ... • . 5 for 99c Phone 132 Free Delivery Imisimmuisserfirmasonswisomiwo 2111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIMINNINE11111111111111151 THOMPSON and STEPHENSON MEAT MARKET PHONE 294 FREE DELIVEdri, WEEKEND SPECIALS ALWAYS A FULL LINE OF FRESH GOB INSPECTED BEEP AND PORE IS OUR VIMMTZSO" Want $1,516.21 in five years? That's what you get when you buy a Victoria and Grey Guaranteed Investment Certificate paying the highest rate in historY... a magnificent eight and half per cent. And Victoria and Grey Guaranteed Investment Certificates are fully guaranteed both as to principal and interest. TRUST COMPANY SINCE leSS LISTOWEL ,BRANCH 291-1460 BROWNIE'S DRIVEJN THEATRE CLINTON Box Office Opens at 8.00 p.m. Showing at 8:30 p.m. — Starring JIM BROWN, DIAHANN CAROLL JULIE HARRIS (Adult Entertainment) In Color PLUS — "HOT MILLIONS" Showing at 10.45 p.m, Peter Ustinov - Maggie Smith and Karl Maiden Color Cartoon Special Holiday Show SUNDAY, OCT, 12 BIG TRIPLE BILL - - STARTING AT DUSK -- "CORRIDORS OF BLOOD" (Adult Erftertainment) Boris Karloff and Christopher Lee "WILD WILD PLANET" Tony Russel -- In Color "BATTLE BENEATH TI-IE EARTH" Starring Kerwin Mathews Color Cartoon 1968 CHEV. IMPALA 4 DR. H. TOP Low mileage, Fully Equipped 1968 CHEV. IMPALA 2 DR. 1-1.:170P Low mileage, P.S., P.B., Radio, 8 cyl. At. 1968 FORD LTD STATION WAGON Air Conditioned, Fully Equipped 1967 CHEV. IMPALA 2 DR; H. TOP 8 cyl At. Radio 1967 FORD GALAXIE 2 DR. H. TOP 8 cyl. At. Radio 1966 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN SEDAN 8 cyl. At. P.S., PB. 1966 PONTIAC STRATOCHIEF 6 cyl At. Radio 1965 FORD 2 DIR. H. TOP Fully Equipped 1965 FORD 4 DR. IH. TOP Fully Equipped MANY OLDER MODELS 6 Cyl. and 8 Cyl. AUTOMATIC and STDS. TO CHOOSE FROM MAKE US AN OFFER McCUTCHEON MOTORS Chwoolet 0Idsmoblle 'Cheveite Chevy (P4ra Cherret0 Irttati8 NEW SHIPMENTS DALLY DRESSES: JR., PETITES, MISSES, WOMEN'S IN NEWEST MODS, and STAPLES * *. DRESS GOODS SWEA.TERS .;JACKETS SLIMS DRY CLEANING BY BUCHANAN Renew Your Clothes ri 111111111111111111111111111/121111111E131110111111111111112/1111111P1111111111ILEr fiamior.....insw,gammayegowl.waids.ftigemowamswoo.ftemsoo.kragn.lnrsoloftw Mike's Farm Equipment 'BOX 251 BRUSSELS PHONE 211 Your J A M E S W A Y Dealer "FIRST IN POWER CHORING" FOR SALES AND SERVICE zmo n nNrNimrw1w111s1w1rr11 imzetinuminswiliov Agent Buchanan Mary maxtrn Yarns WOOD' 39c 2 for 49c 39c