HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1969-10-09, Page 2dasZsage,wassaom.sssms.P.sssoisaess isssimoses......m.„„„0,....... 11111100111111P. "GRAND OPENI*NC" of FRANK'S AUTO BODY HOME of EXPERT COLLISION & '...ODY REPA)IL, LUCITE REFINIa9.ING: PHONE 3 BRUSSELS sormamoseiromosiemoftwomaroftwoomm- YOU need this when deep—fat frying French—fried potatoes, chicken, and many other foods are delicious. prepared in your deep—fat fryer, But, for safety's sake; keep the !tying • temperature at 'the proper level by using a nd watching a cooking thermometer. The flash point, or temperature at which the vrtpoursftomthe boiling fat can be ignited by 0 'match flaMe or spark, is less than 100 degrees ab0','0, • the maximum • frying temperature of 400 degrees. And. the ignition temperature, at which the hot fat itself .can burst into .. flame, is only about 200 degrees • higher than the flash point. Therefore,. it is very important to• keep the frying temperaturs to a controlled, safe 'level, Never leave your fryer unattended will le warming fat to frying temp— erature, 'Because heat from the stove element under the fryer cannot escape rapidly, the temp— erature of the fat rises quickly. It can increase past the frying level to flash point and ignition stages in the time you might take to answer the door or telephone. If you are interrupted by a , call during frying, be sure to turn down the element underyour fryer. Don't rely on fryer thermo— stats — although they help reduce the danger of overheating, the,/ don't always work. Would you like to enjoy safer deep—fat frying in' your home? CIAG has a limited supply, of reliable, deep—fat frying thermo— Meters "available at cost. To obtain one, please cornpletetheattached coupon and send it with your cheque Or money order for $1 ( includes 5% sales tax) to C1AG INSURANCE. IMO OMR MIN V To CIAG 'INSURANCE Priory Square, Guelph From Address 00000 ....• Please send me a fat—frying thermometer. Enclosed is my o cheque or Li money—order for $1 I 0111 „ INSURANCrs, CO OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIA'TIONS OF OUE-14.$11 FRY 360 0 SELL RURAL REAL ESTATE THE PROVEN PAUL S. STARR WAY These advantages 1<elp YOU make BIG MONEY 1. Free Real Estate' School. 2. Our ovvrt fully illustrated nowtpaper published monthly 3. Extensive advertising programme in over 40 Canadian and U,S. papers. 4, A Mortgage Officer to arrange financing on your sale:. 6. An Advertising Department to assist you with newspaper advertising, special Brochures and mailing pieces. 6. Our awn sign denartrnengt to make and erect special Signs when needed. 7. Many Waiting buyers plus new leads coming ill daily. 8. Ouidaride and help from Management with years of exper- ierice,, in Real EState. 9. Excellent commission split to,help you reach executive earn- ings fast and a' prestn-le position in your community. Never before has the deriand been so great for country Prop- erties. Cash On this goitian opportunity by phoning Or writ- ing today for a confidential interview. M.R. TOM MONTGOMEP.Y, PAUL S. STARR & CO. LTD., 178 WoolwIth St., Guelph. Phz)he 914,5054 THE &RUSSEL POST, BRUSSELS, ONTARIO THURSDAY, OCTOIIitill 91.11, O. P. P. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Question; Dear Constable: I alwys figured that the road laws were put in the Driver's handbook for a purpose and every_ one is supposed to abide by those rules. On page 4. of the book it states as folloWS: "An applicant who is 16 years of age but under 1.7 years is required to have the signed consent of both parents ar guardiang before applying for an instruction permit." Why are these statements printed or pub- lished-if they are not carried out? I. know of a young person who just received his anti who had only his mother's signature. Now why do they state things like that, because, in lots of eases a child. has to wait :bocnuse both parents don't agree on the child's driving. I would like your opinion. ANSWER: What you state is quite true. Laws do change, and this is a law that was changed recently, after the latest handbooks were printed. The. law now requires the consent of one parent only. Question: Dear Constable ; The rnles nic rtn'd nny it is against the laW to double •park in a town, do they not. Well then, how in the world do 501110 people . get away • with stoiming nn the main street beside parked cars and. leaving their cars unattended while they do their shopping? Other cars have to drive in the opposite- lane • to get by without driving. into the car • which is• donble parked,: ANSWER: This is a diffieult question in answer, Inin slate that the rules of the road say it is against the law to doable park in o town, how- ever, this is mit entirely right. rho Ilighway 'Traffic Act covers such things as parking on Kings Highways and Illigte,voys but tit dons not sinc nnything abeut to\%os, dighways rota through towits. this is trne, but in most eases towns, cities and, villages have by-laws. Seine permit double parking and sonic it would depend in the 1)y-him's inassed by the town, city' or village whether deuble parking is•legal or not. I would suggest, that it you have a problem with doirnle parking, you check with the police force responsible for your particuinr area anti ascer- tain if double parking n. permitted, WAL'FON :Mrs. Alvin :McDonald visited with Toronto relatives for a week. Mr. and :Mrs. Neil ;11cCavin and family wore recent weekend visitor in Thornbury with Mr. an.d. Airs: John McOnvin, Mr and Mrs. James MeDanald had as recent guests, Mr 'and Mrs. 'Stanley McDonald of Detroit, Walton "Needle Pushers" The Wallen 4-II, tliris' Club \vas bold at the home of Miss neverley McCall, oWallon Needle Pushers" was the name chosen for the lob, Mrs, Allan Searle led a dis- eussion "]'Tow to create a design". A demonstration of hew to make the blanket stitch was given by the leaders, Mrs, Searle, and Mrs, McCall. The girls made a, sample for their record books. Marie 'Nolan and Annette Swep served tannin Members of, the rltlh include Gail Searle, Marie Nolan, Beverley "Mc(all Lorin) Cooper. janine 'Houston, June Win Hams:inn Lynne AleDonahl, Linda Johnston, Annette Zwep., Officers of the club are; Beverley McCall,. P r Y, n Do nald., Pica,. president; flail Soarlo, press 1.0- Porter. Walton W. I. Meeting • '111.0 Walton 'Women's Institute -'nn-'ring was held in •the Com- : mu n 11 y with Mrs, Alvin Melionalif. president presiding I'm' • the business session. The minutes. were rend by Mm's. 'Wm. 'Hum- ;Aries. Roll response was the • 110010 of a book read diwing the. year. Mrs. inlvin Mellon:11d, Mrs. 'Wm, Hinnphries, Mrs. Alliur ZTcCall and Mrs. Samos Clark will be. delegntes to the County Tinny in Dunganonn on Oetaber 0th. Mrs,. Gerald Watson and Mrs. Kenneth McDonald will he the Willton W.1, representatives at the Pall Con.. volition in anelph on October 'Oh and 9 t h. Mr6, Stewart iliuntiltrios will pinee the 'W,f. wreath 01 Brussels cenotaph at the Nov, rith themor. inl servine. The next meeting at' this In- stitute will be a Hallowe'en Party with East Hnron members as guests. on October 29th. A Court 'Whist Party will be held ill the Comunity Hall with Mrs. Nelson Marks, Mrs. Ray 'ithether Mrs. 4nonneth McDonald .fit's. Stewart ITJimpindes as con- veners, :111's. Neil McGavin will be one of the leaders at the training school, for .Poods and Nutrition, to be held in Senforth October 21st and. 22nd. The courso is en- titled nThe main dish makes the meal", nitlduention" wail the 8nlijoet of the program with Mrs. Berald ‘Vatstin and Mrs. Donald -Mc- Donald in charge. Mrs. Wm. T mplivi es conti'ilmted a poem. James are; sopprin- teirdeul far schools, Huron County ltooi'tl nf indizeation was the guest speaker, Mr. Coulter chose (is his subject: ;,New titles on old Material", and talked of a cotinty tour Man prOP,Vanl. sehoelS, schools for the retarded, outdoors education, and home ilt- tructors, At the conclusion of his address an interesting question mid answer period was bola, In 'her introduction of coulter ;,-mr",,;,. Donald mrPoruod told his listeners he is a native .Morris Township olid hod re- eeived his high school etinention in Wingam and attended Western University, London, and /Toronto . • - ;Iini Wan inSnOetOr of ',111'011 .uunly Cuhlir schnolii. be- fore becoming area superiliten- t sun expressed ,if the nroup and pre- smiled Air, (noilien a Ott, Mrs. Wilbur Titrnbtill ivinner of a drow l'ot' towels. Mrs. Harold.. Holger, Aictiam Mrs. Lit \\"01 ,%11t1011 )11"A. .Kenneth Mel/ottani $erved W. J. HENDERSON ELDON STECKLEY Milverton Dial 595.4483 Dial 595A707 LICENCED AUCTIONEERS AND VALUATORS RATES REASONABLE No SALE TOO SMALL GIVE US A CALL WM. ADAMSON LI VESTOCK. TRANSPORT Formerly Ken Shoidice Transport PHONE BRUSSELS 357J4 PCV CLASS FS and. F vrtVOLiu.seilliefiV