HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1969-10-09, Page 1$2.50 A Year in Advance -- $3.50 To U,S.A, THE BRUSSEIs Pf)ST, OCT011.h3ft 9th, POST PUBLISHING, HOUSE.
Walton Couple Honored.
With Family Dinner
Mr. and Mrs, Shims ef
Walton were honored. on. the oe-
easlen or their 25th wedding
anniversary. al a family dinner at
Danny's Restaurant followed by
as social evening at, the home of
11r, and SIM Prank Burke.
Also present were their two sons,
11urray alit! jack, Miss Carol
Wilbee, Mr. Wm. Ireland, rather
of the bride, :Mr. ;inn Mrs, liin
Leland and Mr. :And Sirs,
Ross. McCall and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Bruce and Mr. and Mrs,
Jack firyans.
• ht's. Jack Bryans was the organ-
ist and Mr. Jim Ireland and )trs.
Isabel Burke were the attendants
25 years ago..
Lunch was Served by the nieces.
A Snowmobile Club. is being
formed in the Brussels community.
A meeting with Dave .1-ones, -vice-
president of the Ontario Snow-
mobile Confederation will attend
a meeting in the Brussels Legion.
Hall on, Wednesday, Oct. 15th, at
7:30 p.m.
All -interested persons, Men,
women and young people who are
eligible to operate a snowmobile
, are urged to attend.
Furrow Queen Crowned.
At Huron Plowing Match
Pi VI! 'Mildred visitors :attertaild
lite 42nd annual Iltiron County
Plowing Alalelt hold at Coderieh
over Hie weekend in warm sunny
The driest plowing eonditious
many years was encountered by
the 36 roiliest Ulli;;, Stated Cordell
:11. Hid preSidetli.
Miss Mary Looming, 17, of ER 4,
Walton, was erowned Queen of
the Furrow, Miss Leeming
compete in the Internpational
Plowing Match this fall.
Winners of the various events
were: tractor class for girls and
'boys under 21, Glen Miller, BR 1,
Dashwood: open elasSes, Peter
O'Malley RE 2,Teeswater, and
Charles Becker, Ex.eter; boys and
girls under 1.5, John Jansen, RR 2,
Sea forth; mounted plows only,
Tom Leeming, 11R 4, Walton;
'Huron County 471-1 tractor club,
Barry Gordon, RR 1, Searforth. A
special class for senior high school
students. 19 and under. South
Huron District High, School, Ex-
eter. For junior high School stud-
ents 16 years end under , the win-
ner was iSleaforth High School.
The speciiil utility ciaSS *as Won
by John Clark, RR 3, Gederich.
The horse-shoe pitching contest
was won by Alex :Boa; Hensall,
and Norman Fisher, RR 2, Clinton,
Two. administrative changes
have taken plane recently at
HuronviesV. Dr. G. F. Doorly of
Goderich has been appointed
home physician, replacing Dr. J.
C. Ross who retired on August 1st.
Chester A. Archibald, formerly
of Brantford, replaces Harvey
Johnston, retired administrator,
The bowlers are enjoying the
game more each week, The teams
arc starting to spread apart but
no one team is riming away on the
Team Standing:
Ruth's Rascals; 29
Muzzie's Fuzzier 26
Al's Aces:23
Jack's and Queens 19
Jane's Pennies 18
tiortl's Cats 18
Ladies Singles
Merle Cousins 924
Rano Ward . ...... 21.9
Marg. Smith 207
Ladies' Triples
Doris Matheson 573
Karen Hastings 567
Jane Ward 561.
Men's Singles
:Cord Jacklitt 303
Jack Higgins ..... 276
Carman 111achan ...„ ... ... 257
Men's Triples
(lord Jacklin 699
Carman Mrtelian dt;/-
Al Nichol ....... 633
P. S, Keen tip the good 'cork
,fiwiff 61.'1 M!:11 lir #01i1'kfilyog.
"1" 114, Eliza Jane Conley passed
away at the lliemstra Nursing
flume, histowel, on Octoher 2m1.
at 9 a.m, in her 92nd year,
Widow of the late Curled! Conley
and the daughter of the late Ferris
•Beirnes and Rebecca Storey. She
:was horn on the 12th eoncession
of MeKillop and moved to Grey
Township with her parents at the
age of four. She spent her life in
Grey, Morris and Brussels unfit
'May 1961 when she went to the
Insimstra Nursing Home.
She is survived by one dinight.er.
Mrs. Joseph E. Jacklin (Lily )1ael
of Coneession Grey and one
son, John, of Ethel, Also surviv-
ing are I1 grandettildren, 27 great-
grandchildren and four great-
The funeral service Was held.
Saturday October 4th from the
Peebles Funeral Hpme, Atwood,
Rev. I, LeDrew of Brussels and
Ethel 'United Church officiated.
interment was in Mount Pleasant
Cemetery, Eithel.
The pallbearers were Timms
Lucas, Norinan anti Samuel
Beirnes. 'George Campbell, Cam-
eron Somers and Earl Mills.
The flower bearers were four
grandsons, Archie, Lloyd and Glen
Jacklin and Douglas Conley.
Surprise Party Honors.
,,Brussels Couple
A surprise party was held on
Saturday evening, October 4th, In
honor of Ray and Betty Bronson
to celebrate their Silver- Wedding
They received many beautiful
gifts and cards from friends and
relatives. The evening was spent
playing cards, after which a most
beautiful lunch was served Includ•
ing a 3 tiered Wedding cake.
Guests Were present (rote
Gorrie. :Bel:More, Brussels and
with her parents Mr and Mrs. 'W.
W. Smith..
The. Kansas Farmer and Clark
Johnston entertained at, the .1.50th
anniversary of Oddrellows„ Michi-
gan and Ontario held in. Sarnia on
Sunday. Sept. 28th.
Last week W. A. McQintrrie
brought: to the office of the Post
two huge potatoes. They weighed
3% lbs. They were the only two
potatoes in the hill. Can anyone
top this?
Mrs. Archie Moses and daughter
Joanne, have returned from a trip
to Saskatchewan where they visit-
ed Mr. and Mrs. Robert Voting of
MOCISeja.W. While in Saskatchewan
they' also visited with other
frielids and relatives. Joan attend-
ed school in Regina and will core
thine beg Studies at the John. Fr,
iffifvnitiftrol Patird,
There 'will he no mail serviee ou
Thanksgiving Day, Monday, Oct.•
13th. The Post Office is closed and.
there no mail received or dia..
patched. Also no rural service.
Sunday, and Tuesday as usual...
Melville W.M.S.
Entertnms Guests
Guests from Belgrave, Stoles-
worfh, and the three other (numbs
es of the , village were present at'
the Thanksgiving meeting of the
W.M.S, of Melville Church on
Friday night. They had as guest
speaker Miss Elspeth 'Davidson of
Stratford who spent four years in
British Guiana as a mathematics
teacher in the high schools there.
Her ,description of life and eon-
ditions in that country of Many
mixed MOOS was illustrated with
fine colored slides. The thanks of
the group to Miss 'Davidson Was
expressed . by Mrs. Clarke Matbe-
"111' )1.s. Gerald Gibson, .the presi-
dent. presided for the. meeting.
The devotions were • in, Charge. of
Mrs. ,fohn Bowman and Mrs.,.
George Elliott. Mrs.. Hank Exel
sang a pleasing solo.
A social hour folloWed the meet!
Sir. and 'Mrs. Charles Fischer,
Mr. a nd mrs. Clordon Engel and
Fred Smalidon attended a present-
tetion for newlyweds )1r. and Mrs.
kill. Armstrong (Maxine Small-
don) at Salem on. Friday evening,
W.M.S. Afternoon. "Group
The October meeting of the
Afternoon Groisp of the W.M.S.
was held' at the home of Mrs.
Allan Smith, Brussels. The theme
waS "Thanksgiving" and the
leader Mrs, Lylle ,Gordon, opened
the meeting with a poem ',Aut-
umn". Psalre 86 was sting and the
Lord's Prayer repeated in unison.
Luke 6; 39 - 49 was read by 'Mn-.
Herman Whitfield, Mrs, Gordon
read "The FirSt Thanksgiving"
and "The. Harvesters" was read
by Mrs. Smith. 'Mrs. Clare Veitch
conducted the business and pre-
seated Mrs. Smilh with a cup and
saucer on behalf of the groi),
Cards and visits were recorded,
There was an attendance of 13 and
a Thanksgiving -verse was given
for roll call Mrs. Cliff Bray will
be hostess for November. A poem
"And Yet I Pray" was react by
Miss A. Forrest and Mrs. Earl
Dunn rend ''A Grace for That-tics-
giving". The topic; "The giving
of thitnks" was read by Mrs. Alex.
Steiss.. The meeting was closed
with a, hymn mind the Benediction,
Oranbrook won the ball pine
played iii Atwood park, ListoWel
Dietrite Clib Vs CranbroOk Diet!
rite S'inb,
11.1%).• •
±01l!Filli01) 1;110;1 I
S'tilli' ?IOC
The regular afar-'tin of the Lions.
Club was held with Lion President
Krauter presiding. lin wel-
comed a number of guests from •
Sundridge Lions Club who
were in attendance.
Lion Tail Twister, Gordon Me. -
Gavin will have to be on his toes -
to equal the fines extorted by Lion
Charles Thomas, who wielded the
fine box in his absence.
Lion Tamer Gerritt van -Veen
led the sing song with 'Mrs. W. Q,
iSerr as pianist.
Lion Harold Wilson introduced
the guests From the Sundridge,
Club. The president of that njub,
Of which Lion Wilson, had• been a
member, sold the Brussels Lions
had gained what they bad lost, an
active member 'who ha.d served
faithfully as a director of many
Lion secretary (lee McFadden •
called the roll, read the minutes
and correspondence.
Lion George Mutter reported.
pins and 'jackets have been order- •
The Lions decided, after dis-
CUSSion, to arrange for a trip to an
NHL • Hockey Game in Toronto
this. year, instead of to the Ice ,
Lion R. B. Cousins spoke on.
donations to the Canadian National
Insidtute for the 13lind. Brussels
Arca topped their objective last..
year. Tie also gave the financial
report of the club.
Lios C. R. Dunbar spoke on.
the. request oil the Children's. Aid,
Goderieh, for Christmas Aid. • A •
donation -was passed.
Lion President. Cal Krauter
welcomed Lion Harold Wilson
into the Brussels Club.
Lion Russell Knight won' 'the
guesS contest.
have food enough and a place
to- dwell,
To have work to do and to do it
well . .
To find the comfort when thitigEt
go Wrong-
In a bit of prayer or a snatch of
song „
To know the pleasure a kind act
Co see. the beauty in Si-t ple
To know good books and share
their worth.
plant bright flowerS in rich
brown earth .
To have true friends . . . this is
Worth lit lug
easons enough toif. Thttrikt,
lift, 14 Airfniftitiri
Team Standing
Name Points
The Grey's 9
Len's Gang 8
The Archers
6th Line 7
Cranbrook 6
5th Lino 4
The 11.P's at
Individual Standing
Ernie Back 15
Smitli 12
Gordon Engel 11
Ross Alcock 11
Willis Keight 10
Harry Jacklin
tLdss Hall: 10
Glen Bridge 10
Jack MeWhitter 9
Alf Nichol 7
Eilmer Young 7
Barry Adams
Karl Kokeseh
Dick Stephenson (1
Boss Nicholson
Ken McDonald
Eldon Wick
Archie Willis 4
1 ferny Bolger 4
Ted Elliott 4
Ken Sholdice 4
flog Watson
Ross Bennett
Will' Warwick
Howard Bernard
Neil Adams
Adam Sinith
Sam Worknian
13111 Cassidy
Jan van Vliet
Bill Adams
A 1.014 Eiil
Dr, and Mrs. Donald McRae and
Willowttale were in .Brus-
Points sets during the weekend,
Mr. and Mrs Larry Lahn of
Hanover were weekend guests