HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1969-10-02, Page 4TavittiDAY, rwronEnt and, 190 P-:erefore is very important to tying temperature to a coma roiled, safe level, -c.':rienve your fryer unattended •.0,i;9 ...arming fat to frying temp- e.ra:Jrc.,.. Because heat from the stove element under the fryer cannot escape rapidly, the temp- erature of the fat rises quickly. It can increase past the frying level to flash point and ignition stages in the time you might take to answer the door or ephone. If you are interrupted by a call during frying, be sure to turn down the element underyour fryer. Don't rely on fryer thermo- stats - although they help reduce the danger of overheating, they don't always work. Would you like to enjoy safer e ep- fat frying in your home? CIAG has a limited supply of reliable, deep—fat frying thermo— meters available at cost, To obtain one, please cornpletetheattached coupon and send it with your cheque or money order for $1 ( includes 5% sales tar) to CIAG INSURANCE. ".•.: c LUCY'S GENERAL STORE t. Successor to Frank Smith) CRANBROOK, ONT. PHONE 105 THE STORE WITH THE LITTLE BIT OF EVERYTHING Now Open From 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays From S a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday to Saturday. SAVE ON THE SUNDAY SPECIAL Large Plain Cigarettes Reg. 67c 59c Large Filter and King Size Cigarettes Reg. 69e • - 61c 5 Qt. Pop Coke, Pepsi, & Ginger Ale 99c plus deposit 2 Roll Pack of Ballet Toilet Tissue 29c pac!c 14 fluid oz. Heinz Pork & Beans per tin --- • 14c 14 fluid oz. Vegetable 5 for 89c 7 3/4 oz. Ocean King Pink Salmon per tin - 45c Kitchener Packers Polish Sausage 79c tb 15% OFF ALL WINTER CLOTHING TO 20 PER CENT Prune Plums Green Gage Plums Cauliflower Lettuce Cabbage Peaches Grapes Bananas Onions Macintosh Apples Chickens FRUIT 6 Qt. Basket ----- Qt. Basket • - - Head Head -- Head • 11 Qt. Basket 6 Qt. Basket. - ---- 1 lei 75 lb. Bag - 11 Qt. Basket — $1.65 $1.75 • 29c 29c 29c $2.50 $1.25 20c $3.00 $1.35 29c It ....... FOR SALE Chev. 2 daDr hard P.h1:11e afrer Grad FOR ROOFING AND C , Harris Phone 351W4 SIDING iT Prusel.s. BIN Blake Phone -142W7 WANTED TO BUY EGGS — Prices tahi. Will pick-up. •• Phone Brussels 145 FOR SALE Heater . one far e. :i:, •zrr.,11;3.tk White. Phone 22S FOR SALE — door sedam. 1E1' nwi.e.:4 • Call evening: 175 OR SALE Ford Fair!an,.. 21), VS. tilt.o..• 49.:. or 14 FOR SALE -- Fr.,sh We/ OD lilt your L yd Wheeler Phone 421.15 CD C CD M 0 m. to cr CD i . *is a *ft (7\ FRY 360 48.'1382/ti, 11087`, BRUssu,s, ONTAIUO FOR SALE FOR SALE • ' d • Car with • Reasonhle.. 1.:4towe: Lee 'McKay COME CUT AND MEET LUCY FOR A FAIR DEAL. Free Delivery Within 10 Mile Radius With $5.00 Order FREE COFFEE SERVED WHILE YOU WAIT. LUCY FOR SALE One Su:: irk f f o Ewo Lantl;:s. MORRIS TOWNSHIP horn 1T .nd TENDERS FOR For hauling lIvPstoek and other sNoW PLOWING John Phr,ne 422W: trucking call Lucy':? General Store -Phone 45234. EXPERIENCED PAINTER DESIRES WORK In this area. Interior and ex:eriur work, paper:hanging and staining ,done at best possible rates. Gall for free estimates. Richard Gi.l RR .3. Walton Phone Brussels 2S2W16 SELL RURAL REAL ESTATE THE PROVEN PAUL S. STARR WAY These advantages help YOU make BIG MONEY 1. Free Real Estate School. 2. Our own fully illustrated newspaper published monthly 3. Extensive advertising pro( amme in over 40 Canadian and U.S. papers. 4. A Mortgage Officer to arrcnge financing on your sales. 5. An Advertising Department to assist you with newspaper advertising, special brochures and mailing pieces. 6. Our own sign department to make and erect special signs when needed. 7. Many waitina buyers plus new leads coming in daily.. E. Guidance and help from Management with years of exper• fence, in Real Estate. 9. Excellent commission split to help you reach executive earn- ings fast and a prestige position in your communay. Never before has the c:-.'mane been so great for country prop• erties, Cash .6 on this fjc..Iden opportunity by phoning or writ- ing today for a confidential interview. MR. TOM MONTGOMERY, PAUL S. STARR & CO. LTD. 173 Woolwich St., Guelph. Phone &24.5054 BLYTH LIONS CLUB CASH BINGO in BLYTH MEMORIAL HALL on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 4th Commencing At 8;30 P.M. 12 Regular Games at 51().00 each 2 aig "Share The Wealth" Games Game for 525.00 (must go? I Jackpot Game for $125,!.:0 lf won in 60 cails Admission at the door: $1.00, Extra Cards Available. PLAN TO ATTEND AND SUPPORT THE BLYTH LIONS It pays to read the advertising in the. Brussels Post YOU need this Op when deep-fat frying potatoes, chicken, Othet-:0OCis are delicious epared in your deep—fat for safety's sake, keep temperature. at the by using and watching. '-:errnometer. or temperature at te apoursfrom th e boiling ignized by a match flame is Bess than 100 degrees maximum frying of 400 degrees:. And • •-.n temperature, at which itself can burst into on!y about 200 degrees nen the flash point. omi mot ea 4.S vow To CIAG 'INSURANCE Priory ,Square, Guelph • reortto,,..••,,„,i iti:*4*.***"itit***4 .44i*iii44*****44.1***4 '*444.4444 • 4 •44* * I. Address ..... .. *it Please send Me a fat-frying thermometer, Enclosed is my o cheque or o money-order for "of CIAG INSURANCE CO OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION% O' aurapi FAIR PRICE IN TRUCKING — r snow. plow Cranbrc)olt, in:. •4wnsmn for th, year 1.,.!c;f:, reoeived by the undersi.gned. State make, nr- •lel, year and size of truck.. of Iow and wing... Tenders to b in by October 4th, at 12 noon. 0)• ny tender rat rioces. eari;,y acce: to& : Arter, RR 4, Brussels. FARMERS' INTERCO;.! Eming.uishers. Ph,-;ir,,,.! R. Oliver. Ki7cherier, 5•6 Sandra. 7411-137:1 LOST -- One RPd Her:-L4rd or agh. ine apprOximalP:y from can. 1Z. Cyr •y Twp. HaF notch in top and hoitom of right ear. Phone Brussr.,Is HELP WANTED MALE CORN and FORAGE SEED AGENT: rae. 3.1•Ti has local opening for 'a -orn and seed agent. ffn:i or T,art _retired or active tlarmer preferred Excellent income for rlIgh! tnfe.n. Write Box 50 Brussels. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of ANNABEL DRAPER, deceased .-'kLL PERSONS Inving against the estate of the alvive mentioned. late of the Village ( P,russels in the County of }Linn widow, who died on tho 27th ria:. of August, 1969. are refluireci try file proof of F aroe with the under- signed on or before the 5th day of October 1969, after which date the executors wi:1 proceed to distri- bute the estate with regard only to the claims which have then been received. DATED at Brussels this 1:1th day of September. 1269 Ontario Solicitors for the executors