HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1969-10-02, Page 1$3.50 're U,S.A, 131.ITSSEL POST, TILURSI)A r, ()C1'015Elt 2nd, 1;1'09 POST PUBLISHINO HOUSE
One of the Best Fairg in Years.
High Quality Exhibits in All Depts.
itaeleits et whet , and yellow
ea t: In ,ettittp, in Si.
Columlnin Roman Catholic Churcit
for the marriage of Karen
'Notch and James Daniel Cronin.
at two o'clock, Saturday, Septemb-
er 20th. 'Monsignor White offic-
Tho bride is the daughter of Air,
and Mrs. Thomas Pletch of Brus-
sels, elr. and Mrs. Albert. Cronin
R.,B, Seaforth, art,' 1411'011N of
Wedding music wa.; provided by
,1 /4 4s. Vincent, Lane, Mr. "toy Mc-
Quaid of Kitchener was the soi,-
eist ant! sang On This Day" and
"() Perfect Lave"
The bride, given in marriage by
her taller, wore a ..Formal gown of
Pebble peau de sole in empire
effect with .edging :of alencon Lice
ie two front pallets. and across
the empire waist. The ecooe neck-
line and chapel train were en-
hanced with scallops of matching
lace. leer headpiece was rose beds.
and petals with bouffant scalloped
veil. Sho carriee yellow rose buds
and White stephanotis.
The maid et hotter, Linda Marten
Of Guelph, and ltrideternaidee. Bon-
nie Pletch, • sister of the bride,
SoannuRegier, sister of. the groom,
Kitchener, and Lynne Workman,
wore Matching yellow formal
gowns in lagodu with ruffled neck-
line and three quarter length sle-
eves and inverted front pleats,
Their headpieces were of match-
i.rig roses and face veils. They'
carried baq•ucts Of bronze and
yellow in U1113.. •
.•The Floweegirl, Crystal Smith,
neje() or the groont, wore a white
formal gown of peau de Hole with:
einpire waist outlined with yellow
lace trim, She wore a hand of
yellow roses in her hair and ear-
Heil a basket of bronze and yellow
Steve Cronin of Seaforth was
his brother's best man. 'Ushers
were Jerry Cronin, brother of the
groont, Settforth, Don Pletch,
brother of the bride, and Ken Mur-
ray, Searorth.
At the reoeption in Brussels
Legion 1-1 all, the bride's mother
received the guests wearing an
enteimide in silver lures. pink ac-
cessories, tiorsage of pink baby
roses and matching rosesbuds in.
her hair. 'rile groom's mother
chose a. lilac .Freitch brocade en-
semble with white accessories and
corsage of yellow roses.
The bride's tra.velling costume
for a wedding trip to the United
States and points south, Was a
blue fortrel dress abd coat enseill-
ble with corsage of coral roses..
The couple will reside in Sea-
I would like to thank all those
who retnembered me with eards
acid visits and also thanks to Dr.
T3ozyk and the nurses on the 2nd
fiber 'while 1 wnii a patient: in
llonnie Dianne NVarkinan and
joint David Pennigton were
united in marriage In a double
ring ceremony, at 3.30 11.01. on
Sa rda y. September 1:t Ui iii
Brussels ed Church in a
setting of yellow arid white candel-
abra and baskets of gladoli and
fern. Rev. le L. LeDrew officiated.
The bride is the daughter at
' Mr, and his. .1 Cordon Work-
man Of Brussels. Air. and Mrs.
Jack Pennington, 13russels, are
parents of the groom.
Traditional wedding music was
PHYo(j. by Mi's. Jack Aryans. Miss
Linda Wilsou 'was the soloist,
Tile bride, given in marriage by
her rather, was gowned in floor-
length bridal brocade peau de
(Amen, styled in A line with em-
etre waist, towered round neckline,
mid cathedral train. The goeird
was trimmed in pearled sequins,
adorning sleeves, neckline, and
train. She -wore the gift of the
groom, dropped earrings, and ear,
vied orange baby roses, carnations
anti ivy.
The maid of honor, Donna Work-
man, tester Of the bride, wore
lade ]eau de sole ray floor-length:
sleeveless A line gown with em-
pire waist, Pith bridesmaid's dres-
ses were With Grace Lowe
wearing bronze, Lynne Workman
chartreuse and Barb 'Workman,
citron, all trimmed with gold bows
and streamers. The flower girl,
jacenline Workman, sister of the
bride; wore a similar gown in
mint green,
Brian Workman was the best
man. Guests were ushered by Dave
Workman, Wayne Lowe, Barrie
Kevin Pennington was the ring
For the reception in the Brus-
sels Legion :Hall the bride's mother
received is a two piece dress and
coat ensemble of celery and oyster
with matching accessories arid
yellow corsage The groom's
mother assisted in a. light mauve
one piece dress matching acces-
sories end orange ice corsage.
For a wedding trip to tile East-
ern Ithaca States the bride donned
a two piece oyster and forest
green ensemble with black acces-
sories and corsage of orange baby
The couple will live in Brussels.
Guests attended from Coleman.
Sat.rnin• Leamington, Niagara
Walitteeburg, iKiteeener and
Notice To Prospective
Brussels. Builders
Those who are conteMplating
building- in Firtissels should firSt
ascertain. the location of cl rains
and if there is sufficient space
on the lot for a weeping system.
Derileoge plans may he seen at the
Menicioal Office. Ily so doing they
may save themselves embaeras-
mete: and unnecessary expeese.
Permits are recellred for any
blinding cionatrOtion
Despite o;tereast meriting skies
a patient in Listowel Hospital. and. the intermifteeii /fireat of rain
throughout the day, pebble. (-ante to
Brussels Fall Fair an Friday and
many expressed the opinion. .6.'10
it was the best. Fair in a number
of years. Perhaps the continuing
rumours of the cessation of small
fairs .brought the more than 2000
People to establish their partici-
pation, and desire, for the coiltiti-
nance of this fair, Jan van Vliet,
Brussels Fair president, assured
us that alter this year's weess
t1-71r1 ec:e will he a lair hare in :10711. h
school miracle, with an estim-
ated Silo pupils, with their teach-
ers, from Centrel Schools of Grey,
Walton and Brussels„ marched
'from Victoria •'Pa,rk. • to. the Fair
grounds to .the. muse, of..the 'Sete
forth High School Band and the
feruseels 'Royal. Canadian Legion
Pipe Band, The parade was pre-'
ceded by the ear carrying the fair
president, Reeve R„ Ti. Cousins
and R. E. MeileinieYWho officially
opened the fair. A number of Don-
les,.•and ..parade hol'ses and 'riders.
headed the parade,'
The marching prizes wont to:
1st Walton, 2nd Brussels, 3rd Grey
The president welcotned those
ie attendance and ReeVe Cousins
speaker, IL E. McKinley M.P.
the speaker, Mr. McKinley M.P..
In his remark's Mr McKinley said
lie believed fairs were a good thing
for the community and the better-
ment of agriculture.
13oh Cunningham was M.C, In
his usual efficient manner,
Livestock exhibits were parti-
cularly good.
Officers and Directors are to be
congratulated on the success of
the fair.
See inside pages for complete
list of prize winners,
On Thursday evening a good
many people visited the Crystal
Palace to see the fine display of
indoor exhibits and hear the pm-
gram presented by students of the
three schools, opening with a. sing-
along by Brussels, and numbers
by other local talent.
The fair concluded Friday night
with a dance in the Legion Tfall,
attended by a large crowd,
'Winners of the two draws con-
ducted. by the Agricultural Sete
iety wore Chair and Patin Choirs,
Jim Prior. :Blanket; Mrs. Tom
Looming o Walton
Children's Bates
KING' — Joanne and Bill are
happy to annonnee the arrival
of their daughter, 4.(arla Nadine.
in Winghtell and District H08-
pH a 1, on Wednesday, Septeniber
Girls (6-11)
Karen leilworth, Deborah Bate-
man, Toatt Peamon
Soyt (11104)
fgalii0 MO11.101011, Dim 1Vbriti
Illenetarry Cbx..,Giuy Stroop (tie),
Girls (12-14)
Dh Maxine inliec6rAdVoattn,s Blake;.
lee Heat: Uteri Willeamsou.
Terry Ettinedge, Arnold Campbell,
Bill 'King Heigh Pearson, Clarence
. 2nd Ileat: A, Campbell,
Williamson, le King. H. Pear-
son, C. F11)0d,
Poilies 12 hands & ender: Philips
Blake, Ross Batten, Jacques'
Workman. Ponies over is hands:
Scott Wilson„ Bob Blake:, Rosa
Latt en, 13 elan Workman, Ross
Somers, Paul Blake.
Burton Bean, Neil Ryan, Paul
Blake Scott Wilson, Brian Work-
man, Margaret Shobrook.
The general meeting of the Un-
ited Church Women was held
September 111th at: 6:30
'Members and visitors gathered
for a deliclouS pot. luck supper,
after which Mrs' Cousins led the
grogp in singing familiar hymns,
Airs. Barbara. McCutcheon; Mrs.
Sarah. Stephenson and Mrs Aral/
smith had rharge of the Worship
Service, Mrs. Alton of bncknow
was introduced by :Mrs. McCutch-
eon. as the guest speaker'. Mrs..
Alton spoke oe Community Friend-
ship and visiting-, This was
illustrated with Posters with
the words eAm T prepared to let
Clod guide me into creative and
effective ways, in which I can fur-
ther the life of my family, The
Church and the World". Mrs.
Alton closed her very interesting
talk with John l.ti, verse 12 and
Prayer. Mrs. :McCue:le-eel thanked
her and presented a small gift.
The preselect.. Mrs, Viola
leachati, had charge, of the bus.
iness. Mrs, Verna Thomas and
errs, Dorothy Ritchie moved we
0.0 not have a Fowl Supper this
The Thank Offering Service
will take place Nov, 2nd, at 11
a.m„ 'Re Fl, LeDrew being the
Two invitations, were received to
attend their Meetings, from Mon-
erio fr. for Oct, lst and front Mel-
fr,^,x00},i t me.e is what rnake:ii you
ftwopitkil i1 mint t1 wlint yott
James Kerr. is e patiept
Wingleun and District, • Hospital.
Carl .lacklhi of Trtmvbrittqe
sir" NV. (I, Leacb hats ,returned
front a Mon tiles holiday with
relatives in Seotlaild.
David 'Hastings Sr., who bre
been a patient in Wingham and
District Hospital is home,
:Members of the Bruseels Lions
Club entertained the residents Of
the oniario Hospital, Ooderich,
Wednesday night.
1M /T. Par-
onto has been a 'visitor With Mr,
and Mrs Clark Matheson.
flarvey BryanS. PreSton, has
been a visitor with his daughter,
Mrs. H. Stret:ton anti Mr. Stretton.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Whittaker
and daughter, Brantford, were
weekend visitors with her parents
Mr. and Mrs. bong. Titertingwey,
Mr, and Mrs, W, Watters add
family of Orillia were week-end
visitors with Mr, and Mrs: Nick
McCutcheon and other relatives.
John Thomson, of Dundos a,
former Brussels resident (30 years
ago, renewed aequeietance here
last. week. T-Te is a nephew of the
late Robe Thomson. He was ae-
compaeied by his wife.
'Mr. abet eire. Larry ''TeOltington
of Aylmer and Mr. and Mrs. Don
Jacklin of Orangeville visited
with their parents Mr. and 'Mrs.
Douglas Cellander of the Oal-
la lid er Nflrsing Home, Brussels,
was named a Director of the
Associated Nursing Homes Inc. or
Ontario, al: their recent MIMI al
Convention held in Harrillton,
Do you have gladoli like these?
Clifford Rowland of Grey 'fawn-
ship has 3 gladoli spikes that
are eie feet high with 15 oe more
blooms, and others only slightly
The geese are flying smith these
days. Mrs. Eldon Wilson reported
a nigh sighted on their way, to at
warmer clime last week. The
honking of another flight was
heard in Brussels Wednesday
Mr. and Mrs. 'W. J, Perrie art-
tended the WasMan - Bremner
wedding at Emmanuel United
Church, Windsor, Saturday. Sun-
.-any they were present foe the 75th
anniversary services at' Centre
Road Church where Ree, Dr, Rich-
ard Stewart of iNloer St. Janes
Church, Loilon, Was gfiest mini-
ster. They visited With. Rev, James
Perri° of Strathroy amid Mr. and
Airs. Harold Parker of Alstibston.
erre Kr: ilAttyri
Boys (6-8) • ville Presbyterian Church on Oct.,
Bruce CaX, Lyle Bridge. Paul 311. The ladies accepted with plea
van Veen. sure. it \vas moved by Airs. Elsie.
Girls (6-8) Parker and 'Mrs Marie LeTh-ew we'
Dianne Stephenson, Joanne Mc- have. ear November meeting in
Arter, ;Marilyn Campbell, the rOl'al of a Visitation as, in prey-
Boys (9-11) ions years. Offering received and
Doug Guy, Jiin Cox, Bill Ring, the meetirig closed with prayer.