HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1969-09-18, Page 4• '(iii littUS.1014. POST, BRUSOEI,43, ONT10,10 TILUASPAYE , SPT, ltith, lout) •wv • • - ANNOUNCING OUR FALL TAILORED.TO.IVIEASURE SUIT PROMOTION And Your Opportunity to secure a HANDSOME NEW SUIT at SUBSTANTIAL SAVINGS. SPECIAL SALE TAKES PLACE Friday, Sept. 26. .(1= Mr. Art Feldman representing Varsity Brand Clothes will measure you and act as your personal consultant regarding fabrics and current styles. JUST THINK ..... A SNiAIc S 3t.: TAILORED TO FIT YOU. OUR PRICE - $89.00 WALTER'S ,Edighoffers (Wingham) Limited WINGHAM, ONT. MAITLAND VALLEY SADDLE CLUB WESTERN GAMES RODEO LISTOWEL FAIR GROUNDS SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 21st At 1:15 P.M. Horses and Riders by Invitati .a Only FOR SALE lye Storey insulbrick home, bath, cupboards, oil furnace 1 Storey 2 bedroom bungalow 2 yrs. old, 2 car garage, large lot 175 acres Grey twp; modern bldgs; Price $42,500 240 acres, Grey twp; modern bldgs; eilo. Price $50,000, Good terms See us about your Car — Fire -- Liability -- insurance needs JIM CARDIFF, REALTOR Generel Insurance Phohe — 62 Bruseels, Ont ENTERTAINMENT AT THE . NEW AMERICAN HOTEL BRUSSELS, ONT. Cordwl Ross and The Lamp Lighters FRIDAY and SATURDAY IN THE RAINBOW ROOM WE FEATURE: tutkeyi Spare Rliby and Saw Kraut, Fish and 044 ONWatti-1101 1101/P.10.0121MewloilleWv4VOI/F4* the eleforth whom eh() knew personally. The meeting closed with a hymn and Mizpah benedicitee. DART NOTES On Wednesday Sept.. 10th, the first meeting of the Brussels Men's Dart League was held at the Canadian Legion. The election of officers for the oncoming season of 69-70 was held, with the f011owwing result; President ....... Jack cl\ hitter Secretary Ernie Beck Treasurer . Ross Alcock Regular games to start Oetober 1, 1969. All teams have to be registered by Sept. 24th, 1969, After the meeting en elimin- ation tournament was played and won by Hilton Ward and. Glen Bridge, CARDS CT THANKS My sincere: thanks to friends and neighbours who remembered me with eards, visits and gifts while I was a patient in Wingham Hospital. Your kind thoughtfulness was appreciated, Miner Young \vould like to thank my friends, neighbours and relatives for the cards gifts and flowers that they sent me while I was in. Wing-ham Hospital. Special thank to my nurses, Dr. Bozyk and Rev. LeDrew, Mrs. Bertha. Jermyn wish to express rey sincere thanks to all the neighbours and friends who sent me cards and gifts while a patient in Wing-ham and Victoriaa Hospitals. Also the nurses and doctors, especially of Vietoria 'Hospital. London. Special thanks to Dr. P,ozyle and Dr. Me.feregor. Lyle Hall The Officers and Directors of The Belgrave, Myth and Brussels School Fair wish to thank the fol- lowing list of merchants and citiv- ens for their donations and ads that were placed in the 1969 Prize List: Stephenson Bakery; Brussels Motors Ltd.: Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce: J. M. Me- 'Donald Lernber Ltd.: Oldfleld IsTardwrixe; R. 1, Batter Farm Egnipment; Mach an 'fflittleeete; test Heieon Produce; MeGhtelieen Motors Ltd.: D. A, "entitle Wood's Store; Brussels 5e to $101) Stierei MeCutcheon Grocery: George Mutter: Ross Mann Music Shop; Burns Morrell., Creneral Store; Blue- vale Creamery; Illnevnle Milling Co, Ltd.: Stewart. Procter ; How- Mittunl Fire insitraticet C. R. (1.0eltee; J. R. Coulteet Feletont Morrie Federation of Agri-• rinItnro, Anyone We ththfled, oar aPol. ogiN and opt' thaphar COMING EVENTS: VARIETY FAIR On Settirday, October 25th in the Bruseels 1.0.0,F. roonis. Spun- sored by 'Morning Star Riehekne Lodge. EVENING CLASSES The Huron County Board of Education will offer Evening Classes in various subject areas at certain Schools in the county. (lessee will begin early in Octob- er. Watch 'for detailed aenounce- Meet in next week's edition. For advanced information and regis- tration contact the school in your area,. TEESWATER FAIR It is happening nt elanedn'e Largest Rural Fair on FRIDAY and SATIeTeleAX SEPTEMBER 20 and 27. Friday evening The Dell Family of London entertains, Sat- neday 'THE TRA.VELLERS tele- vision and 'recording artists per- form afternoon and evening, Dance follows evening show, Also at Fair - R.{),Ft. Band; Chariot. races; Airplane aerobatics; 4-Ti Silver CoMpetitione; newest Apollo Films; Agricultural shows: New cars; Rides: Free, grand- stand. Conre to TEE S WA T R PAUL FRIDAY and SATUR- DAY SE(PTIeMBER 20 and 27. ETHEL Ethel 4-H Girls' Club Eight girls met. at the home or Mrs, Lother Weber, on Thursday, Sept. lith. The topic or this club is Needlework. The meeting was opened 4-ef pledge followed by flip election of officers: itaith Kerr President Derma, Stephenson Vice Pres The leaders of this club are MM Weber and Jane Kreuter. 1Thch Meeting will be held on Tuesday night stinting at. 7 p.m. The teente chosen for this (-1111) is "Levee Daisies" itches; were tak- en on the stele, of einbroidere. Color hdrmony and ecilee Were discussed. 'rile meeting wits MOM Willi the 1-Ti motto. Leneb wits served by Mrs, Weber, CRANBROOK Presentation. Party A. soriol evenine wag enjoyed by n large crowd an Friday even hi c; in the Community Centre. when ii preeentation was held for Mr. and errs, Frink. Smith and family, now of Baden, Nineteen I Of pro- greseive euchre worp. in play, with high scores wen by yrs, Stuart Evans and rrhan Ducharme. Con- eelalion prizes wont to Mrs. Ohne. Fischer and. Kenneth Fischer. 'Mrs, [Terry Volker' was the person with the inoet lone :rands, The Smith Family were railed to the plat- form and an addregg was ['Pad by Jim Knight, Kenneth. 'Nf-c,floriald trresentod a reel inOV ch a it-, and Tien were given to Bill, Shirley eta Doug. A gift from the W.L to Mrs Smith was presented by Mrs. (portion Deigel. and one from the Darl Obeli to Frank by Mac "erneleitosh. Mr. and Mr.:. Smith expressed their [banks an behnif of themelves end eimily. All join- ed in. singing "Tear Ihey are jolly good fellows" and lunch was „serve ed. The Library Book exelitinge will take place on Monday, Sept. 22nd, at 10.20 tem. Mr. and errs. 'Nee Ilnrin 'spent lite week-end in Bloomingdale. Honored on Anniversary Nnuor guests on Sunday, Sept. 1 4th, at. the home of Mr, and Mrs, Mae Macintoeh in honour of the tenth nniversary of Mr. and :Mrs. Cermet) Bride were' Mr. and Mrs. Carmen Bride, Albert and Ronnie friblierf of Port Credit. Mr. rind -Arm iTiodio vribbort of Terra Colin, Mr. and Mrs, TT. M. Bride of Ford- WiC PI, Air. and Mrs, Morley Bride of Guelph. Mr. and 'Nees. Lorne Bride. Debra and Brenda Of Meg- nra Palle a ed Mrs. Ileirvey Peter and Mirinte of lion Mills. Others calling during the after- noon were: 'Mr. and Mrs, Stnnley Bride. Sir. a earl Ml's. Harold noig-, and Mr mid Sirs. Wm. 'Wilson of Fordwiele and 'Mrs, Lyle :Riede arid :loth of ;Kitchonor. Me. and Mrs. Donald Bride, Donna, Lor- rnite rind Billy of 'Morn. Mrs, rens- sell Belt of Atwood, Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Mollisen or Gilelph, Mrs, 011(1 Mi'S flee Fall is, Palinerfitotii nied '::fr. and Mre, Geerge Midge of lirut3eole, LUCY'S GENERAL STORE (Successor tp Frank Smith) CRANBROOK, ONT. PHONE 452J4 Now Open From a.m. to 9 p.itn. Sundays From, 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday to Saturday MELVILLE W. M„'S. The regular meeting of the W.M.S. was held 011 Friday after- noon in Melville church. Miss Bessie Moses convened the meeting which opened with prayer and to hymn. The devot- ional part was taeen oy Mrs. Steles and Mrs, Bowman, The roll call was responded to, 'by a Bible verse containing the -word. "solid" Hymn 592 was sung and the message followed, which was; the 'story of the life of Dr. Johnathon C.eoforth, the pioneer missionary to the nroVince of Hotian in China. The topic was divided into three parts. The first. part, Dr. Goforth's curly life", was read by Mrs. King, The second Part, "Dr. Go- orth's work as a pioneer mis- sionary in Honan, China for forty years, followed by six years in Manchuria was given by Mrs. Ce Gibson. The. t bird part. The chap- ter in the book, chow I. know God. Answers Prayer" written by Mrs. Goforth, which told of the escape or the Goforth family, during the Boxer rebellion of 1900, was read by _1T' s, el ie besot', Airs. NeCarroll gave a sketch of the Christian Work and witness of eeeeee eefteee Frank and Helen' Smith and faintly would like to exterese their sincere thank you. to the people of Orenbrook for the lovely card party and reception held on their behalf, Friday, Septembet 12th, A special word of thanks goes ant Ito those people who organised and e helped with the presentation. Sincerely, Prank and Helen Smith and family Trio Choice Biscuits 93,i oz. • •-• 3 pkgs $1.00 Royal Jello 3 oz. ---• 2 pkgs. .19c Giant lb. Tins of Kiwi Shoe Polish, Black Tin 26c Giant 10 oz. Nabob Instant Coffee ...... $1.25 7 lbs. of Five Roses Flour for the price of 5 ..... • ..... 65c 31/4 oz. Orange Tang plcg 89c Pop Special 5 qts. for 99c plus deposit Sehneider's Weiners Reg. 69c This Week • . 65c lb. Special on All Grades of Fresh Eggs Large 53c Cracks 33c THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL Paint Sale •-- ...... — Qts. $1.00 Gals. $4.00 We Carry All Roe Feeds We Are Agents for Listpwel Cleaners We Grade Eggs and Extra For Bringing Them In Free Delivery Within 10 Mile Radius With $5.00 Order 10 to 15% OFF ALL MEN'S UNDERWEAR 10 to 15% 'OFF WORK SHOES and RUBBER BOOTS 10 to 15% OFF ALL CLOTHING ---.4zemazialEmolugur..m.fdriataimmodarct.tiquell....10241,