HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1969-09-04, Page 3BRIDGE MOTORS YOUR MUSTANG, FALCON, FAIRLANE, FORD and THUNDERBIRD DEALER BRUSSELS PHONE 249 WINCHAM PHONE 357-3,160 into. imussord. P•O§T, 1311118SELS, ONTARIO sorr.a.,,Nso-mompologiRIPAIr*.n.INAI SEPT. 18411 . JrQ A Better USED CAR AT THE, RIGHT PRICE 1968 MONTAG.° 2D HT. 8 cyl. Auto., Radio 1965 FALCON 4D 6 cyL Auto. Trans. 1965 PLYMOUTH 413 6 cyl. Auto. Trans. 1964 DODGE 4D 6 cyl. Auto. Trans. 1967 DODGE 400 2 TON CAB & CHASSIE SPECIAL REDUCED PRICES ON ALL 1969 FORD CARS 1970 MODEL TRUCK NOW ON DISPLAY BRUSSELS, ONT, CARTON OF CIGARETTES, Reg. Size King Size Milip.TOWN-- YAM oFgatui.a4wsnoefampolilmikip, You can give -much needed cour- age. With a hand shake and a smile, For the one's He's called to labour In His service all the while. Maybe you can't Speak to- others. Maybe' you can't pray aloud, But you can spend time and effort Trying to increase the crowd. Think at Moses in the desert When his hands ton weak had grown Mir and Aaron stood beside Mtn. nma his hands np with their own. You can give this kind of service in ymir home or anywhere.. Asking God to guide the -Mather, Holding up his hands In prayer— rti the mixture of the mortar, I-holding stone to stone intact, Mains of sand are so important And the •need Is so exact, That tfto building soon would crinnbte if the builders had no sand. So, the Clititcit is held together t 3, a .faithfitt prayer band. EXHIBIT'S EXCELLENT AT lijORTICULTURAL AN'NUAL FLOWER SHOW 11.:Wing .trit the.- individual winner! in 111n 4111111:11 -Horticultural Flower 'Show which wero omitted last week because of lack of space. Asters, mixed: Lorne .-McCuteii- •eo. needle: Mrs. Cull in ere, Lottie.McOutcheen. .Asters, poWder puff: Shirley Wheeler,:tOtlie Aleenteheon . • • Onleridulas: Lottie .NteCuteheii vostnout Lettle MOM (Ton . • Dahlias, -decoratire: Loftin Me Cuteheou, Margaret Kelly.- Rhir; ey Wheeler . Dahlias-. Cactus; Shirley Whe- eler, Mrs, Cudinore. Margaret Kelly • .. • • - Dahl:ins, pom...pom; Mrs., cud- more, Lottie -Meentehean.- Shirley Wheeler nia nail thus : Lot Lie Al-eflu teheon Daisies:. AIM. ..(ludinore„ Shirley Wheeler Glade,: standard -mixed: Trete *Campbell, -Mrs, Frain any. color:: Mrs; Ciidmore, Mrs, Frain,. Mrs. Cunningham. 'Marigolds, Arrtean: -liottle--Al.c- Cutelteon, Mrs, Goo. Davis, Wilbtir.Turnbull • . Marigolds, Frelleh : Mrs. Morse, Lottie McOnteheon, Mrs. McLarly Phlox, perennial: Lottie Mc- tcheon Potnnias ; standard, single Mrs. Davis. Leith, MeCuteitemi Petnnias, ftillecl or rnffled:. Irley Wheeler; Lot tie M e Cu tch.. (Inn Petunias, double: Lottie Mc- ('u tahenn. Shiley Wheeler. P„tusies: Irene Campbell, Mrs. ''admore Rose. any Peace : Lottie Mc. Cateheon . Rose. not Peace: Mrs. Pray, Shirley Wheeler, Lottie McCutch• eon Rose, Flerihunda ; 'Attie e. (111 teliPOti Rose, • Graudiflora:. Latin Metint- eheon • Ruse; a different; Lottie Mc- ('u trheon SWeel Teas, not display : Plor- ellee ..MI1V11 un, Irene Campbell, Lot tie MeCti tcheon Snapdragons : Mrs. Davis, Lot- tie MeCutcheon, -:Eleanor Honing. Way Zinnias, Standard: Mrs. Shirley 'Wheeler Lottie MeCutele eon- (tie) Cactus: . Mrs. Davis; Lottio Wen teb eon . 1,:inribts, pun) pant: Lottie Cutcheon, Mrs. Frain, Mrs. Wilbur Turn-ball zinnias, Novelty : Annie Reid Sunday Morning: Mrs. Cud- inure. Louie AleOutelieon, Mrs, Coffee: Ureak: Leona Arm- strung. Mrs. Vadluore. Airs. Davis Trousseau Airs. Clidniore. Margaret Kelly itt the pink: Leona Armstrong, Lottie MeCutcheon, Mrs. Reid 'los tail: Leona Armstrong, Mrs. AleLarty, Mrs. Davie Time for Ten; Leona Arin• Strong, Mrs. Cutimore, Lottie MeOutcheon Baby WeleOnle: T..01:41.1V entebe011. Margaret Kelly, Elea- nor Hemingway • - Elfin Magic: 'bottle McCuteheon Minature 4x4: . Leona. Ann. strong, Mrs.. Ciulmore, Lottie Methitobeen • Antoine Splendor: :firs. • Mrs. Reid,. Leona Armstrong - A Walk in the Country: Mrs. Reid, Klennor Hemingway T.V. by Novice: Lulu •Korr C of roe, Tu b emirs Begonias: Eleanor ilemingway. Mrs. flray ll.Ose In Rase Bowl; Margaret Lottie • licOuteheon Wedding Anniversary; Lottie ticryu tab pen Cfartnillerk and Flowers same' color: Leona Armstrong, Mrs. Cutlmore, Mrs. Morse Mums; Mrs. C.udmat7e.. Eleanor Hemingway. African Violets, Single:. Taottle McCutcbeon African Violet, double: Lottie McCutcheon, Mrs. Bray, Leona Armstrong African Violet Collection (3): Mrs,-McLarty Lottie McCutcheon, Leona Armstrong Special 'louse Plants: Mrs. Mctarty, Lulu Kerr GOLDEN WORDS PACKAGE CIGARETTES ICE CREAM BREAD PROGRAM AT GUELPH FOR SEED TRADE AND OTHERS The IntrorS;ty er?i, and science department will hold a program ror members of the seed trade and other interested Persons on. Wednescia, 10. . annual event designed to give the latest derelopMenta .121 forage proifuotion and -varitte,i, the -program will hocin ett u:1•. a.in. in Room llek. of the Crop Science Building. During the • morning Anggioli. members of the University Fatali- ty will discuss the role of. pasture, Reg, Size King Size Half Gal. Bricks 5 for $1.00 stand estaldlitmetn turf grasses :'' d the future • or the beef in- lu the afternoon, there will be tours of the feratte -re- st arch plots at the Elora Research ,41..,17..4n the site of a corn and soybean day frim I to 1 p.m. Spowtored by tiw ruirersity of Guelph and .the Department of. ?, rirttitur' and Food, the - pro- gram will Include discussion- of ;:e:- .0 till., re In corn, production soybeans -weed control la corn and soybeans and '.`growing you feed and feeding what rent grow". your Peat .paid up to date? DO YOUR JOB • Do lent' Job..within:God's service Large or Smolt ar in betWeen. Do you preaCh teach, or labour Always, just behind the seene? Po -you feel you can do- little So .do net one thing at all? He 'said Friend just member You're incinded in that earl, Open From 11 a.m. to 11 $4.87 $4.97 64c 66c 95c 28c eminsewsegor---=2:161.V4palefefOrowlegrafou4rVIVP'12eSt=rorwiz-,.aArse W. J. HENDERSON ELDON STECKLEY Milverton Dial 595.,4483 Dial 595A707 LICENCED AUCTIONEERS AND VALUATORS RATES REASONABLE NO SALE TOO SMALL GIVE US A CALL THE ROYAL FAMILY Prince Charles, 'att. ',Once of Wales, explains the "cello" to his brother, Prince Edward one of the scenes from Royal Family ,which Will be seen on the .CBC.TV network Sunday; September 14. PHONE 199 BRUSSELS, ONT.