HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1969-07-31, Page 7REAL ESTATE BROKER GENERAL INSURANCE 'AGENT FOR HOWICK FARMERS MUTUAL FIRE INS, PA LTHEL AUTO LIABILITY PHONE :322W5 D. A. RANN FURNITURE STORE Licensed Funeral Director and Embalmer MAX L. WATTS, PROPRIETOR. PHONE 36 or 85 BRUSSELS, ONT. • ...••••••••••••••••••••re,11 • ....a, ••••••••••••,.. VVINGHAM MEMORIAL SHOP ALI ry SERVICE CRAFTSMANSHIP Open Every Week Day Your Guarantee for Over 35 Years of ClItMETEflY LETTEING 4•10.X. 1643 WINGRAM J CRAWFORD, .51-4EPHERD tgt MILL HN MALLICK CRAWF9119. ft4). 0,5 PC A. M.& LL.45. IL 41. haiLL 11144., L Mild WINGHAM Phott4 ;j5/-3650 J. LOINGSTAFF fj410 SELS HOMELITE L-12 ruts 12" fogs fn 10 seconds fells trees up to 3' in diameter Weighs only 12 113 _ (fess bar and chain) A. l• • • Does dozens of woodcutting chores, • Periectly balanced for easy handling. • Rugged die-cast unit stands up to hardest use. Get a free demonstration today! SPECIAL SALE PRICE. XL12 16" Cutting Attachment $159.00 T. GARNISS Brussels, Ont. TrIE Bnussiladf,4 VOST, 1311.4 RS14:144, OMPAlkid 'Mu f(S1)A1, ArLY 313ti 190 SPECIAL FORECASTS TO MEET FAillt',1 NEEDS The iimcieultntal community needs more weather Information than is available -from general weather forecasi s. To meet this need a 'program has been deV0101)N1 in SOuffiv:tiSt- cru Ontario by the Ontario Deport- Meta of Agrieniture and foot!. iii coll:ilk:Hon with the Meterological Ilranch of the (!anada tlepartnietil. TranspOrt, 'he progrant provnl'os opeetoI tnrin Wt.41001' billiatine, 'With a it,,VII.'riptitut 1'1.111 1,111,rel1t 611111 1.01Y 010 I elig 191itil,i HE BRUSSELS POST w. F'.14)1144)or Published at Brussels, Ontario, every Thursday Box 50, Brussels, Ontario, Second. Class Mail Registration Nuotbel—itiw,i Member ut Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association Ontario Weekly Newspapers Association • ••••,•••••••,1 R. J. BAUER YOUR MASSEY - FERGUSON DEALER A Complete Line Of New and Used Farm Equipment PHONE 5 • BR tISSELS. oNT 0 P T 0 M T 14 I LS: SEAFORTH MEDICAL CENTRE 52Y-I2416 rueiclay, Thursday, Friday, Saturday Thursdz-iy Evenlrig: CLINTON OFFICE, 10 ISSAC STREET Monday and WedrieStlay" 483-7.010' :all Utile,' OfflOe • For Appointment McKILLOP MUTUAL Nt'F'UTR ANCT COMPANY Office Mein Illtrilast SIKAPORTPI 14.00401W Town Driiiinip All Clas409 of Forir * Summer cottages' '6: xis rid sat ae4e460 twricaqi evneke.- 'Water titiOilige, {4E440 ilAaJoettOrstlich) cgtogilflii4j OlittviliOt, Odhooloi \.i0Orrt,I. 1.401 to Pe for uiie ur 1111>11' (lily`: followin.2 depending, tilt the predictability or weather 4.01111t sumo InnIPtin,. will ill<n ,'41iti a in information and advic“ oh farm opera11011S, crop sttc,,,cs. Alld c(1111 Illf ,111 :in Weilthcl* ellallen It StratiCli frost' ut Mcp,rologiqrs 1110 ca Nadia it Weather Service. operating (,nt 01' the \\loather office in 'Mewl() .and working with agriculturildt; a the. Ontario llepartment of A.1.0 lcul• titre send these bulletins oat to the radio stations t„,wiee Ilan. during the growing seilals.:Iit) daily at (A.pril 1.5 to October 111). Farm prs ,,,4,11.0 tad 01((;1i with [heir looal statiOUS to find out the times these bulletins will he broadcast. The program covors two specific areas : Area One vocers the counties of 1-17.1sSex, Larnbton, 84.euX, (1 Urnor '1"7to covers the (10001105 of Ilalton. Peet, York,Dufferin., A6 (2.i.'i.qu,41.on, Bruce and Croy. Lincoln, • Holdimand, and I (and are served by programs from namilLon Weather Ornee. Sontii.ww-aern Onta1'10 Was pick- ed to start this program boeause ifil its strociat her re. latiOnshin, As fund;:l io all the major agriculture] of 1.110 province will be covered, queries concerning the weather qlhould be directed to the Ontario .1.141:Jartnient ()I: Agriculture and Food, 1.1 klizabotim Street South, Brampton. HELP KEEP THE COST DOWN There are at least 1,2uo people • who are very 11111 011 11WarC that it is against the law to litter high- ways In Ontario, They intwo paid the fines that prove R. Those are tho number' of fino, that have been handed sin ()ver the past three years all an aver,“..c of more than 350 per your. And these don't count Iht. han• reds of motorists who have .,2;0Ite away with just. a warning. The fine for a first olIcmae rang- ed front $5 to $50 and fines in- crease with the number or it'elleos A third time 1o5cr Cola haft''' hOs licence or pormiL suspended for Up• to (11) days, you're at litterbug who has never heel) mught don't get the idea that you are getting away with anything, As a tax payet you will get to pick up part of the tab for the cleating, Cleaning up Cmitario's highways iri in oNpeit:Th'p IritKinCSs which in 1065.69 involved an expeaditUre of more. than $070,000 by the De- partment of Highways, Help cut the cost by keeping a litter hag in your ear and using Thanks for renewing your Peg,. •••••••• O. P. P. QUESTIONS. AND ANSWERS QUESTION: 1)1.111. (:01D-11.10.1e - When as niovie ciass,,Ei restricted. to what it: it re- rictod ANSWER: The ll'ireotro Act states, ''No person apparently under Pi years or age shall be permitted to par- elmse a ticket or admission or be P,Tanted. permission to, or permit.. Led. to ill a tilea ll'(' a film classirtod Is restrictod fq1LOrt,UllItnelli is about to be, o..• u'l ug oxliihited.." Wit§TIoN ,, iVear I heard whore a yoUng person ,t't Years old was dri trip ;nit was charged for driving with- oui livence. The magistrate. suspended lti ncenep, llow could he do this when. ih'i; :.lerson not have a licence? ANSWER: • .'rhe magistrate may, Under IioAtoti •"4 cif the Highway Traffic Aot.w 11 icb tag vs, "A magistra or justice t.a,' i;21-ip:'e by whom PPrson convicteti 01' 0 can. travention of this Act, it' th'e. son convicted is required to bola au . operator's licence or a choull- for'c licence and does not hold such liCenCe, 11111y declare him disqualified to hold such licence for such Hine as Cho Magistrate Or justice of the peace thin.ke.Ut and shall so report with the cer- tificate or 1110 (milviction to the 'Minister." Section 27 of the :High \Ala!) Ael states. ''Where by or . under the provinsions of this Act It pormit Ur 11001101' is suspended and the person to 'whom the 5.11- .ponSioll applies is not the .1101de1' of a permit 01' licence, 1114 the case may he, such perSon shall he • doeinud _1()1, all the purposes . of this Act 10 be a person whose bernlit 0)' Beetled, as the case may 1n0; boon Suspended." QL/ff -flON: 1)1:1r ;":41'f: •%,'1);if IS. attt by n. fence ANSWER: A fenye viewer is a person :ill•, pointed by ill(' municipality net as zirbitentor iii the case rll 0.i smites over fences, ((is 1 uf tiro defined in the Line Peace 111110 Line Ponce Act defines the responsildlity of persons with regard Lo the ereclion and nmitr- temince of fences hetw‘meu their adjoining properties. .61.114gf t t; .1;11 ',sol'oft • '0101aW,; °.St'" 1190 TEBEA'S JACK & JILL SHOP LISTOWEL, ONT'. GREAT '10 % STORE-WIDE. CLEARANCE SALE TO MAKE WAY FOR OUR NEW FALL MERCHANDIShl r. OMMENCINO JuLY SPbCIAL, !thIN