The Brussels Post, 1969-07-31, Page 2'For A Better USED CAR AT THE, RIGHT PRICE 1966 =MIErEO1 RIDEAU 4D 8 g' Auto. 1966 CHEV. IMPALA 4D krr. Fully equipped 41'9'64 FORD 44 twI. Auto. 1964 COMET ,213 TRUCK SPECIALS ' 1966 MERCURY %TON PICK UP :1966 CHEV. %TON PICK JP 1965 MERCURY 1 TON CAB & CHASSIS BRIDGE MOTORS TOUR 'MUSTANG, FALCON, FAIRLANE, FORD and THUNDERBIRD DEALER "BRUSSELS PHONE 249 WINGHAIR PHONE 357-3460 counsellor at the United Church rIlartin Bean was hostess Camp, Goderich, last week. to nine members of the :17th and Roy Williamson, who was a Boundary 'Unit of the \NT for' patient in Victoria HoSpita1,111 their July meeting. 'London, following an eye injury, The meeting was opened with returned home last week. a poem, on Meditation, A hymn Miss Sandra -Watson, who spent was sang and scripture read. Mrs. several week in 'Vancouver withi °lark offered prayer and also her uncle and aunt, Captain and read two poems olt: man reaches Mrs:, Ray Nelson is home,. the Moou" and "Words Never Norman Williamson, who had Die",. Mrs, Clark. and Mrs. Herb the misfortune to fall in his barn Williamson presented the skit has been a patient in Seaforth "How long is. liver After". Tito • '140, I The •• • • Bouquet... I nyitotion. Line tr.-5;0 needn't be expensive. Our beautiful Boute.p0 :;'or. iine proves this With the most exquisite pqpers, and workmanship you could wish for! it 7;1,.rmo-Engraving-- -rich rafted letterinp—elegan* craftsmanship v.-- Yet casting so le! Come ,,,oloCtion, etv fttelt vAtit ifitiffSSEI.13 POST. BRUSSELS, ONTARIO TNITRSDAY, JULY 31st, 1969 hymn '''['nice Time to be Holy" was sung. Mrs. Marlin limo). Was in charge 111.1-' Itu;Arte,:is. Hans were made ,siloWers. Reports were given. Roll call for the Septombor meet, will be '11111'VeS11", Then! Will lit' no Allg11.9t 1110eUng. T110 110001111; ).01;11,. prayer by 1'lI94. ).11:6'rh `Winiamsop,„ ".1,410 „,c,rved h unoh, r , • MekILLOP UNIT The Meeting and picnic of the MoKillop Unit of the \\'v5 held at the homo of Ales. Charles MeCutchcon, Fifteen members, six visitors and eighteen children attended. Mrs. Gordon McGavin, in charge of the Devotions ga \re the Call Ill Worship "Ileetalful Ha'y im NIA;;;;; 1.)ebbity ii..ovided guitar Holi•Ine \Vey providede guitar ',Wa.5.neipanikunent, sing-song in- cluded a number of action-5ongs. Gwen Boman contributed a reading, Scripture rending was given by Tone Looming; ;Nils. 'Gordon. MeGnyin gave the mu- limitary and explained how the 1.3lod-iiVen Wisdom of His small creatures guides them, She said 'We 'mast recognir,4e our need of (I'M for 1VO must grow spiritually as well as physically, Dianne Godkin led in prayer, A hymn was sung and Jeffrey Hackwoll rocived the offering which was dedicated. by Beth McNichol. The children then went to the playground. Mrs. n111111neY1 Wey (1011dIrcted the business session, Airs, ;Tulin Burch read the minutes of the pre- jolts meeting. Which were adopted. The Treasurer's report was rend by Mrs. Norman Sebade. Commit- ties wore named and plans were made foe showers. Evaluation sheets are to be brought to flu' next meeting. The AleXillip is res:ponsible for floWers for the church clueing Angust. The 1.1.th concession foe August 10th u.nil the :12th eonce5sion for kug. 17th. Mrs. 1re.Cutche011, was specially thankeil for having the Hnit meet- and children's Menic at her' home. The meeting was closed. with prayer' by Mrs, Wey. All took part in the picnic, races and games whieb followed, results were as :follows'. Pre-schoolers Under G, !Brian Ma:Myth; C to 8., Linda Riley; .0 to 12, Rennie Riley; 12 to 11', Dena Wey; 4.?:ick the slipper, 12 years and under, Ronnie Riley; Ladies, Sharon Riley'; BOY'S 8-legged race, Bobby Looming and Jeffrey Hack:- well; girls illegged race Dena Wey and (IWeli Bosmati; Sinart- ies Contest., Juno S'chade, Eihnin- ation contest, 'Mrs., ThOnias Hack- well. 8.01:111:b1 children1. onoYed a candy Mrs. Louise Marks-of Valitionver' was presented . with. a corsage, being the oldest lady present. Ales. Neil AleGATIfi, Ales. Wen. J. Leeming and Mrs. Glen Mc. Nichol and the hostess served a delicious Menic lunch. - 1.t.'ide,clect Showered Marjann Wildtong was honored when a shower was hold in the ch0011,00in of 1/tiff's Chtteoh The fAallowing program was preSettNI 'abrOori tin 01 11F.i .i-11 non Wkl,- 14titik! I- ,Ntchol; violin selection :Mrs. Herbert Travis.s and )ate, Emerson Alitehell; piano solo by Dianne Fraser. • Naney AleNtelnit. Lois and Doloret-i 10.1)(114'llalL11 Wen` ill nhavat' t,i lite Bride's Book. Marjann, Airs. Roy Wildfung Mitchell, and Mrs. Von)" .1•0',1, StratfOrti,, 'who were • presented with corsages, .were tinillid011a to the 'front, Miss jean Roe read an address. •Joan Dennis and other girl friend, presented .the Miss WilliaMson HoriorOd• Arlene \VW"; guest or honor at a shower in • l)utf'i uhuiTh, prior to hor marriage. A program inehated a solo by flail Tra acconthanied by Mrs, Herbert Traviss; reading by Mrs. Albert Clark and Mrs. Harvey Craig, Mrs, Marlin Bann, Mrs. Cliford Ritchie and Mrs. lloorge Williane4cm presented a skit ".1im,s reaction to Ben's proposal". Arlene was called io the front and Miss Eileen 'Williamson read an address or good wishes and the bride-elect was presented with with many beautiful and useful gifts. .Liss Williamson thanked all in a few well chosen words.. .\.n observation contest to See h ow won ovepyona bsorrod Arlene as she 000.ned her gifts, was comlneted. ETHEL Ernest Whitehouse, lirainitton, spent a week at the house of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Caddell. Ai rs. wiii[ant n eeves , w h o was the guest of Me. and Airs. Tiert CIodtion for a month has rolurnod to her hoine, Mr. and AB's. Pete. Dragoinatz and family of oshnwu hary been ..sitors with and Mrs. Cecil Bateman and other rMaires. 3rrs. c . hosior 1,1ind and :Judy and Airs. Carl AleHonahl were in List• owe1 to attend the trousseen tea for Mira.'; Linda .1,tivas, 4iy.00 nor itiol,her 11001tarti: .LL Bremner, Mrs, William. ;Ind Mrs, Elsie Cunning. ham attended the trousseau lea given by 1),l'8, Richard Procter, liolurave, for her daughter. Miss ,Joyce Proeter. Miss Proolor Was a Member of the .staff of Grey Central School. • Recent vi5itors al the home of Mi'. and. Mrs. D. Wardtaw. were A, end Airs . WardIaW SaSoll and Carol, DrantrOrd, 111r. and BurroWs and tthn ries, \ tVail.10, Mr. :lad Mr`;. Bob Brown of Liskywel and. Weed, Howard mid Bill 'Cole oh St'rai-ford, A11', owl Mrs. Gordon Ben, St Marys, Mr. and Alt's. M. Gadder, and Mr.unit Ales. E.,. Murray of St. l'auls, Mr. and Mrs, tienry (;onley, nundas, ,Mr. and Mrs. Fzoolloy tIodden and and Al)'. and Ales, Ihnialit Sanderson, liraltniatun were all recent. guests with. A.le. and 'Mrs. Mort Goddol, • and guests at the Codden-Sleigh, tbolm wedding. The Post would he glad to re- ceive mimes of your guests and other interesting items. Just call 31. Ehtertin at Huronview July Ilirthday .Party art Ituronview was provided by the • Ethel and Alolesworih 'Women's Institutes. Mrs, Isohol Pearson was the chairlady for the following pro. grain : piano soins by I'VIrs. Stanley Spofrom orchestra nurnh• ti's by J'Irave Lamont, Ndemau Beirnes amt Mrs. Stanley Sootr- dn; a sing-song led by Ales. Pear- son and Mrs. Snotrah; a ladies' quartet from Lislowel and accord- Ian. solos by by David Dania, WALTON Mrs. Mdbel Vojir of Windsor 'was a recent guest with the Hum- phries families. Ales. Kenneth c.'eoper, Otto We, 'visited recenlly with Mr. end NM parole( Smalldon, Mrs. Ray Nelson, Robert and 'Michael, of 'Vancouver have been 'visitors with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Watson and with. Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Watson, Miss 'Karen MoDelia.14, who spent three weeks 'With kr. and Mrs. Robert Stevens of London, returned home and sery d a a Community Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. 'Douglas FraSer and Cheryl are (111 a motor trip 'to Canada's Western Provinees, Mrs. Walter BeoadllOo't is 'visit. friends and eeliarires in Vancuilver New Westmlnister and Saskatoon. Mr% and Ales. Alex Gulutzen, Mr, and Mi'S, Michael Crulutzen, and Mr, and Mrs. Alexander Gallit- zin', were in Tillsonbarg recently to attend the funeral of the former's sister, Mrs. 'Katie Roston- nik. 17th and Boundary Unlit of Duff's UCW 0;.• ?.-! SKtPifiY, The Eush Kaliviroo, ara e4<eitirio" family athiChturifs series stet in the in3.111and 1'Jr.•Waro!..4.11 NotioriEtt. mark, 1'1(444 ' $YtItlEY, AustraN, is seen oath Eatita:lay, 011 the C,EC.TV nets. work, Ec! beveres'41 (right.) •rdaYg• the PalleS head Vahg'er• MOt Haforirnt,t1/ atitiOGri by hie •two 404 8oritly and Mol;:r Om* otgil rimoolorit mat i;k•iii.1 Torf raiaroilip•tton 'lift) IP,' 1°1.1 .i 1 N0 l i Y ,40Y1 bOulfu IOU AO-• . 000m,