HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1969-07-31, Page 1PRO C.LAMA 'FLON. CIVIC .•HOLID AY MONDAY, AUGUST 4t4; . 1969 is hereby • declared A PUBLIC. tIOLIDAY o Fall hi Liner With Witt'ell e'a.Is:x1De>Iitic.s VILLAGE OF AROSSELS ROY B. COUSINS, REEVE V.00 A Year ,Advance To 1.1.S,A. ROD .O COMING TO BRUSSELS 'Awn otliing different for Brits Sets! A vo(tee of Westepe +Allows. which \vill rcitturc gitinuS and men's be held in the IlrusHols _Qat Park en 5nturday. Angus(' The fun begins at i;00 sharp, with some of our local riders i)4trtielpating, Come and enjoy the performance, by the horses and riders, sponsored by the Niaithind Valley Saddle Club. AdmiSSion is only hoc: and children 1111a(;t' 1'2 will be adinitted free. BERNARD FAMILY • ANNUAL REUNION The annual Bernard Family l'0101101). wits held on Sunday, Ally 2utb at the .Seaforth Lions Park with 4:1 in attendance, During the afternoon the child- ren enjoyed the Pool facilities while the 'adults enjoyed a social eh n r, Following this everyone sot down to a bountiful supper and .kernard of Brussels ttsked the Grace. The 1 969 president, Mrs. :Marjorie Cartwright, Londes- borough, welcomed everyone to the reunion and then conducted a business .meeting. The following is the slate of Officers for the 1.970 reunion: Trosident Mrs. 1M a rga ret Bernard, Brussels Vice-President Mrs. Lois Smith, Clinton Secretary hiss Linda East, Clinton Sports Committee. Howard- Ilernard, Brussels llobert Read, Seaforth Mr. and . :Mrs. George T3ernard, Minton; Won the prize for having. their anniversary closest to the date of the picnic. The 1970 reunion he held in the Seaforth Lions Park, • EN GAG EM E N1 Mr., and mrs. Ross .1. (1oulet announce the engagement of their daughter, Ilnrhara Kathryn Ann, to William Garry MeWhirter. sou uC witliam rd., Aiewhirter, 011 of Brussels. The wedding. will take place, at a Inter dote. NO POST aRTYSSELS VOST„ GARFIELD BA,EKE ,R I:arnow Iktokor of Fort 1''111110,4 (110d, ThUrStlay In the Fort FranetS ijospitaL .A native of Bru84os, Mr, Backer had been in failing health for a lengthy ofi)'ind His WM', the funnier .111110 FOrbeli Prussels, predeceased him a numItor of years at Ire, had no immediate family, fie. is survie(1 bY Several nieces and nephews, ',rho foher,,/ Services were how Saturday with burial at Fort Francis. CRANBROOK .11 t. and Mrs. Robert Paris and ratill/y. Midland, were weeek-end visitors -Nvith Mr, and Mrs, Alyx Cameron. Mr. and Mrs, Earl Duna spent the week-end in Bloomingdale with and Mrs, Allan Dunn and Mr. and Mrs. I)on Jackiiii, Mrs. Calvin Cameron is visiting with Mr. tint!, ,11 Trs. All' 'King, Brant- ford. No Service There will be no settle° in Knox Presbyterian Church on the first three Sundays in August. pri August -' Ith Mr. A. Vandevries. of Kitchener, a student for the ministry,. will eouduct the service 11 a. in, The following Sunday. August 31 st. Rev, Dr, A. F. H ow h•k . s(. :\f or ys, will preach anniversary service at eleven o'clock, Storm Damage Suffered This area was hit by a torrential downpour of rain accompanied by hail and wind on Monday a rtPr- n uon. Co'nsid'erable damage was done to buildings, C170OS 011(1 trees_ CROP REPORT Field (Tons in the Exeter . district wore damaged by hail and excessive rain lalgt, Thursday afternoon. Tilt., general' area 01' the greatest crop darnagc., was from li e' .1.10 concession of Stephen Township, oast to the 7th calicos- ;;ion er niboree. No. i3 Hwy alid slightly above close toExoter was the approximate northern ..bound- ary and thence to the lower border of Ushorne in the south, Crops closest to Exeter were most severely damaged .with very heavy losses expected in cereals, beans ;nut corn. Depending an future weather conditions, corn may recover sutrieiently for en- 8ihige purposes. Fortunately, a Large percentage or canning pea. acreage in the storm area had already been :harvested. Other areas of Unroll .hart some ruin during the last Week which should benefit crops. Some.; lodg- ing from driving rain occurred east of Seafortli ;nal in the 'Lnek- now district. Most. crops in Tittron appear. to be growing well. •S0111 \4ittt(0 r wheat has been swathed. Flaying is completed. except for a few bales to draw in from the Prawn: BORN 110 To Mr. and Mrs. Randy Ronne] ince Gorda Exel) of Tiverton, Oil Tuesday, Juhr 1M. 191)9, lit K ncard n 0 and nistrici General Hospital, a son — Paul Gordon, TO SUBSCRIBERS Those who have been reMinded that their Post is In arreart are asked to look after this at Once as it is costing uS Sc ektra postago each week. J 3 1st. 069 NO POST.41-. SERYlee PIVIO HOLIOAY, There will In‘ no Imstal on Civic I foliday, Monday. August tidal,. The lobby wilt be e t osed, Th ere will h e no ma rl received op dispatched; and there will be no rural service. PEOPLE WE KNOW Mr. 1001 Mrs. Prod (11;i:,-..• and son, New Listward, art' VihZ(- orS Willi Arr. R, Vidson Other rc;lativ.es. Lt. Ilavid E.rauter, Edmonton, Alhorta. acid IA. Don Lacy visitors with the 1.9rmer's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Xrauter. 'Margaret Thomps;o.. in.trainiug tit Toronto General Hospital, is vacationig al home with her parents. Mr. and Airs. ..I ohm Mr, and Mrs. Ian Mullieson aucl family of Ottawa ;1,!1. with his parents, 'Mr. caret Mrs. Illark Matheson. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Glasgow ''1 Beamsville, visited with. Mr, and :Mrs. Calvin Icrauter. Mr. Glasgow. now retired, was a 101'11)0r hank mullagor here. Congratulations to thigh Pear- son 01' flruss(qs who was named •`Soortsman of the Day" on TV on Tuesday, The honor is well deserved. Mr, and Mrs. Ciarence White, Mr. and 'Airs. Ken Sholdice and Mr. Una Mrs. Leonard La titan t, spent the weekend in Toronto. with Mr. and Mrs. Grain:um . Lamont, Miss .Pearl Baeker. ;old (ieorg.", Ilaeker of Brussels, Mrs. Ell'enheth Beaver, London, and john of Wheatley, attended the funeral of their uncle. Garfield Baoker, ..at ..11'ort Francis On '..$1itiirday. Mr. and Mrs.. Lloyd Stelss. of flotroit, Mrs. Iri na Stattior and her neiee, Miss Margaret Schmidt,. Kitchener, visited last week with. Mr. and Mrs. George Evans. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. :Morrow have disposed of their farm to Mr."ind Mrs. Nonni~ Marston of 1)0.relle:41:01% Ir. ant:! mrs. .31orrow have taken up residence in FlI thel, jack Thynne Will he entertain- lug at Cookstown for the Georgian llay Threshers 'curl ion and an. tique show on Saturday. Sunday and Monday, August 2. 3 and From there he goes to Peter- borough Exhibition for August 7 S, and 9. Come up and say hello. Mr. and Mrs, Con Peterson and children, of •Wateskin. Alberta. were visitors with his aunt clod uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wilson, and mint. Mrs. Myrtle Miller, and cousins. Mr. and Mrs. TOM Miller of. Morris Township hnd Mr. .and tilort H o w es o f Elliot. LeaVing Thursday morning, they go by way of Montanna where. they will visit two uncles, Have a see and happy Civlo Holiday weekend. CHECK HAY TEMPATU. E .GUARD AGAINST Pint. • lJlt{'tent hay go into the burn . a little tough this year? If so, it iVattld.hj wise lo check it at least 141(.9. a Week fOr the next month., to ensure thnt it is not heating. nre from spontaneous combustion usually occurs during the first two. months after storage. Wright, Farm Safety Spec. lutist, Ontario Department of says that in easy way to cheek the temperature is to make a hay probe from a Lou foot length of half inch electrical conduit or tubing. You can rivet a sharpened hardwood point to the bottom end of this tube and drill six holes of three-eights inch dia- meter within the bottom six in- 000. NOW Inver a veterinarhn'A rectal thermometer on a twelve fool cord to the bottoM pf the com- pleted hay probe, and 'you are ready to take the temperature of your hay. A piece of sponge rub- ber should be used at the bottom 'of the tube to act us a cushion and. prevent. the thermometer from braking. Push. the probe Iva down into (he hay and leave for ton minutes Pull out the thermometer and note the temperature. Watch for the following sign posts: 150 degrees F. entering the danger zone.. Make temper. afore observations daily, 1(1(1 degrees Danger! Inspect every four holies to see it temperature is rising, .175 degrees Fire, pockets May be anticipated. Call the fire department pumper ;.1.11d wet dOiVit hey. degrees Remove the hay. The pumper should he avail.. able since flames will develop. when. air come in contact with the hay. 210 degrees Critical! flay 1 almost sure to ignite. CAMPION: Workmen should. NOT enter 1110110, 0r without ropoS tied to their waists, since fire pockets luny have developed and there is danger of mon falling into them. Long planks may be placed across the lop of the hay for workmen to stand on while making observations or roomy• log hay. Play it safe! Make a hay prohe There will be, no issue of thi:.; thermometer and li:NrOW the Paper. on Amittst 7th and :11th. duo condition of your hay mows. to . our annual holidays. POST Pt ilirilsITIN'a TIOUSE • ANNUAL FLOWER: SHOW. PLANNED FOR E. TRE.. HORTICULTURAL eb= fevi will! ural Society was hold in the Oxidic Library on. Mon, 414', July 21st, • There were 2a in•N and four guests present Mrs. Win. ll.illrr pret-aded, The. ineelin.2 opened with 0 Canada. I1011 call, minutes, and Treasurer's report followed Roll call was What I 'Iv unlit like to know about citm er ztrranging. The flower show was discussed anti 0 motion by Mrs. Ross 1>orittett. seconded by Mrs. C. Ilentmgway named the executive to Jo- the committee. Mrs. E. tliadmore spoke on the The T, Eaton silver trophy will be given for the over all hit4hosts number of points. The Sinipl-ort - Sears Sward, value will be for second higheSt A voucher worth Mon donated by McConnell Nursery will lie given for 311 'highest over all points. Pose Food donated by Gordon J. Stiles will be awarded tin the win- ner 01 tso,..t points in Rose classes. Dixon ROM tar Ino6t points in arrangements. Prize lists are ;,trailable from., Mrs. 143. •cudniorc. Anyone may join the .society and exhibit at the "'..!‘o7isTs Beverley :McCall played` • the piano and this was much ,ert.,. Joyed. Ttteeverley played the pieces' which won her honors in her nuNie Win. Miller than:kea her. A film was shown on flower arranging 'by Mr. Minna using the Lions ('1110 projcmtor, mrs, c ad: more .than)ced Mr. Hanna for his kindness. !Mrs, flirt Ilemingway, Mrs. Wye. Miller, Mrs. A. McCall, Mrs, C. Hemingway. all reported on their trip to the Ontario C.on.veti• Lion in Ilamillon. held in June The door prize was won by Mrs. P. Shaw. The Queen closed the :meeting. Lio.ch was served hy M. Mrs. Win, Turnbull, Mrs, • Smith and Nirs. IS. Ciohnoro. Plower Show and Supper The Horticultural Socioty will . hold, their annual Flower Show and Turlwy SlipPer oil August 22 nd. at St. John's Anglican Church. Watch or further partic- ulars.