HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1969-07-10, Page 2ONTARIO HEALTH SERVICES INSURANCE PLAN
BIVOIilalLS POST, I312.1)SSIllIlliS, ONTARIO ilC21.4.1! 3.0th, 1960
My life was ruined and mole
Miserable by the Women's
Temperance \•tsoeiation and
their followers. Therefore ibis
val.:made inblic. They tit' 'lie
to: drink and discouraged me'
ft oni attending, church. At the
turn or the century and f u• some
years later, the Illuevale Prosily.
terians had for :their pastor the
Reverend West. tre•
buried the dead, visited the sick,
baptised the babies and married
the foolish, It wasn't like it
now, fro visited somenre every
days. Tiad !family worship and
stayed. tor dinner, Practically all
our chickens entered the lninistry
When Hilly \Vest. as he 't',tos
affectionately railed, got through
'with a chicken all that \vas loft
was giblet soup. A busy man, two
congregations, Inueyale
Edy's. At the same Ono, in 1J111111;1 ,-
vale we had the Royal Hotel with
Tack Johnston as owner and man-
ager, Johnston,. by the way. v.,
married to 'Maggie (-wade-
.11eigrave. They sang in tho tie;••
and probably donated more Ilia::
anyone elSe 0'1 the Presliv
-church, Johnston was
,hotel keener and never slslink „rnk
liquor laws except to
friends arid to those who wouldn't
tell. He also had the livery
the Reverend West's hor •0
kept for free. It !was hitched
the hostler and. unhliclied,
given the best care for
l3luevale was full of girl Terie•
this time and they derided
vote Illinevale dry. Vi..11.ght.in bud
four hotels. liVroxotor
town one and Br ussol r(•,',
Never, in history did a To!is eye v•
change his vote to help Temeer-
ance. When Wesley Rowell, Lib-
eral leader said, put the
in Power and I will make 011t;111(1
"bone dry". he hadn't. DS ln
Members elected as the
Mlorri„s. Croy Telephoni 1!
has for a work c•row. No; ;
voted far him. .1 also regret n li
Many Grit-t either. I think my I'..
and the Warwick's
train, 'Well whmi
for the vote tin Loral Option
West had to go toToronto.
were n;7 advance 11n11, in b.,
days and unfortunately hi
sed the train returning and didn't
get home until Turnberry
valet was voted dry. Them Tempo
erance people cansed
gentleman to resign, They svroie
nasty letters and done every.
thing a Christian wouldn't
to make him leave,
I wasn't very old hut eld
ough to know they gave 11101 a
ditty deal and right then and
there T decided to even
Said, every •:',;1 ttirday whoa
old. enough 7 will drink la
Even it I have to hold 11;i.
get this r
,fluid into my storna-li.
thing, every Si.tnrilay
rotten deal Billy We.! got
Now „von can
the Temperance people \i.die
me to drink, Nat oldy
there were percus:Thns. How c al;
you go to church witb 4 thst
Yellr mann! nti if iv-
yOnng pi;.,s had ynctit iii
then'. About three days befort,
the law wits to c:ot-te the
hotel, it win 1.0 the ground
some p001,10 though tire might
by it spark from
hummer, as the
thin johnston
had bought a load of wood from
aames hZerney, •}tit line. Morris
and Centro sideroad. it's 0 wen
knoWn fact wood on this place is
On October 1st, Ontario introduces
the new Ontario Health Services In-
surance Plan—OHSIP.
OHSIP is a basic plan of health in-
surance benefits available to every
person in Ontario—regardless of age,
physical health or financial means—
through the Government or a desig-
nated agent,
OHSIP will replace OMSI P—the
existing Ontario plan. If you're pres.
ently enrolled in OMSIP, your cover-
agewillcontinuewithbutinterru ption.
If you'renow enrolled in a plan from
One of the 200 other insurers in
Ontario—such as Physicians'Services
inilurateil that a grci,ic.
or ii ; idtori fie' t
r ter' sarl'oce end ions
and down the trees like still. 'i h ..
stove blew up. That ended
last hotel ill ItIilrtirale,
N,ow sonic' Saturday yon Si'')
1110 tottering along soinewhere be-
h t to do
whil y u
wait fi r
incorporated, Windsor Medical Serv-
ices, Associated Medical Services, an
insurance corn piny, or otheragency,
you're also covered until further
If you now have no health insurance,
you'll have ample opportunity to en-,.
roll before October 1st. You'll be
advised of the enrollment period by
press, radio and television.
So don't wonder, don't worry, about
your health insurance, Just relax and
enjoy a healthy summer while you
awaitthe new OHSIP Plan, the health
care you can count on, from the
Ontario Department of Health.
And it, good one has come to My
If you don't. take i drink when
,yoit've livin
.1 low the heck can you drink
when you're dead.
TrUthlittlY Yours,
T.. H. F.,
Hon, Matthew B, Dymond, e.M„Mittistor. •
iween the Legion and the New
American l.fotoll and weaving
londly remember 'I'm pro-
' oiling! ur a in ilie
penple. and the Tories ni '111111-
There's a thousand r,,,mtl 4:3011
for drinking,