HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1969-07-10, Page 1r•-•....1. $2,5o A Year ID Advance — $3,50 To IJ,S,A, THE BRUSSZLS TT] 17RSDAY, JULY 1 , t 69 PUBLISHING OUSE BRUSSELS, TROUNCES .. BLUEVALE 19 -.9 • i 111118.:401S blasted Bluevale I' 19 - BE D'ISCONTI'NUED . )1.1,.• wia Alvs„Thek Pipe Were m us rs. Russell Hall is 'serioly Tuascicty .niglit in Men'S frri,.001,111tY PROMOTION RESULTS pleasaittiy surprised Friday night ill. in Victoria Hospital, London, Softball. The regular meeting of t he i . Swinging bat.,,,, and good P:itehiltg The following . .are :the •pro- Nva on I grail.° Of their friends .and Mrs. Hall bad • the tais -ortano Villitgo Council, was hold in the'motioml. .of 1-ttatlez s at• BTLI.$0eis Muni.ciptil Office on. Jilly• 7th, .:969 neighbours ttrtived at their 110101 •i.wit wee k to ..s t ep oxl a rusty na ii wo,A.11(iiihriag.3.1,11.11\glihcti:s)oci)ifait(hi e g.;alninde, Thao and district (tub% to celebrate their. "25th wedding .which pierced - hOi foot, She re- all members being present. anuivers;try. • ('eived treatment and later •wets Al acitan mowed down the ('!31)"'"' ONTARIO SCHOLARS. 1968.-69 The following motions,- Wore Di,Arivt in g tea in when they ettoh allowed Ca rds were enjoyed and clot ' ng t a k en to \\Ti t-1 0 a m an d only one hit. • Jane Campbell, RE. 4. Wingb,ana, carried. . the course of the e VC' tarot; 'in Hospital. After she contracted Moved by II, 3, '1'eu.Pas, see- Itilcircss of congratulation and lockjaw she wtts rushed to Viet- A 110 ill(Ar fetiture of the game daughter of Mr. :11;d Mrs.. Charles she' was several grand slant home rutH, r a ll 'Pben' ended by J. 1,0, ,McClatebeon, that good wisimi was. l'ead by Mrs- trio Hospital, Sdondon. where they were, watching a merry-go- ham, son of '.‘lr, find lkonalas Garniss, 13,...\Rir•s.4,1ieWrbinerg,; Spectators must. have thought the minutes of 'the . Ill 00.111 g: of David Marks and Mr. and 'Mrs• underwent surgery ott Tuesday. june 2, 1969 be adopted w read. Pine were presented with a set r.i It C:?I' 111 a 0 y friends hope she Will GarniSs„ Moved by I. G. (7;impbell, sec- door ehirn es. troth expressed their have' tt speedy recovery. • round. coded by- R, W. Kennedy th t D. thanks. . •.B R E N N E M AN EVANS er • of Mr, and Mrs. .Max. Oltifield, Anne ()Idfield, Brussels datight- A, Rann, 0. j, Callander„lohn Lunch was provided by • the Beverley inn -:vans, a ns, AVa 1 erloo, PROMOTED. TO GRADE 10 ,. Hanna I.M.I. J, T, -McCut at .1n)' be group • and featured a 25th oni• granted r building pemits • .as per versary cake,• PEOPLE WE : KNOiAi. became the bride of Herbert R, — 5 YEAR PROGRAMME '. applleations„ m y. a 4a, M rs Win, Ale Ye ir Lona-. TIT on n enra n, Baden,. during a candlelight ceremony 1 7 Adams, Nan-cy: •Cctrdiff„ Coleen:. seconded. . by 71„ J. 'Pen • Pits . that lotion Control Act. ,1967„ page 8, on, were weekend visitors here. in . .Knox Presbyterian CrIll N h,' "• . Pim. Elliott, :Loan: •GibsOn, Donald; 'Moved by j, • L. McCtiteheon, the accounts as .apnroved be paid. chapter 2, section 11, • ed recently from a trip to the West Mr. and Mrs, :Jack Pipe return- . Cranbrook, Rev. C. Winn. officia- constance: Pipe. Shirley; Pull- McOni cheon. (Thorki: McWhirter Under subsection one (1; T• have' :ed. at: the double ring co PX..C„ streetlights and requested an investigation into Coast. The bride' is 'the daughter of mri,;,. rernorT man, Roberta; Raymond, Murray;• • Lihrary .. - ...—....,..„ • 30.2.78 the operation of the Brussels Mrs .J. W. inseher is a visitor Stuart blYnns., Cranbrook. and th.e sItt?,opillitte.c.c.soPuti,lt JIctoi:;111:1: Rad esdtgrea,tyJeohhun,k;,. Waterloo Co -Operative, cimp. (The smoke from burning with .Kitchenor rclatives this Stuart l a te Mr. Evans. Mr, and Mrs ;Joh , lostirance •• :. 81;96 go rho ge. tin(' refuse envelopes week. Brenneman, Baden. art.- pareths of Bilatt; Thom.as, David: „Turnbull, Miss Clare McGowan sixty (69) head of my valocible t., Lester 1\lachan. Toronto spent . the groom. Read Superintendent (1A.S, ....,, ..... . 30,00 cattle. tiod. is detrimental to their rh os W eek e 11 ti with his parents Air. .Given in marriage hv her• , Donna Lee.: Valiance Julie; Warn, health.) This investigation was • and Mrs. Leonard Machttn, Kathryn, Assoc„ 1969 fees .. 15,01) w. IT. Beth who has been a brother, Gary Evans. the bride PROMOTED TO G.,RPADE • 10 ernidueted Jane 11, 1969 .'in'. my ptitient in Witigham ;Ind District wore a floor-longth . J.. Gordon •Stiles. june . . gown of in — 4 YEAR PROGRAMME • • presence. • garbage ...—„,„ 200..00. lr i os pi to I fo r the -past few organza. Th e empire waist was finch, Beverley; Huether; Greg- On Wednestltty evening. ,Tune 4, weeks has returned to 'I3russek, rimmed with • Val Nee tirid spriultl- A. M. Harper, 1968 T. L. T-TOlcomb, cleanerS .„.. 62.37 dense, thick, heavy smoke. 'from I 9 6!), my cattle were subjected to whichir, qty: Kernaghan. Michael; Xfach- Mr, and 1\.T.r;3. 1)avid -Ken n etly, (;;(1,111111),eit(ih• tVheeni:iedi llacievitdbaiSties7:1 audit 850.00 the burning of gtirbage at your ing garlands. The yoke tit the an, Patricia; MeAttor, Kathryn; McDonald, • Gail; MeLean, Ken- 111,0Clutchoon. INTotor3,- . Clarkson. are .visitors with their On Wednesday evening, .Tune parents Mr. anti firs. R. W, Kennedy. . . train, A floral dome shape,' hotid- hack spread into a daisy sprinkled Workman, Donna. .neth; Pipe.: Robert; Smith, Susan: . . repairs . . „„ .... ;4,10., 15 , 70. dump. .ltts, Joan Exci, 7.80 11, i ',Hill. my etittle were again Mr. and Mrs. McCurdy Lewry piece held her silk illushr, veil. aim:wing tillbj C.(' I Oiri to heavy smoke from Slie cart.led a itresentation bar PROMOTED TO SECOND YEAR J . Gordon .tVorkman Your dump. -. ' ti Tld family of 'Fairview Park. Ohio. Of pink roses. OCCUPATIONS PROGRAMME filter ....„...• .... , . - 1.75 I hereby. Claim damage of 8,5,00 were july ilth 'holiday visitors with Mrs. Da rry Taylor of I:: 11 Falliott; Bonnie; (Portion, Mur- TT.J, TonPas, plywood her mother. A.Trs. 'CV. Speiran. Clinton, ray; Kamm. Bernice: . Mark v, • and lettering ......— 9.1 5 cattle Won) drenehed .with smoke Mrs. Glen Prye r., of. Vancouver, matron of 1)01101% sister of th e bride yri l .; Judith; Simp.son, Joan, per head for each time • these Pollard Bros„ Calcium -, 582.15 B.C. is -visiting With :Nti ss -M, Censitt. Varna. sister of !be twilit,. Mrs. Tom Grand. River Office.. totalling $600.00. - - i.e. $50 .00 Per drenching, Skelton 111(1 renesying acquaint- , tiod :Miss Lucie Brennerna.1. St. _ 5 YEAR PROGRAMME PROMOTED TO GRADE 11 „Supply, supplies......, 7.98 limier chapter This T. claim mice with, other friends in the .Jacobs, sister of the groom \\ore Barbour, . Gary.:. Elston, ril'eith: J, .M„ MCDonald T„aintber, section 11, sub- eommunit,y. - . sapplies 1.68 ditionai s5,09 per head per arc:stein liono!'s in ;Mite in ccindy pink Millie-1 over Exel, John: Gowirtg, Kenneth; Pearson. Nancy; Thomas, 'Robert; section 8, I further claim an rid- Congratulations Lo Miss Anne bridesmaids. All were ,.-.0;:vnect omfield Hd-we..supplies 23.34 ing for each tichlitional time ON Oldrield who received iiiiloo, taffeta featuring an empire boater, Village Waterworks, Workman, Murray. • • happens. I also reserve the right history. her (Prade x. nowi c in 10an .She is a PaPil and ruffled chiffcm etateau neck- PROMOTED. TO GRADE 11. to raise this figure if the lic•;;Ith of o r mrs, meDougo 'and 111.001,y, line and armholes. They wore— 4 YEAR. PROGRAMME „....„ .. , ... 1326.24 MacLean's Finn S.erVice the 1.1 0 cattle should dete.riorate ;Is all of Blyth. ItioentInitiaeLehs. of self petalled 1.0, o s c am • . gas anti x op 111178 ..1.0.1 a result of smoke. Cecil Parker, who has been a They carried pre.ten- -t a n: ("Ti No.ncY; phell, ;roan; Devries, Al Insurance Reg. Board,. hospital.- I have advised the depart:mon!' on for th o past sevc'tral weeks fol. patient ill Victoria 'Hospital, Lond- ration bequets of white slut sta on; . Jaryi $,,1 ,. C arol; . Logan, . Jack.; Hanna Manee,. low in g. a heart atttick, is hotne daisies, Mr. :Tames 'Metcalf of WL)ter- 1 za tion - 00 of this claim. Callander Nursing • • Fro in 0 100 ,vas best man. Mr. 0ouglat; Romors, . floss: Thy-rule.' Wt-trren; Lowe,. Penny; • Mathers, Kenneth; • I also. draw your attend OIL to anti slowly recovering. In the latest :issue of "Junior Evans. Brussels, . brother or th.o Matter, Rctren; ••Pletch, Marlene; • Tant; I\V,orsing Caro 1411.89 subsection 9 whereby. if .this Receiver General, C.P. and. claim is not settled' ill thh.ty (3o) F [Hiner ,c 4-FT Quartet)," just bride. and Mr.' Erwin Breanp. • • Tax dednetions. 1 20 .6 4 clays, r have the privilege of hav- received, it is reported. that the man, linden, brother of tin• gr90111 A* 5- PROMOTED TO. GRADE • 12 ushered. YEA•R PROGRAMME 0,M.E,R,S., pension 6.1.12 ing the claim negotiated by the Rost Office, U.1.5. 7.60 bocird of negotiation. Huron County's mixed rink was it n (ref eta. ed in th e provincial bon- Traditional \vedding musir• wds, (lowing- N ale Y ; Dayidson, ..,,kon.-;Exel, Charier; Moved .by fr. J. . Ten Pas second- yours truly, spiel the past season. 'Illey were. provided by Mrs. Stewart SLeiss. Hemingway, ad :by J,. T..,. MoCtitcheon that the Tan Mc'Donald Ross Witch TIM 3, Brussels, Grace Mr. Craeme -McDonald, the guest Neilt • Krtluter, RtIthieent Mc-, Village of '[Ii •purc has° Lot It was the opinion or the Whirter, Gail; Pletch, iT301111:10;:. Campbell. RR 1. Dublin, trout' 21),' soloist. sang The Weildirkz: Prayer ll'eteh , Domild: Till'oblill, Valitiei Elilabeth Street fro :rn .T. C. Council that they may be forced P Kranter for 8700,-00. le discontinue the collection of tipple RR 4 Senforth and Murrtly and The Lord's Prayer El 117' ing Hoover. :RR 3, Brussels. Ple;tse the ceremony a.nd 0 Perl'ect Love PROMOTED TO' GRADE 12 A letter was received 110111 -Mr. • garbage in the Villags of Brussels accept. our tartly congr•atulations, during the signing of the r.., ,gt , :t.er. — 4 YEAR PROGRAMME • ran McDonald, Ming the V m Village until a ore suitable -location is Bauer. 'Royce: Campbell, Rath dattage to his c attle sunnosodly Procnrod, Moved by R. W. 'Kennedy, sty ENGAGEMENT Brussels Legion Trail followiAg ilk, •;:i1]; (Vachon .,,k l ine: m'',.chnti,. A. reception was held in the of Ilritssols for $600.110 for smoke Ann; Craig, 'Minty; Clarniss„ 'Wit etittsed from bilrning garba7,o at on (I ed by S. L. McCutelleon that ceremony. The bride's mother pimple; Schl\vitrtleittrtiber; 1.-Iat the dump. This matter wi:It the inccting attjonrn, to lilt "Mr. and Mrs, W. Harris Bell received the. guests wi.,-,.rin.L: at n ra ; . Walker. antra; Work, thotonghly discitSsett. again August.it 19139. or at the announce the engagement of cerise pink ensemble, pltio dress ,Indith, 'rho . • following is the latter call off the Reeve. their daughter Barbara. Ma o to with rolled collar and loco eclat • rater received; . R. B. Cousins, Win, 11. King, Mr, Harold Armes Hail, youngest with embroidered ribbon. and R CCM Ill tii611 da 'CI For A Secondary Clerk three' quarter length sive vois.. School •OraduatiOn Diploma (tt,to,! BrUssels, ollt„ Reeve son of 'Mr. and Mrs. Harold -[all, . ,Tune 1.2, 1969 11.11, 1, Arthur. The wedding Will 'rho groom's mother assistwl wear- toss COmpletian of Grade 11 -- 4 ) . • .t,h6 ...kotwo gild . .'coutioutot s. MAILING LIST CORRECTED I;31«‘ place in Elora united Cil 117"Ch in;; a tUrcthoise Itice over t :1 EfRUL or 5 YoarPrograrei the '3junicipt11ity oMussels,Bssels, T your Post label reads April Saturday. .1bly 19th al 7 p.m. (1 i. ess and jacket. Arts and Scieride britS80.1,. Out.. . 1969, inn are iti arrears. Tf not; After the honeMoon the couple Mack, Robert: Elliett, rierOth , Dom, '-,5it5; paid proMptly it Will be die- will reside at 556 Brookhaven Please 'refer to the Air 1pol- con Univ.:il. React the classified zi.d.S. Cres, WaterloO, Ca itlin:lied Ott ba.ck beige): GARBAGE COLLECTION MAY HAVE TO Couple Honored 0n Twenty-Fif kb Anniversary SERIOUSLY ILL AFTER FOOT INJURY F. E. MADILL SECONDARY SCH,OOL