HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1969-06-12, Page 6TEURSDAY, JUNE 12th, 196 • THOSEF,c.LL GAPS 'Did yon know that for .the want ,of one tooth you. tarn wind up 'losing many? If you lose a front tooth -you want to rush to the dentis . and have it replaced by a fa 150 toothi;_ quickly as possible. far au- pp:Ira:ace sake. But replacing hank teeth. -which no one van see, la just as im- -rortarit„ All your teeth function as part of a system. Each tooth de- 'ponds, the other teeth to keep •.'it in place. When a tooth is mis- sing the adjacent teeth tend to tip Into. the gap, in this new position.. 7 .-mwac. RIDGE. MOTORS. YOUR MUSTANG, FALCON, FAIRLANE, FORD and THUNDERBIRD DEALER 'BRUSSELS PHONE 249 WINGHANi PHONE 357.3460 IllammillINEDImmattifiDDIameitetifettra litilkarearzga9lettalt .gginatosaggilliaa, N—log vme12-9 :.„614e, 01.)K NNW C,!ATALoout BRIASItta POST, lEtlit'UtA 'For A Better USED CAR, AT THE. RIGA H1 PRICE 1967 FORD LTD 41D HT Fully equipped 1966 GALA.X11: 500 41) FIT Fully equipped 1966 GALAXIE 500 4D V8 ,Auto., Radio 1966 CHEV IMPALA 4D HT Fully equipped 1966 METEOR RIDEAU VS Auto., Radio Other 'Older Models To Choose From IT'S SPRAYING TIME WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF HERBICIDES TO FILL EVERY NEED Including Green Cross rlLMore for those tough weeds an Cereal Crops aria Corti:. Also ilATORAN the leading Herbicide for White Beans and Soy Beans. Check with us for supplies and recommend- ations at Competitive Prices. ...404(4 Recently, Max Ferguson, GEC rad'io's resident satirist, hag been the recipient of two honors, During a trip to Halifax, Max wfS made a member of The Order of The Good Time. "The oldest social club in the new world". Making the presentation is the Hon. Thomas J. McKeough, MD, Nova Scotia Minister of Trade and Iimiustry (left). On May 16, Max received an honorary dograa (his secoricit from the Univeralty of Saskatchewan. The Win!{ itaii eu $how, featuring Max.'s ;rre...ait'ant brand al humor OPMOTCH .f1107$ VOLUNTki".1-iS WILL S.E NEEDED FOR FALL PROGRAM The Wingliam and District Association for the Mentally Re- tarded met at the Milted Church with a. good attendance..of tom ,. b ers, parents., representatives from. organizations and service clubs and. • interested people .„, . Reports were giVort On the Reg- ional meeting bold in Exeter and Ibia Ontario Association Conven- tion, held in Toronto in April to which delegates bad been sent, Alan Williamis, representative on the Miran. floattry Advisory Commiliae ut Education, reported Oil the meeting held concerning the schools for Trainable -Retard-. ed Children, Mrs 'Harold Wild, in her .re- port as recreational chairman, Said. skating and howling had been pro- vided for the children of the school here .111d for graduates .also'. • Several ladies of the com- mit:01'y .were volunteer helpers in the Skating program. Three pupils from the aehool aro being. sent to summer camp Ilelwood which is a wonderful experience 'for them, The junior pupils go for two weeks and the seniors for three weeks. The membership chairman. Mrs. If. Schipper. made an appeal. for family and individual member-. ship, also club Tnember§hip. MeM- bership 'in the loeal organization. 'also entities a person to memher- ship in the Ontario Association far the Mentally Retarded . and the. Canadian .Association and one will receive literature and information On the 'work and research which is .bei0g ..done in. Ontario and in (lanada. The nay n feature of .the meet- ing was and SHOOS elf pre- School programs given by Mrs. James- Athett of Palmerston, regional chairman in this area of of work. 'This was very informa- tive and showed what can he a eomplished by such a program, chairman Ross. Hamilton; merry CONTROL WARRLE FLIES . FOR BETTER RETURNS Warble grub infestaiir..r. of cat• tie continues to cause economic' losses in the production of meat and milk, says Graeine ITedley, Live Stock Branch, Ontario De- partment of Agriculture and Pood. A survey by the Meat Packers Council in 1068 estimat- ed that the loss to the meat packer aloae was over ;$1 n per carcass on those that had or mare warble grubs. This con- sisted, of trim loss, devaluation loss, and hide loss, bat did not include any loss to the producer because of slower. gains Which Might have occurred; or lower sel- ling price. T3xeellent grog control can be aohieved with the us.e of systemic ioseclicides, applied during the all months, before serious dam- age occurs. Neguvon is licensed as a pour-on; Rualene is licensed far as a pour-on and as a while (7.0-Ral is licensed II ic as a. spray only, These sy- stern ati e insecticides should be. 10 all cases care should. be taken to follow the manufactur- er's directions, Perris powder (active in- gredient - rotenone) may be used in Hie Blaring of the year when warble grubs come to the back and bore through the hide., Lactat tug dairy cotes may be treated in this nmuner, Treatment at this time kills :the warble grub :O9 it emerges from the back, thereby breaking the life cycle. However, ihe damage and economic loss 111 production has already (warred, "aea spaces are made Where part- icles of food may stick and proc- vide the moans for bacteria to multiply. As well. When a tooth is missing the stresses of chewing are no longer evenly distributed. lTheven stressee, impacted food and. shifting can eventually lead to bone damage, gum infection and tooth decay. By the time you ire aware this is happening, it may 10 too late. When Your dent- ist suggests that a missing back tooth be replaced by an artificial tooth or partial denture, he is try- ing to help you guard your dental health and avoid fiture dental distilrbancers,, LIMITED "The Most Value For The Farmer's Dollar" Call 199 Brussels The Assaciation plans on starting such a program in September be- ginning with oil morning a week. 0;30 both aTra. Crawford Douglas and Mrs. spray, .T. K. Me( regor are the chairmen 4 for for the. 10°111 Asseeiation and will need a place to hold the program` anti Well as volunteers to run it; this set-up the children of Pre- aehool ago get started in a learn-: ing program and this prepares them for school when the time comes. It also gives the mothers a morning of their own, in the report from, the school the principal staled that there arc 1(i pupils and three will graduate this Tune. There tit.c seven school oge beginners for Septemb, er. ;•tovoval returtlees ift the district past school age, it is felt a. Sheltered Workshop is ueeded itt the Very The tunic slate of officers fin' the local Association is: 'Past president, Ross T-inmilton: pres- ident, J. E. Reavie; vice- presi- dent, William Millen of Tees- water: secretary, treasurer. William councillors, Mrs. Kilpatrick and ."Mrs Mars- Mr.:Kinney: Pre.. ,tchool and ))agar. Care chairman F4f r5, (1, 111011rriaa WA MOS, M,6(freigvq. ohttin i.411 It WIWI iwoRmiti applied between Sreptember bership chairman, Mrs. H. Schip- a fire consultation With your Vet., per, publicity, Mrs. J. Reavie; November 130 should be done ottly and iransnatation ehairmitn, alter sonsultation with your Vet- itarvPy VVehstor ()I' Luckuow. erinarian. Calves brought into the feedlot during the fail should be treated with a systemic insect". cilia, with care taken to keep_ stress at a minimum or to avoid the high-stress period, Treatment with all organs-phosphate insect- icide places further stress on, the animal and increases the chance, of shipping foyer. Feeder cattle should not he treated within one Month of alioughter heWever, Systemic insecticides must not be used on lactating dairy cows, or within 14days Of freshening; how- ever they may be used on dairy heifers and dry cows, The:• • Bouquet Invitation• Line Good toste needn't be expensive: Our beautiful Bouquet Invitatior. line proves this With the most exquisite papers, type faces and workmanship you could wish for! It t,sarures Thermo-Engraving—rich raised lettering--elegant iyS the finest craftsmanship -- yet, COSting sr" little! C900 toe. our oustml selection, VOirtfrlinr !,I.Vit4yta0