HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1969-06-12, Page 1and accounts $2,50 A Year In Advance $3,511 Ti) U.S.A. THE BRUSSELS POST, r'('"'Ii" V. .11"NB I 2th, 1963 POST PUBLISHING. HOUSE' • Aloved seconded VILLAGE OF moissas C UUNCIL MEETING I up. nicettOp. r!P tier Villago Connell was held in the Municipal Office on 'Juno r2nd, 1 969, all Members being present. The following motions were carried; • •,•,,k+.1* .. .. and labour .1. Callander may Nursing Ac(.0i Huron County Aininal Aid 1869 fees (Tassels .Post Office .1. S fronton RH los, 'May garbage .W ]ton Couple Celebrate 40th Weedi)r)g Artry::,versttrY Mr and Airs. Nrnif. Stevens, Walton, cplehraied their toth Wodding :\tinivorsary »a Snadtty, June 151. Berta NotI. daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs, :ham Nott and Ernie Stevens, sou of the late Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Stevens • woro married in Londe: Them Manse. On 31.1110 l nt. 1.9 29. sly Itcw. A.hory. After their marriage, they lived in Seal-orth. where Air. Stevens was emplovoll ai Sentorth Creamery for :hi yk.tn-z. iii. Hi*/ 111Py moved to Walton where tney no(, reside told Alr.Stevens is now employed aI AicOnvin's Farm:FAquipment, A farni12., wedding (limier was held at the "Blue Barn". Listowel, in their honor, utter which A-ir. and. Airs. Stevens t•eturned to the. Immo of their daughter and, son- in-law. Air. and Mrs. Ken Me;- 'Donald whore Open House was held in the afternoon and evening ivheu il:arry relatives and mends v'sitod to ut ter con !.;•rH tuilaions. The home v.-0.s attractively dec- orated with white streamers and wedding bolls and .roses. The fen table, covered with a lace cloth,, was centred with a throe-tiered wodd c ke decorated pproprc in ely for the 0cea5ion, and. flank- ed by candles. The • waitresses were gra .ndohildroa, Miss Karen- McDonald, Walton, Misses Sandra (Old Patsy Crich. Pinkerton and a njoee, Visa Elaine rtoberton. of Sea forth. Air, and Mrs. Stevens have family of three daughters and ono son Mrs. Ken fteonol McDonald, Walton: Airs, T.‹.-eti (Aiargaret) Rogerson, ('union; Airs. A'iirrrny DOHS i P1111{Pr[011, s alt Robert. London. They also • have seven grariticbildren, 31.97 PEOPLE WE KNOW 87.80 Mr. and :qrs. Norman •I:Toevor Worn in Toronto ov or the wee k en d 55.011 and attended the 1icli'at17.ean- :18011 Wedding, 4113.10 S eo It Wheeler, son of Mr. and Mrs, Bill Wheeler. Brussels is a. 18.96 Patient ill Wingliam Hospital. Ttcv. 1tt(1 Airs, C. A.. AlcCarroll 1280,011 return this week from their Euro- pean tour. 10.00 Mr, W. IT. Bell is a patient in Wingliam and District Tiospital. 9.50 Mr, and Mrs. Louis Ebel and family were week-ond guests with 200.00 Brussels relatives. Allan Cardiff. son of Mr. and Airs„Tack Cardiff, N hospitalized in Wingbarn Hospital. 1.11r8, Cecil Parker who recently returned home from IVingliam itospital is now a patient in Vic• toria 'Hospital, London. Congratulations to 'Mr. and Mrs. .T. A. Wilson whose 55th Wedding Anniversary was on Tuesday. They were' entertained tit supper at the home of their daughter, Airs, Earl -Bowes, :•1'd Mr Bowes, Ethel. TI1 the, evening they enjoyed a bait game in which they had the pleas, tiro of watching their grandson, and n;reat-grandsou Vla'Y LIONS COMPLETE PROJECT AT PARK to the effort:4 of month. err, of the Itruss!els Lions Club (he,hiencliers and bill;' *quinine:a al 'he fteo.rt.ation Park now pro- cont a hrig:to .1etractive appear- (inc e. Lions Cal. Smith and Frank i'arrer were the' energetic paintOrs who did such a fine job. C.RANBROOK Miss Beverley Evans. and Mrs. D. itolLInd, Kitchener, spent the 1:4; 001{-end irith llrs, S Inart Evans. Mrs. Walter tirown, 11 vs. C*rt lllr Mitchell, and Mrs. Croq Toronto. and Airs. Simpson, 'Win- /111)0Q% visited with Air. rand Mrs, ('Kelvin Cameren. Air. and Mrs. Clare Voitcht Ross Marie, Janet, and 'Ansi; Ruth. Peachoy, Atwood, al tended the 108th anniversary of Knox';; Pres- byterian Church, Galt, on Sunny, A former in in I st r, Tames • P. S.mart, New York City, Wan spec- ial speaker. • Air, and ;Mrs. 11;ick 'pa rts,• ell and his sister". and husband, Australia, Ayere Sunday visitors. with Air. and Mrs. Alex Cameron, Mr. and Airs, Mac Melntosita inl Rosanne and Paul Fi ngel, 'were at the Bride-]Till-Bmvinan re-union in Victoria Park, Kitch crier, on 'Sunday, Talc('.. young daughter of Mrs. Lloyd 'Mill. underwent an appen- dectomy in Tistowel Hospital on ,Sun tiny. • W .M.S. June Meeting • Mrs. Earl Bann was hostess for. the June meeting at the •W.AT.S. with. an attendanee nl olo'vtam. The loader, Alt's. John Porno opened the meeting With H a pomp and prayer. The "Parable of the Sower" was read .in. unison and the meditation by the loader. Mrs. Clare Voitch read. "Are we too bus.."‘"' and Airs. Earl Dunn road ';APple Orchall4", a poem by 9o1111 Kerr. The r011 rail wall verso on i-nowers" Mrs. Stanley Fischer reported on the ;Jan(' eon- fereiwo of the bold in, the Presbyterian. Church, g. ton, on June 3. These attending I'('(1711 Cralibrook wore Mrs. Pis•;.,,hor. Miss Forrest, Airs. W. Strickler. Mrs. Clare Vettch and Airs. Mac, Engel. Members are asked. to bring their used stamps to the. ,July meeting at the home of Mrh. ,Tohn ferric, Airs. Strickler gave a reading "if weeds, why not flowers?" The topic. "N'ew Acts in Missions in the 25th Century" wars in charge of Mrs .ATac Engel. and parts were reed by Miss Forrest and Airs. Reiss. The Alivatalt -.Benediction Was repeated in closing. Lunch was served by the hostess assisted by 111w. 1v. Strickler and Mrs. Albin N OTICE "ro 1-fe)RTICUI....TURAL MEMBERS (10 your efttalogue. and order sheets for Inilbs from ItIrs Earl CindmOre. KEITH BONE son of Mr. ajrtd Mrs. Russell Bone, graduated recently With a Bachelor of „Arts _degree -.Irani Waterloo Lutheran University. He is now working with a Kitchener acc&ont- ing firm, TWENTY-FIFTH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY MARKED A hot turkey dinner party was held at, he home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Miller of Grey Township on 11010 at the home of Mr. and :Airs. john Narri'e of Toronto. Who were celebrating their 25th wedding atirtivor;.no. CA rs. Miller and Mrs. Narrie are sisters.) During the evening a gift of money Wan presented o the happy couple. Mr. and Airs. Narrin thanked tho Alillers for the lovely dinner and all their friends for their gift and expressed their intention p1 pur- chasing at tree lamp with the "non- ey as a commemoration of the (wont.. Giu,sts were present front Har- riston, Fordwich, WroNcter and AVingham. Among those present was an aunt, Alrs. Rota. Behrns of 1Tar- riston, who is ninety-four Of age. ENGAGEMENT Airs, Stuart Evans, era n brOok. wishes to announce. the engage- ment of her daughter Beverley :1.11n to Mr. Herbert l.t. Brenneman. son of Alr, and Mrs. John Brenne- man, Or Baden. The wedding will take place on Saturday, July 5, at P-111. in Knox PreshyteriQn Church, Cranbrook. AFTERNOON UNIT OF THE U. C. W. (-)11 the Afternoon Unit of the rnited Church me at the home of the President, Miss Aloe Skelton, for a social after- noon. Wet. cool weather prevented a picnic on the lawn, but about members and visitors had a very enjoyable time indoors. with con- tests, conversation and a delic- ious lunch. This with be the last meeting of the groUp 1111.111 September. ANNUAL DECORATION SERVICE HELD AT ME:.. $-RUSSELS CEMETERY al Decoration Service. or Western Star 1,0,0 F., Morning •• star Rebekah 1...odgii and. the l3rtls- i'1 or The -Royal Cana& inn Legion was hold at the BruS- sets Cemetery on Sunday afte,r. 1101111 at tw 0-tnt o'clock. Prior to the I Won; lion Service' oo•unhers of Western Star Lodge,. led by the Royal Canadian Legion Band, marchod to the 'United' Church, where they were joined bY. the Rebekahs, for service at 11 :Lin.. conducted by the minister of church, thee. Rev, E. L. -William Wheoler, Noble Grand, was in charge of the 'Decoration Service. Prayer \Van orfned by the eh a plain, •:11 el McCutcheaa. .Vice Grand Cliff Bray read the names of deceased brothers. Past Gram/ Betty Bronson gave the Rebekah praYer and names of deceased sisters were read by the Noble Grand. front' :Richmond. Ted Eillyt„ president of the Legion, officiated for the Legion portion of the service. Rev. E. L. LeDrow closod with. prayer. RECEPTION HONORS DISTRICT NEWLY-WEDS A large crowd attended the reception for Mr. and ldrs. David Wheeler (formerly II oser4ary (1'0j.w [lig) held in the Bluevale, Community Unit on Friday even- • Following the reading- of an ad- dress by AlurrayCardiff, a pnrSe . Of numey \vas 'resented to the newlyweds by Airs. Peter Camp, bell, Dancing to the tnnsic of Mike. and the Tri-Tones WaS. enjoed by all. Melville Ladies' Aid - Mrs. Adah Armstrong was hca,t. eaa for till' Melville Ladies Aid. on Monday tr.fternoon, Juno, 2nd, with • tWell ty five ladies present. Mrs. ?King was at the piano. `The president, rri .;rnf i gli\i'11-11:vit ,(f 0ti a' t hymn and meditation. The Seere-, fury's. report WaS at Veil by Mrs. Dennis. intuit 755 w.is snug. The Devotional part was taken by ..gra. Parish and 'Mrs. Long. (current events. glonued from. the Presbyterian Record and Glad Tidings wore given by Miss Bessie Arose'(. Poems and Reflections tile beauties of our Canadian 50111- toot', was the basis for the -M• slionse to the roll call, The .offar ing was received, followed by readings hy Mrs, TurVey, Mrs.. Stophons, Airs. Lon,' and InnSic by Mrs. Cardiff- and Mrs. Evans, The business part, of the meet- ing was discussed arid the meet- ing chrsed with the Alizpah beite- iel ion. A delicious Web was served by• Mra. Steiss and Mrs. GerntneL: by 144. AleCutcheon, by H. J. TenPas that Hie nrinutcn of the meeting of May ;,tit, 19(19 he adapted as read, .Aloved by 1. campbell, Sec- iihded by R. W. 'Kennedy that the '..ouncil of the 'Village of lirOsels concur with the Resolution from 11w City of Kitchener, Re ; The Provincial take . oVer of • Asses- sment.. Correspondence Were presented, Moved by H.T. 'Pe.nPas second. ed by I'. •01, Ontrinbell that the., ac• vaunts as approved be paid. Iteereational Committee • grant .... ..... Jas bulidozinti dump • StreotlightS, Office, Library hin /I Searle a. Co„ road paint 'Twp of Grey, .grading Morateheon Motors, gas R. J. :Bauer, gas •.Lloyri Jacklin, gra-Vel: ;Ind grador -Douglas Coulter, fox bounty ......... Provincial Treasurer . • insulin. 1:1,11.C., freight. a. 111 gal s repairs 0 Idfield .1-idwe„ Material 13iirlialn Stone & • Paving, Black Top :Gordon Worktrian, !about' and inateria I J. L Holcomb Go, Ltd. - brooms & cleaners Alrs. :loan Exel, cleaning Brussels ('Oil Yard, .Library fuel Willgham & :District liospital. ambulance „.. MacDonald h7l iectric Ltd. • imlbs Brussels •Alotors, gas and J)ouglas 665.00 27.,83 11.00 50.57 37.80 9.00 1.00 2.00 Tteceiver General. TnN: de- ductions and C.P. 1 80.9 fl ;Tension 96.18 LeMt Frain, labour and poSts 107.00 Moved by .if, J. TenPas seconded by MCCa tCh COI that By-Law No. 5-1969 he introduced and rend a first and second time and pas- Sod. This being a Supplementary protiding addition.:/ eXpen- ditnros on Roads and t..:!treets in the Vill3ge of Brin.41.ols for 10139, Moved by I. G. r'ampbell, Sec- °tided by R. W. 1<enncdy that By- ((sOntiritted on back page) 4.46 4,65