HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1969-06-05, Page 2$ How come? Because this year we've cut the price on the 300-hp motor, the Turbo Hydra-matic trans- mission and the power discs, and we've made head restraints standard equipment. So you save a bundle. And on top of all this, Impala's a better car this year. By now you should be getting the mes- sage. More car, less money. And your Chevrolet dealer will be happy to prove it. Pacesetter Values Prim Divu8xa,8 POST, Biltt7SS1Ti ",S, ONTAIXO Tainzsim.y, .TILNE 5th, 1969 rm. FARM NEWS FROM OeiTARIO GENERAL FARM ORGANIZATION CAMPAIGN GOMMITTEE Most marked:1W 11:1;11`dA 1.11!' previlop .tee sat,: e•ting the idea of a Gemirtt: .1:r. Organiz,ttioil on the ground that it \.\ ill )10110 Ut produeer,: and help ntarketilw board , with tittit-,tical and spec.. lutist services. 'rite uk,ea: ttt 0;ioldinoto action through a t.I.FO on, a number of important tethe:•ts tot Ii as tariff and trade polici,ss is obvious. nolcohn 1)avhisen, Ilrucefield, chairman of the tIFO eumpaign contnittee says: In addition, a Strong. Well financed (WO will he able to pro, Vide researeh, statistics, legal and taxation adviee, accounting spec- ialists and field services to help nmrketing boards serve their pro- ducers better than they can tit present, Mr. Davidson says that thP SerVieeS a G14'0 c ould provide are almost unlimited. Ile cites no,, gotiations on transportation rates: handling and elev,ktor charges: advice on the credit and banking help available: assistance on gen- eral marketing regulations and on 0:,ratling 011(1 packaging: import- export negotiations and regu!- ations; Food-Aid programs and provision of contrilized comput- er e cmiput eat. With strong (;VO negot hit o With government and lisines oil the many general 'policies and programs, marketing board sonnet Will he free to concentrat“ on getting the best Drive DOSSiblo for farm products in the Market place; Smaller marketing• boards in particular would benefit from the Services a GFO could provide, Mr. Davidson says, but even the larg- est could benefit if specialist skills and services were avail- able through a GFO. This year the Ontario Hog Pro- ducers Marketing- Board paid a firm of consultants $30,00e for a Study on the econotnics of the industry. belt" !0 it. Cheym!lot gas to mike than last year's Impala ~~mparably equipped. Now more car really does cost less. Normally, you expect to pay more to get more. So you'd naturally expect Canada's favourite car, Impala, to cost more than a '68 Impala with the same equipment. Well . . . the price spiral stops right here. Like an example? Take our Impala Custom Coupe, equipped with a 300 -hp Turbo-Fire V8, power front disc brakes, Turbo Hydra-ma tic trans- mission, head restraints, whitewalls and wheel cov- ers. And we'll take $120.50 * off last year's price. Ifa well-financed GFO had been existance, Mr. Davidson point- ed out, the study could and should have been made by the research branch of the GA)• with all the profits and more important, un- pablished. researeh material, rem- aining 'with the farmers' own or- ganizatiou, *Based on manufacturer's suggested maximum retail prices, including federal sales and excise tax and suggested dealer delivery and handling charges. SEE YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED CHEVROLET DEALER McCUTCHEON MOTORS TURNBERRY STREET BRUSSELS, ONT. LIMITED PHONE: 56 This 4s but one example, Mr. Davidson comments, of the ways in which a GFO can save Market- ing boards each year many thotis- aMis of dollars. "',o wonder the directors of zahnost every marketing board have supported the IWO proposal with such a Hear voice. At least the boards want the farmers to learn all about the proposal." In the .June ballot farm( rs he asked whether they want marketing hoards represented by one Member per board on the Pro- vincial Council of the GFO, eaMpaign eominittee has no stand in this. Their is "LIT!' FA .R:MERS Flo-we:von Komleth McKinnon. Owen Sound, a member of the committee has been quoted as saying that as a milk,beef, wheat and earn producer, he wants to see the (limiest eoperation and 1111(1m-uet:letup between matetet- ing boards and the GFO, regard- less of tilt' outennie of the vote - that, is. regardless of whether or not marketing groups are repre- sented on the Provincial 0Ouncil of the GFO. Mr. MeXinnon says that it a. producer is dissatisfied withh. Some policy of his marketing board, and is he feels that in has "twat un, Clonversely. Mr. McKinnon says, a marketing board should have an opportunity to explain and justify its marketing 'policies to the GFO. WAIST WHITTLING ff yoti want. to take inches Off your Waist just hold in your Stoll zach did tighten your stomach musetes fear ten seconds Mgr or five times s dal* To prevent your toddler from haviog accidents when he is out- doors, the federal health depart- Meat publication, "Keep Them Safe." suggests you take the fol- lowing precautions: When he IS still cr lie mild play in. a playpen. L(rter, he cat be kept away from the street by a sturdy fence with no easy toot-holds. The yard should he cleared of glass and jogged-edged cans. ie sure his playgrimmi. has hi) deep ditches, ponds, uncovered waits td gteet% Obtaining water. \\Then.laken for a walk, he is safer in a carriage or stroller, or wearing a. well-adjusted harness, --- Tench the. toddler that when yeti say "Don't.", you mean it. Keep these orders for times when his actions incur real risk to his ,safety or the safety of others. NOTICE 1411)1'01-y 11(1111'6 Cllr June, Jilin and August are: Tnesday 2:30 to "tin, Friday .. 7:30' tO 9 Saturday 2:30 to ;6 ton. The taken able to get his ideas before the SAFETY OUTDOORS board, he Should have the right to aprri.aeli the CVO for consider- atter, of his problem — and for action. • •