HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1969-06-05, Page 1$2,50 A Year in Advance -• $3.50 To IT.S,A, Eus; 13.3uss.f61.ds POST, I l 5tit, 1969 POST puBTAsFuNG HOUSE 900 STUDENTS AT BRUSSELS SCHOOL IN "CHORUS FESTIVAL" A "Chorus Pestival" was held Wednesdity iii RrusseIs Central School when-nbout ..900 students competed in the music festival in the chorus and rhythm band competitions, 'Myth Central School .was ow- arded rive shiehts ,:with 13t'usse's Central. School copturing second place winning four shields and Belgrave third with one. This wri8 lite the only festival held in Huron County since the inauguration of the new county board system. Previously it was at two-day festival but thiS year there were no solo or duet classes, Music sUpervisors of the soh°. ols are Mrs, Catharine MacDonal:d and Mrs, Phyllis Rodgers. Mr's'. Murray Hetherington. of Goderich was the adjudicator, Mrs, Hetherington had words of praise for the fine performance in the chorus section, She said the four-part ehorus .., by Oracle 8 stadent was 'unusual as this type of chorus is usually sung by older students. A number of parents, and. inter: interested persons attended the festical. contpetitions were .. " 86 87 84 "Marine Hymn" .1st 'Myth se 2nd Brussels 35 3rd Belgrave 84 Class 4 Gr. 3 Unison. Chorus "Fancies" • Ist :Myth • 2nd Brussels 86 • 3rd Belgrove 85 Class 5 Gr. 2 Rhythm Band "Marine ,.Hymn" 1st Belgrave $6 2nd 'Myth and Tirussols 83 Class 6 Gr. 4 Unison Chorus "The Hike" 1st Myth 87 2nd 13'elgraVe 86 3rd !Brussels 85 Class 7 Gr. 5 Two-Part Chorus "Rain In May" 1st BruSsels S8 • 21i:d Belgrave. 86 1rd Blyth 85 Class 8— Gr, 6 TwO,Part Chorus "Questions Att ci • Antwers" t :Myth THOMAS GRANT `Ileums Grant, 9 of Listowel, died Saturday in Listowel Meta orial 11ospite,1, Mr, Grant was a former resident of 'Morris Township. He is survived by one .son (;v0r1.40 Ii avoid, f(R Bluovale, (me daughter. Mrs. Roy: (•Mary) Vogan, Listowel. Funeral servico wa:s held crow. . the. A. Rann funeral home, on.„3.londay at„ 2 p.m. Burial.. was in Brussels cemetery. Pall bearers were Ross Sander- son, Mae tizinder,son.,. Uri rrith, Joules Hogg, 13ev. :\IlIohell, at. Stewart, • RURAL HYDRO CONSOLIDATION MEANS GREATER EFFICIENCY Ontario iydrols Eixeter Area Office will be merged with its Clinton and Strati:roy areas, re- spectively, early in 1070, Ahout Ito per cent of the 4,6(34 Kxetor Area chStoMers Will be transferred to Clinton Area and the remaining 40 per cent to Strathroy Area Ontario Hydro_ Chairman George GA thercole said, 'Consolidation of the 'area offices is part of a pro. vince-witle program of re-organ ization that Will affect a on- siderahle number of communities; hut achieve • as saving, to electric power consumPI'S of more than $1.000,000 a year while preserving and improving city standard of service in rural power stipp17,T, "This reorganization and con- solidation has' been made in ,,4sihle by the emergence of new raciiii• les and technology, The develoi.) ment of excellent highways, the use of radio-equipped vehicles and reliable telephone service contri- bute to conditions that enable us to combine good service with greater economy. With rapidly ruing salaries and wages: inter- est rates and prices, it, is imper- ative that Ontario Hydro seek every means of combating rising power costs", he said, As most (-list:inners pay their hill by claNnto or at it chartered bank. there will be a minimum of inconvenience for E'lxeter oust0M- ors in this respect when the close oaf becomes effective; Although consolidation may in. (*On V011iCtICO a feW of the staff, no sorious dislocations will occur, and it is expected that most will continue to rwike their homes at their present locations. As part at' the reorganization a now i;ervieo centre and admini- stration office will ultimately be built nom. Clinton. , "ft is recognized." said Mr, Gathercole, ''that even a ModOSt (10 ,2;ree of consolidation. Os ill thi.o case. is bored to affect some cOlt- murales more; than others,, Ontario ITydro • must strive'. Fulfilltnearit of. tti iin (;•0.,-1.0iiitio,l, MISS JUNE E. WILBEE a former graduate el Wingha.m District High School was one of ninety-:tour gradnates from the Toronto General Hospital School of Nursing. Graduation was held in Convocation flail, University of Toronto, May 115th, aline, daughter or Mr. and MrS, Keit Wilbee, Ethel, was awarded The (:ertrude O'Hara Prize for Gentle- ness, Neatnesiii and General Pro- ficiency, and the Agnes Shields and Mary A, Towel Memorial prize for Proficiency in. Nursing; GRAN BROOK "Mr, Aobert Caryl and sons, sliver springs, visited over the weekend with Mr. and, Mrs.• Jim nigh]„ Mrs, Walter Brown and family, Toronto, were Saturday visitors with Mr. and Airs. Calvin Cam- eron.. 'Air. and Mrs. Wes MeEachern went to Galt on Sunday and were leavinsr Monday on 'a trip to Mon i lobo, Congratulations to Mr, and Ali's. Ponald Perrie on the birth of a danghter, Change In Date Of The Evening W.M.S. Group The June meeting of the 'Even- ing Group of the W.M.S. will be hold nit ,fun(' 24tlt at the home of Mrs. Norman Pfeifer, This is a c11-0 [Igo of date owing to a special W.I. meeting in me Comniunity Centre on June 17th. Mr. A. R. Mill, Brussels lawyer, will speal: .on Wills and Eistnte Planning" An invitation is extended to the men and all interested people to attend, THANK YOU! We dislike reminding subscrib- ors or expired subscriptions hilt postal regillations now demand extra pout tngo on any paper three months in arrears. which. in mks` costs us $1.50 postage per paper. It would lie appreciated If :.those who receive notices would attend to the matter promptly. 'We• t!i0S0 who ha'i,e alroody TO 'COMPETE FOR TITLE OF HURON COUNTY DAIRY PRINCESS conii”.taiii , will compete at time Clinton Spring Pair on Saturday. Stine 7th for the title of Huron. County 'Dairy Princess, The' •011in'fir will also have the op- portunity of competing for the title of Ontario Dairy Princess at the Canadian .National Exhibition, eynest is sponsored by the 1-Turo'n County Milk Committee with prices donated by loyal Chi rieS and proressorS. Following are the contestants; Anne de Grott. TIR 3, Myth Dawria Reynolds„ RR 2, Sea- forth Ponna Ritcble. RR 3. Lacknow , Marie treWartha, RTT 4. Clinton T'ypda Walden, RR 2, Lueknow, Mrs Ida. Eivnns I wish to express my sincere thanks to all those who rememb- ered the with cards., letterS, treats, gifts, and flowers while a patient in Wind:tam Hospital, To Rev. []ruby and Dr. Bozylt also. Your kindness will be reMertib- cred and is greatly appreciated, Isabel Smith (intended for last week) 1 like to take ibis in thanking relatives, neighbours with cards. visits w hil e T was hospitalized in Searorlh Hospilul. Also for kind- ness or neighbours since return- ing home. Special thanks to Drs. Malkns and Mayo, nurses and staff of hospital. Everything was much appreciated. Results of the us follows: A.M. Class 1 -- Gr. 1 Unison. Chorus Daisies" P. M. lst Brussels 2nd Belgrave 3rd Tilyth Class 2 Gr. 2 Unison Chorus "Sing Iv y 1st Brussels 2nd 13elgrave 3rd Myth ClaSs 3 Gr. 1 Rhythm Band 84 forrnttitA4 'Irir'1-! WW1 Lois Hart BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT WATSON — To George and flarbara Watson, in St. Mary's Nospit al. Kitchener. on. Tues- day, 'May 20th, ,eta Marlene, a.do ugh ter JUNE MEETING. OF MAJESTIC W.I. The of the under the corivenership or l‘trs.. Earl Cudinore and Mrs. Norman Mel..arty will he held in the tiros' sets Public Library ()11 'Thursday. evening. :rune 12t11, at. eight o'clock. The roll call will be "Silly things have done in the kitchen", There will he Motto, reading. current events.... .and dernonstration on ,slitriwieli Mak Home Economics meeting Majestic Women's !oat:Itrite ttig, Attend, Steaks Are High Here You think Your 'r-alone steaks are expensive right here in Brus- sels at $1.39 per pound? if you. ate T-Borie at that price last weekend you were ludky. They. were $1.53 per pOiund In Toro onto, As soon as the barbecue season arrives, lip go the steaks, PEOPLE WE KNOW Mrs. Charles !Taper is still a patient in Wingham hospital. PLANS GOING AHEAD FOR THE EQUIPING OF BRUSSELS DENTAL SUITE The Medical Dental Committee had a• very busy day Tuesday, June 3rd, when Dr. 'tort Culbert, the future resident (I en I i s t, and Mr. 14 Inch, General Manager for Dominion Dental Supply Co, were in town to complete final arrange,' moats for the dental equipment toi be installed in the dental suite of the Medical, 'Dental building. Present arrangements call for two operating rooms with x-ray equipment, and a dental labora- tory. The installation of equip- meat is exmleted to start the week of June lCth. Dr, •Culbert, is anxious to locate in Piru$Sois as soon as possible.. Arrangements . for-' appointments and the opening of :his practice be . announced. .'when ecluip- CARDS OF THANKS ment installation is more Com- My sincere: thanks is giVon to plete..Keep year eye .on'the•Post all thOSE, who remembered rue. tor further information. 'with visits and cards while I -was at patient in hospital. • . Year . kind thoughtfulness Was If You Think Price Of (appreciated, opportunity friends and. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Pegelow left for remembering Me Sunday on a motor trip to '13.0. flowers, gifts and Where they will visit relatives in Victoria. Louis Frain is in charge of the shop in the absence of Mr. Peglow. r Tick 'ock and Tleeela .Alcoek are both in hospital at. \\Ingham. Mr. a.nd Mrs. P, A. ltann and. Mr. and Mrs. George Mutter were ,in Ottawa to attend the Mona Provincial Conference. George Bridge is a patient in Wingham and District Hospital, • 'Visitors last week at the .hoMe of Mr. and Mrs. W. ,T, Perrie' were Mrs. Edgar Rolling-or avid Mrs. Larry Schnell of Fruitland and. Rev, Tames Perrie of Strathroy. Neil Itemiawav, seri et' r, and. Mrs. Douglas Hemingway, placed second. in a class of 47 mediat e, in the 'Huron County Livestock :fudging Competition hold in Senforth. Mr. and Mrs, Ti. W. Kennedy' were- in Toronto on business and also visited with Mr, and Mrs. Bavid Kennedy on Friday and Sa tnrd ay. Unusual Types "T Just ean't maize those people wnifow„ ai 41, :::: risaid t tlie Wife: "They have nn ear. no 'television, and she hasn't. any jewellery- or furs," itprollsbly," said the husband, otem;o1060d tV1th itifit6y."