HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1969-05-29, Page 7DANCE BRUSSELS LEGION HALL FRIDAY, MAY 30th Music By: DESJAR,DINE Oi,CHESTRA Restricted to Persons 2i Years and Over Admission; $3.00 per Couple Sponsored by the Royal Canadian Legion. Branch 218 PUBLIC SERVICE DEPARTMENT LISTOWEL TRANSPORT LINES Ltd. TICTORL4 GREY BERG How many of the ntencthers of this fekmer Brussels Lions Club Band can you identify? 131113BalLS POST, ), ONTAilics 1:111.tiktiDAY, 190 0 (1 in In - in rs. ed ny if t is be on, rid nd us- tgs vn. ter on- ng, eer. irs. Tel- Lett ?ty Put your money into our guaranteed investment certificates now paying the never-before interest of eight per cent. COMPANY SINCE 1889 E3651R LISTOWEL RANCH 291.1450 BAPTISMAL( SERVICE AT MONCRIEFF Rev. D. E. Docken held a Christian family Sunday and baptismal service at the Mother's Day serviee in Monerieff ObUrch. During the service the following children were baptised; Christine liorothy, daughter of "Mr. and Mrs. Michael ,Drilutzen; "Caren ,Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack 00x; Bonita Laura, daughter of lyr, and Mrs. AlVin Ludington; jeffrey Lawrence. son of Mr, and Mrs. Jack Sanburn: and Dean Eldward, son of Mr. and Mrs, Wayne Smith, GOLDEN WORDS STEWARDSHIP bought gasoline; T. went to the, show; I bonglit some new tubes for my radiot I bought candy and peanuts, nut rs anal ice cream; While my salary lasted, life sure was a scream. It tn .!:es vitrethl spending to make m ':noy go venni!: Ono's: inelleirl of finance must always be sound. 'NNJ:thn halills quite costly, its real hard l.a save; y wife spent ten "bucks" Oh perm anent WaVO, ,:rune urrytItta It sure made me sore; It* they'd let the alone, I'd give it lot more, They hove Went), of ncirVel They fr(r!,401'. all the past! fa:vo a ;,tarter the year bUto"1,6 last. NOTICE rtntLow shICIE & HARNESS NO REPAIRING CONE IN MONTH OF JUNE The Maitland Presbyterial of iho l'rebylerian Church in Can- ada met in Knox Presbyterian Church., Kincardine, on lla.y 15th. Sessions coin in awed at 2 n(t 7 (Teta ...MCS.weett, liin- t'tl ydiuc', was orga inst. The Theme for the aft(Tu eon session "A Faith to Share", :Mrs. Alvin 111 wi- den, President,. • gave the In v a- ea Ilea and ,Opening prayer. oath- ' ors of Ilrussels Auxiliary led in Devotions, Al vs, ( erald Gibson gave lhc> M editation based oil Luke chapter 7, verses 1-1.0. "So (.h eat a nail". rs. \V. \V. Smith led bi prayer. The visiting' memb- ers wero welcomed by M rs, Mel Ritchie, Kincardine. The follow- in g reports were .Kesented: Itcordi mg Secreta Iv, by Mrs. Wm. \Vi n g h am, substituting ter M rs. W. D. Campbell, Listowel; Corresponding Secretary, 11rs. Victor Emerson, Whitechurch Treasurer, Mrs. Ewan. MacLean, Ash field. 2\irs. (Rev.) E. R. hawks, .flluova le, presided at the presenta lion of an lIonourary Life Membership to Ali's. fl. Thomas. 2nd, Vice-President, Bliley ale. The speaker. Rev. L. G. Stairs, Ilran t- ford, Area Secretary of the lep- rosy I I ssion, was introduced 'by Mrs. .11. Mitchell, :\ olesworth, Mr, Stairs' great, concern is for the, ns yol unreached, leprosy victims; the pressing need for hospitals and treatment centres in Asian and African countries, where tin, ,lisonse is most prevalent. The of used stamps has become a source of revenue to the Mission. This year they arc reaching rOU an a.mont of $6,000 to pay for a water system in a new hospital. Over the past ninety-five years. medical research has been Slowly moving toward Ritchie Was much igijoyed The .111.oderator of flruce ltu,itlaud Presbytery, Rev, lialtl'Lce Ii, letiabb, Pori Elgin, brought greetings, llis message "The urgency of the Gospel", Twenty AuNillaries answered the Roll Call, Reports of the .bynedical hold in Godorich April 15, JO, 17, were presEmted l,y Mrs„. non, Ripley: Mrs. l!lwan mat'- Lean, Asia] old; Mrs. C. i\lcAnley, MP] 0 Y ; Walter I Willi gh, TO- eswater: rs. 14. Little, Luck- now. The 1970 Synodical is to be hold in Paris, Ontario. Miss Sadie ..Tob us ton, Lit ck n ow, • gun ye the. Offertory prayer. "flie "l n oria m" for deceased members was given by Mrs. Rev. U, fish, Wing- ham, "They served with all their heart". Mrs.Eld on Welsh. La lig- si de, closed the session with prayer. The ladies of Knox, K in- rd ne, served a delicious "g lut Casserole" supper to the visiting groups. The theme of the evening. session "A Cross to Bear" based on Matthew, chapter 17, verse 2-1. The organ. prelude was rendered by Miss Sharon Robinson, sardine, Devotions were conduct- ed. by Lucke() w evening group. 1 Cornthiurrs rho pier 1 , read by Miss 'Maude Fisher ; The Medi- tation rend by Mrs. jack Mac- Ponald ; the. Prayer offered by 1\1 rs. Ronald Poster, A vocal duet by Misses Catherine Rourke and Pebble -Wright of Owen Sound, and a choral number by the Kin- cardine Junior Chain', .were much appreciated. Mrs. Alex Sorbie 'wel- comed members attending the evening sesion. A report of the lBiennial Con foveae° held at Orillia was given by the delegate, rs. Robert 'McAllister', 'Dungan-. non. Mrs. (Rev.) John Tam sh, oloswerth, introduced the ReY. M A ITLAN D P E.;BY"T'E R I AL SOCIETY W,fv1,S, MEETING of crippled limbs. "A great door scourge of leprosy. Tho lite story has been opened." by drug therapy of a man from boyhood to old and surgery. Working with two age spent within the confines of aims in view, the mission staff. Perula hospital, West Bengal, has presented the Gospel of the India, Who became a devoted living Christ "Behold set before you an open deor, and no man Christian, a. source of inspiration eon shut it." A duet sung' by , and practical assistance to thoSe about him, "Gladly our cross to Mrs, Ian Hamilton and Mrs, Mel bear, Mrs. Jack MacLean gate Stairs, A color film "Day of the cure for gel)- Good Tidings" was shoW by Mr. Sin IPS. A portrayal of family life rosy, and the partial restoration lit a village of India, disrupted by the offering prayer. Courtesies were expressed by Mrs. Ted Eng- lish, Wingh am Arrangements were made for the next Presby- 'Leila' to be hem at •A'hitechurch, The closing prayer was led. by .Mrs. Norman Dickson, Moles- worth, • it proposed that industry adopt the criteria used by the 18.11 a dial) armed forces of Mini- - nial noise levels at w.hich hearing protection for workers is requir- • ed. allowable noise levels could be set. Qitiet; pleaSel, Noise is a ser- ious public health problem: The Ontario Medical Health Assiociation is looking into the volume of noise people are expos- ed to in the community and in industry, and its effect on their physical and psychological health. At its annual meeting in Tor- onto the 0.1M,A, approved recom- mendations of its public health committee which would attack the noise problem from several directionS. Community' noise, including the noise of jet aircraft; should be measured first, , It is suggested that mobile testing equipment with trained personnel measure noise leVels in various commun- ities in the, proVince. Then cri- teria could be developed so that QUIET PLEASE? The OMA will promote a hear-... ing testing program in. Ontario Olools and is urging individual • physicians to include simple bear- tests as [not of all physical exam-, inations, Sales Service Installation FREE ESTIMATES O Barn Cleaners O Bunk Feeders O Stabling DONALD G. IVES R.R. 2, BLYTH Phone brussels 443W4