HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1969-05-29, Page 1$2,50 A Year In Advance -- $3,50 To I.T.S.A, THE BRUSSELS POST,THURSDAY, MAY 29th, 1.969 T'OST Plfl3LISHING HOUSF-1
The 1969-70 officers or the
Brussels Lions Cleb were installed
at the regular supper Meeting on
Monday night.
Lion President „Ian van Vila
Lion Tamer Ken Scott led the
sing song with his guitar aecom-
Lion Tailtwister Jim Knight
collected the usual quota of fines*
Lion Secretary; AleFadden
called, the roll and road the min-
utes and correspondence.
Lion Bob Richmond reported on
the Lions Park and Lion Prank
Carter gave a report on work being
done at the Brussels Recreation
Park where bleachers haVe been
repaired and painted.
Lion. Doug Callander was, win
nor of the guess contest,
Lion, Roy. Cousins installed the
following incoming officers:
President :„..., ..... — .... Cal Krauter
1st Vice Fres. „.„ Jas, Armstrong
2nd, Vice Pres, , Henry 17;xel
3rd Viee Pres. Jas. Knight
Secretary Cecil McFadden
Treasurer —,..„..— ... Ceell Parker
Tail. Twister >,....,.. Gordon Mcclayin
Lion. Tamer Ken Scott
Directors Ross McCall.
Gordon McGa,vit, Frank Carter,
Albert Ten Pas
Brussels Lions thank the peOPle
who pnrchased the. Lions Club
N.H.L. Hockey Draw tickets so
faithfully, Your support is apprec-
iated The proceeds are for com-
munity projects,
Wilma:: Wein of Crediton,
clerk treasurer of Stephen Town-
ship was elected president of the
Heron County Municipal Officers
Association last Thursday at the
annual meeting in the Clinton
legion hall., Mr. Wein succeeds
Mel Graham, of ilrucefield, clerk-
treasurer of Stanley township.
Elgin Thompson, reeve
Tuckersinith township Old Win, H;
King; elerk-treasurer of Brussels,
were elected' vice-presidenta. See,
rotaries are John Berry, Huron.'
Cotinty, clerk-treasurer, and Shor-
n-tan Blake, clerk-treasurer.
Executive, officers elected Were
Ivan Hoskins, Howick township,:
for ono year; Wayne Homier of
Zurich, tWo years; and A, D.
StititiL BitieVale; for three years..
Dr, Peter A. Forsyth,: physics
professed' and director of the
eetitre for radio--science at the
university Cif Western: Ontario
told the group that 'MO is a
centre for not only edeCation ;
for research that can be beneficial
to the' community at large,: He
added that, !Many areas of re-
aetireh carried out at the tittiVer.
:sity would be of benefit (;Ca` ilfl$100*
latiOn; itieraher4,
Mr, and Mrs, C, ,P, Roberts aMt
daughter Karen, of Ottawa; spent
the past week and a half with her
parents, Mr, and Mrs, Carl
Kathy Sholdice, young daughtei
of Mr. and Mrs Ken Sholdiee was
the happy winner of a bicycle in
the current Wittich's contest:
Mrs, Wm. 'McNair and daughter
Dianne, :London wore visitors in
Brussels on Thursday of last
Mrs. W. Speiran spent. a eample
of days this week in London 'with
her (laughter, Mrs. Al, 0* Smith,
Mr. C. Parker, who has been a
patient in Wingbain and District
Hospital for several weeks has
returned home.
Mr, Sylvsster Fox. Mr, and Mrs,
Dave Hastings Sr., Mr, and Mrs,
Pave Hastings. Jr,, Mr. and Mrs,
Brian Huether, Mr. and. Mrs. Jack.
Lowe, Mr, and Mrs. Wayne Lowe,
Miss Ann Lowe and Mr. Jim Ilos-
Tann, all of Brussels attended the
Allison-Bowler wedding in London
on Saturday, : The bride, Andrea
Bowler, is the daughter of Mr,
and Mrs. Harry 'Bowler, London,
formerly of Brussels.
Clifford fittschien ; of Mitchell,
a former resident or iirmsseis,
died Monday, Alay2(lth, in Victoria
Hopital; London, in his 67th year,
after a lengthy illness,
Mr, Buschlen, who was an. em-
ployee ofH the CNR lived in Thais-
sels for a number of yearS, While
here he, took an active interest it
the Brussels Band and: in. young
He is Survived by his wife, the
former Alice Smith; one daughter,
Mrs. James (Karen) Cardiff of
Ethel; one sister, Mrs. Ora Mor-
rison of Sudbury and four grand
Funeral services will be held at
2:30 p.M. on Friday, May 30th,
from the Lockhart Funeral Home,
The Brussels Bowling League
held their annual banquet and'
dance on May .1.6th, Trophies were
presented, after the delicious
meal, by. David Hastings, the
president, and Ron Hu ether,
vice preSident.
Those who were lucky enough
to receive trophies are as follows:
The Labatt Trophies: Ron
Hu e th er, Ruth Huether, ;lean
:Bolger, Susan. McNeil, Doris
Matheson and Joyce Kellington,
John and Kay Duke's Trophies:*
Brian Rutledge, Marlene Rutledge,
Ned Rutledge, Doug Daniel,. Allan,
daughter of Mr.'and Mrs. Stuart
McNair, Till;, 2, Brussels, was ti
member of this year's graduation
class of St. Mary's Hospital. School
of Nursing; Kitchener, She is a
granddatighter of Mrs. W. A.
Williams of Brussels,
Air and Mrs. Douglas Evans a ad
girls were at Vurna fruited Otairelf
on Sunday when Steven Robert,
son of Mr, and Mrs. Barry Taylor,
was baptised. Mrs. Stuart Evans
and 'Carry visited at the Taylor
home later,
Mr. and Alt's, Stewart Steiss
were guests at the Yost-Mann
wedding in Trowbridge on Satur-
i day.
Miss hi. Al, Steiss and Mrs.
Calvin :Cameron attended the
Yost-Mann reception in Atwood
Community Centre on Saturday
Airs, Jim. Hart is tome follow-
Mg surgery iii Soaforth Hospital,
Evening WMS Group
Mrs. Jim 'Knight was hostess for
the May' meeting of the Evening
'O'roup of theW,M.S. Mrs, Stuart
Mother'S Day verse.' The June
Conference to be held at [Tarring-
ton was announced, A letter was
read from Mrs, Nichol, PresbY:
terial visitor, asking for suitable
date when she can visit the ''ran=
brook Group. Mrs. Dotigias Evans
and Mrs. Leslie Knight assisted
the hostess With refreshments,
Thore will be an organizational
Meeting of all interested boys,
eight, nine and ten years old, on
Tuesday, lime 3rd, at 7:30 p,m.
aai IlrtiSselS Legion
A film Will be shown on (subbing
by the Assistant. District ('mu.
missibiter, arid the Cub Leaders.
A Cub (lainp has been planned
for the miff or Judie and fell
details of this Will be given,
Parents are welcome,
The May meeting of the Brul$,
,4olq lioriieultural Society was
held Wednesday, ,May 21st in the
Public Library.
Mrs. William Miller presided
and meeting opened with 0
Canada; Mrs, Walter Kerr at the
Plano. The Marcia minutes ware
read and approved. The Treastir-
ei relan't givene Airs, Ondmore
told the members the grant had
bPon received from Brussels. The
ltoll (lall was answered by 25
members. There five gilests,
Nancy Adams favoured the
ladies With two piano solos.. These
were much enjoyed, Mrs. 'George
Wheeler thanked Nancy and, pre-
eented a gift.
Correspondence followed. A
letter re convention was read and
Mr, Knight read the News Letter.
Mrs. William Millre and Airs.
'Bart. Hemingway are to be the
delegates to the Provincial Con-
vention in Hamilton, June 13-19-
Mrs, William. Miller and Mrs.
splendid essay on Sweden and the
History or Lord and: Lady Baden
Powell. Patti is trying for her Gold,
Cord and this was one of her pro-
jects, This was much enjoyed an.d
she-Wed a great deal of 'work in
preparation of her essay,
Tickets on the Rose Quilt
made by the society are :available
from any of tire members,
Mrs. Earl Cudmore showed
showed some floral arrangements.
Att allai011 Of plants and bulbs
netted Men
Mrs. Marion Maehan won the
door prize. Mrs. T. Locating won
some flbral arrangements.
The Queen closed the Meeting
and a delicious lunch was served
by Airs. C, ItemingwaY, Mrs. L,
Machaa Mr:, P. Machan and Airs.
John Speer.
Studelita Raise Fund
For Excursiim Trip
The Grade 7 pupils of Brussels
Public School arc' busy raising
money for an excursion trip to
Alelland and Coiling:wood,
They held a sueeessfut rummage
sale on Saturday in the former
!export Pni knr building on Brus*'
sets ni,tie stre e t and raised $150
toward their Project, The sale
continues this week. Help the
students. Patronize their rummage
Miss Bonnie Al trio Willer ot
W.ilton, a member of the 1969
graduatina; class of Victoria Has-
pilal S"11001 of Nursing, received,
an sword for goneral proficiency
in obstehleal nursing. donated by
fiat' hospital auxiliary, Miss Mary
Alison Elliptt of Blnevale was also'
a member of gradvatini.^.; cloa$,
A double ring ceremony in Our
Lady of Perpetual Help Church,
Toronto, united in marriage Gayle
Marie Pearce and GeorgoGideon,
The wedding took place' on Sat-
urday, May 17th, performed by
Monsignor Barnett.
The bride is the daughter of mr,
and Mrs. George Pearce of Ilex- Nichol, Dave McGntcheon.
dale. Th groom's parents are Mr. Regular Season Trophiea: High
and Mrs. Abed Gideon of WilloW- .Average — Jane Ward and Cord
dale, Ont, Matheson; High Aggregate —
The church was decorated with Ruth Hnether, Jack Higgins;
candles, white lillies and white High Triple — Doris Matheson,
snapdragons'. Al Hervey; High Single -- Mar-
The organist Was Mr, Tine, The lens Rutledge, John Cousins,
soloist, Mira Claton, sang Ave
Given in marriage by her father,
the bride chose a floor-length
goWn of white lace over pearl de
sole with shoulder-length veil of
white net.. She carried a bonnet
of white gardenias and white
stephanotis, groom.
Mrs, Lily Recite of Toronto, The reception Was held at Inn
sister of the groom, was Matron On the Park ballroem, Toronto,
of honour, Bridesthaids were Miss' The bride's three-tiered wed-
Suzanne Pearce, sister of the cling cake and red and White car-
bride: Aletita Claton, sister of the nations decorated the table,
groom, and Linda, MOW and 'G'uests frotti London, *Brussels,
Leslie Cooper of Torotite. All Wore Seaforth,, Trainiltott wed Beaton
floor-length gowns in lilac lace were received by the bride's
Over taffeta, lilac daisies in. their Mother wearing a shell pink dress,
hair and carried boaaete of (-leap matching accessories and a white
purple and Whitt) daisies. orchid.
Flower g'il'ls were Nitii and The groom's mother Wore royal
Dodie Claton, twin nieces of the blue lace; white necesSories and
groom. They wore floor-lengtlf a corsage of coral roseintda.
gowns of organzia trimmed with For going away the bride chose
lilac daisies and carried basketsa two-piece white lace pant snit,
of illative 'and white daieleS. a corsage of pink rose buds,
Joseph' Gideon! of Toronto Mr and Mrs. 'Gideon Will reside
Was the best man, at 314 DelsiZe Drive, Toronto. „ .a
ushera Were martin Pearce, The bride is a grandamighter of
brother or the bride, and Merria and lira. Roy Thuoll plush
brother411.1aW a the
'Bowl-Off Trophies: High. Triple
— Marlene Rutledge, Murray
I High Single — Lois Mc-`Stevenson and Mrs, Frank Smith
Arter, Brian Rutledge, were in chEtitge of the meeting
it is hoped to see everyone back which was based on the theme
`Mother, The roll call bowling; again next year.