HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-07-01, Page 88 THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. JULY 1, lea DOORS n BASHES, ',LIN DS, M•'L'LDINtIS, toy! ehory I Deer o1�ion of irttenur Finuh. y, 4T U. If t,NDRAILa , N;E EL» ami 13 a LI'STEW& A 'p,v tatty. .,end for Pries Ls:... SUIN.ILE$, LA CH .l LUMBER. Estimates on applies - Doe. Address FRANCIS TMEET Lunch R. C. PICNIC. The Cala Dar err est. IgibSeld •scans t'atheltts. On Thursday of hist week • picnic GODBRICH MODEL SCtOOL. w,a h^61 nt Kineain•tdge, under the alm- poees of the R. C. (%hutch. Thr day °pe,et•.l •_lou.ly :,oil tltre4teninl. and it watt thought that u rainfall wee likely to result, but fortunately, the. leers ef many oast',+ not realized, and iu the afternoon 1111 sol to tie forth to all his splendor. The y.t,.I1l,i.i. Was Intge, there being a l:atei,er l.ieee.,t dross Kintail, Port Al- bert, C. lei i.ti, nig( her pieces. Diu- uer a:..l . nLrlt ilea• i..rved during the aftct u,,ot:. The pie nit: is an annual in- stituti,t1 n'`Kingshriage, and is 1..nked upon << rite trent of the year in this beetle.. The drove in which the picnic is he, it en the It of Mr. Maurice Dal - t. It, o•it a :ails from Kingsbridge, and oce !.i•.; is ,o arranged that the street - est t•. accorded to pleasure i•eeh.•rs. The tables when the guests tare entertained :are fenced\ in s.e, that cloveliii is obviated, and direct cone noi :ic:itton is (tail from the kitchen by a ba.•k ••ntr•.nce. In the kitchen a num- 1,er e f°i'i,troes a Tel yonu, indite devote themselves to the cnlinary arrangeineats, and Lice a rite fin xe.i ten.., an tes- tify that they nre adepts at their chosen c: .;. :1 well built platform is also e:et.r,•.l em the;:rotiuu4, where the young pe q, o u,lt that "light fantastic- er Aide 1hretedi the "ota.a.` :t- tibte .lictates. '!'l:.• Ic�al tml'tret order flits nutintrtnett t1u ,u iwut, and erodit is due to the man - :.:,cry of the ! tend& for tie snecese .•f the 1 prof •..shin •ra. father 11,us:ut_, the yen- crablc l;t.r.•:', '.+the mot ins sp,rit t 1, the )!ala aero••. i urtn; the entire stay he .vas intsning i a he: am., thither. gid ng e ee re • f n.; • it t.. ,a1L, .L kindly wale to ret! „ euerally- :.uperinteuding the atii:r, :tu.l contributing to the en - j q'::.cni of the .aticriui. During the ftt.ti,.i I i:nl at;casion to wake some u i tiri,.•s of the rev. gentleman. and to l ee polite, affable, iuxtruet- i• r ::. ;cutert:.iniet -;t true . ;.resenta- tir, .` the real Irish clergy. u int•u',ent that occurred while I was conversing with Lint, will serve to illus- trate the 1 hereat Father L'ousang takes in ':e ,r r , hags. ,. lad calor forward 1� ill'I :;ct the hurse ready, Father, to tit i'e y.o home C` "Ne, my child," u•astierosponse. "At a gathering of my people, I must be the last to leave the grounds." "You believe, Father Bousang, said I, "that the captain should no's desert the ship.- 1 .lee. indeed." lie answered. "Ex ample is better than precept. If I were to leave, it would be the signal for the .,break-up e•f the gathering, and confusion (night thereby be created." In the afterno.n n series ,.f games wore gotten up with the follewingresult : Boys under 12 years, CIO yard race, 1st Jno. ('rank, 2nd P. McBride, 3rd C. McIntosh. Bays ander 111 years, Ist .1. Deneen, 2ml NV -:n. !Noble, 3rd J. ('rank. Rte's under 18 years, 1st Joseph Mar- tin, _'rid Thomas Dalton, 3rtl Jas. 3fc- N atuara. Wrestling, lit I). Sullivan. 2nd James Rourke. Heet.M41 yeeaess«.tOhs elsm.s. Albany, N. Y., Joss 17. -From the Observatory,Dedley eaeli this morning, the met presented cosa remarkable sight. Tb. tail was spread out into two well d. - limed brassier, ..vebputg the south 'tar seaward The branch rue up, pess.ag about two and a half depose wet .4 tee north Mar, and shouting toward Lite awash fully forty depose. Th. ether breads Jut up on the west for at least thirty-five /egress, being about be degrees, astronomically, southwest of the polestar. The diameter of the nu- cleus m decrealag. Professor Bas states positively that the comet is tb. same as area R Saab, Aasseina urn Jaw tat by Gusld- leWaraM Rzamret/M.. AIITnn$rtW-ssooID CLAM 1. Find the sum of 700804, 30006, 4007, 60745, 987432. 2. How often is 8 contained in the product et 345 and five hundred and three? 3. 347649+19.e how many 1 4. How open can 24 be taken from 109360 i 5. Find value of 7896+9342-3046+ 396 - 64& 6. The dividend is 1136160, the divi- sor 12 -find the quotient. 7. Find the product of 76432 and 789. 8 Find the difference between 347687322 and 457 times five hundred and nine. 9. I sell 75 horses at $175 each, and 37 cows at 145 each. How much do I get for all l 10. How many yards of flannel at 45 costs per yard should I get for 54 pounds .1 butter at 20 cents per pound ? ARITHYETic-TEIkD CLAaa JUNIOR. 1. How often can 947 be taken from 94709676 e, 2: The multiplier is fifty thousand and seven, the Multiplicand forty thou- sand three hundred and four; find the product. 3. Find the difference' between MCDXCVIII multiplied by CULXIX and 39521592÷12. 4. In 27 acres 3 roods 29 per. 20 y'ds, how many square inches. simplify 9768 - 987+8679 - 4455 - 54.32 -87691- 9999 - 7896 +46978. e; If you subtract 25 from 789 twenty - three times, how tunny will remain. 7. What is the difference in pounds between 3 tuna 18 cwt. 3 qur. 18 lbs., and 7 tens cwt. 12 lbs.? THE COMET. The (' •t 1lewed by Thousands La.t fight Ilorlon. 4pecnled ons as in II hat 11 1s. Last night the comet was the object general remark, and many people re- m,ainell out of bed long after their wont- ed hour ,•f retiring to rest to view it. It was vi iibletitnme.liately after dark, the; head er nucleus being o'ascured by a hank of clouds, but the tail was plainly visible. The stranger can be seen almost Clue north, the head being only a few degrees above the horizon, and looks as if speeding away from the earth. The opposite is slid to be the fact, and that the wanderer is drawing closer to us, and will be a brilliant object in a few nights, As the night wore in the cornet grew brighter, and rose higher in the heavens, presenting the curious delusion of travelling tail first. To -Morrow night it is said the sight will be a splendid one. Several curious and novel theories were advanced by spectators last night regarding the origin of comets. A group at the corner of Parliament and Oak streets was watching the heavens and some of the remarks made were original . to say the least. "Them's the fellers wot keeps the sun agoing," said one man as he took his pipe out of his mouth. "If it wasn't for them customers we'd freeze in a day." "You be plowed, Bill," said another, "they're nothing but smoke and wind themselves." "We shall have a war after this," in- terpolated another, 'comets is a sure sign of a row." "What are they, anyhow T" said another who was sitting on the edge (4 the sidewalk. "What are they 7" amswer.d the man who had spoken first; "why they'reouts- ets, that's what they are, and camels is shot out of the sun, and then falls back again and keeps the thing agoing. Some on'em goes a - of a way, and it takes 'em years to get back, and some nn'em never does get back, but goes fly- ing around till doomsday." "What a splendid thing it would be to get hold of one, and ship one of than ere weather prophets on it, and send 'em off on a trip. That fellow, Vernon and that ether fellow, Moses Orb. If they never came back they'd never be missed and they'd learn no end on the journey.'• After hearing the above mnrderow r tmark, the reporter went home and dreamed he was on a comet with Moses Oates and enjoying himself immensely. {Telegram .,f L Nasse in order the Cowrtiss .1 Ontario you would pass in ssy.gahs the coast from Sarnia to Muntreel. 6. When and what an &sago& Iter - sew, Severn, Rideau, Ya Ohs - lour. St. Croix, Montage, Nurthrmhsr land, Falkland, Quito, Sika, Quint's, Pau, Catoche t ADDITIONAL Iron WW1 SlOTio . 8. Name the toiletries s contained iP the peninsulas of Europe. Name and state definitely the position et the capital of each. 7. Through what bodies of water would a vegeta pass in sailing from Ham- ilton to Pekin & What and where are the following: Blare, Ntotka, Trinidad, Lamp, Lana, Ural, Magellan, Messina, Nottswesags, Formosa, Richelieu, Hoogly, Baikal, Comorin, Anticosti CANADIAN 11.7iTORY-THI$D CLAS, L Sketch the history of three leading colonisers of Canada. 2. When and by whom were Quebec, Montreal and Kingston founded / & What important Ads aQsetiag Canada were passed in 1774, 1791, 1840 and 1867, respectively. Give particu- lars. 4. Give a brief account of the wars be- tween Canada and the United Stales, naming causes, dates and results. 5. How did the Treaty of Utrecht affect Caned*? Give data 6. Who was governor of Canada at the tune of the Union? Who at the cap- ture of Quebec by Wolfe ! Name present and last Governor General. 7. What famous Bill was paved dur- ing ueing Lord Elgin's administration? & Tell what you know about the Lon- don Disaster. ADDITIONAL Foa MENIOR aEtTION. 8. Reduce 7647890649 inches to miles, fur., etc. 9. A man divided 110975 between his son and daughter, giving his son 12500 more than to his ; daughter. Find amount each recited. 2i 9. Find the value cf - of 9 + 31 of 2 1 4 5 of - - of ±. 10. \t must 8d to make it £1213a.9d? 0111V L1-TRIRD CLASS. 2 Of ha � tel and when should they be used.? 3. Define iy'llble, letter, ortho- graphy, proper dipthong, and dive three examples each of "w" and "y ' used as consonants. 4. Form three simple and three com- pound sentences about "water." 5. Classify the words in the follow- ing:- The spacious firmament on high, With all the blue etereal sky, And spangled heavens, a shining frame, Their great original proclaim. 10. Find sum of: fur. per. yds. ft. 27 7 19 3 2 19 3 28 4 1 7 0 3 2 1 12 6 17 3 0 234 4 39 2 2 be added to £275 17s exactly divisible by 't%' 1. hat benefits do you expect to de- rive from studying Grammar . w t use are apt letters, in. 9 r6 11 3 ARITHMETIC -THIRD !'LAN% SENIOR. 1. What number roust be added to 796045'65 to make it exactly divisible by (1554 ? 2. Divide the prdduct of 78976 and 987 by the quotient of 78564 by 12. 3. Reduce 78645324 inches to utiles, fur, eta., and 123466789 sq. inches to acres, roods, etc. 4. By what must 729 tons 19 cwt. 3 qrs. 23 lbs. be divided to give 37 for quotient ? 5. A man divides 114750 among his (laughter and two sons, giving 1950 more to each son that to his daughter. Find how much each gets. 6. Find value of a pile of wood 56 ft. wide and 10 ft. high, at 13 per cord. 7. £762 is equally divided among a number of persons so that each gets £47 12s 6d. How many persons are there? ADDITIONAL FOR SINIOI al(TION. 8. What is the smallest sum of money with which I an exactly pay for sheep at $7, cows at 136, or horses at $175 each. How many of each an I buy for the amount f ADDR1ioNA1 FOR aaltsos 51(1101t. 6. Pars. the Nouns, Pronouns and Adjectives, is the vena above. e. Divide into Noun part and Verb part: - (a) At ones there rose so wild a yell, (b) A ,tb. .psetrrt glade' d shows, (e) Alarmed at this, the little crew About their ears vindictive Aew. & Claims all the seven lin the follow- Ftrrk and M was laughing hearty. Her and I set at the door and seen them pea Don Il robed . Him and nee Ind eons before you n- tanned rack. 8. Give .ales for forming the plurals of nomas ending is "r• and "r. etlDo$APET-?H1a* CUM. 1. Ddse Lake, ,Ecliptic, Basin Oar. Orbit, Nat . Penin- sula, Isthmus. 2. Nann. the Provinces of Canada, commencing with the ant easterly, and .tate definitely the poetics of the Capi- tal of each. 3. Draw the Map of Huron County, showing townships. riven. towns, villa- ges and railways 6. Analyse: "Th. Barons isle lived lids iad.perdeat Kings within their stuff orate, watched its progress with- out joining mach in its operations; the people teen us,rcelmsie robbed, imprisoned and forteir.d by them; and a man twi.Ai ham redden fur a whin* day in sonic �y. mots t.s.4oiif seeing a cultivated *Id or an inhabited dwelling." Collier. 7. Parse the words in italics, a Analyse fully and pares word. in iteohliss: "My esetkor, when I learned that thou wart Say wast thou corse mis of the tsars 1 shed II I heard the bells tolled on W tltwnN du- ?saw the hearse that bore thea deer ley - And turning teem my uumery window, away A long, long sigh, and we • Wt Thea many • sad te-worrw cams sad weal, Till all my stook of labia& sorrow I learnt at Ort submission so soy lot; But trees dhesroplored thee. Nets'ftugo6' 9. necessary, giving rs.ona,- (a) Who did I give Mary's slate to 'Twas me. (b) A boy cannel always be sure of not missing their question. (o) Can Igo out 1 (d) I cannot find out neither his address nor his occupation. (e) The foresters pin-nio was held to -day. Senior class will omit 6 and 7. EDrroaY-,OD&T, CLAIM 1. Give agreement by Richelieu with the "Company of 100 Associates," and state fully the provisions of Treaty of Paris. 2. Sketch the American Revolution as fully as you can. State briefly what you know of Lords Dufferin and Lorne. 3. Describe the early Britons. State what you know of Britain under the Ro- mans. Who introduced Christianity 7 4. Describe briefly the conquest of England by the Danes. Name Danish kings of England. 5. Under what circumstances did the Norman; secure possession of the British throne ? 6. What were the leading events in the reign of William I 7 How did he treat those conquered by him ? 7. In what persons were the Norman and Saxon lilies united ? For what was 1120 noted, and what was effect on king ? 8. Describe the social condition of the inhabitants of Britain during the Nor- man period. 9. What wan the origin of the Wars of the Roses'! Name principal battles fought and commanders on each side. Give name and date of the final bat- tle. 10. What is meant by ship money, benevolences, the (pmmonwealth, the Re- storation, the Young Pretender, Septen- nial Oct ? 11. Write a short account of the Spanish Armada, and give the most im- poitant provisions of Declaration of Rights. 12. State briefly the remote and im- mediate causes of the war between Charles I and his Parliament, 13. Sketch briefly the reign of Queen Victoria. 14. Give events which took place at the following dates: 827, 1066, 1171, 1215, 1314, 1603, 1660, 1713, 1776, 1837, 1876, 1881. ARITHMETIC -FOURTH CLASS. 1. Define multiple, common multiple, least common multiple, factor, given the remainder, quotient and dividend. how is the divisor found. Name and give an axample of eaoh of the different kinds of vulgar fractions. Write 9.000320060029 in words. 2. Find amount of following bill of goods in 8, c, and receipt bill: 13 yds. silk at 6s. 3d. per yd; 151 lbs. steak 84d. per lb.; 7 lbs. 12 oz tea at 3s. 3d. per lb.; 340 ft. lumber at 83 per in.; 41 lbs. butter at 9&per lb.; 1750 lbs. hay at 812.50 per ton;' and 75 quarto straw- berries at 8 quarts for one dollar. 3. Divide 12640.75 among 4 men, 6 women, and 8 children, giving to each child double a woman's share and each woman triple a man's share. 4 Find the least number of acres which can be exactly divided into lots of 6%., 3r. , 12 per.; 8a., 2 per.; 10a., '2r.; la., 20 per. 5. Divide 27107.5 by .003427, and reduce to a simple decimal -- 4 of 2.179 - 5 6 of .8684 Auctioneering. TC. CURRIE,THE PEOPLE'S AUC - et . TIONKKR 0oe.rloh, (Mt. 17111. lfleaical. G. MACKIU, M. D. PHYBI- 1. Tllargeoe tend uck.r, Graduate Toronto University. oppuelte (.laser eon k Cameeoa's IMak. Lncknow. It sot in uNue, eaga,re at the Beek. 1701-y. R McLZAN, PHYSICL,N, BUR- L,OION. Cornier, ke. OAce and residence es Bram Street, scald dour west of Victoria Street. 1761. DR& SHANNON A HAMILTON, 11Jyyu ss, Sergesss, A.000herw sc, oece1 at Dr. 8haaaas'5 readier, near the Jett, Oodsrtch. G. C. Snaxnoa, J. C. Hann: TOP. 1751. AIKKNH&ADt V.S., (SUCCESSOR • to Dr. Dances) Graduate of Ontario Vs terinery College. Ofloe, stabksarid resideace, on Newpq Street,loan doors east of Colborne Hotel. N. &-Rosee examined as to sound- aess. 1751. O100RAPHY-10UITE CLAat. 1. Define the following teras: Water- shed, Axis, First Meridian, latitude, Zone, Horizon, Prairie, Plateau, Eclip- tic, Physical Geography. 2. Describe the several motions of the earth and state what they produce. 3. By what 3 routes may I travel from Goderich to London. Name 2 water routes from here to Ottawa. 4. Draw a map of the boundary lakes and rivers of Ontario, and mark on them the position of the followinngg St. Jo- asph sIsland, Manitoulin, Collingwand, St. Mary River, Thunder Bay, Owen Sound, Niagara Fall, Amherst Island, Bay of Qninte, Kingston, Point Pelee, Long Point Island, Burlington Bay, Michael Bay, Thames River, Silver Islet, Detroit, Windsor, Walpole Island. 5. Name 5 riven in each continent. State in each case where it empties and into what it flows. ° 6. Name the inland Counties of On- tario and their County Towns; also States bordering on Atlantic Ocean, with capital of each. 7. Trace a voyage by water from Goderich to Foemosalsland. From that point return by nearest route to Gode- ri.h. 8. Where and what are the following: Yenikale, Natal, Etna, Gothland, Ural, Fraser, Potomac, Canary, Champlain, Ceylon, Horn, Race, Panama, Bulgaria, Alps, Portage La Prairie, Sherbrooke. ADDITIONAL FOR SENIOR CLASS. 9. Give in degrees the width of the different Zones, and account for the width of each. 10. Enumerate the chief exports of Canada. 11. Describe the physical features of each Province of Canada. 12. Name the British possessions in the Eastern Hemisphere. 24 02 1 5,6 + - 5 54 4 5,7 6. Find cost of papering a wall 12 ft. 4 in. high, 16 feet long and 14 ft. 3 in. wide, the paper being 2ft. 6 in., and costing 60c. per yard. 3j-2} 7. Reduce : 16 6/9, to } of (1,6 + 1/7) its simplest form, ADDITIONAL FOR 511110* &IKR101r, 8. A man divides his farm among three sons; to the first he gave 60 acres, to the second } of the whole, and to the third } as much as both the other How many acres in farm T 9. A can do a piece of work in t et a day, Bin 4 of a day, and B and C to- gether in 4 of a day; in what time would A and C together do it ? 10. (a) Find cwt of 3 tons 17 cwt. 18 Ibs of coal, at 18.76 per ton. (b) Find interest on note for 1630.25, dated January 1st, 1880, and paid July lfkh, 1881, at 9%. ORAYMAS- rouser!' CLAIM 1. Define the following terms: etymo- logy, proper dipthong, spelling, propos. Ilion abstract noun, posewiv. ossa, 2. Write plural forms of knife, hero, roof, tooth, soliloquy, two, t; positive and superlative of sweeter, worse, b.tber, English, perfect; the put tense and and present participle of drink, eat, name, am, writs, enter, ixeseut,.pread and es- capee 3. Classify the proscenia and select the pommel. 4. How doou determine the number of a noun f Ota relative pronoun f Of a verb f 6. Define the terms swbjarf and peek - mfr. When is a sentence said to be slept', when e'rrmple ' f Give an example I ear'h bind of (wimples sentence Auburn. Legal. GARROW & PROUDFOOT, BAR - Ott. Attorneys Sultettexs, eta.. Goderlir.1. T. Gamow, W. Proudfoot. 1751. BL DOYLE, BARRISTER A N D . Attorney, Solicitor to Chancery, to., Goderioh. Ont. 1751. SEAGER & MORTON, BA RR I S- TERN, &e., tc., Goderich and Wiagham. C. Seeger, Jr.. (Acderteh. J. A. Morton. Wing+ ham. 1751. FINE STATIONERY! SMALCOMSON, BARRISTER AND . Solicitor. Office -Corner of West Street and Market Squam, over George Achwuu's, Goderich. 1751. Mr. I. C. Richards has purchased a lot on Main St. from Mr. Joseph Stele on which he intends to erect a harness shop and dwelling. • The Ladies of Knox church here have engaged Mr. McTavish of Blyth, to paint the inside of the church, and frost the windows. UNION PICNIC. -There will be a union picnic held on Dominion Day between Smith's Hill and Manchester Sabbath Schools, in the grove at the rear of Mr. Thos. Morrieh's farm, Colborne. The "Clipper" base-ballers, of Brus- sels, beat the Blythites by 31 to 8, and the "North Stars," of Wingham by 35 to 10. ISAEtsatr. Bishop-Squler-0n the 25th inst..by the itev. Charles Fletcher, George Bichop,of Ottawa, to Elizebeth Squler, of Ouderich. 4ehderlch Markets. Goueeic•n, June 30th, 1881. Wheat, (Falll P bush........... 1l 20 45 p1 21 R'heat, (spring) 11 bush........ 1 13 et 1 14 Flour, to cwt .................... 75 es 1.5 Oats.B bush .................... 15 rt W Peas. Y bush .................... 66 Of 56 Harley, Y bush .................. Ip (0 70 Potatoes, F bush........ 35 et 37 }lay . li ton 00 (a 1 00 ('hlckens25 (a 30 Butter. 1! T 11 eit 15 Eggs, Ifs dos. lunpacked)0 12 (A 12; 0144" 06j Ilett ...................... 006 Hldcs........ 600 A Wool.. 0 YI " Pork 660 " Wood 250 „ Salt per barrel (Wholesale)..... 0 56 Cattle, (live weight) ...........:. 07 50 00 00 66 11 CAMPION, ATTORNEY - A, T - LAW, solicitor In Chancery Convey- ancer, Ste. Other over Sheppard'. bookstore. Goderiob, Ont. .tny mistrust of money'J 10 loan at lowest rates of Interest. 1751•y. PEREMPTORY AUCTION SALE OF (100014 AND CHATTELS. Parties inter- ested have instructed me to sell by Public Auc- tion, at the Agricultural Show Oroundn, in the Town of Goderich, opposite itailey's Hotel, on SATrRDAY, 2nd JL i.Y, 1881, the following property •--1 reaping machine • 1 mowing ma- chine; 2 lumber waggons; 1 single waggon; 1 bay mare 3 e; I oltsorrel colt; set ofDb sleighs ears old 1 farm' single harness : 1 saddle ; 1 double barrel shot gun, and 1 watch. :dale positive and without reserve, commencing at 1 o'clock p.m. Terns, 4 months credit on approved notes, J. C. CURRIE, Bailiff and Auctioneer. Goderich, land June, 1881. 1792 -td IN THE SURROGATE COURT OF the County of Hums. ie THU Marren OF Tog GUA,IDIANNHIP tv zmqi INFANT CHILDR.N OP SARAH ALUM TowNattD, DIC1Aam. Take notice that after the exppiration of twenty days from the Arg ptbhcanos of Ude notice, appllcatk,n will be made to the Jodie of the Surrogate Court of the County of Huron. by Ei(ieh Townsend, of the Township of Hul- t in the County of Humor,mora, for letters of Ouarllanshlpp,� appointing him, the said Elijah Townsend, Guardian of the infant children ntthe said Sarah Alloe Townsend In her lifetime, of the said Township of Hallett, and wife of the sold P7 ah Townsend. Dated at Goderleh, this 0th day et Jim., A. assn. CAMIRON. HOLT t CAMtRON. Atsoeser e for sold ase9eU11eaaatatt� 1710et. XLZJAn Towewrm. MANITOBA. Mr. Greenway, who returns to ManHeba early in holy. will take charge of any parties desiring to secempsay him es bis ratans trip .a WEDNESDAY, 27th JULY, height and stork on MONDAY REVOKE A Aral rale time for pressmeer% ran la - formation as to the country. Apply to THO8. GREENWAY (;entrslla Or M ti Lavinia Agent Rama 170 CAMERON, H("ALT & CAMERON, SoLc:vrs in Chancery, kc., Goderieb sod ingham. M. C. Cameron, q. C.; P. Holt, M. O. Lotuvron. (. odcrich. W. L. Macara. W Ingha,u. 175L Miscellaneous tarns. MOORHOUSE Raciest est ON•sd eat a SUPERIOR GRADE MMES SMAILL, ARCHITECT, rte. .J office, Crabb's Block, Kingston st., Gude- rich. Plans and epetiflcatlons drawn correct- ly. Carpenters' plaeterei s and mason's work measured and valued. NOTE PAPERS ! Ai ISS WESTON, PRACTICAL 1 Dressand Mantle maker, would Intt- mate to the ladies of Goderieb that gibe hu un the business of dressmaking at her re- sidence on the Cambria Howl: nest to Smeath's planing mill. All work .tone in the newest and most fashionable styles. Agent for Cornwell's patterns. 1780-3ni wmr Elivelopes to Mateli STRATF')RD BINDERY- -ESTAB- I IS HED 1810. This estsbliahment is chiefly devoted to job and library work. r.pecially those unique and ec.tnomical hali.•nIf and ne,r- roeSo styles. In .11 cases the best of stock and workmanship, with strength and beauty com- bined. Hindu over John Dutton '• drug more. 0EORGE ETON E. • onsorial. XV KNIGHT, PRACTICAL BAR- T F • BIR and Hairdresser, begs to return thanks to the public for past patronage. and solicits a continuance of custom. He can always be found at his Shaving Parlor, near the Pot Office Goderich. 1753 Ia W the Shapes. These are the NPIIPst and Finesi Goods Loans an insurance. 500,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO CAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON. Gode- rich. 17*. 75,000 TO LEND ON REAL E S - TATE. Terme favorable. Apply to B. L. IIOY L& Goderich. 1751 00,000 PRIVATE FUNDS T4) LEND Tel on good Farm or first -clam Town Property at 8 per cent. Auu1v to R. RADCLIFFE. 1751 `CONEY TO LEND IN ANY .. 1 amount to snit borrowers at 6 to 64 per mat. Private funds. Apply to SEAoest and MowTos, Goderich. \ rO EY TO LEND. -A LA R G E 12amount of Private Funds for Investment at lowest rates on first-class Mortgagee. Apply to GARROW t PROUDFOOT. DANS FREE OF CHARGE.- 1 I Money to lend at lowest rates, tree of any costa or charges. SEAOER & MORTON. opposite Colborne Hotel. Ooderich, 23rd March 1881. 1779. 1T PER CEN f. - THE CANADA 1 Landed Credit Company is prepared to lend money on good Farm security. at six per cent. Full ppaarticnlanglven upon application o HUGH HAMILTON. C. L. agent, Goderich. 1786. l&20,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND on Farm and Town Property at lowest in- terest. Mortgoges purchased, no Commission charged, Conveyancing Fees reasonable. N. B. -Borrowers can obtain money in one da It title is satisfactory.-DAVISON t JOH.N- ETON. Barristers, kc., Goderich. 1751 • That can be bought anywhere. Prices Moderate! 30.000 ROLLS OF, PAPil FROM 4c PER ROLL, A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT --oF- Plated Forks aid Spoons RADCLIFFE, FIRE, MARINE, Life and Accident Insurance Agent. Representing first-class Companies. Also agent for the CANADA Lrvi Sroct IN.rRANc* Co. Money to lend on Mortgage, either in Town or Farm Property, In any way to snit the borrow- er. Om05- ttpetalrsl Kay's block, Goderich. Ont. 1751 INSURANCE CARD. BRITISH ABS. 00'Y, Tonowro-KstabWbed PHOLNI COY, of LotDott (England►Established 1710. - HART RDIN43. tom. or newsman. Conn. -RstaRisks taken in the above ant -claw Omoe., at the lowest rates by HORACI HORTON. The undersigned is also Appraiser ter the CANADA P1IIC LOAN AND SAVINGS 00'T, Tommie. Mousy to Lean ea Stet -slaw securit 7 toOsn4�7hsrget medwsb f' hem HORACI HORTON. 0ederieb, Sept, 10. INA 11'48 SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. County of Huronal virtue of a Writ et yo wit• ( Merl "Moa }erusd ret of Her Malestyta County Count of the Dowse at Huron. and to me directed against the Dads and Tenements of Robert Anthers at the Mitt of George I. Jackson Henry R Jaekson. and Ssmnel T. Jsoksnn. t Mole seised and takes in Kreention all the right. title and interest and ebetty nt redemptten of the above named Def* ant In and to Into numbers one Misd- eed and ninety two sad use hundred aid ninety three smith aide of quern's Street. Pett, a nerve/. is the village of Rensan• to the (loonty of Herron. I., 11110h Lands and ?memento Ie�1 1 offail r hes a., at my "Moe In the gy�pp�'i{ Haas., In the Town of Gai.vteb, on SATUR- DAY, the 311COND DAY M JULY nett. at tae hour re 1t of the of k1, noon. 11011ER? 011tHONS.R eserirt 0/lee, Ond.rleh. (ftwir riff Karuk Nth 1851. 1 171 IN TRIPLI AND QUADRUPLE PLATT. QUALITY GUARANTEED, *-AT-. Moorhouse's. MOORHOUSE Would respectfully Intimate to his numerous customers and the public generally that he has j ust opened out a Fresh Stock Of Paper Hangings. comprising every Novelty in GOLD & BRONZE PAPERS, SATIN PAPERS, MARBLE & OAK PAPERS, CEILING PAPERS. D ados- -Decorations--Borders suitable for DRAWING ROOM, DINING ROOM, SITTING ROOM, BED ROOM, HALL, OFFICE KITCHEN. -ALSO- All this Season's Patterns in Window Shades, W blob will be toend much superior to ata thing yet shown in this county. Pi'ices ei'y oust. /! A call solicited No trouble to &how patterns whether yeti buy or rep - T. J. IOORHOUSB1 4•+ 1,000 ZNOL ISE, FRENCH, GERMAN um] AMERICAN CHROMOS. BTZZL ENGRAVINGS AND LITHO- GRAPHS are new reads ter year Isspeelles Si 11OORHOUSE'S. .44