HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1969-05-15, Page 6McGavin .$1 n.em Equipment coitr,LETE LINE or • 0 •'` *O. I P Brussels Victoria Park ONDAY, EVE., AY 19th 8 p.m. CHALLENGE WATER FIGHT 8:30p.m. SOFTBALL GAME • WALTON Vs RUSSELS THE MAVERICK " ASTRO DISPLAY Sponsored bar byBrussels Businessmen and Other Organizat;7,-ns ADMISSION 50c or $1.00 Per Car PROCEEDS FOR PARK REPAIR P'it* itItlifirt.,), T. BRURS-RLS POST. URALSSM,,,S, ONTARIO THI'll.SDAY, MAY 15th, 1 9 09 • SALES. AND SERV" WALTON, ONTARIO OR 6.27-024.5. 5FAFORTH. MORRIS TQWNSrail . . COUNCI! F.TING ,11 orris Is- en llny , wIth 111 mcmh- ers. • present ;tad •• Eilson prosiclinv. The following- •illaitions, 11-or!' (carried; :moved by Thomas 'Miller sec- Aindc)(1.- by Ross Smith that low 'Utcs of the lust meeting he adopt- ns read. loved by Robert (;nosily sec- onded by .lane'? Main that we endorse the resolution from Sail- Townshop ye: 12 •ssise c. ; of T,7,clucation. Moved by James Mail' seoanded by Ross Smith that membership be paid to Huron Coanty Munic- ipal Officers' Association, Moved by Robert .Granby sec- ,anded by Thomas Miller that a grant of •,'2.5.,00 lie given Canad- ian Canter Society. Moved by James Mail. seconded `oy Thomas Miller that $I5.0 0 be paid to Ituron county ]toad Super- Intendants Association. M L lames \I air 1 .0(.0113Pd 111 ,: Ross Smith in. c-miniztsi .for nnet•ic. 'no in. n\--(1 by jam's Main seconded by Ross Smith chat tender of Shaw and Nicholson, jack .sc 0, 10 Silpuly, 100(t. and deliye" appro:1niatoly 17atia ou. yds, pit rut: I!1' :•ri ..VVI at 27 cents per en. yd. lie accepted subject to approva1 of the District Alunleipal Engineer, --,:joved by Robert Crosby secomi T oil by Thrmas Miller that auditor' s report showing a defic-it for 1.96 ;•;-• .weepted, Moved hy James Main secondeit by Ross Smith that general ac- counts 1.1.e paid as presented; Moved by Ross Smith that meeting adjourn to meet again .Tune 2, 190 at 1. p.m, or at the call of the reeve. Accounts Paid were: Roads $1,S1.0.84 General . $5,-1311.7' \Vin. 1.:1151..on, rliden Martin, Reeve. Clerk, Moved by Ross Smith seconded by Robert ,Grasby that applicat- ions for tile drain loan be accept- pd. Moved by James Main seconded by Thomas Miller that road accounts as presented by road superintendent be paid. Moved by James Main seconded by Thomas Miller that Robert Graisby look after repairs to Mc, Neil Drain. Moved by Ross Smith, secontlec't by Robert Grashy that we have A. Hawes examine and re- port on the: Breckenridge Drain TREND TO HAYLAGE' NOT FOR EVERYONE "The trend for haylage is boost- ing the quality of stored forage on many Ontario ,forms. We know some dairy and beef farmers who are using high quality haylage to provide all the protein require- ments of their cattle, but this doesn't mean that every farmer should change to haylage." this comment comes from a Univer- sity of Guelph t'rop Specialist, Dr. W. S. Young. "There are two basic 8 tuation8 when fanners should look at a. haylage program far their • farm," .explains Dr, Young."If. a farmer finds lie is forced to make a change on is building. a system frOm scratch, he should definitely investigato the possibility of setting up a haylage system." Id addition, a tanner should con- vent to haylage if lie can prove to himself that a haylage system 7i 111 achive a dramatic• increase in either quality or quantity of for- age saved, or a subsiantial saving in 1111)ot.. Another important point, is that he niust ha able to secure the capital to finunce the change, "If a farmer' can satisfy himselt that it would hr occmomically desirable for him to move to a haylage system." says 771.. Young, "then this method of storing for- age can offer some attractive features The connect stage. fon- harvesting hayloge is the late. bud or early flowering stage for alf- alfa, and heads emerging stage .:7,1assr,s. Al. these stages of hurvQst, haylage may test as high o 7'4 to 2 0% '141,06i:in, Ileca.d.ric,d fifty $Tho‘ rirligr% dried hay approach this level.,, HYDRO WARNS AGAINST RITE FDYING NEAR WIRES Ontario Hydro has: warned parents and children against fly- ing kites and model 'airplanes' near hydro ;mower lines The warning comes in the wake of incidents across Ontario in which young • people have been injured when kites have become entangled in ,electrical wires. 'While flying kites provides end- less hours Or tun for the young and the nut-so-young, some ea u- ti on is needed. A sudden gust at wind can carry a kite into a pOwer line, which cantles many times the voltage found at home. • - .73ecause clectideity will take the shortest route to the ground, metal struts, Metallic wire; wire- reit:fenced string and even damp string will act as a condi:toter., The best way • tO enjoy kites and ninflei airplane:1 is to riY them It ni?*,11. poops rrwny Kfv101' GOLDEN WORDS REPLACEMENTS 'When PeoPle's cars are old and worn, And they beg-in to toddle They go somewhere and trade thpin iii And get the latest model. Now I have very often thotIght That When my joints get aching Anti when my hair gray And And knees are rather shaky And when the onward march of tme has left me rather reel)] e to find a firm That. deals in worn out, people! prow nice 'twould be when feet On tgvei7ia°1.11L e damaged livers, If we cottid go and buy new parts Just like We do for fliverS,.. And when - lny form is bent . with ago And gets to looking shoddy — How nice 'twould be to trade. It it! .:et got a brand new bodY-, Tirol 1.n lin ijigrt Tviny 1911i, has all turned H ow n i ce ,t wo uld